565 research outputs found

    “The finished work of art does not have to be a masterpiece!”: Perspectives of Direct Support Professionals On Implementing Art Activities As Leisure Options

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    This instrumental case study approach and participatory action research study focused on the challenges and opportunities that derived from Direct Support Professionals implementing art activities with the people they support with an intellectual disability, living in a 24-hour support location. The study had three participants from a Canadian organization that provides 24-hour support for adults with an intellectual disability. The Direct Support Professionals implemented three art activities, over three sessions, and participated in three interviews and two collaborative workshops with the researcher. The results of the study showed that are minimal art activities available for people supported, and the different challenges included lack of time, unexpected occurrences, and interest from the people supported


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    The rapid development of digital computer hardware and software has had a dramatic influence on mathematics, and contrary. The advanced hardware and modern sophistical software such as computer visualization, symbolic computation, computerassisted proofs, multi-precision arithmetic and powerful libraries, have provided resolving many open problems, a huge very difficult mathematical problems, and discovering new patterns and relationships, far beyond a human capability. In the first part of the paper we give a short review of some typical mathematical problems solved by computer tools. In the second part we present some new original contributions, such as intriguing consequence of the presence of roundoff errors, distribution of zeros of random polynomials, dynamic study of zero-finding methods, a new three-point family of methods for solving nonlinear equations and two algorithms for the inclusion of a simple complex zero of a polynomial

    Performances of Hybrid Amplitude Shape Modulation for UWB Communications Systems over AWGN Channel in a Single and Multi-User Environment

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    This paper analyzes the performance of the hybrid Amplitude Shape Modulation (h-ASM) scheme for the time-hopping ultra-wideband (TH-UWB) communication systems in the single and multi-user environment. h-ASM is the combination of Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) and Pulse Shape Modulation (PSM) based on modified Hermite pulses (MHP). This scheme is suitable for high rate data transmission applications because b = log2(MN) bits can be mapped with one waveform. The channel capacity and error probability over AWGN channel are derived and compared with other modulation schemes

    A Simple Signal Shaper for GMSK/GFSK and MSK Modulator Based on Sigma-Delta Look-up Table

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    Due to wide power spectrums of rectangular data streams, it is important for base-band signals to be heavily band limited before modulation. That can be achieved by pulse shaping of rectangular bits. Some of the most common are a half-sine pulse shaper and a Gaussian pulse shaper which are used in Minimum Shift Keying (MSK), Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) and Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying (GFSK) modulations, respectively. The most common solutions of such shapers use PCM based look-up-table (LUT), which requires an nbit D/A converter. We proposed the use of a 1-bit Sigma Delta Modulation (SDM) LUT, which results in smaller ROM capacity, a 1-bit wide output word, and a simple1-bit D/A converter realized as an out-of-chip first-order lowpass RC filter, or an in-chip charge pump. This article describes a simple, but efficient SDM LUT-based half-sine and Gaussian shaper that can be used for generation of MSK and GMSK/GFSK modulated signals. Oscillograms and power spectrums are measured on SDM LUT realized in FLEX AlteraTM PLD, for a 10-bit pseudo-noise sequence test input signal


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    While segregating the direct and reverse logistics flows, due to the complexity of the returns process management, there have emerged specific market players unique only for these flows. Regarding the organizational aspect, these entities can be formed by the participants of the direct flows, but can also be engaged as specialized external aid. The analyses carried out in practice concerning this topic show that the biggest number of entities involved in managing the reverse logistics processes are within the category of specialized business subjects, which only perform this type of work and which are independent from the actors of regular flows. The subject of this paper is to analyse in depth the volume and importance of reverse logistics flows, focusing on the specifics and types of entities specialized in managing these flows, such as centralized return centres, 3PL and 4PL providers for reverse flows, as well as various business entities of the secondary market. The aim of the paper is to indicate the complexity of tasks performed by specialized entities involved in the reverse logistics process, their scarcity in numbers on a global scale and thus the huge unexploited business potential lying in this market segment. That is a unique chance not only for regional, but also global business milieu.Prilikom razdvajanja izravnih i povratnih logističkih tijekova uslijed složenosti upravljanja povratnim procesom pojavili su se specifični tržišni sudionici koji su svojstveni jedino za ove tijekove. Uzimajući u obzir organizacijski aspekt ovi entiteti mogu biti formirani od strane sudionika izravnih tijekova, ali mogu biti angažirani i kao specijalizirana eksterna ispomoć. Analize provedene u praksi vezane za ovu tematiku pokazuju da je najveći broj sudionika angažiranih u okviru povratnih logističkih procesa u kategoriji specijaliziranih poslovnih subjekata koji samo obavljaju ovu vrstu posla i koju su neovisni od sudionika regularnih tijekova. Predmet razmatranja u radu je dubinska analiza obujma i značaja povratnih logističkih tijekova fokusirajući se na specifičnosti i tipove entiteta koji su specijalizirani za upravljanje ovim tijekovima, kao što su centralizirani centri za povrat, 3PL i 4PL pružatelji usluga za povratne tijekove kao i različiti poslovni subjekti sekundarnog tržišta. Cilj rada je ukazati na kompleksnost zadataka koje provode specijalizirani subjekti angažirani u okviru povratnog logističkog procesa, na njihovu rijetkost na globalnoj razini te stoga i na ogroman neiskorišten poslovni potencijal koji leži u ovome tržišnom segmentu. To je jedinstvena šansa ne samo za regionalno već i za globalno poslovno okruženje


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    Reverse logistics management has been the subject of scientific and practical attention for a few decades now. An additional interest for this topic has arisen during the last decade, due to a growing number of business entities it affects and the insight into the strategic potential of adequately managing the reverse logistics flows. Up to now, practical research and empirical confirmation regarding reverse logistics management has been scarce, and the question of defining elements, i.e. factors which determine the reverse logistics flows has remained without a complete answer. In time, various authors have tried to solve this question by setting certain guidelines and models which comprehensively show factors considered to be of key importance for the realization of the reverse logistics flows. The subject of this paper is to analyze in depth such existing models. After defining the very term of reverse logistics, the carried out model analysis respects the dynamic time component, first focusing on the theoretical model in this area- the Carter-Ellram model, and later on to the one empirically confirmed- the contemporary reverse logistics model. The aim of this paper is threefold. First, to explain the evolution of the meaning of reverse logistics. Second, to revise the two approaches which most comprehensively define the set of factors considered to be of most importance for the reverse logistics management. Thirdly, it is necessary to compare the factors identified within the theoretical model, with the ones generated empirically, in order to see the similarities and certain differences among them.Upravljanje logistikom povrata predmet je pozornosti znanstvenika i praktičara već nekoliko desetljeća unatrag. Povećani interes za ovu temu javio se posljednjeg desetljeća uslijed sve većeg broja poslovnih subjekata na koje ona utječe, kao i uvida u strateški potencijal adekvatnog upravljanja tijekovima logistike povrata. Do sada, praktična istraživanja i empirijska potvrda u pogledu upravljanja logistikom povrata bili su rijetki, a pitanje definiranja elemenata tj. čimbenika tijekova logistike povrata ostalo je bez potpunog odgovora. Protekom vremena različiti autori pokušali su riješiti ovo pitanje postavljajući određene smjernice i modele koji sveobuhvatno ukazuju na čimbenike za koje se vjeruje da su od ključne važnosti za realizaciju tijekova logistike povrata. Predmet ovog rada jest dubinska analiza takvih postojećih modela. Nakon definiranja samog pojma logistike povrata, provedena analiza modela uvažava dinamičku vremensku komponentu, prvo se usredotočujući na teorijski model u području - Carter-Ellram model, a zatim na onaj empirijski potvrđen - suvremeni model logistike povrata. Cilj ovog rada je trostruk. Prvo, objasniti evoluciju u značenju logistike povrata. Drugo, revidirati dva pristupa koja na najcjelovitiji način identificiraju čimbenike koji se smatraju od najveće važnosti za upravljanje logistikom povrata. Treće, usporediti čimbenike prvog, teorijskog modela, s onima koji su dobiveni empirijski, kako bi se vidjele sličnosti i razlike između njih

    Performanse višeimpulsno-pozicijske amplitudne modulacije za TH IR-UWB komunikacijske sustave

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    The multi pulse position amplitude modulation scheme for time-hopping multiple access impulse radio ultrawideband communication systems has been presented in this paper. Multi pulse position amplitude modulation is a hybrid modulation technique, which combines multi pulse position modulation and pulse amplitude modulation. It is shown that multi pulse position amplitude modulation significantly outperforms pulse position modulation with respect to bandwidth efficiency. The multi pulse position amplitude modulation error probability over IEEE 802.15.3a multipath fading channels in multiuser environment is derived. The system analysis shows that the proper selection of modulation parameters can improve the system performance at the cost of hardware complexity (and vice versa).U ovom je radu predstavljena višeimpulsno-pozicijska amplitudna modulacijska shema za impulsne ultraširokopojasne radiokomunikacijske sustave, zasnovana na višekorisničkom pristupu s vremenskim skakanjem. Višeimpulsno-pozicijska amplitudna modulacija je hibridni modulacijski postupak, koji je kombinacija višeimpulsno-pozicijske modulacije i impulsno-amplitudne modulacije. Pokazano je da višeimpulsno-pozicijska amplitudna modulacija značajno nadmašuje impulsno-pozicijsku modulaciju u pogledu pojasne učinkovitosti. Izvedena je vjerojatnost pogreške višeimpulsno-pozicijske amplitudne modulacije u kanalu IEEE 802.15.3a s višestaznim rasprostiranjem i iščezavanjem signala u višekorisničkom okruženju. Analiza sustava pokazuje da odgovaraju ći izbor parametara modulacije može poboljšati performanse sustava uz povećanje složenosti sklopovlja (i obrnuto)

    The Crystal Structure of N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)taurine, HOCH2CH2NHCH2CH2SOJH

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    The crystals of N-(2-hydroxyethyl)taur~ne are orthorhombic; a= 9.666 (4), b = 11.681 (6), c = 12.754 (8) A; space group is Pbca with eight formula units in the unit cell. A three-dimensional X-ray crystal structure analysis has shown that the compound crystallizes as zwitterion, formula HOCH2CH2NH2•CH2CH2S03-. Dihedral aingle S- C- C- N = 175.60, and N- C- C-0 = - 59.8°. Zwitterions are connected by hydrogen bonds into a three-dimensional network