43 research outputs found

    Carbon Stocks and Potential Greenhouse Gas Production of Permafrost-Affected Active Floodplains in the Lena River Delta

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    Arctic warming increases the degradation of permafrost soils but little is known about floodplain soils in the permafrost region. This study quantifies soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil nitrogen stocks, and the potential CH4 and CO2 production from seven cores in the active floodplains in the Lena River Delta, Russia. The soils were sandy but highly heterogeneous, containing deep, organic rich deposits with >60% SOC stored below 30 cm. The mean SOC stocks in the top 1 m were 12.9 ± 6.0 kg C m−2. Grain size analysis and radiocarbon ages indicated highly dynamic environments with sediment re-working. Potential CH4 and CO2 production from active floodplains was assessed using a 1-year incubation at 20°C under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Cumulative aerobic CO2 production mineralized a mean 4.6 ± 2.8% of initial SOC. The mean cumulative aerobic:anaerobic C production ratio was 2.3 ± 0.9. Anaerobic CH4 production comprised 50 ± 9% of anaerobic C mineralization; rates were comparable or exceeded those for permafrost region organic soils. Potential C production from the incubations was correlated with total organic carbon and varied strongly over space (among cores) and depth (active layer vs. permafrost). This study provides valuable information on the carbon cycle dynamics from active floodplains in the Lena River Delta and highlights the key spatial variability, both among sites and with depth, and the need to include these dynamic permafrost environments in future estimates of the permafrost carbon-climate feedback

    Application of the ZĂŒrich-methodology for risk assessment concerning the inspection of pesticide application equipment in use according to article 8 (3) of Directive 2009/128/EC at the example of Germany

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    Die Richtline 2009/128/EC (nachhaltige Verwendung von Pestiziden) fordert in Artikel 8 eine Risikobewertung mit Bezug zur menschlichen Gesundheit und zur Umwelt, um mögliche Ausnahmen bei der Kontrollpflicht fĂŒr in Gebrauch befindliche GerĂ€te umzusetzen. Diese Ausnahmen können nur fĂŒr bestimmte GerĂ€tearten angewendet werden und können zu alternativen ZeitplĂ€nen und KontrollabstĂ€nden oder auch insgesamt zum Wegfall der Kontrollpflicht bei einigen GerĂ€tearten fĂŒhren. Auf dem Treffen der SPISE (Standardised Procedure for the Inspection of Sprayers in Europe) Technical Working Group im MĂ€rz 2015 einigten sich die Experten darauf, die ZĂŒrich-Methode als ein geeignetes Instrument zur harmonisierten Risikobewertung in allen EU 27 Mitgliedsstaaten fĂŒr diesen Fall heranzuziehen. Dieser Beitrag erklĂ€rt die Methode, zeigt ihre Anforderungen auf und demonstriert sie am Beispiel der in Gebrauch befindlichen PflanzenschutzgerĂ€te in Deutschland. DarĂŒber hinaus wird aufgezeigt, welche Fragen zukĂŒnftig noch von den Experten beantwortet werden mĂŒssen, um ein europaweit harmonisiertes Verfahren anwenden zu können. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2015.10.03, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2015.10.03Article 8 of Directive 2009/128/EC (Sustainable Use Directive) demands a risk assessment for human health and the environment in order to apply different time tables and inspection intervals in selected cases for the inspection of pesticide application equipment (PAE) in use or make exemptions from inspection within the member states of EU 27. The experts of the SPISE (Standardised Procedure for the Inspection of Sprayers in Europe) Technical Working Group agreed on their meeting in March 2015 to use the ZĂŒrich-methodology as an appropriate instrument to implement the demanded risk assessment in a harmonized manner within the EU 27. The article explains the ZĂŒrich-methodology, illustrates its requirements and demonstrates the application of this method at the example of a risk assessment in case of Germany. Furthermore, it shows of what questions still have to be discussed in future by the expert in order to come up with a common and harmonized procedure being applicable for all member states of EU 27. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2015.10.03, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2015.10.0

    Characterization of elemental content & green house gases fluxes from different zones in the Lena Delta River

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    Permafrost science remains limited in data. Observations at isolated spaces and times are insufficient to evaluate the long term climatic and environmental responses over large regions. Permafrost models may be used to establish links between the geographical scales from local to large regional, continental, and hemispheric scales. This poster aims to show some examples for measuring C/N quantities and CO2/CH4 fluxes and to offer comparison of their contribution in C-cycle in different areas of Lena Delta River (2-core comparison and a global one on 12 core samples from the KoPf Expedition in 2018

    Relationships between greenhouse gas production and landscape position during short-term permafrost thaw under anaerobic conditions in the Lena Delta

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    Soils in the permafrost region have acted as car- bon sinks for thousands of years. As a result of global warming, permafrost soils are thawing and will potentially release greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). However, small-scale spatial heterogeneities of GHG production have been neglected in previous incubation studies. Here, we used an anaerobic incubation experiment to simulate permafrost thaw along a transect from upland Yedoma to the floodplain on Kurungnakh Island. Potential CO2 and CH4 production was measured during incubation of the active layer and permafrost soils at 4 and 20 ◩C, first for 60 d (approximate length of the growing season) and then continuing for 1 year. An assessment of methanogen abundance was performed in parallel for the first 60 d. Yedoma samples from upland and slope cores remained in a lag phase during the growing season simulation, while those located in the floodplain showed high production of CH4 (6.5 × 103 ÎŒg CH4-C g−1 C) and CO2 (6.9 × 103 ÎŒg CO2-C g−1 C) at 20 ◩C. The Yedoma samples from the permafrost layer started producing CH4 after 6 months of incubation. We conclude that landscape position is a key factor triggering CH4 production during the growing season time on Kurungnakh Island

    Verbesserung der ProzessqualitĂ€t bei Traumapatienten durch digitale Bild- und DokumentenĂŒbermittlung

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    Nach der Publikation des ersten „Weißbuch Schwerstverletzten-Versorgung“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft fĂŒr Unfallchirurgie (DGU) im Jahr 2006 kam es zu einer umfassenden Umstrukturierung der medizinischen Versorgungslandschaft. Zertifizierte regionale Traumanetzwerke zu schaffen und darin eine funktionierende Kommunikationsstruktur zu implementieren war das erklĂ€rte Ziel der DGU. Ärzte und Kliniken erkannten, dass elektronische DatenĂŒbermittlung im Gesundheitswesen als Basis von Kommunikation, Bild- und Dokumententransfer unumgĂ€nglich geworden ist. Dies galt und gilt insbesondere fĂŒr die zeitkritischen Notfallverlegungen, die zunehmenden Zweitmeinungen und fĂŒr die stĂ€rkere Anbindung von Niedergelassenen im Fach Traumatologie. Die Ideallösung war ein System, das seit 2012 verfĂŒgbar ist und mittlerweile bundesweit, flĂ€chendeckend und sektorenĂŒbergreifend von allen medizinischen Dienstleistern genutzt werden kann. Durch eine gemeinsame und sichere digitale Netzwerkstruktur kann die BehandlungsqualitĂ€t beim Unfallverletzten gesteigert und Prozesse in und zwischen den medizinischen Dienstleistern können optimiert werden

    Chancen der Telemedizin fĂŒr O&U

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    Telemedicine or eHealth today are important tools of everyday medical life. In all areas – from the preclinic, clinic to aftercare – significant improvements in communication structures have been noticed through various eHealth options, which have significant positive effects on the quality of patient care in orthopedics and trauma surgery. At the beginning, there were several isolated solutions and many small individual projects, but there was a lack of interdisciplinary and comprehensive systems in all health care fields. The German Trauma Society (DGU) took the lead together with AUC and paved the way for a modulated, comprehensive, interface-compatible teleradiology system. Nevertheless, there are still deficits across all sectors, which in the future will have to be optimized by eHealth methods and systems. Overall, there is an effort towards patient-centered solutions (mature patient)

    Comprehensive medical care with telemedicine – FlĂ€chendeckende Versorgung durch Telemedizin

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    Kommunikationspartner tauschen idealerweise Wissen, Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus. Die Telemedizin ist ein Weg, ĂŒber große Distanzen hinweg zu kommunizieren, um relevante Informationen weiterzugeben. Sie ist seit vielen Jahren im prĂ€klinischen, klinischen und postklinischen Bereich in den unterschiedlichsten Anwendungsformen prĂ€sent

    Opportunities of telemedicine for orthopedics and trauma surgery

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    Today telemedicine, or eHealth, is an important tool in everyday medical life. In all areas, from the preclinical to aftercare, significant improvements in communication structures have been seen in various eHealth options, which have had significant, positive effects on the quality of patient care in orthopedics and trauma surgery. Initially, there were several isolated solutions and many small individual projects; however, there was a lack of interdisciplinary and comprehensive systems in all healthcare fields. The German Trauma Society (DGU) together with the AUC GmbH took the lead and paved the way for a modulated, comprehensive, interface-compatible teleradiology system. Nevertheless, there are still deficits across all sectors which, in the future, will need to be optimized by eHealth methods and systems. Overall, there is an effort towards patient-centered solutions (patient empowerment). In Germany, telemedicine has gradually gained acceptance in various sectors and is being used nationwide. Telemedicine has proven itself, especially in trauma networks

    Limited Effect of Dopaminergic Medication on Straight Walking and Turning in Early-to-Moderate Parkinson’s Disease during Single and Dual Tasking

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    Background: In Parkinson’s disease (PD), the effects of dopaminergic medication on straight walking and turning were mainly investigated under single tasking (ST) conditions. However, multitasking situations are considered more daily relevant.Methods: Thirty-nine early to moderate PD patients performed the following standarized ST and dual tasks (DT) as fast as possible for one minute during On- and Off-medication while wearing inertial sensors: straight walking and turning, checking boxes, and subtracting serial 7s. Quantitative gait parameters, as well as velocity of the secondary tasks were analyzed.Results: The following parameters improved significantly in On-medication during ST: gait velocity during straight walking (p=0.03); step duration (p=0.048) and peak velocity (p=0.04) during turning; velocity of checking boxes during ST (p=0.04) and DT (p=0.04). Velocity of checking boxes was the only parameter that also improved during DT.Conclusion: These results suggest that dopaminergic medication does not relevantly influence straight walking and turning in early to moderate PD during DT