9 research outputs found

    Berufszufriedenheit von Müttern in Abhängigkeit von verschiedenen Parametern

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    Mit Hilfe der Daten des "Family and Fertility Survey" wurde die berufliche Zufriedenheit von Müttern in Abhängigkeit von Alter, Familienstand, Familieneinkommen, finanzieller Lage der Familien, höchstem Bildungsabschluß. Umfang der Berufstätigkeit, Kinderzahl und Dauer der Berufsunterbrechung nach der Geburt untersucht. Dabei ergab sich eine starke positive Korrelation der Berufszufriedenheit mit dem Familieneinkommen und der finanziellen Lage der Familien, eine leichte aber statistisch signifikant höhere Zufriedenheit von Teilzeitbeschäftigten gegenüber Vollzeitbeschäftigten, sowie von Verheirateten gegenüber Geschiedenen, aber keinerlei nachweisbare Korrelation der Zufriedenheit mit den übrigen untersuchten Parametern. Insbesondere war kein Unterschied in der Zufriedenheit in Abhängigkeit von der Länge der vorangegangenen Berufsunterbrechung (Babypause) nachweisbar d.h. sog. "Spätwiedereinsteigerinnen" (nach einer Pause von über 10 Jahren) sind mit ihrer Tätigkeit ebenso zufrieden wie Frauen, die sehr schnell in ihren Beruf zurückkehren

    Fairer Leistungsausgleich zwischen Familien und Kinderlosen – Grundlage einer geburtenorientierten Familienpolitik

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Umverteilungswirkung untersucht, die einerseits von dem umlagefinanzierten österreichischen Pensionssystem und andererseits von den staatlichen Familienleistungen und dem steuerfinanzierten Bildungssystem ausgehen. Es wird gezeigt, dass es in diesem Gesamtsystem nur zu einem sehr mangelhaften Leistungsausgleich zwischen Kinderlosen und kinderreichen (3 oder mehr) Familien kommt. Trotz aller Familienleistungen findet derzeit in Österreich ein jährlicher Transfer von etwa 3 Mrd. € von den Familien mit 3 und mehr Kindern zu den Kinderlosen statt. Dieser Betrag entspricht etwa einem Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts oder 17 bzw. 12% der jährlichen Lohnsumme der beiden Gruppen. In einem zweiten Abschnitt werden die Auswirkungen dieser massiven Umverteilung diskutiert, sowohl im Hinblick auf die Einkommenssituation von Familien und Kinderlosen als auch im Hinblick auf den Einfluss auf die Fertilität. In einem letzten Abschnitt werden mögliche Maßnahmen zum Abbau der beschriebenen Transfers und damit zur Erzielung eines fairen Leistungsausgleichs vorgeschlagen.   A Fair Balance of Transfers between Families and Childless Persons – a Prerequisite for Higher Fertility This article investigates the transfers between childless persons and families with different numbers of children caused by both the Austrian pay-as-you-go old-age pension system and the Austrian system of family benefits and cost-free education. It is shown that these systems produce a massive imbalance of transfers between childless persons and families with three or more children. In spite of all the benefits paid to families, there is at present an annual net transfer of about € 3 bn. from those families with three or more children to the childless persons in Austria. This amounts to about 1% of Austria's gross national product or 17% and 12%, respectively, of the total income of the two groups of the population. In the second section, the consequences of this imbalance both with respect to the financial situation of families and childless persons and with respect to fertility are discussed. In a final section, different measures for obtaining a fair balance of transfers are proposed and assessed

    Ausreichende Berücksichtigung der “unbezahlten Arbeit“ der Eltern anstatt der heutigen Hinterbliebenenpensionen – ein Weg zu angemessenen Eigenpensionen für alle Frauen

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    Es wird gezeigt, dass eine ausreichende Berücksichtigung der vorwiegend von Müttern geleisteten “unbezahlten Familienarbeit“ und damit ausreichende Eigenpensionen für alle Frauen durch eine kostenneutrale Pensionsreform erreicht werden können. Dazu ist es notwendig, einerseits den “Wert“ der Kindererziehungszeiten für die spätere Pensionshöhe so zu erhöhen, dass Kinder im Mittel nicht mehr zu Pensionsverlusten führen, die oft unterschiedliche Beteiligung der Ehepartner an der allgemeinen Hausarbeit durch einen sog. Versorgungsausgleich zu berücksichtigen und auf entbehrliche Hinterbliebenenpensionen zu verzichten. Die Kosten bzw. Einsparungen durch diese Maßnahmen werden berechnet und ein konkretes Modell für eine solche Reform vorgeschlagen.   Adequate Credit for the Unpaid Family Work of Parents Instead of the Present Widows Pensions – a Possibilty to Provide Adequate own Pensions for most Women It is demonstrated, that the unpaid family work, necessary for the future of the Austrian pay- as-you-go social insurance systems, and done mostly by mothers, can be adequately accounted for, resulting in higher pension benefits of mothers by a reform of the social security system without additional cost. For this purpose the pension benefits resulting from the unpaid work of raising children have to be increased to a level adequate to the amount of such work, a mandatory pension rights adjustment between marital partners has to be introduced and the dependents pensions no longer necessary have to be. abolished. The cost respectively savings of these measures are calculated and a detailed model for implementing a reform of this kind is proposed

    Total cross-sections of various homogeneous substances for ultracold neutrons

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    An international neutron cross section standards evaluation

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    A new evaluation of the neutron cross section standards was recently completed. The results of this work became the standards for the new ENDF/B-VII library. This evaluation was performed to include new experiments on the standards that have been made since the ENDF/B-VI standards evaluation was completed and to improve the evaluation process. The evaluations include the H(n,n), 6Li(n,t), 10B(n,α), 10B(n,α1γ), 197Au(n,γ), 235U(n,f), and 238U(n,f) standard reactions. Evaluations were not done for the 3He(n,p) and C(n,n) standards which were carried over from ENDF/B-VI. The need for standards above 20 MeV led to the extension of the 235U(n,f) and 238U(n,f) cross sections to 200 MeV. In addition evaluations were produced for the non-standard 238U(n,γ) and 239Pu(n,f) reactions. Results of this work and comparisons with previous evaluations are presented

    An International Neutron Cross Section Standards Evaluation

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    A new evaluation of the neutron cross section standards was recently completed. The results of this work became the standards for the new ENDF/B-VII library. This evaluation was performed to include new experiments on the standards that have been made since the ENDF/B-VI standards evaluation was completed and to improve the evaluation process. The evaluations include the H(n,n), 6Li(n,t), 10B(n, alpha), 10B(n,alpha1 gamma), 197Au(n, gamma), 235U(n,f), and 238U(n,f) standard reactions. Evaluations were not done for the 3He(n,p) and C(n,n) standards which were carried over from ENDF/B-VI. The need for standards above 20MeV led to the extension of the 235U(n,f) and 238U(n,f) cross sections to 200MeV. In addition evaluations were produced for the non-standard 238U(n,gamma) and 239Pu(n,f) reactions. Results of this work and comparisons with previous evaluations are presented.JRC.D.5-Neutron physic

    An Update of the Nuclear Data Standards Activities

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    To allow new experimental data and improvements in evaluation procedure to be used in a timely manner in producing standards evaluations, an IAEA Data Development Project was initiated. For this project, it was decided that, in addition to the traditional activities related to standards, studies should be done on the possibility of extending the energy ranges of the standards and whether to include "reference data" that are not as well known as the standards but can be very useful in the measurements of certain types of cross sections. Activities include; an update of the experimental database for the traditional standards; improvements in smoothing procedures for capture cross sections, a review of the status of (252)Cf spontaneous fission neutron spectrum measurements; new work on the (235)U thermal neutron induced fission neutron spectrum that is not a standard but is important for reactor applications; improved calculations for fission neutron spectra; consideration of the (197)Au capture reaction as a reference cross section for capture cross-section measurements at energies of importance to astrophysics; and a study of reference cross sections for prompt gamma-ray production in fast neutron-induced reactions. A review of the progress made by this project will be given

    Production of Long-lived Radionuclides (10)Be, (14)C, (53)Mn, (55)Fe, (59)Ni and (202g)Pb in a Fusion Environment

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    In a fusion reactor and also in future advanced reactor types, long-lived activation products may lead to significant long-term waste disposals and radiation damage. Many of these production cross sections are not well-known, making it difficult to calculate concentration limits. Some prominent long-lived activation products comprise (10)Be, (14)C, and (26)Al; in the medium-mass range the radionuclides (53)Mn, (55,69)Fe, (59,63)Ni; and for heavier isotopes (202m)Pb, (210m)Bi. Since a few years the technique of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) has been applied at the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator (VERA) facility for the detection of long-lived radionuclides for such studies. In this respect, samples were irradiated with quasi-monoenergetic neutrons at TU Dresden's 14-MeV neutron generator and the van de Graaff accelerator at IRMM. After the activations the samples were prepared for isotope ratio measurements via ANIS. Production of long-lived (53)Mn and (59)Ni was measured via AMS utilizing the 14-MV tandem of the Maier-Leibnitz- laboratory, TU Munich. Radionuclides (10)Be, (14)C, (26)Al, (55)Fe, (210m)Bi, and (262g)Pb are measured at the VERA facility

    III. Abteilung.

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