821 research outputs found

    Fifteen minute consultation: Managing neonatal and childhood herpes encephalitis

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    Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) is the most common single cause of viral encephalitis in infants and children. Treated or untreated, it can be associated with considerable morbidity and mortality, and its presentation is usually insidious and non-specific. Prompt and careful investigation is important in order to establish the diagnosis so that treatment can be optimised. We address some common questions arising when diagnosing and treating presumed HSE throughout childhood

    Biobanking and consenting to research: a qualitative thematic analysis of young people's perspectives in the North East of England

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    BACKGROUND: Biobanking biospecimens and consent are common practice in paediatric research. We need to explore children and young people's (CYP) knowledge and perspectives around the use of and consent to biobanking. This will ensure meaningful informed consent can be obtained and improve current consent procedures. METHODS: We designed a survey, in co-production with CYP, collecting demographic data, views on biobanking, and consent using three scenarios: 1) prospective consent, 2) deferred consent, and 3) reconsent and assent at age of capacity. The survey was disseminated via the Young Person's Advisory Group North England (YPAGne) and participating CYP's secondary schools. Data were analysed using a qualitative thematic approach by three independent reviewers (including CYP) to identify common themes. Data triangulation occurred independently by a fourth reviewer. RESULTS: One hundred two CYP completed the survey. Most were between 16-18 years (63.7%, N = 65) and female (66.7%, N = 68). 72.3% had no prior knowledge of biobanking (N = 73). Acceptability of prospective consent for biobanking was high (91.2%, N = 93) with common themes: 'altruism', 'potential benefits outweigh individual risk', 'frugality', and '(in)convenience'. Deferred consent was also deemed acceptable in the large majority (84.3%, N = 86), with common themes: 'altruism', 'body integrity' and 'sample frugality'. 76.5% preferred to reconsent when cognitively mature enough to give assent (N = 78), even if parental consent was previously in place. 79.2% wanted to be informed if their biobanked biospecimen is reused (N = 80). CONCLUSION: Prospective and deferred consent acceptability for biobanking is high among CYP in the UK. Altruism, frugality, body integrity, and privacy are the most important themes. Clear communication and justification are paramount to obtain consent. Any CYP with capacity should be part of the consenting procedure, if possible

    Gad65 is recognized by t-cells, but not by antibodies from nod-mice

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    Since the 64kDa-protein glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) is one of the major autoantigens in T-cell mediated Type 1 diabetes, its relevance as a T-cell antigen needs to be clarified. After isolation of splenic T-cells from non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice, a useful model for human Type 1 diabetes, we found that these T-cells proliferate spontaneously when incubated with human GAD65, but only marginally after incubation with GAD67, both recombinated in the baculovirus system. No effect was observed with non-diabetic NOD mice or with T-cells from H-2 identical NON-NOD-H-2g7 control mice. It has been published previously that NOD mice develop autoantibodies against a 64kDa protein detected with mouse beta cells. In immunoprecipitation experiments with sera from the same NOD mice and 33S-methionine-labelled GAD, no autoantibody binding could be detected. We conclude firstly that GAD65 is an important T-cell antigen which is relevant early in the development of Type 1 diabetes and secondly that there is an antigenic epitope in the human GAD65 molecule recognized by NOD T-cells, but not by NOD autoantibodies precipitating conformational epitopes. Our results therefore provide further evidence that GAD65 is a T-cell antigen in NOD mice, being possibly also involved in very early processes leading to the development of human Type 1 diabetes

    Lipocalin-2 is a sensitive and specific marker of bacterial iInfection in children

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    Abstract Introduction Bacterial infection is the leading cause of death in children globally. Clinical algorithms to identify children who are likely to benefit from antimicrobial treatment remain suboptimal. Biomarkers that accurately identify serious bacterial infection (SBI) could improve diagnosis and clinical management. Lipocalin 2 (LCN2) and neutrophil collagenase (MMP-8) are neutrophil-derived biomarkers associated with bacterial infection. Methods We evaluated LCN2 and MMP-8 as candidate biomarkers in 40 healthy controls and 151 febrile children categorised confirmed SBI, probable SBI, or viral infection. The diagnostic performance of LCN2 and MMP-8 to predict SBI was estimated by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) and compared to the performance of C-reactive protein (CRP). Results Plasma LCN2 and MMP-8 concentration were predictive of SBI. The AUROC (95% CI) for LCN2, MMP8 and CRP to predict SBI was 0.88 (0.82-0.94); 0.80 (0.72-0.87) and 0.89 (0.84-0.94), respectively. The diagnostic performance of LCN2 in combination with CRP was significantly superior to either marker alone: AUROC 0.92 (95% CI: 0.88-0.96). Conclusion LCN2 is a sensitive and specific predictor of SBI in children which could be used to improve clinical management and antimicrobial stewardship. LCN2 should be further evaluated in prospective clinical studies