13 research outputs found

    Potensi Pengembangan Plastik Biodegradable Berbasis Pati Sagu dan Ubikayu di Indonesia

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    Plastic is a packaging materials that are widely used but has an adverse impact on the environment because it is difficult to degrade in nature. Production technology of biodegradable plastics from natural resources that have characteristic environmentally friendly has developed. Starch-based biodegradable plastic is a widely developed type because the production process is simple and the raw materials more readily available. The starch of cassava and sago has potential as a raw material of biodegradable plastic because of the availability and its characteristic. Also, to make starch as the main ingredient, plasticizers and structural strengthening materials are required to produce biodegradable plastic with excellent characteristics. The production stages of biodegradable plastics include mixing, heating, and casting. The starch-based biodegradable plastic that can apply to an environmentally friendly packaging material has an excellent opportunity developed in Indonesia

    The Analysis of Hepatopancreas Histologycal Damage in Neocallichirus Karumba (Poore and Griffin) Shrimp Caused by Heavy Metal Pb Exposure in Madura Strait

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    Madura strait known as the second busiest shipping lanes in Indonesia. Human activities on the environment can influence the marine ecosystem derived from the household, fishery processing and capture fisheries. It can pollute coastal environments, one of which is heavy metal exposure such as Cd, Hg, Ca, As and Pb. These metals are greatly impacting the life of sea biota. The objective of this research, therefore, is to examine the hepatopancreas damage rate of shrimp Neocallichirus karumba due to the exposure of heavy metal Pb in Madura Strait. Method of research is by analyzing Pb content in water, sediment and shrimp by taking sample from 3 different stations. Hepatopancreas damage is then analyzed with SEM-EDX. Result of research indicates that at Station A, Pb pollution in water is the biggest and counted for 0.25 ppm, while those in sediment and shrimp are 5.85 ppm and 1.24 ppm. At Station B, Pb pollution in water is 0.19 ppm, whereas that in sediment is 5.51 ppm, but that in shrimp is 1.04 ppm. At Station C, Pb pollution in water counts for 0.18 ppm, and in sediment, it stands for 5.5 ppm but 0.02 ppm for shrimp. Result of analysis against hepatopancreas damage is explained as follows. At Station A, vacuolization is 20 % and Pb content in organ is 0.520 ppm. At Station B, the parameters are 10% and 0.196ppm. At Station C, it includes 15% and 0.173ppm. Organ damage is straightforwardly related to Pb content in water and sediment. Shrimp age is quite influential to the percentage of organ damage

    Studi Kelayakan Lahan Budidaya Rumput Laut Eucheuma Cottonii Di Kecamatan Bluto Sumenep Madura Jawa Timur (Feasibility Study of Eucheuma Cottonii Seaweed Farming in Bluto Subdistric of Sumenep Madura East Java)

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    Budidaya rumput laut di Kecamatan Bluto, Kabupaten Sumenep, Jawa Timur, mempunyai kontribusi bagi perekonomian masyarakat pesisir, akan tetapi terdapat kegiatan perikanan seperti penangkapan dan pengolahan hasil laut yang berdampak pada degradasi kualitas air yang berpengaruh langsung kepada hasil produksi rumput laut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui lokasi baru pengembangan kegiatan budidaya rumput laut secara berkelanjutan yang terbebas dari kegiatan masyarakat dengan melihat faktor ekologis dan daya dukung perairan di Kecamatan Bluto. Metode yang digunakan mengukur kesesuaian ekologis meliputi suhu, kecerahan, kedalaman, kecepatan arus, kondisi dasar perairan, salinitas, DO, nitrat, ortofosfat, pH, BOD, dan COD, serta estimasi hama dan penyakit rumput laut. Selanjutnya data diskoring untuk menentukan kelas kesesuaian dengan pendekatan SIG. Daya dukung perairan di analisis dengan menghitung 60% dari jumlah kawasan yang sesuai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perairan Bluto memiliki potensi lahan pengembangan rumput laut berdasarkan kelas S1 (sangat sesuai) dan S2 (sesuai bersyarat) seluas 770,19 ha, dan mampu menampung maksimal 42.788 unit rakit rumput laut. Hama dan penyakit yang teridentifikasi di perairan Bluto adalah ikan baronang (Siganus. sp), ice-ice, lumut (Chaetomorpha crassa), dan teritip (Chthamalus stellatus)

    Keanekaragaman Spesies Lamun di Kabupaten Bangka Selatan Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung

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    Marine area which is planted by seagrass called as seagrass beds. Seagrass is one of the typical ecosystems in marine waters. Bangka Belitung Province is one of the areas in Indonesia that has seagrass ecosystem. This study aims to determine the diversity, density, and coverage area of seagrass beds in the waters of South Bangka Regency. The research was conducted in Tukak, Tanjung Kerasak, and Tanjung Kemirai. The data is collected using quadratic transect method and also data of physics-chemical parameters such as temperature, salinity, pH, depth, velocity and water substrate. The results of the research showed that 7 species of seagrasses in South Bangka Regency are Cymodocea serrulata, Cymodocea rotundata, Halodule uninervis, Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Syringodium isoetifolium and Halophila minor. Seagrass in Lempeng waters which has the highest density is Cymodocea serrulata, about 58 ind/m2. The highest frequency of seagrass species in Tukak is Thalassia hemprichii about 1%. Seagrass species of Cymodocea serrulata has the highest cover percentage in Lempeng waters about 29.56%

    Pengelolaan Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon Kauderni) Melalui Konsep Ecosystem-based Approach (Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon Kauderni) Management an Ecosystem-based Approach)

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    The Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) or capungan Banggai (often abbreviated as BCF) is a marine fish endemic to the waters around the Banggai Archipelago, caught in large numbers for the marine aquarium trade. The conservation of this endemic species became an International issue, in 2007 the BCF was proposed for CITES listing by the USA and listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List. The CITES proposal was withdrawn, with Indonesia committed to conserve the Banggai Cardinalfish through a sustainable ornamental fishery approach. The multi-stakeholder Banggai Cardinalfish Action Plan (2007-2012) and other initiatives have aimed towards this goal; however the initiative to secure limited protected status in 2011 failed. Studies during 2011-2012 found many positive developments in the BCF fishery, and if the carrying capacity (stocks and ecosystems) was similar to the early 2000\u27s, current official exploitation levels should be sustainable. However a stock assessment analysis using FISAT II revealed a high exploitation level (0.5), indicating catches may have reached or possibly exceeded sustainable limits. Survey/monitoring results indicate the endemic population is not in a steady state, with sharp declines in the past decade. There are strong indications that habitat degradation is the main cause of this decline, including over-exploitation of key BCF micro-habitat (sea urchins and sea anemones). Without an effective solution to protect the supporting ecosystem, P. Kauderni will be increasingly threatened with extinction, with or without fishing pressure. The case of the BCF highlights the importance of an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries policy and management

    PENGELOLAAN BANGGAI CARDINALFISH (Pterapogon kauderni) MELALUI KONSEP ECOSYSTEM-BASED APPROACH (Banggai cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) Management an Ecosystem-Based Approach)

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    ABSTRACTThe Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) or capungan Banggai (often abbreviated as BCF) is a marine fish endemic to the waters around the Banggai Archipelago, caught in large numbers for the marine aquarium trade. The conservation of this endemic species became an international issue, in 2007 the BCF was proposed for CITES listing by the USA and listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List. The CITES proposal was withdrawn, with Indonesia committed to conserve the Banggai Cardinalfish through a sustainable ornamental fishery approach. The multi-stakeholder Banggai Cardinalfish Action Plan (2007-2012) and other initiatives have aimed towards this goal; however the initiative to secure limited protected status in 2011 failed. Studies during 2011-2012 found many positive developments in the BCF fishery, and if the carrying capacity (stocks and ecosystems) was similar to the early 2000’s, current official exploitation levels should be sustainable. However a stock assessment analysis using FISAT II revealed a high exploitation level (0.5), indicating catches may have reached or possibly exceeded sustainable limits. Survey/monitoring results indicate the endemic population is not in a steady state, with sharp declines in the past decade. There are strong indications that habitat degradation is the main cause of this decline, including over-exploitation of key BCF micro-habitat (sea urchins and sea anemones). Without an effective solution to protect the supporting ecosystem, P. Kauderni will be increasingly threatened with extinction, with or without fishing pressure. The case of the BCF highlights the importance of an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries policy and management.Key words: ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management, Pterapogon kauderni, stockassessment, sustainable ornamental fishery-------ABSTRAKBanggai cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni) yang sering disingkat BCF atau capungan Banggai merupakan ikan laut endemik di perairan Banggai Kepulauan dan sekitarnya yang ditangkap dalam jumlah besar untuk diperdagangkan sebagai ikan hias. Kelestarian spesies endemik tersebut menjadi isu internasional dan pada tahun 2007 diusulkan pada CITES oleh Amerika Serikat dan didaftarkan sebagai Endangered pada Red List IUCN. Status terdaftar pada CITES ditangguhkan, namun Indonesia berkomitmen untuk menjamin kelestarian Banggai cardinalfish dengan pola sustainable ornamental fishery. Rencana Aksi Banggai Cardinalfish multi-stakeholder (2007-2012) dan beberapa inisiatif lain bertujuan mewujudkan tujuan tersebut antara lain penetapan status jenis lindung terbatas, namun upaya yang diinisiasi pada tahun 2011 tersebut gagal. Berdasarkan data kajian 2011-2012, banyak perubahan positif dalam perikanan BCF, dan jika daya dukung alam (stok dan ekosistem) masih seperti pada awal tahun 2000-an tingkat pemanfaatan resmi seharusnya sustainable. Hasil kajian menggunakan FISAT II bahwa tingkat pemanfaatan (0,5) tergolong tinggi, dan merupakan indikasi bahwa tingkat pemanfaatan telah pada atau melebihi batas maksimal lestari. Hasil survey/monitoring menunjukkan bahwa populasi endemik tidak pada kondisi steady state dan menunjukkan penurunan tajam dalam dekade terakhir. Terindikasi kuat bahwa penyebab utama penurunan tersebut adalah degradasi habitat, antara lain akibat pemanfaatan lebih mikrohabitat (bulu babi dan anemon laut). Tanpa solusi efektif untuk melestarikan ekosistem pendukung, P. kauderni akan semakin terancam punah, dengan atau tanpa adanya penangkapan. Kasus BCF menunjukkan pentingya pendekatan ecosystem-based approach terhadap kebijakan dan manajemen perikanan tangkap.Kata kunci: ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management, Pterapogon kauderni,pengkajian stok, sustainable ornamental fisher

    Seasonal Variation in Meat and Liver Histopathology of White Snapper (Lates Calcarifer) From Mercury-polluted Kao Gulf Waters, North Halmahera, Indonesia

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    Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Histopatologi daging dan hati ikan kakap putih (Lates calcarifer) pada musim berbeda dari Perairan Teluk Kao yang tercemar merkuri (Hg), Halmahera Utara, Indonesia. Fish caught in Kao Gulf waters has been contaminated by mercury in low concentration. This study aimed to identify and analyze the impact of mercury (Hg). Water, sediment and fish samples were taken using a plastic scoop, a grab, and fishing. Hg content analysis used AAS (atomic absorption spectrophotometer). While the histopathological analysis of the fish meat and liver used automated slide stainer and microscope. Hg concentration of Kobok and Taolas river water in dry season and rainy season was not safe to consume according to Indonesian National Standard of 7387/2009 for natural mineral water. Hg concentration of the sediment also did not meet the Indonesian quality standard according to Government Regulation Numbered 82/2001. Fish were still allowed to be consumed. The meat and liver histopathology in dry and rainy season had tissue cell change, such as edema, degeneration hydrophic, and lamellae fusion. Ikan yang tertangkap di Perairan Teluk Kao telah terkontaminasi dengan merkuri dalam jumlah rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis dampak pencemaran merkuri (Hg) dengan menginformasikan keamanan konsumsi ikan Kakap Putih di perairan Teluk Kao Halmahera Utara. Sampel air diambil mengunakan gayung plastik, sampel sedimen dengan alat grab sampler sedangkan sampel ikan mengunakan alat pacing. Analisis kandungan Hg air, sedimen dan ikan dengan metode AAS (atomic absorption spectrophotometer). Analisis histopatologi daging dan hati ikan dengan alat automated slide stainer dan mikroskop. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Nilai Hg air sungai Kobok dan Taolas pada musim panas dan musim hujan tidak layak dikonsumsi menurut SNI 7387/2009. Konsentrasi Hg dalam sedimen juga tidak memenuhi Standar Baku Mutu Indonesia menurut Peraturan Pemerintah No. 82 Tahun 2001. Ikan kakap putih masih diizinkan untuk dikonsumsi. Histopatologi daging dan hati ikan kakap putih pada musim panas dan musim hujan yang mengalami Perubahan jaringan sel, seperti mengalami edema, degenerasi hidropis, dan fusi lamellae

    Struktur Komunitas Dan Asosiasi Gastropoda Dengan Tumbuhan Lamun di Perairan Pesisir Lamongan Jawa Timur

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    Gastropoda adalah salah satu kelas dari moluska yang diketahui berasosiasi dengan baik dengan ekosistem lamun. Komunitas gastropoda merupakan komponen yang penting dalam rantai makanan di padang lamun, dimana gastropoda merupakan hewan dasar pemakan detritus (detritus feeder) dan serasah dari daun lamun yang jatuh dan mensirkulasi zat-zat yang tersuspensi di dalam air guna mendapatkan makanan. Penelitian struktur komunitas dan asosiasi gastropoda dengan tumbuhan lamun di perairan pesisir Lamongan, desa Banjarwati, Jawa Timur dilakukan dari bulan September sampai Nopember 2011, dengan menggunakan metode transek linier kuadrat untuk pengambilan sampel gastropoda dan lamun. Pengambilan data dilakukan di tiga stasiun, dimana setiap stasiun dibagi menjadi tiga sub stasiun. Secara umum substrat dasar perairan berupa pasir dan lempung berpasir. Parameter fisika-kimia perairan adalah suhu 28-30OC, salinitas 31-34‰ dan nilai pH 8. Analisa data yang dilakukan meliputi komposisi spesies gastropoda, keanekaragaman, pola asosiasi serta pola penyebaran spesies gastropoda dan lamun. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh 7 spesies gastropoda yang tergolong dalam 3 ordo, 5 famili dan 5 genus. Sedangkan untuk lamun diperoleh 4 spesies yang tergolong dalam 2 famili dan 4 genus. Nilai kepadatan dan frekuensi kehadiran tertinggi spesies gastropoda di ketiga stasiun pengamatan didominasi oleh spesies Strombus fasciatus, dengan nilai penting sebesar 54,551. Sedangkan Cymodocea rotundata adalah spesies lamun dengan nilai penting  sebesar 70,121. Berdasarkan nilai indeks keragaman dan keserasian spesies, ekosistem lamun diperairan pesisir desa Banjarwati, Lamongan memiliki gastropoda dengan nilai indeks keragaman sedang dan tidak ada dominansi spesies. Pola asosiasi spesies gastropoda dan lamun di perairan pesisir desa Banjarwati, Lamongan bersifat positif dan negatif, tergantung dari proporsi jumlah spesies yang hadir pada setiap petak pengamatan serta pola penyebaran yang umumnya berkelompok. Kata kunci:  komunitas, asosiasi, gastropoda, lamun