4 research outputs found

    Tepung Umbi Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine palmifolia (L) Merr) Sebagai Feed Additive Burung Puyuh (Coturnix-coturnix japonica)

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    Quail is a bird that has a medium body size and is relatively unable to fly like other birds. Increasing the quail population must be balanced with good maintenance management, especially during the growth phase. An alternative to improve growth performance is to provide feed additives in the ration, one of which is dayak onion bulbs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving dayak onion flour (Eleutherine palmifolia, (L) Merr) as a feed additive on the growth performance of quail (Coturnix-coturnix japonica). This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments and 5 replications, each treatment consisting of 7 quails so that the total number of quails was 175. The treatments used in this study were commercial feed (PK) and dayak onion flour (TUBD) consisting of P0 (100% PK), P1 (100% PK + 1% TUBD), P2 (100% PK + 2% TUBD ), P3 (100% PK + 3% TUBD), and P4 (100% PK + 4% TUBD). Parameters observed were feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion, weight of first laying eggs. The results of the analysis of variance (Anova) showed that the administration of dayak onion bulb flour had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the growth performance of quail including feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion, weight of first laying brood. The results showed that the highest feed consumption occurred at P0 (100% PK) = 115.90 gram/head/week; highest body weight gain occurred at P2 (100% PK + 2% TUBD) = 22.70 gram/head/week, the lowest feed conversion occurred at P4 (100% PK + 4% TUBD) = 5.28, and body weight 123 .4 grams/head. Giving dayak onion Flour (TUBD) to improve quail growth performance on feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion, and first egg laying weight did not have a significant effect.Burung puyuh merupakan unggas yang memiliki ukuran tubuh sedang dan relatif tidak bisa terbang seperti burung lainnya. Peningkatan populasi burung puyuh harus diimbangi dengan manajemen pemeliharaan yang baik, khususnya pada fase pertumbuhan. Alternatif untuk meningkatkan performa pertumbuhan adalah dengan memberikan feed additive dalam ransum, salah satunya adalah umbi bawang dayak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian tepung umbi bawang dayak (Eleutherine palmifolia, (L) Merr) sebagai feed additive terhadap performa pertumbuhan burung puyuh (Coturnix-coturnix japonica). Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan, setiap perlakuan terdiri dari 7 ekor burung puyuh sehingga jumlah total burung puyuh 175 ekor. Adapun perlakuan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu pakan komersial (PK) dan tepung umbi bawang dayak (TUBD) terdiri dari P0 (100% PK), P1 (100 % PK + 1% TUBD), P2 (100 % PK + 2% TUBD), P3 (100 % PK + 3% TUBD), dan P4 (100 % PK + 4% TUBD). Parameter yang diamati adalah konsumsi pakan, pertambahan bobot badan, konversi pakan, bobot induk pertama bertelur. Hasil analisis sidik ragam (Anova) menunjukkan bahwa pemberian tepung umbi Bawang Dayak berpengaruh tidak nyata (P>0,05) terhadap performa pertumbuhan burung puyuh meliputi konsumsi pakan, pertambahan bobot badan, konversi pakan, bobot induk pertama bertelur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi pakan tertinggi terjadi pada P0 (100%PK) = 115,90 gram/ekor/minggu; pertambahan bobot badan tertinggi terjadi pada P2 (100%PK + 2% TUBD) = 22,70 gram/ekor/minggu, konversi pakan terendah terjadi pada P4 (100% PK + 4% TUBD) = 5,28, dan bobot badan 123,4 gram/ekor. Pemberian Tepung Umbi Bawang Dayak (TUBD) untuk meningkatkan performa pertumbuhan burung puyuh pada konsumsi pakan, pertambahan bobot badan, konversi pakan, dan bobot induk pertama bertelur tidak berpengaruh signifikan

    Sosialisasi Produk Hasil Olahan Ternak sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Stunting Bayi dan Anak di Pontianak Utara

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    This service is carried out to provide information about processed livestock products as an effort to prevent stunting in infants and children. The service was held on February 28, 2021 with female participants who were members of the Family Welfare Development (PKK) in the Siantan Hilir sub-district, North Pontianak. The method used in this service is socialization in the form of delivering information on processed livestock products as an effort to prevent stunting in infants and children. There are three stages carried out namely the stages of preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The outreach was carried out as targeted. All participants gained additional knowledge and understanding related to stunting and its prevention through consumption of processed livestock products which are not difficult to find. The low understanding before this socialization was carried out then the participants became more aware of the importance of preventing stunting starting from babies in the womb to post-delivery. There is an opportunity to change the behavior of participants in neglecting the food and snacks consumed by their children. Therefore, it is necessary to do the same thing at various levels of society as participants in a wider socialization.This service is carried out to provide information about processed livestock products as an effort to prevent stunting in infants and children. The service was held on February 28, 2021 with female participants who were members of the Family Welfare Development (PKK) in the Siantan Hilir sub-district, North Pontianak. The method used in this service is socialization in the form of delivering information on processed livestock products as an effort to prevent stunting in infants and children. There are three stages carried out namely the stages of preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The outreach was carried out as targeted. All participants gained additional knowledge and understanding related to stunting and its prevention through consumption of processed livestock products which are not difficult to find. The low understanding before this socialization was carried out then the participants became more aware of the importance of preventing stunting starting from babies in the womb to post-delivery. There is an opportunity to change the behavior of participants in neglecting the food and snacks consumed by their children. Therefore, it is necessary to do the same thing at various levels of society as participants in a wider socialization


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    ABSTRAK Hijauan merupakan sumber makanan utama bagi ternak ruminansia untuk dapat bertahan hidup, berproduksi serta berkembang biak, oleh karena itu pakan hijauan ternak harus selalu tersedia dan harus selalu diproduksi supaya ternak tidak kekurangan pakan, salah satu hijauan pakan ternak adalah Rumput Gajah Odot (Pennisetum purpureum Cv. Mott). Rumput Gajah Odot merupakan tanaman hijauan pakan ternak yang memegang peranan penting, karena mengandung hampir semua nutrisi yang diperlukan ternak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dosis pupuk kotoran puyuh yang terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil Rumput Gajah Odot. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap terdiri atas lima perlakuan dan lima ulangan, setiap ulangan terdiri dari tiga sampel tanaman, sehingga terdapat 75 tanaman. Perlakuan dalam penelitian terdiri dari 1) P0: tidak diberi pupuk 2) P1: 5% pupuk kotoran puyuh dari berat tanah setara dengan 500 g/polybag, 3) P2: 10% pupuk kotoran puyuh dari berat tanah setara dengan 1.000 g/polybag, 4) P3: 15% pupuk kotoran puyuh dari berat tanah setara dengan 1.500 g/polybag, 5) P4: 20% pupuk kotoran puyuh dari berat tanah setara dengan 2.000 g/polybag. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk kotoran puyuh pada dosis 20% berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman umur 6 MST,  jumlah anakan 2 MST, 5 MSTdan 6 MST serta berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman 1 MST, 2 MST, 3 MST dan 5 MST, jumlah daun 2 MST, 3 MST, 4 MST dan 5 MST, jumlah anakan 3 MST, dan 4 MST. Kesimpulan pemberian pupuk kotoran puyuh dosis 20% setara dengan 2.000 g/polybag dari berat tanah menghasilkan pertumbuhan dan hasil Rumput Gajah Odot yang terbaik. Pemberian kotoran puyuh dosis 5% setara dengan 500 g/polybag dari berat tanah sudah cukup baik untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil Rumput Gajah Odot dilihat dari efisiensi biaya dan kebutuhan pupuk kotoran puyuh yang lebih sedikit. &nbsp


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    This study was done to compare the environmental temperature and the effect of feed  management on dairy cattle productivity in KUTT Suka Makmur Grati Pasuruan. Primary data were collected by questionare based interview to the farmers at different height areas those were 40 farmers in lowland area and 40 farmers in highland area. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and quant itative methods. The results showed that temperatures in the lowlands were higher at around 24oC - 27oC, so cattle experiencing heat stress and the impact  was cattle consumed less feed, while the availability of  water was limited. In contrast, the highlands temperature was relatively low, about 22oC - 24oC. The cattle in highland was fed with elephant grass with a good nutrient content, so the cattle was able to produced well.  Keywords: Dairy Cattle, Environment, Feed Effect, Productivity, Temperatur