286 research outputs found

    Rediscovering Filmmaking: A Personal Journey

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    This Culminating Experience Project is a portfolio demonstrating a large corpus of video content created and recorded for collaborative projects, work for hire, and any extracurricular activities that were taken up during the 2019–2020 school year at Berklee Valencia. The portfolio consists of sixteen (16) major projects the author either recorded or recorded and edited over the course of December 2019 – February 2020. The portfolio will ultimately be presented in an online only format on the video service Vimeo both as a single “megamix” video reel, as well as individual videos for each completed project.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/1193/thumbnail.jp

    Stratigraphy of the East Flank of the Green Mountain Anticlinorium, Southern Vermont

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    Guidebook for field trips in Vermont: 64th annual meeting October 13, 14, 15, 1972 Burlington, Vermont: Trip B-

    Fault location and diagnosis in a medium voltage EPR power cable

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    This paper presents a case study on fault location, characterization and diagnosis in a length of shielded 11 kV medium voltage ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR) power cable. The defect was identified on-site as a low resistance fault occurring between the sheath and the core. A 43 m section was removed for further analysis. The fault resistance was characterized and the location of the defect pinpointed to within a few cm using a combination of time-difference-of-arrival location and infra-red imaging. A combination of X-ray computed tomography, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy were then applied to characterize any abnormalities in the dielectric surrounding the breakdown region. A significant number of high density contaminants were found to be embedded in the dielectric layer, having an average diameter of the order of 100 um, a maximum diameter of 310 um and an average density of 1 particle per 2.28 mm3 . Scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy were used to determine the geometry and elemental composition of some initial contaminant samples. It was concluded that contamination of the EPR layer, combined with an observed eccentricity of the cable’s core and sheath resulting in a reduced insulation gap, may have led to an electric field concentration in the region of the defect sufficient to initiate breakdown. Preventative strategies are discussed for similar families of cables, including more stringent dielectric testing requirements at the manufacturing stage and PD monitoring to detect incipient failure

    Counselor Self-Reported Competence for Working with Kink Clients: Clinical Experience Matters

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    The experience of counselor stereotyping, bias, and misunderstanding is often very real for those who participate in adult, consensual, non-diagnosable paraphilic sexuality, commonly referred to as kink. A created Counselor Self-Reported Competency Scale, drawn from American Counseling Association competencies, and the Attitudes about Sadomasochism Scale were used to assess counselor knowledge and attitude for working with kink clients. This research suggests competence with kink clients increases as clinical experience working with kink clients increases. The ability to maintain a nonjudgmental attitude and open therapeutic environment seems linked to increased clinical experience with this sexual subculture

    A rapid method of assessing the photocatalytic activity of thin TiO2 films using an ink based on the redox dye 2,6-dichloroindophenol

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    An indicator ink based on the redox dye 2,6-dichloroindophenol ( DCIP) is described, which allows the rapid assessment of the activity of thin, commercial photocatalytic films, such as Activ. The ink works via a photoreductive mechanism, DCIP being reduced to dihydro-DCIP within ca. 7.5 minutes exposure to UVA irradiation of moderate intensity ( ca. 4.8mW cm(-2)). The kinetics of photoreduction are found to be independent of the level of dye present in the ink formulation, but are highly sensitive to the level of glycerol. This latter observation may be associated with a solvatochromic effect, whereby the microenvironment in which the dye finds itself and, as a consequence, its reactivity is altered significantly by small changes in the glycerol content. The kinetics of photoreduction also appear linearly dependent on the UVA light intensity with an observed quantum efficiency of ca. 1.8 x 10(-3)

    A rapid method of assessing the photocatalytic activity of thin TiO2 films using an ink based on the redox dye 2,6-dichloroindophenol

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    An indicator ink based on the redox dye 2,6-dichloroindophenol ( DCIP) is described, which allows the rapid assessment of the activity of thin, commercial photocatalytic films, such as Activ. The ink works via a photoreductive mechanism, DCIP being reduced to dihydro-DCIP within ca. 7.5 minutes exposure to UVA irradiation of moderate intensity ( ca. 4.8mW cm(-2)). The kinetics of photoreduction are found to be independent of the level of dye present in the ink formulation, but are highly sensitive to the level of glycerol. This latter observation may be associated with a solvatochromic effect, whereby the microenvironment in which the dye finds itself and, as a consequence, its reactivity is altered significantly by small changes in the glycerol content. The kinetics of photoreduction also appear linearly dependent on the UVA light intensity with an observed quantum efficiency of ca. 1.8 x 10(-3)

    The Effect of Fidesz Family Policy and Socioeconomic Factors on Fertility in Hungary

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    This study evaluates the impact of expansions to family policy by the political party Fidesz on fertility in Hungary since 2010 and tests the effects of key socioeconomic and cultural characteristics on fertility in Central and Eastern Europe. To do so, we estimate difference in differences linear regression and Probit models for the recent birth of a child in households in 10 Central and Eastern European countries from 2002-18, and a Poisson model for the number of children given birth to by women in a subsample of these countries for 2006 and 2018. We introduce a partial theory of choice that provides an exhaustive set of mutually exclusive ways a person can choose to have a child to develop novel hypotheses. We find the policies modestly increased fertility initially but later had no significant effect, and that Roman Catholic, more traditional and less pleasure-seeking individuals tended to have more children.Master of Art

    Nemzeti érdekek az EU-ban. Az olasz európa-politika tanulságai, különös tekintettel az európai gazdasági kormányzásban betöltött szerepre = National Interests in the EU. Experiences of Italy’s European policy with special regard to its role in the European economic governance

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    A disszertáció a hazai és a nemzetközi szakirodalom elemzésén keresztül vizsgálja a nemzeti és az európai (közösségi) érdek viszonyát, ezek alakulását az integrációs folyamatban. Választ próbál találni arra, hogy mi a fő oka annak az utóbbi évtizedben egyre inkább erősödő jelenségnek, amely az EU nemzetek feletti jellegének visszaszorulásában, és ezzel párhuzamosan a közösségi szakpolitikák alakításakor a kormányközi logika érvényesülésének erősödésében összegezhető. Az elemzés során nem lehet eltekinteni az európai integráció társadalmi aspektusaitól, így ezek között kiemelten a projekttel való lakossági azonosulás, más szóval az egyébként sokdimenziós, tagállamonként és időben változó identitás problematikájától. A dolgozat kiemelten foglalkozik az olasz Európa-politika fejlődésével és érvényesülésével. Róma EU-politikájának elemzése már csak azért is érdekes feladat, mert Itália európai középhatalmi státuszából adódóan az a klasszikus közösségi-államközi, látszólag ellentétes „módszer” metszéspontjában található. Megnyilvánulási formái ennek megfelelően – a külső szemlélő számára akár bizonytalankodásnak hatóan - váltakozó hangsúllyal ötvözik a nemzetek feletti és a kormányközi stratégiát. Az olasz integrációs politika hagyományainak, általános geopolitikai-külpolitikai keretrendszerének, változásainak részletes elemzése elengedhetetlen az egyes szakpolitikák terén tanúsított olasz törekvések megértéséhez. (...

    Astro2020 Activity, Project of State of the Profession Consideration (APC) White Paper: All-Sky Near Infrared Space Astrometry. State of the Profession Considerations: Development of Scanning NIR Detectors for Astronomy

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    Gaia is a revolutionary space mission developed by ESA and is delivering 5 parameter astrometry, photometry and radial velocities over the whole sky with astrometric accuracies down to a few tens of micro-arcseconds. A weakness of Gaia is that it only operates at optical wavelengths. However, much of the Galactic centre and the spiral arm regions, important for certain studies, are obscured by interstellar extinction and this makes it difficult for Gaia to deeply probe. This problem can be overcome by switching to the Near Infra-Red (NIR) but this is not possible with silicon CCDs. Additionally, to scan the entire sky and make global absolute parallax measurements the spacecraft must have a constant rotation and this requires the detectors operate in Time Delayed Integration (TDI) mode or similar
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