3 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Channel Type Combination Alternative of “Klambu-Kudu” Raw Water Channel

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    “Klambu Kudu” raw water channel is a 40.558 km channel which conveys raw water from Klambu Weir to Kudu Water treatment plant (WTP). The water flow measured in the Intake at Klambu Weir and at Kudu WTP has some discrepancies to the planned. This discrepancies are partly caused by use of different types of channel on various locale conditions. This research describes the selection to the policy maker in deciding which raw water channel type suitable for each area by using Decision Making Supporting System (DSS) with an approach of Analytic Hiearchy Process (AHP) Method. It integrating the criteria of construction cost, operation and maintenance cost, the ease of operation and maintenace implementation as well as benefit/profit


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    Data dari Kota Semarang menyebutkan target pemenuhan cakupan penduduk tahun 2010 untuk akses air bersih hanya 61,58 persen dari target 75,29 persen total penduduk. Salah satu hambatan pemenuhan target layanan air bersih adalah gangguan kontinuitas pasokan air baku dari waduk Kedung Ombo melalui saluran air bairn Klambu-Kudu sepanjang ± 40,558 km. Upaya memperbaiki sistim saluran Kelambu-Kudu agar dapat memasok air baku IPA Kutlu di Kota Semarang dapat efisien dan optimal perlu dilakukan perbaikan sistim saluran air baku dengan membangun berbagai kombinasi jenis saluran yang sesuai dengan kondisi fisik daerah yang dilaluinya. Penelitian ini adalah upaya dalam menentukan metode dan model multi kriteria guna memilih jenis dan kombinasi saluran air baku yang paling optimal dan efisien sebagai sistim pemasok air baku Kota Semarang

    The Analysis of Channel Type Combination Alternative of “Klambu-Kudu” Raw Water Channel

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    “Klambu Kudu” raw water channel is a 40.558 km channel which conveys raw water from Klambu Weir to Kudu Water treatment plant (WTP). The water flow measured in the Intake at Klambu Weir and at Kudu WTP has some discrepancies to the planned. This discrepancies are partly caused by use of different types of channel on various locale conditions. This research describes the selection to the policy maker in deciding which raw water channel type suitable for each area by using Decision Making Supporting System (DSS) with an approach of Analytic Hiearchy Process (AHP) Method. It integrating the criteria of construction cost, operation and maintenance cost, the ease of operation and maintenace implementation as well as benefit/profit