335 research outputs found

    Effect of quantum confinement on the dielectric function of PbSe

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    Monolayers of lead selenide nanocrystals of a few nanometers in height have been made by electrodeposition on a Au(111) substrate. These layers show a thickness-dependent dielectric function, which was determined using spectroscopic ellipsometry. The experimental results are compared with electronic structure calculations of the imaginary part of the dielectric function of PbSe nanocrystals. We demonstrate that the size-dependent variation of the dielectric function is affected by quantum confinement at well-identifiable points in the Brillouin zone, different from the position of the band-gap transition

    Atomically Precise Nanocrystals

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    Nanocrystals are a state-of-matter in the border area between molecules and bulk materials. Unlike bulk materials, nanocrystals have size-dependent properties, yet the question remains whether nanocrystal properties can be analyzed, understood, and controlled with atomic precision, a key characteristic of molecules. Acknowledging the inclination of nanocrystals to form defect structures, we first outline the prospects of atomically precise analysis. A broad spectrum of analytical methods has become available over the last five years, such that for heterogeneous nanocrystal ensembles, a single, atomically precise representative structure can be determined to explore structure-property relations. Atomically precise synthesis, on the other hand, remains an outstanding challenge that may well face fundamental limitations. However, to amplify properties and prepare nanocrystals for specific applications, full atomic precision may not be needed. Examples of an atomic precision light approach, focusing on exact thickness or facet control, exist and can inspire scientists to explore atomic precision in nanocrystal research further

    Exciton spin dynamics and photoluminescence polarization of CdSe/CdS dot-in-rod nanocrystals in high magnetic fields

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    The exciton spin dynamics and polarization properties of the related emission are investigated in colloidal CdSe/CdS dot-in-rod (DiR) and spherical core/shell nanocrystal (NC) ensembles by magneto-optical photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy in magnetic fields up to 15 T. It is shown that the degree of circular polarization (DCP) of the exciton emission induced by the magnetic field is affected by the NC geometry as well as the exciton fine structure and can provide information on nanorod orientation. A theory to describe the circular and linear polarization properties of the NC emission in magnetic field is developed. It takes into account phonon mediated coupling between the exciton fine structure states as well as the dielectric enhancement effect resulting from the anisotropic shell of DiR NCs. This theoretical approach is used to model the experimental results and allows us to explain most of the measured features. The spin dynamics of the dark excitons is investigated in magnetic fields by time-resolved photoluminescence. The results highlight the importance of confined acoustic phonons in the spin relaxation of dark excitons. The bare core surface as well as the core/shell interface give rise to an efficient spin relaxation channel, while the surface of core/shell NCs seems to play only a minor role.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figure

    Quantum Rod Emission Coupled to Plasmonic Lattice Resonances: A Collective Directional Source of Polarized Light

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    We demonstrate that an array of optical antennas may render a thin layer of randomly oriented semiconductor nanocrystals into an enhanced and highly directional source of polarized light. The array sustains collective plasmonic lattice resonances which are in spectral overlap with the emission of the nanocrystals over narrow angular regions. Consequently, different photon energies of visible light are enhanced and beamed into definite directions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Smoke gets in your eyes:what is sociological about cigarettes?

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    Contemporary public health approaches increasingly draw attention to the unequal social distribution of cigarette smoking. In contrast, critical accounts emphasize the importance of smokers’ situated agency, the relevance of embodiment and how public health measures against smoking potentially play upon and exacerbate social divisions and inequality. Nevertheless, if the social context of cigarettes is worthy of such attention, and sociology lays a distinct claim to understanding the social, we need to articulate a distinct, positive and systematic claim for smoking as an object of sociological enquiry. This article attempts to address this by situating smoking across three main dimensions of sociological thinking: history and social change; individual agency and experience; and social structures and power. It locates the emergence and development of cigarettes in everyday life within the project of modernity of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It goes on to assess the habituated, temporal and experiential aspects of individual smoking practices in everyday lifeworlds. Finally, it argues that smoking, while distributed in important ways by social class, also works relationally to render and inscribe it

    Chip-to-chip plasmonic interconnects and the activities of EU project NAVOLCHI

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    In this paper, the chip-to-chip interconnection architecture adopted by the EU-project NAVOLCHI are discussed. The plasmonic physical layer consisting of a plasmonic nanoscale laser, a modulator, an amplifier and a detector is introduced. Current statuses of the plasmonic devices are reviewed
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