16 research outputs found

    Autour de la notion de chancellerie épiscopale en Bretagne au XIe et dans la premiÚre moitié du XIIe siÚcle

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    L’étude des actes Ă©piscopaux pose inĂ©vitablement la question de l’identitĂ© des rĂ©dacteurs d’actes et de la configuration des services Ă©piscopaux en charge de leur prĂ©paration. Dans le cas de la Bretagne, la comparaison des formulaires permet d’identifier un certain nombre d’actes comme Ă©tant soit de bĂ©nĂ©ficiaire, soit de chancellerie, mĂȘme si le fonctionnement de ces derniĂšres, malgrĂ© une Ă©tude minutieuse des actes, reste assez nĂ©buleux. L’étude de certains actes problĂ©matiques amĂšne Ă  remettre en cause une rĂ©partition trop rigide entre les deux types d’acte au profit d’une approche plus nuancĂ©e des rapports entre Ă©vĂȘque et bĂ©nĂ©ficiaire quant Ă  leur rĂ©daction.Studying episcopal acta, we have to determine who did write them and what was the configuration of episcopal services in charge of their redaction. Concerning Brittany, comparisons of formularies teach us that some acta were written by the beneficiary, and others by the chancery, but, in spite of a detailed study of acta, we hardly know how the latters did work. The study of a few problematic acta brings us to reconsider this rigid frame and to developp a less blunt approach of relations between bishops and beneficiaries, concerning their redaction

    Refining the Stellar Parameters of τ\tau Ceti: a Pole-on Solar Analog

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    To accurately characterize the planets a star may be hosting, stellar parameters must first be well-determined. τ\tau Ceti is a nearby solar analog and often a target for exoplanet searches. Uncertainties in the observed rotational velocities have made constraining τ\tau Ceti's inclination difficult. For planet candidates from radial velocity (RV) observations, this leads to substantial uncertainties in the planetary masses, as only the minimum mass (msin⁥im \sin i) can be constrained with RV. In this paper, we used new long-baseline optical interferometric data from the CHARA Array with the MIRC-X beam combiner and extreme precision spectroscopic data from the Lowell Discovery Telescope with EXPRES to improve constraints on the stellar parameters of τ\tau Ceti. Additional archival data were obtained from a Tennessee State University Automatic Photometric Telescope and the Mount Wilson Observatory HK project. These new and archival data sets led to improved stellar parameter determinations, including a limb-darkened angular diameter of 2.019±0.0122.019 \pm 0.012 mas and rotation period of 46±446 \pm 4 days. By combining parameters from our data sets, we obtained an estimate for the stellar inclination of 7±7∘7\pm7^\circ. This nearly-pole-on orientation has implications for the previously-reported exoplanets. An analysis of the system dynamics suggests that the planetary architecture described by Feng et al. (2017) may not retain long-term stability for low orbital inclinations. Additionally, the inclination of τ\tau Ceti reveals a misalignment between the inclinations of the stellar rotation axis and the previously-measured debris disk rotation axis (idisk=35±10∘i_\mathrm{disk} = 35 \pm 10^\circ).Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables, 1 appendix, accepted for publication to A

    Cujus diocesis, ejus diplomatica? The different uses of pragmatic literacy by diocesan power holders in Brittany (990-1215)

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    FondĂ©e sur une approche comparatiste des neuf diocĂšses constitutifs du duchĂ© de Bretagne, cette Ă©tude se donne pour but d’explorer les rapports qu’entretiennent les diffĂ©rents pouvoirs diocĂ©sains (Ă©vĂȘques, chapitres, archidiacres, doyens) avec l’écrit diplomatique entre le relĂšvement de l’église bretonne Ă  la fin du Xe siĂšcle et le concile de Latran IV. Une premiĂšre sĂ©quence chronologique voit le dĂ©veloppement de l’écrit accompagner aussi bien l’affermissement du pouvoir Ă©piscopal dans le contexte de la rĂ©forme pontificale que l’expansion monastique ligĂ©rienne en Bretagne ; les solutions envisagĂ©es sont toutefois trĂšs variĂ©es d’un diocĂšse Ă  l’autre, la plupart ignorant tout Ă  fait l’acte diplomatique pendant tout le XIe siĂšcle, quand d’autres se dotent d’une chancellerie organisĂ©e dĂ©veloppant une vĂ©ritable politique documentaire. Les annĂ©es 1090 voient se dessiner un mouvement de convergence vers des usages plus homogĂšnes de l’écrit, par acculturation progressive de tous les diocĂšses Ă  un modĂšle trĂšs liĂ© aux idĂ©aux ecclĂ©siaux romains et en partie diffusĂ©s par les moines bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires des actes. Ce n’est toutefois que dans les annĂ©es 1150 que l’écrit devient un outil de gouvernement habituel dans les diocĂšses bretons, mouvement qui s’accompagne d’une standardisation de plus en plus marquĂ©e des formulaires et de l’affirmation de la dimension juridique voire juridictionnelle des actes, tandis qu’accĂšdent Ă  l’écrit les autres dĂ©tenteurs d’autoritĂ© diocĂ©saine. L’approche comparatiste met cependant en exergue la grande disparitĂ© d’un bout Ă  l’autre de la Bretagne, entre une zone est beaucoup plus familiĂšre de l’écrit qu’une zone ouest oĂč il reste plus rare.Based on a comparative approach of the nine constituent dioceses of the Duchy of Brittany, this study aims to explore the relationship between holders of diocesan power (bishops, chapters, archdeacons, deans) and diplomatic writing from the time of the rise of the Breton church at the end of the 10th century until the Fourth Lateran Council. A first chronological phase sees the development of writing arising from both the strengthening of episcopal power in the context of pontifical reform and the monastic expansion from the Loire Valley into Brittany. This development is very variable from one diocese to another; while most of them completely ignore diplomatic acta right up to the very end of the 11th century, others equip themselves with an organized chancery developing a real documentary policy. In the 1090’s we begin to see a movement of convergence towards more homogeneous uses of written language through the gradual assimilation by all dioceses of a model that was closely linked to Roman ecclesiastic ideals which were partly disseminated by the monks who were beneficiaries of the acta. It was only in the 1150’s, however, that written acta become a habitual tool of governance in the Breton dioceses. This evolution is accompanied by a marked increase in the standardization of terms and a strengthening of the legal and judicial dimension of the acta and sees at the same time other holders of diocesan authority beginning to issue their own charters. What this comparative approach does highlight, however, is the great disparity across Brittany, between an eastern area that is much more accustomed to writing communication and a western area where it remains more rare

    Développement d'une méthode de prédiction du bruit de choc des orniÚres

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    Pas de résuméThis work aims at developing a statistical prediction method for BroadBand Shock-Associated Noise (BBSAN), following recent work from NASA and Boeing. The approach is similar to studies performed for mixing noise models.First, a methodology has been developed to compute the mean turbulent _ow _eld using the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations. These equations are solved with elsA, a solver developed by ONERA. Most calculations have been performed on academic configurations. An extensive test campaign has been conducted on these configurations at Ecole Centrale de Lyon (ECL), so that calculations have been thoroughly compared to measurements. Mainly, two operating conditions have been tested. The first one is a jet at Mj = 1:15. This condition is typical of a civil engine in cruise. The second operating condition is a jet at Mj = 1:35, which rather concerns military engines.An acoustic model has been developed. It uses the RANS calculation as an input to compute Power Spectrum Densities (PSDs). The intermediate version of the model does not account for refraction effects: acoustic sources are propagated to the far-field using a free field Green's function. As will be seen, this gives good results on simple configurations.The model has been extended to account for refraction effects. This is achieved by computing a Green's function tailored to the problem. A ray tracing method coupled to an adjoint approach has been used to evaluate the Green's function. The computation of the Green's function has been validated for simple cases. The Green's function calculation has been coupled to the acoustic model. PSDs including refraction effects on dual-streamjets are presented

    Teddy VĂ©ron. L’intĂ©gration des Mauges Ă  l’Anjou au XIe siĂšcle, 2007

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    Henry Cyprien. Teddy VĂ©ron. L’intĂ©gration des Mauges Ă  l’Anjou au XIe siĂšcle, 2007. In: BibliothĂšque de l'Ă©cole des chartes. 2008, tome 166, livraison 2. pp. 589-591

    Développement d'une méthode de prédiction du bruit de choc des orniÚres

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    Pas de résuméThis work aims at developing a statistical prediction method for BroadBand Shock-Associated Noise (BBSAN), following recent work from NASA and Boeing. The approach is similar to studies performed for mixing noise models.First, a methodology has been developed to compute the mean turbulent _ow _eld using the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations. These equations are solved with elsA, a solver developed by ONERA. Most calculations have been performed on academic configurations. An extensive test campaign has been conducted on these configurations at Ecole Centrale de Lyon (ECL), so that calculations have been thoroughly compared to measurements. Mainly, two operating conditions have been tested. The first one is a jet at Mj = 1:15. This condition is typical of a civil engine in cruise. The second operating condition is a jet at Mj = 1:35, which rather concerns military engines.An acoustic model has been developed. It uses the RANS calculation as an input to compute Power Spectrum Densities (PSDs). The intermediate version of the model does not account for refraction effects: acoustic sources are propagated to the far-field using a free field Green's function. As will be seen, this gives good results on simple configurations.The model has been extended to account for refraction effects. This is achieved by computing a Green's function tailored to the problem. A ray tracing method coupled to an adjoint approach has been used to evaluate the Green's function. The computation of the Green's function has been validated for simple cases. The Green's function calculation has been coupled to the acoustic model. PSDs including refraction effects on dual-streamjets are presented.LYON-Ecole Centrale (690812301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Développement d'une méthode de prédiction du bruit de choc des orniÚres

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    Pas de résuméThis work aims at developing a statistical prediction method for BroadBand Shock-Associated Noise (BBSAN), following recent work from NASA and Boeing. The approach is similar to studies performed for mixing noise models.First, a methodology has been developed to compute the mean turbulent _ow _eld using the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations. These equations are solved with elsA, a solver developed by ONERA. Most calculations have been performed on academic configurations. An extensive test campaign has been conducted on these configurations at Ecole Centrale de Lyon (ECL), so that calculations have been thoroughly compared to measurements. Mainly, two operating conditions have been tested. The first one is a jet at Mj = 1:15. This condition is typical of a civil engine in cruise. The second operating condition is a jet at Mj = 1:35, which rather concerns military engines.An acoustic model has been developed. It uses the RANS calculation as an input to compute Power Spectrum Densities (PSDs). The intermediate version of the model does not account for refraction effects: acoustic sources are propagated to the far-field using a free field Green's function. As will be seen, this gives good results on simple configurations.The model has been extended to account for refraction effects. This is achieved by computing a Green's function tailored to the problem. A ray tracing method coupled to an adjoint approach has been used to evaluate the Green's function. The computation of the Green's function has been validated for simple cases. The Green's function calculation has been coupled to the acoustic model. PSDs including refraction effects on dual-streamjets are presented.LYON-Ecole Centrale (690812301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Stochastic prediction of broadband shock-associated noise including propagation effects

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    International audienceNoise reduction is a major concern for engine manufacturers like Snecma. During the cruise phase, Broadband Shock-Associated Noise (BBSAN) originating from the aft of civil engines has been identified as an important source of noise. Within this framework, Snecma wishes to improve its prediction capabilities of BBSAN. A statistical model which uses a RANS calculation for input is being developed. The model is applicable to both single-stream and dual-stream engines. BBSAN sources are located in the mixing layers between primary and secondary streams and between secondary and flight streams. When the acoustic waves propagate from the sources to the ambient medium, they are refracted by the mean flow gradients. This propagation effect is taken into account using a ray tracing approach. The final paper will present the acoustic results on a dual-stream configuration. It will include thorough comparisons with measurements on the same configuration to assess the validity of the model

    La reconstruction administrative, politique et judiciaire

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    Contrairement aux problĂ©matiques des destructions liĂ©es au premier conflit mondial, des populations occupĂ©es, des reconstructions industrielle, agricole, urbaine, et des dommages de guerre, largement abordĂ©es ces vingt derniĂšres annĂ©es par les historiens, les reconstructions administrative, politique et judiciaire demeurent un vaste champ d’étude en friche. De la diversitĂ© des situations de guerre, dont celle de l’Alsace-Moselle est la plus exceptionnelle, provient Ă©galement une gradation dan..

    HUGO. L'outil numérique au service du patrimoine judiciaire

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    L’appel d’offre « Droit, justice et numĂ©rique » publiĂ© par le GIP « Mission de recherche Droit et Justice » invitant aussi bien Ă  la rĂ©alisation d’outils qu’à une rĂ©flexion sur le numĂ©rique, le projet « HUGO. Patrimoine des lieux de justice » entendait porter l’un et l’autre avec la mise au point d’un service numĂ©rique inĂ©dit dans le champ judiciaire par son organisation collaborative et son ouverture au recueil de contributions spontanĂ©es. BaptisĂ© HUGO, cet outil librement accessible en ligne est Ă  la fois un instrument de rĂ©colement et de valorisation du patrimoine judiciaire (lieux de jugement et lieux d’exĂ©cution des peines). Son implĂ©mentation progressive contribue Ă  une meilleure connaissance collective et partagĂ©e des lieux de justice dans un cadre pluridisciplinaire et dans une perspective participative qui permet de fĂ©dĂ©rer les recherches menĂ©es dans plusieurs disciplines et par diffĂ©rents acteurs compĂ©tents sur le sujet (historiens, historiens de l’art, archivistes, professionnels de la justice, etc.). HUGO vise ainsi Ă  prĂ©senter un tableau patrimonial inĂ©dit du parc judiciaire et pĂ©nitentiaire français actif, quel que soit le type d’édifice (ancien ou contemporain). Le projet est Ă©galement ouvert aux pĂ©riodes anciennes et Ă  l’international. Le recueil d’informations sur plus de 370 lieux de justice nous a permis d’ouvrir une rĂ©flexion sur les sources du recueil de donnĂ©es et sur la notion de « lieu » de justice et sur celle de « patrimoine judiciaire », son Ă©tendue et ses liaisons avec la mĂ©moire sociale, la patrimonialisation du passĂ© et la recherche en histoire. Nous livrons ainsi un point sur l’historiographie de l’architecture judiciaire, qui reste la principale voie d’accĂšs Ă  la patrimonialisation des lieux et ce, malgrĂ© une reconnaissance encore fragile de la valeur du bĂąti existant. Des regards croisĂ©s sur le patrimoine judiciaire sont Ă©galement engagĂ©s, Ă  partir d’un lieu en cours de fouille archĂ©ologique (chĂąteau de Gaillon), d’un domaine judiciaire (les lieux de prises en charge pour les mineurs) et d’une aire gĂ©ographique (la Guyane et ses bagnes). La conclusion pose la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’une approche interdisciplinaire et d’une perception extensive de la notion de « patrimoine judiciaire ». Son dĂ©veloppement et sa reconnaissance pourrait en faire une prĂ©cieuse ressource didactique pour Ă©laborer une histoire publique de la justice