3 research outputs found

    Sugar sensing responses to low and high light in leaves of the C4 model grass Setaria viridis

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    Although sugar regulate photosynthesis, the signalling pathways underlying this process remain elusive, especially for C4 crops. To address this knowledge gap and identify potential candidate genes, we treated Setaria viridis (C4 model) plants acclimated to medium light intensity (ML, 500 µmol m-2 s-1) with low (LL, 50 µmol m-2 s-1) or high (HL, 1000 µmol m-2 s-1) light for 4 days and observed the consequences on carbon metabolism and the transcriptome of source leaves. LL impaired photosynthesis and reduced leaf content of signalling sugars (glucose, sucrose and trehalose-6-phosphate). Contrastingly, HL strongly induced sugar accumulation without repressing photosynthesis. LL more profoundly impacted leaf transcriptome, including photosynthetic genes. LL and HL contrastingly altered the expression of HXK and SnRK1 sugar sensors and trehalose pathway genes. The expression of key target genes of HXK and SnRK1 were affected by LL and sugar depletion, while surprisingly HL and strong sugar accumulation only slightly repressed the SnRK1 signalling pathway. In conclusion, we demonstrate that LL profoundly impacted photosynthesis and the transcriptome of S. viridis source leaves, while HL altered sugar levels more than LL. We also present the first evidence that sugar signalling pathways in C4 source leaves may respond to light intensity and sugar accumulation differently to C3 source leaves

    Characterization and expression analysis under bending and other abiotic factors of PtaZFP2, a poplar gene encoding a Cys2/His2 zinc finger protein

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    In plants, mechanoperception and transduction of mechanical signals have been studied essentially in Arabidopsis thaliana L. and Lycopersicon esculentum L. plants, i.e., in nonwoody plants. Here, we have described the isolation of both the full-length cDNA and the regulatory region of PtaZFP2, encoding a member of Cys2/His2 zinc finger protein (ZFP) family in Populus tremula L.x Populus alba L. Time course analysis of expression demonstrated that PtaZFP2 mRNA accumulated as early as 5 min in response to a controlled stem bending and is restricted to the organ where the mechanical stimulus is applied. The real-time quantitative Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction experiments showed that PtaZFP2 was also rapidly up-regulated in poplar stems in response to gravitropism suggesting that PtaZFP2 is induced by different mechanical signals. Abundance of PtaZFP2 transcripts also increased highly in response to wounding and to a weaker extent to salt treatment and cold, which is consistent with the numerous putative cis-elements found in its regulatory region. As in other species, these data suggest that Cys2/His2 ZFPs could function in poplar as key transcriptional regulators in the acclimation response to different environmental factors

    Regulation of RhSUC2, a sucrose transporter, is correlated with the light control of bud burst in Rosa sp.

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    In roses, light is a central environmental factor controlling bud break and involves a stimulation of sugar metabolism. Very little is known about the role of sucrose transporters in the bud break process and its regulation by light. In this study, we show that sugar promotes rose bud break and that bud break is accompanied by an import of sucrose. Radio-labelled sucrose accumulation is higher in buds exposed to light than to darkness and involves an active component. Several sucrose transporter (RhSUC1, 2, 3 and 4) transcripts are expressed in rose tissues, but RhSUC2 transcript level is the only one induced in buds exposed to light after removing the apical dominance. RhSUC2 is preferentially expressed in bursting buds and stems. Functional analyses in baker's yeast demonstrate that RhSUC2 encodes a sucrose/proton co-transporter with a Km value of 2.99 mm at pH 4.5 and shows typical features of sucrose symporters. We therefore propose that bud break photocontrol partly depends upon the modulation of sucrose import into buds by RhSUC2