155 research outputs found

    How streaming platforms can bring 2D animation back

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    In this paper, we analyse how streaming platforms, especially Netflix, have been changing the cinema industry and what role they can play in the revival of 2D animation. Firstly, we describe a brief history of 2D animation and link it to the proliferation of the streaming platforms that have been actively changing the media landscape. After this, we explain how these platforms work and how they might benefit the streaming industry, the spectator and the creator. We use the example of the live action film Roma to show how these platforms are helping independent films and creators to thrive. We also explain how these platforms can give 2D animation a boost, since this industry is growing a lot in the independent world of animated cinema. Moreover, we also show how these companies are ready to receive different kinds of content by using the example of the 2D animation film Klaus (2019) and statements by Sergio Pablos, the director of the film, that demonstrate that these companies give the freedom to animators to produce their films and experiment in creating different narratives or even styles. Another important aspect mentioned in this paper is how these platforms are helping to introduce to the general audience different genres and styles of animation and why 2D animation can still prevail. In this paper we also point out how different companies act towards the animation industry. We compare Disney Plus, a company that reutilizes old content for their platform, and Netflix that strives towards creating new animations. We also show how this might be helpful for companies to invest on animation films that are more experimental. We finish by bringing up the importance of animators in doing their work with these platforms and of these platforms, investing in animation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A minha casa tem muitas janelas

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    Este relatório apresenta uma descrição do processo da realização do episódio piloto e da criação do conceito da série de animação 2D digital A Minha Casa tem Muitas Janelas. Este projeto foi realizado no âmbito da conclusão do Mestrado em Som e Imagem com especialização em Animação. Este documento começa por descrever os principais objetivos e as motivações que levaram à criação deste projeto. De seguida, apresenta-se uma descrição da série criada para conseguir concretizar os objetivos pretendidos. Além disso, apresenta-se também uma breve sinopse do episódio piloto já desenvolvido, intitulado “Dona Madalena”. Após isto, serão apresentadas as referências que influenciaram a narrativa e o estilo visual quer da série, quer do episódio produzido durante este ano letivo 2021/2022. Além disso, serão apresentadas as metodologias utilizadas para concretizar este projeto e os cronogramas para ele. Na terceira fase deste relatório, conta-se o processo da realização do trabalho com mais pormenor, dividindo-o em três fases de produção. Na pré-produção, descreve-se as ideias iniciais para o trabalho, o contexto da origem da ideia escolhida, a criação da narrativa, personagens, escrita de argumento, realização do storyboard e do animatic e os apresentam-se os desenhos de concept art. A seguinte fase é a da produção que explica como foi feito trabalho de animação e concretização prática do episódio piloto. Quanto à pós-produção, incluí todo o processo de correção, edição, montagem e divulgação do projeto. A última parte deste relatório apresenta uma reflexão sobre o processo da concretização do projeto, as aprendizagens feitas e os problemas que surgiram ao longo do ano. Finalmente, este documento apresenta uma descrição de todo trabalho desenvolvido para conseguir, incluindo imagens que mostram todo o processo.This report describes the process of producing the pilot episode and creating the concept for the 2D digital animated series A Minha Casa Tem Muitas Janelas (My Home has Many Windows). This was the final project done for the Masters in Sound and Image with specialization in Animation. This document starts by describing the main goals and motivations that led to the creation of the project. After that, it is explained how the series was created in a way that made it possible to achieve the desired goals. In addition, this report includes a brief synopsis of the pilot episode already developmed, entitled “Dona Madalena”. Thereafter, we will be presenting the references that influenced the narrative and the visual style of the series and the episode produced during this school year, 2021/2022. Moreover, we will describe the methodologies used to make this project and the timelines for it. In the third part of the report, we will explain the process of making this work in further detail, dividing it into three stages. On the pre-production phase, we will describe the initial ideas for this project, the context for the origin of the idea chosen, the creation of the narrative, the characters, the writing of the script, the making of the storyboard and the animatic. We will also show some of the concept art. The following phase, the production, explains how the animation work was made and the practical creation of the pilot episode. The post-production phase includes a description of the correction, editing and promotion of the project. The last part of this report is a reflection on this whole process, what was learned and the problems that were faced. Finally, this document is a description of the whole work done for this project, including images that show the whole process

    A produção de café em Timor-Leste e a sua comercialização

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    O café é importante para Timor Leste porque é o principal produto de expor- tação no sector agrícola, apresenta-se como a maior fonte de rendimento para os agricultores nos distritos, sub-distritos, sucos e aldeias e dinamiza a activi- dade das principais empresas compradoras e exportadoras. A cultura de café em Timor Leste é muito mais um processo orestalquepomıˊcola.Esteartigotemcomoobjectivoanalisarereorestal que pomícola. Este artigo tem como objectivo analisar e reectir sobre o sector do café em Timor Leste, realçando aspectos relacionados com a sua produção e comer- cialização, e ainda sobre a competitividade e vantagem comparativa do sector. O método utilizado para recolha de dados primários foi a observação directa das operações de um dos intervenientes no mercado de exportação de café, a empresa Timorcorp LTD e entrevista a pessoas chave. A função da empresa Timorcorp é de comprador e exportador de café. A empresa compra café pergaminho através dos seus intermediários em todos os distritos e processa para café verde na sua fábrica em Díli. A empresa paga aos intermediários e estes aos agricultores. A empresa exporta café para os EUA, Alemanha, Singapura, Portugal e Macau. A quantidade de café exportado é maior para a Alemanha. O ano de maior exportação de café arábica foi 2008 e de robusta foi 2004. A exportação de café arábica de segunda qualidade representa metade de produção, sendo a primeira qualidade cerca de um terço. Cerca de um sexto das exportações de café de Timor Leste é da responsabilidade da Timorcorp LTD. Existe espaço para aumentar a produção e a qualidade do café, bem como o rendimento dos produtores através de intervenções na formação dos agricultores, no sistema de produção e transformação, na construção de infraestruturas, na transparência dos mercados e em actividades complementares à cultura do café. Para os distritos produtores de café, esta actividade pode e deve ser utilizada como motor do desenvolvimento local e os planos de desenvolvimento distrital devem ter isso em consideração


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    This study aims to characterise the evolution of vineyard production, to measure the levels of technical efficiency, and to relate these with farmers and farms attributes. The sample used is composed of a panel of vineyard farms, for the period 2000-2005, belonging to Portuguese Alentejo region. The methodology used to estimate technical efficiency, was the stochastic production frontier. The results showed that there are room to improve the levels of technical efficiency in input use and that efficiency is variant with time. It was observed that technical efficiency increases with economic size and net farm income, as well as with family entrepreneurship.efficiency, parametric, vineyard, Crop Production/Industries, Farm Management,

    Contribuição para o debate sobre a sustentabilidade da agricultura angolana

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    Angola é um dos países com maior potencial de desenvolvimento do con- tinente africano, continuando no entanto a depender fortemente das impor- tações, nomeadamente de produtos alimentares. No âmbito da “Estratégia Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional” (ENSAN) para Angola e para o período 2009-2013, os dois primeiros objectivos especí&cos re'ectem a necessidade de aumentar e diversi&car a produção agro-pecuária de forma sustentável, melhorando o abastecimento alimentar da população e as condições de vida do meio rural, e ainda a garantia de disponibilidade da oferta de produtos alimentares, interligando zonas com excedentes e zonas de maior procura e poder de consumo. Para a concretização de tais objectivos especí&cos da ENSAN, o Governo traçou metas para o desenvolvimento da agricultura em Angola, tendo delineado um conjunto de actividades e de acções, integradas em eixos estratégicos transversais aos objectivos de&nidos, a desenvolver no período 2009-2013. Neste artigo pretende-se discutir e analisar instrumentos de política con- ducentes à concretização daqueles objectivos. Neste sentido serão analisados os vários indicadores socioeconómicos an- golanos, as potencialidades agrárias do país e o estado actual do sector agrícola


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    Livestock production in Timor-Leste is predominantly familiar being chickens, pigs, goats, cattle, horses, buffaloes and sheep the main species. The livestock species play very important economic and sociocultural roles for the well-being of rural households, such as food supply, source of income, asset saving, source of employment, soil fertility, livelihoods, transport, agricultural traction, agricultural diversification and sustainable agricultural production. The aim of this work was to identify and characterize the different roles that livestock and livestock species play in rural communities of Timor-Leste, highlighting the importance of animal production for the wellbeing and rural development, and relate the functions performed by livestock production with economic, social and cultural attributes of the communities. The data used in this study were collected in 2011 through a questionnaire survey in three rural communities in the district of Bobonaro -mountain area, irrigation plain and coastal zone, and were complemented with secondary dat

    Positive Mathematical Programming: a Comparison of Different Specification Rules

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    In this paper, the prescriptive capacity of different types of positive mathematical programming models applied to the Alentejo agricultural sector is analysed. Model results are compared for 2000 and 2004 agricultural price and subsidies scenarios, regarding optimal combination of activities. Thus, it is tested, on one hand, models capacity to reproduce Alentejo agricultural sector behaviour, and by the other hand, their response and adjustment capacities to changes in prices and in agricultural policy.Positive mathematical programming, agricultural supply, Alentejo, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Pre-service teachers’ experiences in selecting and proposing challenging tasks in secondary classrooms

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    This study aims to know if pre-service secondary school mathematics teachers are able to select, adapt or design appropriate challenging tasks and what are the main challenges that they face when working with challenging tasks in the classroom. The study is qualitative, based on observation and interviews. The participants are two preservice teachers at the 2nd (and final) year of their master of teaching degree. The results show that the preservice teachers, albeit facing several constrains, were able to find and adapt interesting tasks. They also identified several challenges in this activity, in the planning phase, during students’ autonomous work and, most especially, during the whole class discussions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Burden of disease estimation based on Escherichia coli quantification in ready-to-eat meals served in Portuguese institutional canteens

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    Research Areas: Food Science & TechnologyShiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) and enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) are associated with the onset of gastroenteritis with different severities, and STEC has been associated with other sequelae, such as hemolytic uremic syndrome and end stage renal disease. The main goal of this study was to estimate the annual foodborne burden of disease associated with STEC, ETEC and EPEC infection based on E. coli quantification results obtained in the routine analysis of ready-to-eat meals served in institutional canteens from 2018 to 2019. A stochastic Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) model was used to estimate the expected number of cases per health outcome and Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs). Assuming a daily consumption of a whole meal portion (450 g), the estimated burden was of 4.2 x 10-3 DALYs/person/year for STEC infection, 2.82 x 10-4 DALYs/person/year for ETEC infection and 7.91 x 10-6 DALYs/person/year for EPEC infection. Additionally, using the Sobol method, the sensitivity analysis revealed that the factors with higher influence on the final output (DALYs) were the pathotype's prevalence for the STEC model, the number of people exposed to the hazard for the ETEC model and E. coli concentrations for the EPEC modelinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pre-service teachers’ experiences in selecting and proposing challenging tasks in secondary classrooms

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    International audienceThis study aims to know if pre-service secondary school mathematics teachers are able to select, adapt or design appropriate challenging tasks and what are the main challenges that they face when working with challenging tasks in the classroom. The study is qualitative, based on observation and interviews. The participants are two preservice teachers at the 2nd (and final) year of their master of teaching degree. The results show that the preservice teachers, albeit facing several constrains, were able to find and adapt interesting tasks. They also identified several challenges in this activity, in the planning phase, during students’ autonomous work and, most especially, during the whole class discussions