24 research outputs found

    Development and implementation of the AIDA International Registry for patients with Periodic Fever, Aphthous stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and cervical Adenitis syndrome

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    Objective: Aim of this paper is to illustrate the methodology, design, and development of the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) International Registry dedicated to patients with the Periodic Fever, Aphthous stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and cervical Adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome. Methods: This is a physician-driven, non-population- and electronic-based registry proposed to gather real-world demographics, clinical, laboratory, instrumental and socioeconomic data from PFAPA patients. Data recruitment is realized through the on-line Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool. This registry is thought to collect standardized information for clinical research leading to solid real-life evidence. The international scope and the flexibility of the registry will facilitate the realization of cutting-edge study projects through the constant updating of variables and the possible merging and transfer of data between current and future PFAPA registries. Results: A total of 112 centers have already been involved from 23 countries and 4 continents starting from August 24th, 2021, to April 6th, 2022. In total 56/112 have already obtained the formal approval from their local Ethics Committees. The platform counts 321 users (113 principal investigators, 203 site investigators, two lead investigators, and three data managers). The registry collects retrospective and prospective data using 3,856 fields organized into 25 instruments, including PFAPA patient's demographics, medical histories, symptoms, triggers/risk factors, therapies, and impact on the healthcare systems. Conclusions: The development of the AIDA International Registry for PFAPA patients will enable the on-line collection of standardized data prompting real-life studies through the connection of worldwide groups of physicians and researchers. This project can be found on NCT 05200715

    Preliminary data revealing efficacy of Streptococcus salivarius K12 (SSK12) in Periodic Fever, Aphthous stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and cervical Adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome: A multicenter study from the AIDA Network PFAPA syndrome registry

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    Objective: To evaluate the potential role of Streptococcus salivarius K12 (SSK12) in controlling febrile flares in patients with Periodic Fever, Aphthous stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and cervical Adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome. Further aims were to assess the impact of SSK12 on (i) flare duration, (ii) variation in the degree of the highest body temperature during flares, (iii) steroid-sparing effect, and (iv) change of PFAPA accompanying symptoms before and after SSK12 introduction. Patients and methods: The medical charts from 85 pediatric patients with PFAPA syndrome (49 males and 36 females) enrolled in the AIDA registry and treated with SSK12 for a median period of 6.00 ± 7.00 months in the period between September 2017 and May 2022 were examined. Children recruited had a median time of disease duration of 19.00 ± 28.00 months. Results: The number of febrile flares significantly decreased comparing the 12 months before [median (IQR), 13.00 (6.00)] and after SSK12 initiation [median (IQR), 5.50 (8.00), p < 0.001]. The duration of fever was significantly reduced from 4.00 (2.00) days to 2.00 (2.00) days [p < 0.001]. Similarly, the highest temperature in°C was found significantly lower in the last follow-up assessment [median (IQR), 39.00 (1.00)] compared to the period prior to SSK12 start [median (IQR), 40.00 (1.00), p < 0.001]. Steroid load (mg/year) of betamethasone (or any equivalent steroid) significantly decreased between 12 months before treatment with SSK12 [median (IQR), 5.00 (8.00) mg/year] and the last follow-up visit [median (IQR), 2.00 (4.00) mg/year, p < 0.001]. The number of patients experiencing symptoms including pharyngitis/tonsillitis (p < 0.001), oral aphthae (p < 0.001) and cervical lymphadenopathy (p < 0.001) significantly decreased following SSK12. Conclusion: SSK12 prophylaxis given for at least 6.00 months was found to reduce febrile flares of PFAPA syndrome: in particular, it halved the total number per year of fever flares, shortened the duration of the single febrile episode, lowered body temperature by 1°C in the febrile flare, provided a steroid-sparing effect, and significantly reduced the accompanying symptoms related to the syndrome

    Efficacy of canakinumab in patients with Still's disease across different lines of biologic therapy: real-life data from the International AIDA Network Registry for Still's Disease

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    Introduction: The effectiveness of canakinumab may change according to the different times it is used after Still's disease onset. This study aimed to investigate whether canakinumab (CAN) shows differences in short- and long-term therapeutic outcomes, according to its use as different lines of biologic treatment.Methods: Patients included in this study were retrospectively enrolled from the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) International Registry dedicated to Still's disease. Seventy-seven (51 females and 26 males) patients with Still's disease were included in the present study. In total, 39 (50.6%) patients underwent CAN as a first-line biologic agent, and the remaining 38 (49.4%) patients were treated with CAN as a second-line biologic agent or subsequent biologic agent.Results: No statistically significant differences were found between patients treated with CAN as a first-line biologic agent and those previously treated with other biologic agents in terms of the frequency of complete response (p =0.62), partial response (p =0.61), treatment failure (p >0.99), and frequency of patients discontinuing CAN due to lack or loss of efficacy (p =0.2). Of all the patients, 18 (23.4%) patients experienced disease relapse during canakinumab treatment, 9 patients were treated with canakinumab as a first-line biologic agent, and nine patients were treated with a second-line or subsequent biologic agent. No differences were found in the frequency of glucocorticoid use (p =0.34), daily glucocorticoid dosage (p =0.47), or concomitant methotrexate dosage (p =0.43) at the last assessment during CAN treatment.Conclusion: Canakinumab has proved to be effective in patients with Still's disease, regardless of its line of biologic treatment

    Development and Implementation of the AIDA International Registry for Patients With Undifferentiated Systemic AutoInflammatory Diseases

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    Objective: This paper points out the design, development and deployment of the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) International Registry dedicated to pediatric and adult patients affected by Undifferentiated Systemic AutoInflammatory Diseases (USAIDs). Methods: This is an electronic registry employed for real-world data collection about demographics, clinical, laboratory, instrumental and socioeconomic data of USAIDs patients. Data recruitment, based on the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool, is designed to obtain standardized information for real-life research. The instrument is endowed with flexibility, and it could change over time according to the scientific acquisitions and potentially communicate with other similar tools; this platform ensures security, data quality and data governance. Results: The focus of the AIDA project is connecting physicians and researchers from all over the world to shed a new light on heterogeneous rare diseases. Since its birth, 110 centers from 23 countries and 4 continents have joined the AIDA project. Fifty-four centers have already obtained the approval from their local Ethics Committees. Currently, the platform counts 290 users (111 Principal Investigators, 179 Site Investigators, 2 Lead Investigators, and 2 data managers). The Registry is collecting baseline and follow-up data using 3,769 fields organized into 23 instruments, which include demographics, history, symptoms, trigger/risk factors, therapies, and healthcare information access for USAIDs patients. Conclusions: The development of the AIDA International Registry for USAIDs patients will facilitate the online collection of real standardized data, connecting a worldwide group of researchers: the Registry constitutes an international multicentre observational groundwork aimed at increasing the patient cohort of USAIDs in order to improve our knowledge of this peculiar cluster of autoinflammatory diseases

    Musculoskeletal manifestations in children with Behçet's syndrome: data from the AIDA Network Behçet's Syndrome Registry

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    This study aims to describe musculoskeletal manifestations (MSM) in children with Behçet's syndrome (BS), their association with other disease manifestations, response to therapy, and long-term prognosis. Data were retrieved from the AIDA Network Behçet's Syndrome Registry. Out of a total of 141 patients with juvenile BS, 37 had MSM at disease onset (26.2%). The median age at onset was 10.0 years (IQR 7.7). The median follow-up duration was 21.8 years (IQR 23.3). Recurrent oral (100%) and genital ulcers (67.6%) and pseudofolliculitis (56.8%) were the most common symptoms associated with MSM. At disease onset, 31 subjects had arthritis (83.8%), 33 arthralgia (89.2%), and 14 myalgia (37.8%). Arthritis was monoarticular in 9/31 cases (29%), oligoarticular in 10 (32.3%), polyarticular in 5 (16.1%), axial in 7 (22.6%). Over time, arthritis became chronic-recurrent in 67.7% of cases and 7/31 patients had joint erosions (22.6%). The median Behçet's Syndrome Overall Damage Index was 0 (range 0-4). Colchicine was inefficacious for MSM in 4/14 cases (28.6%), independently from the type of MSM (p = 0.46) or the concomitant therapy (p = 0.30 for cDMARDs, p = 1.00 for glucocorticoids); cDMARDs and bDMARDs were inefficacious for MSM in 6/19 (31.4%) and 5/12 (41.7%) cases. The presence of myalgia was associated with bDMARDs inefficacy (p = 0.014). To conclude, MSM in children with BS are frequently associated with recurrent ulcers and pseudofolliculitis. Arthritis is mostly mono- or oligoarticular, but sacroiliitis is not unusual. Prognosis of this subset of BS is overall favorable, though the presence of myalgia negatively affects response to biologic therapies. ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT05200715 (registered on December 18, 2021)

    Development and Implementation of the AIDA International Registry for Patients With Still's Disease

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    Objective: Aim of this paper is to present the design, construction, and modalities of dissemination of the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) International Registry for patients with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA) and adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD), which are the pediatric and adult forms of the same autoinflammatory disorder. Methods: This Registry is a clinical, physician-driven, population- and electronic-based instrument implemented for the retrospective and prospective collection of real-world data. The collection of data is based on the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool and is intended to obtain evidence drawn from routine patients' management. The collection of standardized data is thought to bring knowledge about real-life clinical research and potentially communicate with other existing and future Registries dedicated to Still's disease. Moreover, it has been conceived to be flexible enough to easily change according to future scientific acquisitions. Results: Starting from June 30th to February 7th, 2022, 110 Centers from 23 Countries in 4 continents have been involved. Fifty-four of these have already obtained the approval from their local Ethics Committees. Currently, the platform counts 290 users (111 Principal Investigators, 175 Site Investigators, 2 Lead Investigators, and 2 data managers). The Registry collects baseline and follow-up data using 4449 fields organized into 14 instruments, including patient's demographics, history, clinical manifestations and symptoms, trigger/risk factors, therapies and healthcare access. Conclusions: This international Registry for patients with Still's disease will allow a robust clinical research through collection of standardized data, international consultation, dissemination of knowledge, and implementation of observational studies based on wide cohorts of patients followed-up for very long periods. Solid evidence drawn from "real-life " data represents the ultimate goal of this Registry, which has been implemented to significantly improve the overall management of patients with Still's disease. NCT 05200715 available at

    Axial spondyloarthritis in patients with recurrent fever attacks: data from the AIDA network registry for undifferentiated autoInflammatory diseases (USAIDs)

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    BeckgroundDespite the recent advances in the field of autoinflammatory diseases, most patients with recurrent fever episodes do not have any defined diagnosis. The present study aims at describing a cohort of patients suffering from apparently unexplained recurrent fever, in whom non-radiographic axial spondylarthritis (SpA) represented the unique diagnosis identified after a complete clinical and radiologic assessment.Materials and methodsPatients’ data were obtained from the international registry on Undifferentiated Systemic AutoInflammatory Diseases (USAIDs) developed by the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) network.ResultsA total of 54 patients with recurrent fever episodes were also affected by non-radiographic axial SpA according to the international classification criteria. SpA was diagnosed after the start of fever episodes in all cases; the mean age at the diagnosis of axial SpA was 39.9 ± 14.8 years with a diagnostic delay of 9.3 years. The highest body temperature reached during flares was 42°C, with a mean temperature of 38.8 ± 1.1°C. The most frequent manifestations associated to fever were: arthralgia in 33 (61.1%) cases, myalgia in 24 (44.4%) cases, arthritis in 22 (40.7%) cases, headache in 15 (27.8%) cases, diarrhea in 14 (25.9%) cases, abdominal pain in 13 (24.1%) cases, and skin rash in 12 (22.1%) cases. Twenty-four (44.4%) patients have taken daily or on-demand non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and 31 (57.4%) patients have been treated with daily or on demand oral glucocorticoids. Colchicine was used in 28 (51.8%) patients, while other conventional disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (cDMARDs) were employed in 28 (51.8%) patients. Forty (74.1%) patients underwent anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) agents and 11 (20.4%) were treated with interleukin (IL)-1 inhibitors. The response to TNF inhibitors on recurrent fever episodes appeared more effective than that observed with anti-IL-1 agents; colchicine and other cDMARDs were more useful when combined with biotechnological agents.ConclusionSigns and symptoms referring to axial SpA should be inquired in patients with apparently unexplained recurrent fever episodes. The specific treatment for axial SpA may lead to a remarkable improvement in the severity and/or frequency of fever episodes in patients with unexplained fevers and concomitant axial SpA

    Risk for cancer development in familial Mediterranean fever and associated predisposing factors: an ambidirectional cohort study from the international AIDA Network registries

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    Objective: Inflammation has been associated with an increased risk for cancer development, while innate immune system activation could counteract the risk for malignancies. Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a severe systemic inflammatory condition and also represents the archetype of innate immunity deregulation. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the risk for cancer development in FMF. Methods: The risk ratio (RR) for malignancies was separately compared between FMF patients and fibromyalgia subjects, Still's disease patients and Behçet's disease patients. Clinical variables associated with cancer development in FMF patients were searched through binary logistic regression. Results: 580 FMF patients and 102 fibromyalgia subjects, 1012 Behçet's disease patients and 497 Still's disease patients were enrolled. The RR for the occurrence of malignant neoplasms was 0.26 (95% Confidence Interval [CI.] 0.10-0.73, p=0.006) in patients with FMF compared to fibromyalgia subjects; the RR for the occurrence of malignant cancer was 0.51 (95% CI. 0.23-1.16, p=0.10) in FMF compared to Still's disease and 0.60 (95% CI. 0.29-1.28, p=0.18) in FMF compared to Behçet's disease. At logistic regression, the risk of occurrence of malignant neoplasms in FMF patients was associated with the age at disease onset (ÎČ1 = 0.039, 95% CI. 0.001-0.071, p=0.02), the age at the diagnosis (ÎČ1 = 0.048, 95% CI. 0.039-0.085, p=0.006), the age at the enrolment (ÎČ1 = 0.05, 95% CI. 0.007-0.068, p=0.01), the number of attacks per year (ÎČ1 = 0.011, 95% CI. 0.001- 0.019, p=0.008), the use of biotechnological agents (ÎČ1 = 1.77, 95% CI. 0.43-3.19, p=0.009), the use of anti-IL-1 agents (ÎČ1 = 2.089, 95% CI. 0.7-3.5, p=0.002). Conclusions: The risk for cancer is reduced in Caucasic FMF patients; however, when malignant neoplasms occur, this is more frequent in FMF cases suffering from a severe disease phenotype and presenting a colchicine-resistant disease

    A patient-driven registry on Behçet’s disease: the AIDA for patients pilot project

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    IntroductionThis paper describes the creation and preliminary results of a patient-driven registry for the collection of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and patient-reported experiences (PREs) in Behçet’s disease (BD).MethodsThe project was coordinated by the University of Siena and the Italian patient advocacy organization SIMBA (Associazione Italiana Sindrome e Malattia di Behçet), in the context of the AIDA (AutoInflammatory Diseases Alliance) Network programme. Quality of life, fatigue, socioeconomic impact of the disease and therapeutic adherence were selected as core domains to include in the registry.ResultsRespondents were reached via SIMBA communication channels in 167 cases (83.5%) and the AIDA Network affiliated clinical centers in 33 cases (16.5%). The median value of the Behçet’s Disease Quality of Life (BDQoL) score was 14 (IQR 11, range 0–30), indicating a medium quality of life, and the median Global Fatigue Index (GFI) was 38.7 (IQR 10.9, range 1–50), expressing a significant level of fatigue. The mean Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ) necessity-concern differential was 0.9 ± 1.1 (range – 1.8–4), showing that the registry participants prioritized necessity belief over concerns to a limited extent. As for the socioeconomic impact of BD, in 104 out of 187 cases (55.6%), patients had to pay from their own pocket for medical exams required to reach the diagnosis. The low family socioeconomic status (p < 0.001), the presence of any major organ involvement (p < 0.031), the presence of gastro-intestinal (p < 0.001), neurological (p = 0.012) and musculoskeletal (p = 0.022) symptoms, recurrent fever (p = 0.002), and headache (p < 0.001) were associated to a higher number of accesses to the healthcare system. Multiple linear regression showed that the BDQoL score could significantly predict the global socioeconomic impact of BD (F = 14.519, OR 1.162 [CI 0.557–1.766], p < 0.001).DiscussionPreliminary results from the AIDA for Patients BD registry were consistent with data available in the literature, confirming that PROs and PREs could be easily provided by the patient remotely to integrate physician-driven registries with complementary and reliable information

    Axial spondyloarthritis in patients with recurrent fever attacks: data from the AIDA network registry for undifferentiated autoInflammatory diseases (USAIDs)

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    Beckground: Despite the recent advances in the field of autoinflammatory diseases, most patients with recurrent fever episodes do not have any defined diagnosis. The present study aims at describing a cohort of patients suffering from apparently unexplained recurrent fever, in whom non-radiographic axial spondylarthritis (SpA) represented the unique diagnosis identified after a complete clinical and radiologic assessment. Materials and methods: Patients' data were obtained from the international registry on Undifferentiated Systemic AutoInflammatory Diseases (USAIDs) developed by the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) network. Results: A total of 54 patients with recurrent fever episodes were also affected by non-radiographic axial SpA according to the international classification criteria. SpA was diagnosed after the start of fever episodes in all cases; the mean age at the diagnosis of axial SpA was 39.9 ± 14.8 years with a diagnostic delay of 9.3 years. The highest body temperature reached during flares was 42°C, with a mean temperature of 38.8 ± 1.1°C. The most frequent manifestations associated to fever were: arthralgia in 33 (61.1%) cases, myalgia in 24 (44.4%) cases, arthritis in 22 (40.7%) cases, headache in 15 (27.8%) cases, diarrhea in 14 (25.9%) cases, abdominal pain in 13 (24.1%) cases, and skin rash in 12 (22.1%) cases. Twenty-four (44.4%) patients have taken daily or on-demand non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and 31 (57.4%) patients have been treated with daily or on demand oral glucocorticoids. Colchicine was used in 28 (51.8%) patients, while other conventional disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (cDMARDs) were employed in 28 (51.8%) patients. Forty (74.1%) patients underwent anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) agents and 11 (20.4%) were treated with interleukin (IL)-1 inhibitors. The response to TNF inhibitors on recurrent fever episodes appeared more effective than that observed with anti-IL-1 agents; colchicine and other cDMARDs were more useful when combined with biotechnological agents. Conclusion: Signs and symptoms referring to axial SpA should be inquired in patients with apparently unexplained recurrent fever episodes. The specific treatment for axial SpA may lead to a remarkable improvement in the severity and/or frequency of fever episodes in patients with unexplained fevers and concomitant axial SpA