3,030 research outputs found
Development of an advisory system that supports good animal welfare in organic production in Norway
Organic agriculture wishes to emphasise animal welfare, and aims to be at the forefront with regard to promoting the welfare of farm animals. It is therefore important to increase the expertise in the field of animal welfare in organic farming systems among veterinarians, advisers and farmers. An advisory service that includes on-farm assessment of animal welfare will contribute to securing a high level of animal welfare in organic production. To meet the need for information and expertise, an advisory and development project âGood animal welfare in organic dairy farmingâ started in May 2003 and will last until the end of 2005. The projectâs main goal is to develop and establish a permanent advisory service aimed at securing a high level of animal health and welfare in organic dairy farming
Cation-anion balance in organic silage in relation to prevention of milk fever
Studies of organic farms in Norway have documented that cows in organic herds are less prone to milk fever compared to the overall average incidence of milk fever in Norway. Milk fever occurs most frequently in high-yielding cows, fat cows and older cows. On average, cows on organic farms are lower yielding, but also older. Dry cow diets relatively high in the anion chloride (Clâ) and low in the cations potassium (K+) and sodium (Na+) can prevent milk fever. In organic farming no inorganic fertilisers are used. This may result in low content of K in the plants and with that a low content of K in the fodder. Often there also is greater diversity of plants (clover, herbs, âweedsâ) in an organic meadow than in a conventional meadow. Plants vary in their uptake of different elements. One can therefore expect a different composition of minerals in organically produced fodder compared to fodder from conventionally managed fields.
Therefore, the mineral content in fodder from eight organic farms and eight conventional control farms was examined to see if low frequency of milk fever is connected to the cation-anion balance (CAB) in the fodder. Seven cows were selected from each farm. Fodder given to the cows in the dry period was analysed for Na, K and Cl, and the botanical composition of the roughage were determined. The cowsâ urinary pH was measured during the dry period, using pH-papers. The fodder was also analysed for other minerals (Ca, Mg, P, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mo) to get a broader picture of the ration. The cowsâ body condition scores in the dry period were measured.
The mean CAB in both the organic and conventional fodder was 366 mEq kg-1 DM, and the cowsâ urinary pH was around 8.5. Based on results from this project we cannot see any connection between the lower frequency of milk fever in organic milk production and CAB in organic fodder. Not unexpectedly, the organic fodder contained more Ca and Mg. There was no difference in content of Fe, Cl, Na, K, P, Mn, Zn and Cu. Several fodder samples had more then 2% K of DM. The Ca/P ratio was high, together with a relatively low content of P. Both high K content and high Ca/P ratio together with low P content are connected to increasing risk for milk fever. The results from the mineral analysis of the fodder samples indicate an unfavourable mineral composition regarding milk fever in both conventionally and organically produced fodder
Welfare assessment as part of welfare planning in organic calf production
Animalwelfare is regarded as a basic parameter in organic beefâ and milk production. It is important to focus on good animal welfare at all levels, also including calves. Experiences from former projects show that calf welfare often represents a problem in organic and conventional farms, depending on the farmerâs priorities, attitudes and knowledge. A CORE Organic project âMinimizing medicine use in organic dairy herds through animal health and welfare planningâ (ANIPLAN) was initiated in 2008 and is a collaboration between seven European countries, including Norway. The aim of the Norwegian project group, lead by the Norwegian Veterinary Institute, was to develop a calf welfare assessment system, suitable for welfare advising and planning in organic milk production farms. The system focuses on animal based parameters, management, individual clinical score, colostrum intake and feeding system
An X-ray survey of variable radio bright quasars
A sample consisting primarily of radio bright quasars was observed in X-rays with the Einstein Observatory for times ranging from 1500 to 5000 seconds. Detected sources had luminosities ranging from 0.2 to 41.0 x 10 to the 45th power ergs/sec in the 0.5 to 4.5 keV band. Three of the fourteen objects which were reobserved showed flux increases greater than a factor of two on a time scale greater than six months. No variability was detected during the individual observations. The optical and X-ray luminosities are correlated, which suggests a common origin. However, the relationship (L sub x is approximately L sub op to the (.89 + or - .15)) found for historic radio variables may be significantly different than that reported for other radio bright sources. Some of the observed X-ray fluxes were substantially below the predicted self-Compton flux, assuming incoherent synchrotron emission and using VLBI results to constrain the size of the emission region, which suggests relativistic expansion in these sources. Normal CIV emission in two of the sources with an overpredicted Compton component suggests that although they, like BL Lac objects, have highly relativistic material apparently moving at small angle to the line of sight, they have a smaller fraction of the continuum component in the beam
Studies of genes potentially involved in the induction of flowering in Festuca pratensis (Huds.)
Many plants in northern regions require a period of low temperatures and short days (called vernalisation) during the winter season to initiate the flowering process. In this experiment, some genes thought to be involved in vernalisation response and induction of flowering in meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis) has been investigated. The genes were chosen based on their possible contribution in the transition from vegetative to reproductive phase in cereals. The investigations were predominantly gene expression studies on vernalised and non-vernalised plant material from genotypes that are able to flower without vernalisation and genotypes with vernalisation requirement. These experiments were done using RT-PCR with cDNA from the different plant genotypes as templates. VRN1, a positive regulator of flowering in cereals, was up regulated by vernalisation in F. pratensis. The results also showed a connection between VRN1 expression and vernalisation requirement. Genotypic differences have been identified in the VRN1 promoter or intron 1 in cereals with differences in vernalisation requirement. These areas are suggested to contain binding sites for repressors of VRN1. The first 1kb of F. pratensis VRN1 intron 1 was sequenced and shown to be identical in the two parents of our mapping population (with different vernalisation requirement). The expression of the putative flowering repressor, MADS16, seemed to be down regulated by vernalisation in the plants that required vernalisation to flower. The plants that were able to flower without vernalisation had a MADS16 expression un-affected by vernalisation. Some investigations were also done on VRN2 (a putative repressor of VRN1 expression), PHYC (a photoreceptor), RUBQ2 (ubiquitin) and CONSTANS (a positive regulator of flowering in Arabidopsis)
Vurdering av regel om diing i tre dagar
Bakgrunnen for denne vurderinga er spĂžrsmĂ„lstillinga i HĂžringsnotat fra Mattilsynet datert 26.3.2010 â Forslag til nye regler om Ăžkologisk produksjon og merking av Ăžkologiske produkter: âBĂžr kravet om at kalven skal kunne die fra mora minst tre dager etter fĂždselen viderefĂžres, jf. §15 i forslaget til ny forskrift? Hvis ikke, bĂžr det stilles andre krav til forhold rundt behandling av kalver og diing?â. Vurderinga er gjennomfĂžrt pĂ„ oppdrag frĂ„ Regelverksutvalget for Ăžkologisk produksjon, som Ăžnska ei grundig vurdering av fordelar og ulemper knyta til §15 i samband med hĂžringa.
Vurderinga er basert pĂ„ litteratur om temaet og svar frĂ„ spĂžrjeundersĂžking om diing som vart sendt vinteren 2009/2010 til alle Ăžkologiske mjĂžlkeprodusentar. SpĂžrjeundersĂžkinga var knyta til eit kunnskapsutviklingsprosjekt ved Bioforsk Ăkologisk og Ku-kalv-prosjektet leia av VeterinĂŠrinstituttet, finansiert av MATFONDAVTALEN.
Ved Ä la kalven fÄ die morkua tilfredstiller ein dyra sin naturlege Ätferd, noko som er ein viktig del av dyras velferd i eit Þkologisk driftsopplegg. Det kan sjÄ ut som om kalvar som har dia blir meir robuste kviger som tilpasser seg lettare i ei gruppe ogsÄ etter frÄvenning. Mange studiar viser at tilveksten til kalvar aukar ved diing samanlikna med bÞttefÎring, og sÊrleg ved diing over lenger tid. Det er ogsÄ sett at mjÞlka kalven dier er feitare og har hÞgare innhald av omsetteleg energi. Det er fleire positive helsegevinstar for kalven knyta til Ä gÄ saman med morkua, samtidig som ein skal vere forsiktig med diing dersom ein har ein smittsam sjukdom eller bakterieinfeksjon i besetninga. Diing vil ogsÄ vere ein naturleg mÄte Ä tildele mjÞlk pÄ, bÄde i tal mÄltid og ved at dei fÄr suge i seg mjÞlka over lengre tid. Diing vil kunne gi auka total mjÞlkeproduksjon, og vil kunne gi betre jurhelse.
Det er tydeleg at frÄskiljing av kalven ved tre dagar eller seinare er stressande for bÄde morku og kalven. I tillegg er det ei utfordring i mange fjÞs Ä fÄ plass til at ku og kalv skal gÄ saman dei fÞrste dagane, sÊrleg om ein har bÄsfjÞs og konsentrert kalving. Fri tilgang til mjÞlk til kalvar har vore forbunde med lÄgt opptak av grovfÎr og kraftfÎr, og dermed dÄrlegare utvikling av vomma. Det ser derimot ikkje ut til at diing gir dÄrlegare utvikling av vomma til kalven. NÄr kalven fÄr rÄmjÞlk berre ved Ä die mora er det ein risiko for at kalven fÄr i seg for lite rÄmjÞlk, og dermed blir lettare sjuke. Ved Ä gi kalven ein ekstra dose rÄmjÞlk i tillegg til diing i lÞpet av dei fÞrste timane, eller ha nÞye oppfÞlging pÄ anna mÄte, vil ein sikre at kalven fÄr i seg nok rÄmjÞlk og kalvane vil kunne halde seg sunne og friske.
Det er ein del utfordringar ved Ă„ praktisere diing, men mange av utfordringane kan ein mĂžte ved praktisk tilrettelegging. Den stĂžrste utfordringa ser ut til Ă„ vĂŠre stress ved frĂ„skiljinga av ku og kalv. Det er derfor viktig at det blir sett pĂ„ gode metodar for Ă„ redusere stressnivĂ„et til bĂ„de ku og kalv, noko som mellom anna forskingsprosjektet âDeveloping robust and economically viable models for cow-calf suckling in organic dairy systems, fulfilling high standards for animal health, welfare and ethicsâ (Ku-kalv-prosjektet), leia av VeterinĂŠrinstituttet, skal jobbe med.
Vurderinga konkluderer med at kravet om diing bÞr vidarefÞrast. Ein bÞr derimot vurdere krav om ekstra tilfÞrsel av rÄmjÞlk rett etter fÞdsel i tillegg til diing, for Ä sikre at kalven fÄr tatt opp nok av dei viktige immunstoffa som sÊrleg er i den fÞrste rÄmjÞlka. NÄr ein etter kvart fÄr resultat frÄ Ku-kalv-prosjektet bÞr ein vurdere om det er forskingsresultat som tilseier at regelen om tre dagars diing bÞr takast opp til vurdering igjen, og om ein bÞr sette krav knyta til frÄskiljinga mellom ku og kalv
Abell 754: A Non-Head On Collision of Subclusters
We have analyzed spatially resolved spectra of A754 obtained with ASCA. The
combination of spectral and imaging capabilities of ASCA has set unprecedented
constraints on the hydrodynamical effects of a cluster merger. We find
significant gas temperature variations over the cluster face, indicating shock
heating of the atmosphere during the merger. The hottest region, >12 keV, is
located in the region of the Northwest galaxy clump though the entire region
along the cluster axis appears to be hotter than the mean cluster temperature
(~9 keV). The cool, ~5 keV gas originally found with the HEAO1-A2 experiment,
resides in the exterior of the cluster atmosphere and in plume of gas we
identify with a stripped cool atmosphere of the infalling subcluster. We have
also attempted to reconstruct an iron abundance map of this merging system.
Though poorly constrained, no significant deviations of abundance from the mean
value are apparent in the individual regions.
A754 is the only cluster so far which shows the significant temperature
pattern expected in a subcluster merger, in both the ROSAT (Henry & Briel 1995)
and ASCA data, providing the first possibility to compare it with theoretical
predictions. The observed temperature and surface brightness maps suggest that
the two colliding subunits have missed each other by about 1 Mpc, and are now
moving perpendicular to the cluster axis in the image plane (as, e.g., in the
simulations by Evrard etal 1996).Comment: Latex, 10 pages, 3 figures incl. color plate, uses aaspp4.sty,
flushrt.sty and pstricks.sty. Submitted to ApJ Letter
RXTE Hard X-ray Observation of A754: Constraining the Hottest Temperature Component and the Intracluster Magnetic Field
Abell 754, a cluster undergoing merging, was observed in hard X-rays with the
Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) in order to constrain its hottest
temperature component and search for evidence of nonthermal emission.
Simultaneous modeling of RXTE data and those taken with previous missions
yields an average intracluster temperature of keV in the 1-50 keV
energy band. A multi-temperature component model derived from numerical
simulations of the evolution of a cluster undergoing a merger produces similar
quality of fit, indicating that the emission measure from the very hot gas
component is sufficiently small that it renders the two models
indistinguishable. No significant nonthermal emission was detected. However,
our observations set an upper limit of
(90% confidence limit) to the nonthermal emission flux at 20 keV. Combining
this result with the radio synchrotron emission flux we find a lower limit of
0.2 G for the intracluster magnetic field. We discuss the implications of
our results for the theories of magnetic field amplifications in cluster
mergers.Comment: Accepted for Publication in the Astrophysical Journal, 22 pages, 5
Improving the Tenure Committee's Review Efficiency with Embedded Dossier Functionality
Numerous manuscripts have been published addressing perceptions of the promotion and tenure process. Very little has been published on mechanism to improve the efficiency of dossier review or tools to assist the reviewer in understanding the comprehensive scope of the applicantâs experiences. An innovative dossier format was utilized to assess the hyperlinks and pop-up tool tips would enhance the reviewer efficiency when reviewing the applicantâs materials. Super scripted numbers at the end of the narrativeâs sentences, in the same manner as a journal article, contained the embedded hyperlinks and pop-up tool tips. A majority of the reviewers found the embedded functionality in the dossier did enhance their efficiency in completing the review.
Type:Â Case Stud
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