20 research outputs found

    Psychosocial factors during the first year after a coronary heart disease event in cases and referents. Secondary Prevention in Uppsala Primary Health Care Project (SUPRIM)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A large number of studies have reported on the psychosocial risk factor pattern prior to coronary heart disease events, but few have investigated the situation during the first year after an event, and none has been controlled. We therefore performed a case-referent study in which the prevalence of a number of psychosocial factors was evaluated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three hundred and forty-six coronary heart disease male and female cases no more than 75 years of age, discharged from hospital within the past 12 months, and 1038 referents from the general population, matched to the cases by age, sex and place of living, received a postal questionnaire in which information on lifestyle, psychosocial and quality of life measures were sought.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The cases were, as expected, on sick leave to a larger extent than the referents, reported poorer fitness, poorer perceived health, fewer leisure time activities, but unexpectedly reported better social support, and more optimistic views of the future than the referents. There were no significant case-referent differences in everyday life stress, stressful life events, vital exhaustion, depressive mood, coping or life orientation test. However, women reported less favourable situations than men regarding stressful life events affecting others, vital exhaustion, depressive mood, coping, self-esteem, sleep, and symptom reporting, and female cases reported the most unfavourable situation of all groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this first controlled study of the situation during the first year after a CHD event disease and gender status both appeared to be determinants of psychological well-being, with gender status apparently the strongest. This may have implications for cardiac rehabilitation programmes.</p

    Operating Organic Electronics via Aqueous Electric Double Layers

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    The field of organic electronics emerged in the 1970s with the discovery of conducting polymers. With the introduction of plastics as conductors and semiconductors came many new possibilities both in production and function of electronic devices. Polymers can often be processed from solution and their softness provides both the possibility of working on flexible substrates, and various advantages in interfacing with other soft materials, e.g. biological samples and specimens. Conducting polymers readily partake in chemical and electrochemical reactions, providing an opportunity to develop new electrochemicallydriven devices, but also posing new problems for device engineers. The work of this thesis has focused on organic electronic devices in which aqueous electrolytes are an active component, but still operating in conditions where it is desirable to avoid electrochemical reactions. Interfacing with aqueous electrolytes occurs in a wide variety of settings, but we have specifically had biological environments in mind as they necessarily involve the presence of water. The use of liquid electrolytes also provides the opportunity to deliver and change the device electrolyte continuously, e.g. through microfluidic systems, which could then be used as a dynamic feature and/or be used to introduce and change analytes for sensors. Of particular interest is the electric double layer at the interface between the electrolyte and other materials in the device,  specifically its sensitivity to charge reorganization and high capacitance. The thesis first focuses on organic field effect transistors gated through aqueous electrolytes. These devices are proposed as biosensors with the transistor architecture providing a direct transduction and amplification so that it can be electrically read out. It is discussed both how to distinguish between the various operating mechanisms in electrolyte thin film transistors and how to choose a strategy to achieve the desired mechanism. Two different strategies to suppress ion penetration into, and thus electrochemical doping of, the organic semiconductor are presented. The second focus of the thesis is on polarization of ferroelectric polymer films through electrolytes. A model for the interaction between the remnant ferroelectric charge in the polymer film and the mobile ionic charges of the electrolyte is presented, and verified experimentally. The reorientation of the ferroelectric polarization via the electric double layer is also demonstrated in a regenerative medicine application; the ferroelectric polarization is shown to affect cell binding, and is used as a gentle method to nondestructively detach cells from a culture substrate

    HiFi Radar Target : High fidelity soft targets and radar simulation for more efficient testing (real and virtual)

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    The 77 GHz radar is a crucial sensor in the Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) and Autonomous Driving (AD) system due to its ability to detect and track objects at distances up to 200 meters. To ensure high reliability of the radar function, extensive testing with soft surrogate targets is needed. However, the radar response of a surrogate target may differ from that of real targets, causing unexpected reactions of the ADAS and AD functions in real traffic situations. The first project goal was therefore to develop and validate realistic soft surrogate targets, a work which was performed in several steps. First radar reference targets were designed and verified. Secondly procedures for calibration of automotive radars were developed. Finally, a thorough investigation on Radar Cross Section (RCS) characterization methods for large test objects on the test track was conducted resulting in several measurement setups and measurement procedures including uncertainty analysis. Now, with the ability to perform repeatable and reliable RCS characterizations, several real and surrogate targets were characterized and work on improving RCS profile of surrogate targets were conducted.Strong competition in the automotive industry and the need to validate more and more complex functions (including autonomous drive) drives the development of virtual test methods. The ability to test the ADAS or AD functions virtually early in the development will save considerable time and cost. However, there were no such tools available with full radar simulation in-loop available prior to the project, which was the reason for the second goal of this project: an ADAS/AD system simulation tool-chain with radar simulation in-loop.The HiFi Radar Target project (diarienr. 2015-04852) was an FFI project within the Electronics, Software and Communications program. After prolongation it was a 30-month project that started 2015-12-31 and ended 2018-06-30. The project had a total budget of 15.9 MSEK.Radarsensorn pÄ 77 GHz Àr en vital komponent för ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) samt system för autonom körning (AD) tack vare sin förmÄga att detektera och följa objekt pÄ avstÄnd upp till 200 meter. För att sÀkerstÀlla hög tillförlitlighet hos fordonets funktioner baserade pÄ radarn krÀvs omfattande tester med mjuka surrogatmÄl. Radarresponsen hos ett surrogatmÄl kan dock skilja sig frÄn det för reella mÄl, vilket i förlÀngningen kan orsaka ovÀntade reaktioner frÄn ADAS- och AD-funktioner i verkliga trafiksituationer. Det första projektmÄlet var dÀrför att utveckla och validera mjuka surrogatmÄl sÄ att de blir mer realistiska, ett arbete som utfördes i flera steg: referensmÄl togs fram och verifierades, metoder för on site kalibrering av radarsensorer utvecklades, och slutligen togs metoder fram för karakterisering av radarmÄlarea (RCS) av stora objekt pÄ testbana (AstaZero, high speed area). Detta resulterade i flera mÀtuppstÀllningar och mÀtprocedurer inklusive osÀkerhetsanalys. Nu, med förmÄgan att utföra repeterbara och pÄlitliga RCS-mÀtningar, karakteriserandes ett antal reella mÄl (verkliga bilar) samt surrogatmÄl och arbetet med att syntetisera radarmÄlarean hos surrogatmÄl genomfördes. Stark konkurrens inom bilindustrin och behovet av att validera mer och mer komplexa funktioner (inklusive autonom körning) driver utvecklingen av virtuella testmetoder. Möjligheten att testa ADAS eller AD-funktioner tidigt i utvecklingscykeln kommer att spara tid, kostnad och vara en konkurrensfördel. Dock fanns inga verktyg med kapacitet att utvÀrdera radarsensorn tillsammans med resten av bilens hÄrd- och mjukvara virtuellt tillgÀngliga före projektet, vilket var orsaken till det andra mÄlet: ett simuleringsverktyg för ADAS/AD-system inklusive simulering av radarn. HiFi Radar Target-projektet (diarienr. 2015-04852) var ett FFI-projekt inom programmet Elektronik, programvara och kommunikation. Efter förlÀngning blev det ett 30-mÄnaders projekt med start 2015-12-31 och slut datum 2018-06-30. Projektet hade en total budget pÄ 15,9 MSEK.2.1 MÄl Utvecklingen av radarsystem, en nödvÀndig sensor för aktiv sÀkerhet och autonoma fordon, krÀver pÄlitlig och effektiv testning för validering av systemprestanda. Effektiv utveckling krÀver att man tidig upptÀcker och löser möjliga problem, nÄgot som testinfrastrukturen mÄste stödja. MÄlet med projektet var dÀrför att möjliggöra effektiv och tillförlitlig verifiering av radarsystem, inklusive ADAS och AD-system som Àr beroende av radarsensorer, genom: Utveckling samt validering av repeterbara RCS mÀtmetoder. Utveckling av mer realistiska surrogatmÄl för sÀker provning av bilradarsystem. Utveckling av simuleringsverktyg för radarsystem i virtuell miljö. Demonstration av förbÀttrad verifiering med hjÀlp av de utvecklade verktygen och metoderna. Stödja internationell standardisering (ISO) i deras arbete för framtida verifiering och kalibrering av surrogatmÄl. Projektresultaten kommer att: Bidra till nollvisionen, det vill sÀga noll dödliga trafikolyckor. StÀrka svensk bilindustris konkurrenskraft i ett globalt perspektiv. Bidra till att utveckla AstaZero till en testplats i vÀrldsklass för ADAS och AD system. Ge verktyg och metoder för AD-testning till VCC. Resultat och leveranser MÄlen som beskrivits i föregÄende kapitel har alla (i olika utstrÀckning) blivit uppfyllda: Utveckling och validering av noggranna och repeterbara RCS mÀtmetoder: detta mÄl uppnÄddes mycket vÀl och konsortiet har arbetat internationellt. Utveckling av mer realistiska surrogatmÄl för sÀker provning av bilradarsystem: projektet har fÄtt kunskap om vilka egenskaper som pÄverkar radarresponsen för ett specifikt mÄl och har förbÀttrat surrogatmÄl inklusive den automatiserade mobila plattform som förflyttar surrogatmÄlen under test. Utveckling av simuleringsverktyg för virtuell testning av radarsystem: verktygskedjan för trafiksimulering av AD och ADAS funktioner hos VCC har uppdaterats med nya realistiska (mÀtbaserade) klustermodeller för radarmÄl. För framtida utveckling definierades ocksÄ ett interface som möjliggör implementering av nya modeller. Demonstration av metoder framtagna i projektet: projektresultat presenterades och demonstrerades vid AstaZero. Stödja internationell standardisering (ISO) i utvecklingen av metoder för framtida verifiering och kalibrering av surrogatmÄl: projektet har bidragit till arbetet i ISO genom att öka förstÄelsen för RCS hos riktiga fordon och surrogatmÄl, definierat representativa egenskaper hos radarmÄl, tagit fram metoder för repeterbar och noggrann karakterisering, samt tagit fram en osÀkerhetsbudget.HiFi Radar Targe

    Polarization of ferroelectric films through electrolyte

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    A simplified model is developed to understand the field and potential distribution through devices based on a ferroelectric film in direct contact with an electrolyte. Devices based on the ferroelectric polymer polyvinylidenefluoride-trifluoroethylene (PVDF-TrFE) were produced – in metalferroelectric-metal, metal-ferroelectric-dielectric-metal, and metal-ferroelectric-electrolyte-metal architectures – and used to test the model, and simulations based on the model and these fabricated devices were performed. From these simulations we find indication of progressive polarization of the films. Furthermore, the model implies that there is a relation between the separation of charge within the devices and the observed open circuit voltage. This relation is confirmed experimentally. The ability to polarize ferroelectric polymer films through aqueous electrolytes, combined with the strong correlation between the properties of the electrolyte double layer and the device potential, opens the door to a variety of new applications for ferroelectric technologies, e.g., regulation of cell culture growth and release, steering molecular self-assembly, or other large area applications requiring aqueous environments.Funding agencies:  Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA) [2010-00507]; Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation; Advanced Functional Materials Center at Linkoping University; Onnesjo Foundation</p