96 research outputs found
Liikuntaraportti : Suomalaisten mitattu liikkuminen, paikallaanolo ja fyysinen kunto 2018–2022
Raportissa kuvataan suomalaisten mitattua liikkumista, paikallaanoloa ja fyysistä kuntoa. Raportti pohjautuu UKK-instituutin viimeisimpien, vuosina 2018–2022 poikkileikkausasetelmissa toteutettujen väestötutkimusten aineistoihin. Lisäksi fyysisen kunnon tarkasteluissa on hyödynnetty Puolustusvoimien aineistoja ja koululaisten Move! -mittausten tuloksia. Raportti on jatkoa UKK-instituutin vuosina 2011 ja 2018 tuottamille yhteenvetoraporteille väestön liikkumisesta, paikallaanolosta ja kunnosta.
Raportin tulokset osoittivat, että suomalaiset viettivät suurimman osan valveillaoloajastaan paikallaan istuen tai makoillen. Paikallaanolo lisääntyi nuoremmista vanhempiin ikäryhmiin siirryttäessä. Vastaavasti liikkuminen vähentyi ja fyysinen kunto heikentyi iän lisääntyessä. Työikäisten aikuisten liikkuminen näyttäisi vähentyneen hieman viime vuosien aikana. Korona-aika näyttääkin vaikuttaneen eri-ikäisten liikkumiseen ja toimintakykyyn.
UKK-instituutti toteuttaa väestötutkimuksia koululaisille, toisen asteen opiskelijoille, työikäisille aikuisille ja ikäihmisille neljän vuoden jaksoissa. Näin tieto väestön liikkumisesta, paikallaanolosta ja kunnosta päivittyy säännöllisesti. Seuraava väestön liikkumista, paikallaanoloa ja kuntoa kuvaava yhteenveto, Liikuntaraportti, on tarkoitus tuottaa vuonna 2026
What Can One Minute of the Day Tell about Physical Activity?
High cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) allows individuals to perform daily activities and operate at a higher intensity level. This study investigates the connection between the CRF and peak intensity of physical activity (PA) in absolute and relative terms. A total of 3587 participants (1447 men, 51.9 ± 13.0 years; 2140 women, 50.0 ± 13.0 years) provided substantial accelerometer wear time, and their CRF was estimated via the 6 min walking test. Participants were divided into CRF thirds by age group and sex. Daily one-minute peak intensities were captured in both absolute terms and relative to individual CRF levels. In absolute terms, the highest CRF third had the highest intensity value for men (6.4 ± 1.7 MET; 5.9 ± 1.4 MET; 5.3 ± 1.0 MET) and for women (6.4 ± 1.6 MET; 5.9 ± 1.3 MET; 5.4 ± 1.1 MET). In relative terms, the highest CRF third utilized the least aerobic capacity for men (49 ± 14%; 51 ± 13%; 56 ± 14%) and for women (52 ± 13%; 54 ± 12%; 62 ± 15%). One minute of daily activity offers valuable insights into an individual’s CRF and the effort demanded during PA. Fitter individuals can sustain higher PA intensity levels in absolute terms, whereas individuals with lower CRF utilize a greater fraction of their aerobic capacity. Consequently, heightened CRF not only allows for enhanced intensity levels but also safeguards against strenuous PA during daily routines.Peer reviewe
Floating Epoch Length Improves the Accuracy of Accelerometry-Based Estimation of Coincident Oxygen Consumption
Estimation of oxygen consumption (VO2) from accelerometer data is typically based on prediction equations developed in laboratory settings using steadily paced and controlled test activities. These equations may not capture the temporary changes in VO2 occurring in sporadic real-life physical activity. In this study, we introduced a novel floating epoch for accelerometer data analysis and hypothesized that an adaptive epoch length provides a more consistent estimation of VO2 in irregular activity conditions than a 6 s constant epoch. Two different activity tests were conducted: a progressive constant-speed test (CS) performed on a track and a 6 min back-and-forth walk test including accelerations and decelerations (AC/DC) performed as fast as possible. Twenty-nine adults performed the CS test, and sixty-one performed the AC/DC test. The data were collected using hip-worn accelerometers and a portable metabolic gas analyzer. General linear models were employed to create the prediction models for VO2 that were cross-validated using both data sets and epoch types as training and validation sets. The prediction equations based on the CS test or AC/DC test and 6 s epoch had excellent performance (R2 = 89%) for the CS test but poor performance for the AC/DC test (31%). Only the VO2 prediction equation based on the AC/DC test and the floating epoch had good performance (78%) for both tests. The overall accuracy of VO2 prediction is compromised with the constant length epoch, whereas the prediction model based on irregular acceleration data analyzed with a floating epoch provided consistent performance for both activities.Peer reviewe
Self-reported Fitness and Objectively Measured Physical Activity Profile Among Older Adults : A Twin Study
Background: Maintaining good fitness and good level of physical activity are important factors for maintaining physical independence later in life. The aim was to investigate the relationship between self-reported fitness and objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behavior in the elderly. Methods: Same-sex twin pairs born 1940-1944 in Finland were invited to the study. Altogether 787 individuals (mean age 72.9 years), of whom 404 were female, used a hip-worn triaxial accelerometer for at least 4 days and answered a question on perceived fitness. First, individual differences were studied between four fitness categories. Second, pairwise differences were examined among twin pairs discordant for fitness. Results: Self-reported fitness explained moderately the variation in objectively measured physical activity parameters: R-2 for daily steps 26%, for daily mean metabolic equivalent 31%, for daily moderate-to-vigorous activity time 31%, and lower for sedentary behavior time 14% (all p <.001). Better self-reported fitness was associated with more steps taken on average (8,558 daily steps [very good fitness] vs 2,797 steps [poor fitness], p <.001) and with a higher amount of moderate-to-vigorous activity (61 min vs 12 min p <.001, respectively) in the adjusted multivariable model. Among 156 twin pairs discordant for self-reported fitness, co-twins with better fitness took more steps, did more moderate-to-vigorous activity, and had less sedentary behavior (all, p <.05) compared to their less fit co-twins; however, difference was smaller among monozygotic than dizygotic pairs. Conclusion: One simple question on self-reported fitness is associated with daily activity profile among community-dwelling older people. However, genetic factors modulate this association to some extent.Peer reviewe
Accelerometer-Measured Physical Behavior and Cardiorespiratory Fitness as Indicators of Work Ability
Work ability (WA) reflects an individual’s resources, work demands, and related environment. Self-reports have shown that higher physical activity (PA) is associated with better WA. This study investigated associations of accelerometer-measured (24/7) physical behavior and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) with WA. In the FinFit2017-population-based study, the physical behavior of 20–69-year-old working Finns was measured in terms of PA, standing, and sedentariness using validated MAD-APE algorithms based on raw triaxial accelerometer data. During waking hours, the accelerometer was hip-worn, while during the time in bed (TIB), it was worn on the non-dominant wrist. CRF was measured with a 6 min walk test. WA was assessed by four questions excerpted from the Work Ability Index (WAI), called the short WAI (sWAI). Participants (n = 1668, mean age 46.6, SD = 10.9, 57% women) scored on average 23.3 on the sWAI (range 6–27), with a higher value indicating a better WA. More minutes in standing (p = 0.001) and in moderate (p = 0.004) and vigorous PA (p < 0.001) as well as a higher step number (p < 0.001) and better CRF (p < 0.001) were associated with a higher sWAI value. More time spent lying down (p < 0.001) and in high-movement (p < 0.001) and total TIB (p = 0.001) was associated with a lower sWAI. Detailed analysis of 24/7 physical behavior can be utilized in identifying individual-related indicators of WA.publishedVersionPeer reviewe
Motives for physical activity in older men and women : A twin study using accelerometer-measured physical activity
Motives for physical activity may vary considerably by age, sex, and the level of physical activity. We aimed to examine motives for physical activity in older men and women with different physical activity levels as well as whether genetic and/or environmental factors explain those motives. Finnish twins (mean age 72.9 years, 262 full twin pairs) self-reported their motives for physical activity. Time spent on moderate-to-vigorous physical activity was monitored using a hip-worn accelerometer. Comparisons between the different physical activity groups of older twins (n = 764-791/motive dimension) were analyzed using the Wald test, and effect sizes were calculated as Cohen's d. Quantitative genetic modeling was used to estimate genetic and environmental contributions. For both sexes, the most frequently reported motives for physical activity were physical fitness, health maintenance, and psychological well-being. Conforming to others' expectations was more important for men than for women (P <.001, Cohen's d = 0.38), while appearance (P = .001 Cohen's d = -0.24) and psychological well-being (P = .02, Cohen's d = -0.17) were highlighted by women. Most of the motive dimensions differed significantly between the physically active and inactive individuals. It was estimated that 5%-42% of the variation in motives was contributed by genetic factors and 58%-95% by environmental factors. The result that environmental factors contribute in a great deal to motives indicates that interventions to motivate physically inactive older individuals to be physically active can be successful. However, personalized interventions are needed because sex and the level of physical activity were found to be associated with older individuals' motives for physical activity.Peer reviewe
Self-reported Fitness and Objectively Measured Physical Activity Profile Among Older Adults: A Twin Study
Maintaining good fitness and good level of physical activity are important factors for maintaining physical independence later in life. The aim was to investigate the relationship between self-reported fitness and objectively measured physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB) in the elderly.\nSame-sex twin pairs born 1940-1944 in Finland were invited to the study. Altogether 787 individuals (mean age 72.9 years), of whom 404 were female, used a hip-worn triaxial accelerometer for at least four days and answered a question on perceived fitness. First, individual differences were studied between four fitness categories. Secondly, pairwise differences were examined among twin pairs discordant for fitness.\nSelf-reported fitness explained moderately the variation in objectively measured PA parameters: R2 for daily steps 26%, for daily mean MET 31%, for daily moderate-to-vigorous activity (MVPA) time 31%, and lower for SB time 14 % (all p<0.001). Better self-reported fitness was associated with more steps taken on average (8558 daily steps (very good fitness) vs. 2797 steps (poor fitness), p<0.001) and with a higher amount of MVPA (61 min vs. 12 min p<0.001, respectively) in the adjusted multivariable model. Among 156 twin pairs discordant for self-reported fitness, co-twins with better fitness took more steps, did more MVPA and had less SB (all, p<0.05) compared to their less fit co-twins, however difference was smaller among MZ than DZ pairs.\nOne simple question on self-reported fitness is associated with daily activity profile among community-dwelling older people. However, genetic factors modulate this association to some extent.\nBACKGROUND\nMETHODS\nRESULTS\nCONCLUSIO
Physical education orientation and activity among youth ice hockey coaches
Sixty-two percent of Finnish children and adolescents aged 9–15 participate in sports club activities, yet only one-third of sports participants reach the recommended 60 min of daily moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. The inadequate physical activity of participants underlines the need for physical education among those participating in sports club activities. Sports coaches have significant potential in promoting participants’ weekly overall physical activity beyond sports training, given their role of authority. However, coaches in Finland mainly work on a voluntary basis, with varying knowledge and capabilities. The aim of the study was to investigate the physical education orientation and activity of sports coaches, and the associations of these with the moderate-to-vigorous physical activity of young sports participants. Questionnaire data from coaches (n = 26) and young sports participants aged 6–18 (n = 201), and accelerometer data from young sports participants (n = 293) were included in the analysis. The results indicated that even though sports coaches recognized the importance of physical education, they have not fully embraced their role as physical educators and promoters of weekly overall physical activity among young sports participants. The role of families was considered most significant in physical education. Coaches perceived their possibilities to influence the physical activity behavior of the participants as limited. Coaching education and experience had a positive relationship with the coaches’ activity in implementing physical education, highlighting the importance of coaching education. The findings suggest that there is a need to increase collaboration with coaches and families to ensure an adequate amount of weekly overall physical activity of children and adolescents.Peer reviewe
Reliability and Validity of Self-Reported Questionnaires Assessing Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Finland
Reliable and valid data on physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB) are needed for implementing evidence-based interventions and policies. Monitoring of these behaviors is based on PA questionnaires (PAQs) and device-based measurements, but their comparability is challenging. The present study aimed to investigate the test–retest reliability and concurrent validity of Finnish versions of the widely used PAQs (IPAQ-SF, EHIS-PAQ, GPAQ, Eurobarometer) and to compare their data with accelerometer data. This study is based on the Finnish data of the European Union Physical Activity and Sport Monitoring project (EUPASMOS). Participants (n = 62 adults, 62% women) answered the PAQs twice, one week apart, and wore an accelerometer for these seven consecutive days. Intraclass correlations, Spearman’s rank correlations, t-tests, and Cohen’s kappa with bootstrap confidence intervals were used to analyze the data. The PAQs had typically moderate-to-good test–retest reliability (ICC 0.22–0.78), GPAQ, EHIS-PAQ, and Eurobarometer showing the highest reliability. The PAQs correlated with each other when assessing sitting and vigorous PA (R = 0.70–0.97) and had a fair-to-substantial agreement when analyzing adherence to the PA recommendations (74–97%, Cohen’s kappa 0.25–0.73). All the PAQs had a poor criterion validity against the accelerometry data. The Finnish versions of the PAQs are moderately reliable and valid for assessing PA, adherence to PA recommendations and sitting among adult participants. However, the poor criterion validity against accelerometer data indicates that PAQs assess different aspects of PA constructs compared to accelerometry.Peer reviewe
Suomalaisten objektiivisesti mitattu fyysinen aktiivisuus, paikallaanolo ja fyysinen kunto
Fyysisen aktiivisuuden tiedetään olevan selkeässä yhteydessä moniin yhteiskunnallisiin haasteisiin, kuten mm. useiden elintapasairauksien sairastumisriskiin, elämänlaatuun, koulumenestykseen ja vanhusten kotona selviytymiseen. Suomalaisten fyysistä kuntoa ja aktiivisuutta koskevia tutkimuskatsauksia on julkaistu n. viiden vuoden välein, aiemmin vuosina 2007 ja 2011. Tässä koko väestön tilannetta luotaavassa raportissa on käytetty pohja-aineistoina Suomi 100 KunnonKartta –väestötutkimuksen, Terveys 2011 –tutkimuksen, Alueellisen terveys- ja hyvinvointitutkimuksen (ATH), LIITU 2016 –tutkimuksen, sekä Puolustusvoimien ja MOVE!-mittausten aineistoja. Erona aikaisempiin aineistoihin käytössä on ollut myös objektiivisilla mittareilla suoritettuja mittaustuloksia. Tulokset osoittavat, että suomalaiset aikuiset viettävät valtaosan valveillaoloajastaan paikallaan, istuen tai makuulla, ja että reippaampaan liikkumiseen käytetään alle tunti päivässä. Terveyskuntotestien tulokset ovat keskimäärin parempia miehillä kuin naisilla, samoin nuorilla ikäluokilla verrattuna vanhempiin. Aikuisten liikkumisessa ja paikallaanolossa ei näyttäisi tapahtuneen kovin suuria muutoksia kuuden viime vuoden aikana. Lapset ja nuoret puolestaan ovat paikallaan istuen tai makuulla keskimäärin puolet valveillaoloajastaan ja liikkuvat vähintään reippaasti vajaat 2 tuntia päivässä. Paikallaanolon aika lisääntyy iän myötä, arkipäivinä liikutaan enemmän kuin viikonloppuisin. Vähän liikkuvilla lapsilla merkittävä osa liikkumisesta arkisin tapahtuu koulupäivän aikana
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