608 research outputs found

    The Linguistic Repertoire of a Young Adult, and a Middle Adult of a Ngaju Dayaknese Family in Central Kalimantan

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    This study is a qualitative study about linguistic repertoire and the subjects are three people from three different ages of a Ngaju Dayaknese family consisting of the mother, the first child and the third child. This study was conducted in order to see the linguistic repertoire of them. In order to reach the research objectives, I used the theories of linguistic repertoire by Milroy and Milroy (1990) and code choice by Holmes (2001). From my study, I found that the linguistic repertoire of the third child is Banjarese language, Indonesian language, and Ngaju Dayaknese language, the linguistic repertoire of the first child is Ngaju Dayaknese language, Indonesian language, and Banjarese language, and the linguistic repertoire of the mother is Ngaju Dayaknese language, Banjarese language, and Indonesian language. It can be concluded that the linguistic repertoire of each subject can be distinguished one from another and it was influenced by the environment he/she was exposed to

    Pengaruh Dukungan Keluarga terhadap Keberfungsian Sosial Orang dengan Hiv/aids (Odha) di Rumah Singgah Caritas Pse Medan

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    People with HIV / AIDS are infected with the HIV virus in the body, most individuals with HIV / AIDS is more easily discriminated and stigmatized in society. So that people with HIV / AIDS have a problem not only on the physical but also psychological, then it need by treatment and mental health recovery. On mental recovery or soul family support is a very important thing needed by people with HIV / AIDS. So that people with HIV are fully supported by both families of everything can improve or restore the social functioning of people with HIV / AIDS themselves. The research was conducted at Caritas Shelter Home PSE Field which is an organization engaged in the issue of HIV / AIDS and Narcotics. Handling a socialized understanding of HIV / AIDS transmission and prevention by way of direct visits to the hospital that specialized care for people with HIV or come directly to the house to meet clients or their families (family based), and provide information about therapy ARV treatment (Anti-Retroviral). This research is explanatory research that aims to examine the relationship between the study variables and test hypotheses that have been formulated previously. Variables in this study consists of the independent variable (x) is a family support and the dependent variable (y) the social functioning of people with HIV / AIDS. Based on the calculation of Spearman rank correlation coefficient, it can be seen that the correlation between X and Y with N = 50 obtained a value of 0.67. Results of data analysis showed that the effect of family support has a positive relationship to social functioning steady person with HIV / AIDS (PHAs). Based on the research I have done if there are many families who do not understand well about HIV / AIDS so that there should be an institution that approaches to tackle the issue of HIV / AIDS, in order to be disseminated to families living both urban and rural areas

    Animated Stories in the Teaching of Writing

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    This study is aimed at investigating the benefits of animated stories in the teaching of writing as suggested by Cahyono, Hidayati, & Zen (2014). This study is, say, a literature review study in which the researcher reviews the material related to the issue and observes the students as well to strengthen the validity of this study. The data obtained from both literature and observation are then analyzed qualitatively showing that the animated stories are not only interesting for the students in writing class but also enable them to learn based on their learning styl

    Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Registrasi dan Keanggotaan Klub

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis sistem registrasi dan kemudian merancang sistem registrasi dan keanggotaan pada Klub sehingga mempermudah pengelolaan data dan memperoleh informasi secara cepat yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dan fasilitas pada Klub. Metodologi yang akan digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah metode analisis dan metode perancangan. Metode analisis terdiri dari studi kepustakaan yang merupakan penelitian yang dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data secara teoritis yang berhubungan dengan masalah yang menjadi objek penelitian dan diperoleh dari literatur-literatur serta buku-buku dari perpustakaan yang digunakan sebagai landasan teori, survey atas sistem yang sedang berjalan merupakan penelitian langsung pada Klub, dan studi lapangan yang dilakukan dengan 2 cara yaitu pengamatan dan wawancara. Metode perancangan yaitu menggunakan pendekatan Object Oriented Analysis System (OOAD) dengan menggunakan notasi United Modeling Language (UML). Hasil yang dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan sistem informasi yang dapat membantu Perusahaan dalam proses registrasi dan penyimpanan data keanggotaan. Simpulan yang diperoleh dengan adanya sistem informasi registrasi dan keanggotaan ini adalah dapat meningkatkan dan memberikan pelayanan dengan cepat kepada pelanggan dan mengurangi kesalahan yang akan terjadi, dan membantu Perusahaan dalam mengambil keputusan

    The Hanbury Brown and Twiss Experiment with Fermions

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    We realized an equivalent Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiment for a beam of electrons in a two dimensional electron gas in the quantum Hall regime. A metallic split gate serves as a tunable beam splitter which is used to partition the incident beam into transmitted and reflected partial beams. The current fluctuations in the reflected and transmitted beam are fully anticorrelated demonstrating that fermions tend to exclude each other (anti-bunching). If the occupation probability of the incident beam is lowered by an additional gate, the anticorrelation is reduced and disappears in the classical limit of a highly diluted beam

    Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Perusahaan, Likuiditas, dan Maturity terhadap Peringkat Obligasi Perusahaan di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of companies growth, companies liquidity and bond maturity towards the bond rating from PT. PEFINDO in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) 2009-2012. This study used a non-participant observation method by analyzing financial statements and corporate bond data which published on the official website of the Stock Exchange (www.idx.co.id). The sample was 15 companies which are taken by purposive sampling method. The data analysis technique used is logistic regression. The results of this study indicate that companies growth, companies liquidity and bond maturity partially positive and significant impact on the ratings of bonds issued by PT. PEFINDO on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2009-2012

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Kemiskinan Kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Bali

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    Situation of deprivation due to limited capital owned, lack of knowledge and skills, low productivity, low income, the weak exchange rate of the poor yield and the limited opportunities to participate in development. This then lead to inequality in society. This study aimed to analyze the factors affecting the level of poverty district / city in the province of Bali. Data used in this research is secondary data. Location of research in the district / city in the province of Bali. Results of hypothesis testing is done with the path analysis showed that the inflation effect of reducing poverty through unemployment in the province of Bali. The level of education has no effect on poverty through unemployment in the province of Bali. Investment influential increasing poverty through unemployment in Bali province either directly or indirectly through intervening variables, namely unemployment

    Ligand-Enhanced Abiotic Iron Oxidation and the Effects of Chemical versus Biological Iron Cycling in Anoxic Environments

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    This study introduces a newly isolated, genetically tractable bacterium (Pseudogulbenkiania sp. strain MAI-1) and explores the extent to which its nitrate-dependent iron-oxidation activity is directly biologically catalyzed. Specifically, we focused on the role of iron chelating ligands in promoting chemical oxidation of Fe(II) by nitrite under anoxic conditions. Strong organic ligands such as nitrilotriacetate and citrate can substantially enhance chemical oxidation of Fe(II) by nitrite at circumneutral pH. We show that strain MAI-1 exhibits unambiguous biological Fe(II) oxidation despite a significant contribution (~30–35%) from ligand-enhanced chemical oxidation. Our work with the model denitrifying strain Paracoccus denitrificans further shows that ligand-enhanced chemical oxidation of Fe(II) by microbially produced nitrite can be an important general side effect of biological denitrification. Our assessment of reaction rates derived from literature reports of anaerobic Fe(II) oxidation, both chemical and biological, highlights the potential competition and likely co-occurrence of chemical Fe(II) oxidation (mediated by microbial production of nitrite) and truly biological Fe(II) oxidation

    DNA Translocation through Graphene Nanopores

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    Nanopores -- nanosized holes that can transport ions and molecules -- are very promising devices for genomic screening, in particular DNA sequencing. Both solid-state and biological pores suffer from the drawback, however, that the channel constituting the pore is long, viz. 10-100 times the distance between two bases in a DNA molecule (0.5 nm for single-stranded DNA). Here, we demonstrate that it is possible to realize and use ultrathin nanopores fabricated in graphene monolayers for single-molecule DNA translocation. The pores are obtained by placing a graphene flake over a microsize hole in a silicon nitride membrane and drilling a nanosize hole in the graphene using an electron beam. As individual DNA molecules translocate through the pore, characteristic temporary conductance changes are observed in the ionic current through the nanopore, setting the stage for future genomic screening
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