81 research outputs found

    The Logic and Pragmatics of Connectors

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    A long tradition has used logic for the description of connectors and other linguistic formators. It is argued in this article that this in fact is not a good idea. After an analysis of the meaning of connectors, as they have been studied in linguistics, their formal function is scrutinized. It is shown that one ought to distinguish their iconic function, which is the only one studied by linguists so far, from their deictic function, which controls the search for their arguments. This result permits us to address the crucial question: Why has logic acquired such a predominant place in the study of natural connectors? What is the basis for this way of viewing their function? It is finally shown how the insights obtained in this analysis can be exploited for the examination of the formal aspects of other linguistic items

    DATALINGVISTIK som erhvervssproglig forskningsgren (en anmeldelse af LAMBDA 13)

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    Lita Lundquist 2006. Tekstkompetence på fremmedsprog. København: Forlaget Samfundslitteratur, 160 p. og en cd

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    Informationsstruktur - med fokus pĂĄ fokus

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    Semantics and Pragmatics of Bridge Language

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    Argumentationsanalyse. Grundtræk af en modulær sprogvidenskabelig tilgang

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    In this article, the author presents some fundamentals of a modular linguistic approach to argumentation. Argumentation is seen as a matter of interpretation, and since interpretation phenomena depend on linguistic material as well as on context in the broad sense, genuine linguistic theory should be an integrated part of argumentation theory. A linguistic approach to argumentation should adopt instructional semantics as opposed to representational semantics and argumentative (discourse dynamic) seman-tics as opposed to referential semantics. In view of the high complexity of argumentation phenomena, rigour can be obtained only in a strictly modular approach. After a brief overview of the global approach, the author lays down some fundamental metho-dological and theoretical principles for modular studies. He then introduces three modules taking care of Lexical Semantics (the Topos Theory), Polyphony and Argu-mentative Functors. The three mini-theories involved are all inspired by the Theory of Argumentation in Language developed by the French linguists Oswald Ducrot and Jean-Claude Anscombre. Two recommendations for practitioners are formulated as conclusion: “To be efficient, use the right linguistic forms and structures!” and “To choose efficient forms, keep your eye on the purpose!

    Présentation: Détermination et prédication, Hommage à Naoyo Furukawa

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    Présentation des concepts complémentaires de prédication et détermination et des articles contenus dans le numéro à ce titre de "Langue Française" 171, septembre 2011

    Peut-être smidt ud til højre. Lidt om peut-êtres mange betydninger

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    Det attributive adjektivs placering pĂĄ fransk

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    Les lectures de ne...pas : éléments d’une explication modulaire

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    On peut distinguer pour la négation ne...pas les emplois métalinguistiques, polémique et descriptif. Afin d’expliquer ces emplois, l’auteur propose, dans le cadre d’un modèle modulaire, un examen de la portée et du foyer (ou le focus) de la négation. Ces deux notions reçoivent d’abord des définitions indépendantes, respectivement structurale et énonciative. Il sera montré que les trois emplois correspondent à trois perspectives de portée différentes et qu’il y a un rapport entre les trois emplois examinés et les principaux types de focalisation. Enfin, l’auteur examine plus particulièrement la négation métalinguistique dont il esquisse une analyse modulaire ayant recours aussi à d’autres modules traitant de syntaxe, morphologie, vérifonctionnalité et polyphonie. L’article met en évidence à la fois la complexité du fonctionnement de la négation et les vertus d’une approche modulaire.The negation ne...pas gives rise to three different uses : Metalinguistic, polemic and descriptive. In order to explain these uses, the author advocates for a modular framework in which he suggests separate analyses of the scope and the focus of the negation. These two notions are given independent definitions. Scope is conceived as a structural phenomenon and focus as a functional one. It is shown that the three uses correspond to three different scope perspectives and that there is a close relation between the different uses and the principal types of focalisation. Finally, the author sketches a modular analysis of the metalinguistic negation which also takes into consideration aspects of morphology, syntax, truth-functionality and polyphony. The paper highlights both complexity of natural negation and the virtues of a modular approach
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