95 research outputs found

    Model-based Semantic Conflict Analysis for Software- and Data-Integration Scenarios

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    The semantic conflict analysis, which is the focus of this technical report, is an approach to automate various design-time verification activities which can be applied during software- or data-integration processes. Specifically, the aspects of semantic matching of business processes and the underlying IT infrastructure as well as of technical aspects of the composite heterogeneous systems will be investigated. The report is part of the BIZYCLE project, which examines applicability of model-based methods, technologies and tools to the large-scale industrial software and data integration scenarios. The semantic conflict analysis is thus part of the overall BIZYCLE conflict analysis process, comprising of semantic, structural, communication, behavior and property analysis, aiming at facilitating and improving standard integration practice. Therefore, the project framework will be briefly introduced first, followed by the detailed semantic annotation and conflict analysis descriptions, and further backed up with the semantic conflict analysis motivation/illustration scenario

    Wissenschaftsbezug mit Lücken, Einseitigkeiten und Nationalismus: Eine Massentextanalyse von Lehrplänen, Schulbüchern und Unterrichtsmaterialien

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    In der Studie werden erstmalig 103 Lehrpläne, 26 Schulkapitel und 1.598 externe Unterrichtsmaterialien im Abgleich mit 52 sozialwissenschaftlichen und politökonomischen Einführungen und Sammelbänden daraufhin untersucht, ob die Lehr-Lern- Materialien sowohl hinreichend auf den Stand der Wissenschaft bezogen sind als auch wissenschaftliche wie politische Kontroversität angemessen berücksichtigen. Es ist generell von einem angemessenen Wissenschaftsbezug in den Lehr-Lern- Materialien auszugehen. Auch sind wirtschafts- und sozialpolitische Kontroversen in den Lehr-Lern- Materialien präsent. Defizite sind durch eine paradigmatische Engführung auf die deutsche Soziale Marktwirtschaft und den Ordoliberalismus, auf eine mikroökonomische Fokussierung, auf die parlamentarisch-repräsentative Form von Demokratie, einen selektiven Ungleichheitsbegriff und ein ökonomistisches Globalisierungsverständnis gegeben. International vergleichende Kapitalismusforschung und neuere Ansätze der Ungleichheits- und Entwicklungsforschung werden kaum berücksichtigt. Die Lehr-Lern-Materialien sind durch einen nationalstaatlichen Bias und damit durch einen didaktischen Nationalismus geprägt

    Metamodels and Transformations for Software and Data Integration

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    Metamodels define a foundation for describing software system interfaces which can be used during software or data integration processes. The report is part of the BIZYCLE project, which examines applicability of model-based methods, technologies and tools to the large-scale industrial software and data integration scenarios. The developed metamodels are thus part of the overall BIZYCLE process, comprising of semantic, structural, communication, behavior and property analysis, aiming at facilitating and improving standard integration practice. Therefore, the project framework will be briefly introduced first, followed by the detailed metamodel and transformation description as well as motivation/illustration scenarios

    Kontroversität und Wissenschaftlichkeit in Materialien und Vorgaben für die sozioökonomische Bildung (KoWiMa)

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    Um die politisch-ökonomische Bildung an Schulen wird seit längerem gestritten. Fraglich ist, ob die curricularen Vorgaben (Lehrpläne) und Lehr-Lern-Materialien (Schulbücher und Materialien externer Anbieter) relevante aktuelle Entwicklungen und den Stand der Wissenschaft angemessen berücksichtigen und ob sie insgesamt hinreichend wissenschaftlich wie auch wirtschafts- und sozialpolitisch kontrovers sind. Die Studie trägt zur Forschung und zur didaktischen Arbeit an Schulen und Universitäten dadurch bei, dass sie den angemessenen Wissenschaftsbezug und die Gewährleistung von Kontroversität erstmalig massentextanalytisch bearbeitet hat. Sie hat empirisches Material in einer bislang unbekannten Breite analysieren können (103 Lehrpläne, 26 Schulkapitel und 1.598 externe Unterrichtsmaterialien). Im Abgleich mit einem sozialwissenschaftlichen Referenzkorpus (52 Einführungen und Sammelbände) konnten erhebliche Defizite im Wissenschaftsbezug und bei der Gewährleistung der Kontroversität wie auch ein erheblicher didaktischer Nationalismus identifiziert werden. Im Umgang mit den genannten Defiziten in den Lehr-Lern-Materialien entwickelt die Studie die Einführung eines konkreten Lernmoduls in der Lehramtsausbildung, mit dem die Anforderungen an Wissenschaftsbezug und Kontroversität exemplarisch eingeübt und vertieft werden. Die Studie entwickelt zudem institutionelle Anforderungen an eine innovative Curriculumrevision.Political and economic education in schools has long been a bone of contention. It is questionable whether the curricular guidelines and teaching-learning materials (school books and materials from external providers) adequately take into account relevant current developments and the state of the art in social science, and whether they are sufficiently controversial in representing science and politics. The study contributes to current research and to didactic work at schools and universities by addressing the fit of reference to social science and the ensuring of controversy through mass text analysis for the first time. It has been able to analyse empirical material in a hitherto unknown breadth (103 curricula, 26 school book chapters and 1,598 external teaching materials). In a comparison with a corpus of social science references (52 textbooks and anthologies), considerable deficits could be identified in relation to the adequate representation of scientific knowledge as well as in safeguarding controversy. In addition, a considerable didactic nationalism has been detected

    Physics opportunities at RHIC and LHC

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    Nonequilibrium models (three-fluid hydrodynamics, UrQMD, and quark molecular dynamics) are used to discuss the uniqueness of often proposed experimental signatures for quark matter formation in relativistic heavy ion collisions from the SPS via RHIC to LHC. It is demonstrated that these models - although they do treat the most interesting early phase of the collisions quite differently (thermalizing QGP vs. coherent color fields with virtual particles) -- all yield a reasonable agreement with a large variety of the available heavy ion data. Hadron/hyperon yields, including J/Psi meson production/suppression, strange matter formation, dileptons, and directed flow (bounce-off and squeeze-out) are investigated. Observations of interesting phenomena in dense matter are reported. However, we emphasize the need for systematic future measurements to search for simultaneous irregularities in the excitation functions of several observables in order to come close to pinning the properties of hot, dense QCD matter from data. The role of future experiments with the STAR and ALICE detectors is pointed out

    Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex Associated with Severe Mucous Membrane Involvement and Novel Mutations in the Plectin Gene

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    We report a novel case of epidermolysis bullosa simplex with severe mucous membrane involvement and mutations in the plectin gene (PLEC1). The patient suffered from extensive blistering of the skin and oral and laryngeal mucous membranes. Electron microscopy of a lesional skin biopsy showed cleft formation within the basal cell layer of the epidermis. Antigen mapping displayed entirely negative staining for plectin, a large (>500 kDa) multifunctional adhesion protein present in hemidesmosomes of the basal keratinocytes. Mutation analysis revealed compound heterozygous, previously undisclosed nonsense mutations, Q1713X and R2351X, of paternal and maternal origin, respectively, within exon 32 of PLEC1. Based on earlier reports, plectin deficiency is associated with late onset muscular dystrophy in patients with epidermolysis bullosa. No signs of muscle weakness have been observed during the 4 y follow-up of our patient. This case illustrates the fact that molecular pathological analyses have prognostic implications in identification and evaluation of patients who appear to be at risk for development of muscular dystrophy later in life

    A comparative co-simulation analysis to improve the sustainability of cogeneration-based district multi-energy systems using photovoltaics, power-to-heat, and heat storage

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    For an extensive decarbonization of district multi-energy systems, efforts are needed that go beyond today\u27s cogeneration of heat and power in district multi-energy systems. The multitude of existing technical possibilities are confronted with a large variety of existing multi-energy system configurations. The variety impedes the development of universal decarbonization pathways. In order to tackle the decarbonization challenge in existing and distinct districts, this paper calculates a wide range of urban district configurations in an extensive co-simulation based on domain specific submodels. A district multi-energy system comprising a district heating network, a power grid, and cogeneration is simulated for two locations in Germany with locally captured weather data, and for a whole year with variable parameters to configure a power-to-heat operation, building insolation/refurbishment, rooftop photovoltaic orientation, future energy demand scenarios, and district sizes with a temporal resolution of 60 seconds, in total 3840 variants. The interdependencies and synergies between the electrical low-voltage distribution grid and the district heating network are analysed in terms of efficiency and compliance with network restrictions. Thus, important sector-specific simulations of the heat and the electricity sector are combined in a holistic district multi-energy system co-simulation. The clearly most important impact on emission reduction and fuel consumption is a low heat demand, which can be achieved through thermal refurbishment of buildings. Up to \SI{46}{\percent} reduction in CO2CO_2 emissions are possible using the surplus electricity from photovoltaics for power-to-heat in combination with central heat storage in the district\u27s combined heat and power plant. Domestic hot water heated by district heating network in combination with power-to-heat conversion distributed in the district reduces the load on the distribution power grid. Even though the investigated measures already improve the sustainability significantly, providing the energy needed for the production of synthetic fuels remains the crucial challenge on the further path towards net-zero