3,916 research outputs found

    Bounds on transverse momentum dependent distribution functions

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    When more than one hadron takes part in a hard process, an extended set of quark distribution and fragmentation functions becomes relevant. In this talk, the derivation of Soffer-like bounds for these functions, in the case of a spin-1/2 target, is sketched and some of their aspects are discussed.Comment: Talk presented at International Workshop on Symmetries and Spin (Praha Spin 2000), Prague, Czech Republic, 17-22 Jul 200

    Batavia Riverwalk Pavillion

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    Erosion in the western part of the Kisii District

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    Modelling distribution functions and fragmentation functions

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    We present examples for the calculation of the distribution and fragmentation functions using the representation in terms of non-local matrix elements of quark field operators. As specific examples, we use a simple spectator model to estimate the leading twist quark distribution functions and the fragmentation functions for a quark into a nucleon or a pion.Comment: 5 pages RevTeX, talk presented at the First ELFE School on Confinement Physics, 22-28 July 1995, Cambridge, Englan

    Effect of quark off-shellness in DIS and the Drell-Yan process

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    We study higher twist corrections to the perturbative QCD cross sections for ep deep inelastic scattering and the Drell-Yan lepton pair production in pp collision. The corrections arise due to the initial state interaction of the active quarks with the spectator partons. The effect of this interaction is calculated by dressing the incoming quark lines with phenomenological single parameter Breit-Wigner spectral functions and taking into account the full off-shell kinematics. The quark width in the proton is estimated by analyzing the data on Drell-Yan triple differential cross section from the experiment E866 at Fermilab.Comment: talk on the conference "Lepton Scattering and the Structure of Hadrons and Nuclei," Erice, 16 - 24 Sept. 2004; 2 pages, 4 figures, to be published in "Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics

    Artful Pleading Defeats Historic Commitment to American Indians

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    Er det en sammenheng mellom sosioøkonomisk status og støyeksponering? : en tverrsnittstudie av to storbyer i Norge

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    Background: Health can be affected by several factors surrounding humans in their daily habitat. Several studies have assessed how noise is one environmental factor that can have implications for our health, both mentally and physically. Moreover, existing studies have proposed that noise exposure is distributed unequally between different groups of socioeconomic positions. However, little knowledge exists in the Norwegian context. Aim: The aim of this study is to increase the knowledge of the association between socioeconomic status and exposure to environmental noise in the municipalities of Oslo and Trondheim, with the use of education as an indicator of socioeconomic status and road traffic noise as environmental noise indicator. How this association differs between the two cities is also of interest. Method: This cross-sectional study has used data provided by the Norwegian cohort study NORCOHORT, consisting of individual data of the participants, obtained from a registerbased dataset, collected by Statistics Norway. Road traffic noise is calculated by Statistic Norway and provided through the NORCOHORT study. Linear regressions have been performed to assess the association between educational level and noise exposure. Results: Results from this study identifies a positive association between noise exposure and lower educational levels when the two cities are merged. Similar results are found in Oslo. The city of Trondheim does not show the same significant uneven distribution of noise. Conclusion: The results indicate that noise is not distributed equally when the two cities are combined. Participants with lower levels of education are exposed to greater noise exposure and may face greater health risks. Living in dense urban areas and having less economical resources may explain some of the mechanisms of this distribution.Bakgrunn: Helsen kan bli påvirket av flere faktorer som omgir mennesker i deres daglige liv. Flere studier har undersøkt hvordan støy kan være en av miljøfaktorene som kan ha implikasjoner for helsen vår, både mentalt og fysisk. Eksisterende studier har foreslått at støyeksponering er ulikt fordelt mellom forskjellige sosioøkonomiske grupper, men det eksisterer lite kunnskap om dette i en norsk kontekst. Formål: Hovedformålet med denne studien er å øke kunnskapsgrunnlaget angående assosiasjonen mellom sosioøkonomisk status og eksponering for miljøstøy i Oslo og Trondheim kommune, ved bruk av utdanning som en indikator for sosioøkonomisk status og veitrafikkstøy som indikator for miljøstøy. Hvordan denne assosiasjonen er forskjellig mellom de to byene er også av interesse. Metode: Denne tversnittstudien har benyttet seg av data fra den norske kohortstudien NORCOHORT. Dette datasettet er satt sammen av ulike register basert datasett og det er Statistisk sentralbyrå som har hatt ansvaret for datainnsamlingen. Veitrafikkstøy er kalkulert av Statistisk sentralbyrå og mottatt gjennom NORCOHORT studien. Lineær regressioner er utført for å undersøke assosiasjonen mellom utdanningsnivå og støyeksponering. Resultater: Resultatene fra denne studien identifiserer en positiv assosiasjon mellom støyeksponering og lavere utdanningsnivå når de to byene er samlet. Lignende resultater gjelder for Oslo, sett isolert. Analyser for Trondheim viser ikke den samme signifikante ujevne fordelingen av støy. Konklusjon: Disse resultatene indikerer at støy ikke er distribuert likt når de to byene ses på samlet. Deltakere med lavere nivå av utdanning er eksponert for høyere nivåer av støy, og kan stå ovenfor en større helserisiko. Det å bo i tettbebygde urbane områder og ha mindre økonomiske ressurser kan forklare noe av mekanismen bak den ujevne fordelingen av støy.M-FO

    Isoprenoid biosynthesis and mevalonate kinase deficiency

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    Mevalonaat Kinase Deficiëntie (MKD) is een aangeboren ziekte geassocieerd met heftige koortsaanvallen die drie tot vier dagen aanhouden en gepaard gaan met koude rillingen, gewrichtsklachten, huiduitslag, hoofdpijn, duizeligheid, buikpijn, braken en diarree. De koortsaanvallen treden gemiddeld eens in de drie tot zes weken op zonder dat goed duidelijk is waarom. Linda Henneman toont aan dat door een tekort van bepaalde metabolieten specifieke signaaleiwitten op de verkeerde plek in de cel terechtkomen en daardoor niet meer naar behoren functioneren. Dat leidt tot koortsaanvallen