8 research outputs found

    Implementation and analysis of a parallel vertex-centered finite element segmental refinement multigrid solver

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    In a parallel vertex-centered finite element multigrid solver, segmental refinement can be used to avoid all inter-process communication on the fine grids. While domain decomposition methods generally require coupled subdomain processing for the numerical solution to a nonlinear elliptic boundary value problem, segmental refinement exploits that subdomains are almost decoupled with respect to high-frequency error components. This allows to perform multigrid with fully decoupled subdomains on the fine grids, which was proposed as a sequential low-storage algorithm by Brandt in the 1970s, and as a parallel algorithm by Brandt and Diskin in 1994. Adams published the first numerical results from a multilevel segmental refinement solver in 2014, confirming the asymptotic exactness of the scheme for a cell-centered finite volume implementation. We continue Brandt’s and Adams’ research by experimentally investigating the scheme’s accuracy with a vertex-centered finite element segmental refinement solver. We confirm that full multigrid accuracy can be preserved for a few segmental refinement levels, although we observe a different dependency on the segmental refinement parameter space. We show that various strategies for the grid transfers between the finest conventional multigrid level and the segmental refinement subdomains affect the solver accuracy. Scaling results are reported for a Cray XC30 with up to 4096 cores.M.S

    An Anisotropic hphp-Adaptation Framework for Ultraweak Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin Formulations

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    In this article, we present a three-dimensional anisotropic hphp-mesh refinement strategy for ultraweak discontinuous Petrov--Galerkin (DPG) formulations with optimal test functions. The refinement strategy utilizes the built-in residual-based error estimator accompanying the DPG discretization. The refinement strategy is a two-step process: (a) use the built-in error estimator to mark and isotropically hphp-refine elements of the (coarse) mesh to generate a finer mesh; (b) use the reference solution on the finer mesh to compute optimal hh- and pp-refinements of the selected elements in the coarse mesh. The process is repeated with coarse and fine mesh being generated in every adaptation cycle, until a prescribed error tolerance is achieved. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed refinement strategy using several numerical examples on hexahedral meshes

    Stability Analysis for Electromagnetic Waveguides. Part 1: Acoustic and Homogeneous Electromagnetic Waveguides

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    In a time-harmonic setting, we show for heterogeneous acoustic and homogeneous electromagnetic wavesguides stability estimates with the stability constant depending linearly on the length LL of the waveguide. These stability estimates are used for the analysis of the (ideal) ultraweak (UW) variant of the Discontinuous Petrov Galerkin (DPG) method. For this UW DPG, we show that the stability deterioration with LL can be countered by suitably scaling the test norm of the method. We present the ``full envelope approximation'', a UW DPG method based on non-polynomial ansatz functions that allows for treating long waveguides

    Scalable DPG Multigrid Solver for Helmholtz Problems: A Study on Convergence

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    This paper presents a scalable multigrid preconditioner targeting large-scale systems arising from discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin (DPG) discretizations of high-frequency wave operators. This work is built on previously developed multigrid preconditioning techniques of Petrides and Demkowicz (Comput. Math. Appl. 87 (2021) pp. 12-26) and extends the convergence results from O(107)\mathcal{O}(10^7) degrees of freedom (DOFs) to O(109)\mathcal{O}(10^9) DOFs using a new scalable parallel MPI/OpenMP implementation. Novel contributions of this paper include an alternative definition of coarse-grid systems based on restriction of fine-grid operators, yielding superior convergence results. In the uniform refinement setting, a detailed convergence study is provided, demonstrating h and p robust convergence and linear dependence with respect to the wave frequency. The paper concludes with numerical results on hp-adaptive simulations including a large-scale seismic modeling benchmark problem with high material contrast

    Elements:Software A Scalable Open-Source hp-Adaptive FE Software for Complex Multiphysics Applications

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    Computer models can be used to augment, inform, and even replace expensive experimental measurements in science and engineering. However, complex models of engineering applications can quickly exceed computational capability, driving the need for advanced simulation tools. Applications in high-frequency wave simulation--such as submarine sonar (acoustics), fiber optics (electromagnetics), and structural analysis (elastodynamics)--pose a significant challenge for large-scale simulation. This project advances computational modeling capabilities through the development, documentation, and dissemination of a leading-edge simulation software. The effort builds on decades-long research and code development by the investigators and their project collaborators. Distributed as open-source, the software is accessible to the broader scientific community, thereby contributing to fundamental research and education for computer modeling in science and engineering. Furthermore, the project expands the national workforce by training young computational mathematicians at the graduate and postdoctoral levels. The project results are disseminated through conference presentations, workshops and seminars, as well as publications in scientific journals.The hp3D software leverages hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelism to run efficiently on NSF extreme-scale computing facilities and interfaces with state-of-the-art third-party scientific libraries. In addition to publishing the hp3D code and documentation, this project focuses on the development of a scalable multigrid (MG) solver based on the pre-asymptotically stable discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin (DPG) finite element method. This DPG-MG solver represents a significant advancement in solver technology as 1) the first robust, scalable solver for problems with highly-indefinite operators, such as high-frequency wave propagation; and 2) the first multigrid solver with support for fully anisotropic hp-adaptive hybrid meshes and a reliable built-in error indicator. Serial implementations of the DPG-MG solver have demonstrated near-linear scaling with respect to degrees of freedom in both time and memory; its parallel implementation significantly expands scientific compute capabilities and enables solution of currently intractable problems in 3D wave simulation.</p