147 research outputs found

    Qualitative and quantitative analysis of lipid classes in fish oils by thin-layer chromatography with an Iatroscan flame Ionization detector (TLC-FID) and liquid chromatography with an evaporative light scattering detector (LC-ELSD)

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    Combined effects of hydrogen and air flow rates on the peak response of selected neutral lipid classes (triacylglycerol, diacylglycerol, monoacylglycerol, free fatty acids, and ethyl esters) were studied to optimize and calibrate the Iatroscan Mk-6s Chromarod system for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of lipid classes by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) with flame ionization detection in fish oil during the transesterification process. Air flow rate of 2 L/min, hydrogen flow rate of 150-160 mL/min, and scan rate of 30 s/rod were found to be the optimum conditions. All samples were also analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with evaporative light scattering detection. Quantitative results obtained by TLC with the flame ionization detection method were comparable to those obtained from HPLC with evaporative light scattering detection. <br /

    Evaluation of an International Entrepreneur Exchange Program: Impacts, Lessons Learned, and Implications for Agricultural Development

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    This study evaluated a two-way, visitor exchange project for entrepreneurship development between three African countries and the United States. The study’s purpose was to determine outcomes, understand lessons learned, and derive implications for international agricultural development. Findings of the study confirm visiting African Entrepreneur Fellows (AEFs) developed entrepreneurial knowledge, gained business skills, and acquired positive attitudes toward U.S. business and culture. The majority of AEFs had applied acquired knowledge and skills to improve their businesses and promoted open economic ideals, business ethics, and human rights in their businesses. As a result, AEFs were able to expand their business into new ventures, improve customer services, establish communication networks, and serve their communities. Visitor exchange, entrepreneurship-building programs are effective strategies in contributing to development efforts in developing countries. Paying due attention to the selection and matching of U.S. mentors with the business interests and learning needs of international fellows is necessary to ensure their learning expectations are met. It is important to assign international participants with suitable mentors for longer periods of time to increase the likelihood of receiving more in-depth learning experiences and develop lasting professional relationships to further collaboration. Realization of the potential of entrepreneurship-focused, visitor exchange programs between nations as a strategy for international agricultural development is the major implication of this study

    DAG tales: the multiple faces of diacylglycerol—stereochemistry, metabolism, and signaling

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    Change in the political economy of land value capture in England

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    Variations in the character, performance and impact of policies and practices to capture land value for the community are usually examined by analysing experience in different countries. Such international comparative research is cross-sectional and does not cover the evolving relations between systems of land value capture and the economies, polities and societies within which they are set. This paper examines the relations in England between the extant political economy and supporting ideologies, and the distinctive forms of land value capture that they produced. It traces the shift from a top-down, strategic approach in an era of corporatist government before 1979 to the subsequent extension and consolidation of bottom-up practice set within the context of neo-liberalism. The analysis highlights the evolution of the idea of land value capture and the policies and practices associated with it, especially the contestation that informed such changes

    History, current status and collaborative research projects for Bemisia tabaci

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    Bemisia tabaci was described over 100 years ago and has since become one of the most important pests worldwide in subtropical and tropical agriculture as well as in greenhouse production systems. It adapts easily to new host plants and geographical regions and has now been reported from all global continents except Antarctica. In the last decade, international transport of plant material and people have contributed to geographical spread. B. tabaci has been recorded from more than 600 plant species and there may be many additional hosts not yet formally documented. Biotypes have been identified in different areas of the world suggesting that B. tabaci may be a species-complex undergoing evolutionary change. These biotypes may exhibit differences in viruses transmitted and transmission efficiency, rates of development, endosymbionts, host utilization, and physiological host damage. Excessive B. tabaci induced losses worldwide occur in field, vegetable and ornamental crop production. Losses occur from plant diseases caused by B. tabaci transmitted viruses, direct feeding damage, plant physiological disorders, and honeydew contamination and associated fungal growth. The number of B. tabaci-transmitted plant viruses has increased, and total yield losses of important food and industrial crops has occurred. Effective control at present is dependent on insecticides. However, this has been achieved with more selective chemistries, use of action thresholds, and resistance management. Host plant resistance and various cultural methods are also components of developing integrated management systems. National and international collaborative projects have made significant progress towards improved characterization of the whitefly problem, increased research, development of management methods, transfer of technology to the agricultural communities, and information exchange. These projects, as well as intensive education, research and extension activities form the basis for biologically and ecologically based approaches to management
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