757 research outputs found

    Digitalized service multinationals and international business theory

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    Banalieva and Dhanaraj argue that digital service multinationals (DSMNCs) possess a new category of firm-specific advantage (FSA), the network advantage, and that, contrary to extant theory, they use networks as a mode of governance. I review the business models used by DSMNCs, compare them to non-digital ones, and explore what we can learn about them from extant IB theory. I conclude that network advantages are not a new category of FSAs, that networks are not a mode of governance, and that their use by DSMNCs is well explained by extant theory

    Comparison of organic and conventional dairy farm economic and environmental performances throughout North West Europe

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    From an environmental point of view, organic farming (OF) systems have been identified as beneficial thanks to a system allowing fewer losses of nitrogen (N) per ha and lower green house gases (GHG) emissions per ha and per ton of milk (TM). From an economic point of view, milk coming from these OF systems is sold at a higher prize. However, incomes provided by both systems are similar (for similar amount of milk produced). This may be explained by higher input costs per unit of product for OF systems and by more incomes coming from sold crops for conventional farming (CF) systems. Therefore, on the one hand CF systems may improve their environmental performances by reducing the amount of inputs brought into the system, for example through a better forage and fertilisation management. On the other hand, the valorisation of milk through a differentiated production or market (price premium due to a label and/or on-farm transformation and/or sale) may bring them higher incomes. OF system may increase their incomes by selling one cash crop destined for human consumption and by finding the good balance between intensivity and extensivity in order to better valorise the inputs brought into the system

    Business group affiliation and foreign subsidiary performance

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    Research Summary Business group (BG) affiliation affects the strategic behavior and performance of firms. Until now it has been theoretically unclear and insufficiently empirically tested whether affiliation advantages extend to the foreign subsidiaries of group members. We attempt to determine if they do, and if so, to identify the boundary conditions that matter. We analyze a large panel of 451 foreign subsidiaries of 136 Indian multinational firms over the 2003-2012 period and find that BG affiliation does enhance foreign subsidiary performance when host-market institutions are weak and when the parent is in manufacturing. Managerial Summary Our research speaks directly to managers of multinational firms who seek to leverage the benefits of BG affiliation across national borders. We show that BG affiliation is only beneficial when the foreign subsidiary is located in a country characterized by weak institutions and when the parent is in manufacturing. If, on the other hand, the foreign subsidiary is in a country with well-functioning institutions and the parent in services, managers will not be able to count on BG advantages, rather they will have to develop competitive capabilities locally, that is, the foreign subsidiary will have to function more like a standalone firm

    Managing cultural diversity in collaborations: a focus on management tensions

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    This article explores the management of cultural diversity in public and not-for-profit collaborations spanning organizational, professional and national boundaries. Through the framing of a culture paradox, it identifies three interrelated tensions pertaining to the management of cultural diversity towards collaborative advantage. These tensions address: interactions between organizations within a collaboration; interactions between individual actors and their orientation towards the collaboration and their host organization; and the quantity and extent of cultural diversity within a collaboration. The culture paradox and its inherent management tensions provide theoretical and practical conceptualizations that are relevant to management and governance of collaboration

    What lies between market and hierarchy? Insights from internalization theory and global value chain theory

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    In this paper, we suggest that internalization theory might be extended by incorporating complementary insights from GVC theory. More specifically, we argue that internalization theory can explain why lead firms might wish to externalize selected activities, but that it is largely silent on the mechanisms by which those lead firms might exercise control over the resultant externalized relationships with their GVC partners. We advance an explanation linking the choice of control mechanism to two factors: power asymmetries between the lead firms and their GVC partners, and the degree of codifiability of the information to be exchanged in the relationship

    Catching-up in the global factory: analysis and policy implications

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    MNEs shape the location of activities in the world economy, linking diverse regions in what has been called the global factory. This study portrays the evolution of incomes and employment in the global factory using a quantitative input–output approach. We find emerging economies forging ahead relative to advanced economies in income derived from fabrication activities, handling the physical transformation process of goods. In contrast, convergence in income derived from knowledge-intensive activities carried out in pre- and post-fabrication stages is much slower. We discuss possible barriers to catching-up and policy implications for emerging economies in developing innovation capabilities, stressing the pivotal role of MNEs
