775 research outputs found

    Formoptimierte filigrane StĂ€be aus UHPC und korrosionsfreier CFK-Bewehrung fĂŒr variable rĂ€umliche Stabtragwerke

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    Die Vision bei diesem Projekt bestand darin, zukĂŒnftig anstelle massiver Betontragsysteme mit meist ungleichmĂ€ĂŸiger Materialausnutzung am Kraftfluss orientierte, filigrane, stabartige Tragwerke zu entwerfen, die sich neben der Gewichtsreduktion und einer höheren Transparenz auch durch eine bessere Ressourcennutzung auszeichnen. Dabei wurde eine modulare Bauweise angestrebt, bei der die Einzelkomponenten Druckstab und vorgespannter Zugstab sowie Teile des Verbindungsknotenelements vorgefertigt und am Einsatzort zusammengefĂŒgt werden. Sowohl im Hinblick auf die TragfĂ€higkeits- und Verbundeigenschaften als auch auf die Dauerhaftigkeit sollten die StĂ€be aus faserverstĂ€rktem Ultrahochleistungsbeton (UHPFRC) hergestellt sowie ausschließlich mit nichtmetallischen Elementen aus faserverstĂ€rkten Kunststoffen (FVK) bewehrt bzw. vorgespannt werden. Im geförderten Zeitraum lag das Hauptaugenmerk auf der Entwicklung filigraner, formoptimierter Druck- und vorgespannter ZugstĂ€be. Zum Knotenelement wurden theoretische Überlegungen sowie erste Tastversuche angestellt. [Aus: Projektidee und Zielsetzung]The vision of this project was to replace massive concrete structures with mostly inhomogeneous material utilization in the future by designing filigree concrete truss supporting structures in accordance with the principle form follows force instead. Thus, besides weight reduction and a higher transparency also a higher resource efficiency can be achieved. A modular construction method, in which the components compression strut, prestressed tie and connection joint elements are prefabricated and joined together at the construction site, was aspired. With regard to load-bearing capacity and bonding behaviour as well as durability, the struts and ties are made of Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) and are reinforced or prestressed exclusively with non-metallic elements made of f bre-reinforced polymers (FRP). Within the funding period, the focus was on the development of f ligree, shape-optimized struts and prestressed ties. Regarding the connection joint element, theoretical considerations were made and first basic tests were carried out. [Off: Vision and objective

    Framework for the usage of data from real-time indoor localization systems to derive inputs for manufacturing simulation

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    Discrete event simulation is becoming increasingly important in the planning and operation of complex manufacturing systems. A major problem with today’s approach to manufacturing simulation studies is the collection and processing of data from heterogeneous sources, because the data is often of poor quality and does not contain all the necessary information for a simulation. This work introduces a framework that uses a real-time indoor localization systems (RTILS) as a central main data harmonizer, that is designed to feed production data into a manufacturing simulation from a single source of truth. It is shown, based on different data quality dimensions, how this contributes to a better overall data quality in manufacturing simulation. Furthermore, a detailed overview on which simulation inputs can be derived from the RTILS data is given

    A Vision of Digitalization in Supply Chain Management and Logistics

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    Digitalization requires a new form of management to master the transformation process of corporations and companies. The Dortmund Management Model structures the focus areas of the digital transformation along the management tasks goal, planning, decision, realization and monitoring as well as the common socio-technical subsystems technological, organizational and personnel - enriched by a fourth dimension: information. Additionally, the acceleration factors transformation, migration and change management are taken into account. This paper embraces a vision for a persistent management of production and supply chain networks in order to achieve a holistic Management 4.0. The emerging developments of technology, methods, tools and models in production and supply chain research are connected and merged into a big picture of digital supply chain management and logistics. The interfaces between management tasks show specific characteristics of digital business processes in particular, which are hereinafter exemplarily outlined: New business models and value-creation networks are based on adaption intelligent production systems, which are interconnected with digital models for continuous planning and reconfiguration. At the shop floor and between sites orders are completed by autonomous guided vehicles (AGV) with intelligent load carriers. Decentralized negotiations and decisions across company boundaries concluded with smart contracts are enabling reasonable and sustainable distribution of the value creation processes. Humans are still in the center of action – abilities are developed by integrated competence management, new learning approaches and human-centered assistance systems coupled with AI-based decision-making support. New types of organizations allow a synergetic collaboration of humans and machines. The benefit of integrating new production and transport technologies becomes assessable and accelerates the ongoing renewal of existing networks. This paper provides an overview of possible potential and connecting factors by linking different technological developments towards supply chain, logistics, production and management research and shows further research demands

    Realization and Extension of the Xfrog Approach for Plant Modelling in the Graph-Grammar Based Language XL

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    Two well-known approaches for modelling virtual vegetation are grammar-based methods (L-systems) and the Xfrog method, which is based on graph transformations expanding "multiplier" nodes. We show that both approaches can be unified in the framework of "relational growth grammars", a variant of parallel graph grammars. We demonstrate this possibility and the synergistic benefits of the combination of both methods at simple plant models which were processed using our open-source software GroIMP

    Using a Full Spectral Raytracer for Calculating Light Microclimate in Functional-Structural Plant Modelling

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    Raytracers that allow the spatially explicit calculation of the fate of light beams in a 3D scene allow the consideration of shading, reflected and transmitted light in functional-structural plant models (FSPM). However, the spectrum of visible light also has an effect on cellular and growth processes. This recently created the interest to extend this modelling paradigm allowing the representation of detailed spectra instead of monochromatic or white light and to extend existing FSPM platforms accordingly. In this study a raytracer is presented which supports the full spectrum of light and which can be used to compute spectra from arbitrary light sources and their transformation at the organ level by absorption, reflection and transmission in a virtual canopy. The raytracer was implemented as an extension of the FSPM platform GroIMP

    Integrating blockchain technology in supply chain management – a process model with evidence from current implementation projects

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    In this paper, process models for the integration of information technologies in supply chains are evaluated and utilized for the development of a blockchain-specific model. Case studies are conducted to validate the model based on several implementation projects with the purpose to refine the model’s phases and through focus group interviews and workshops. Even though most of the studied projects demonstrate a clear added value of their blockchain solutions, only few of them make it to the step of running a productive system and integrate the solution in their business processes. The outcome of this paper delivers a practice-oriented process model for integrating blockchain solutions in supply chains. It meets all developed requirements and is validated by interdisciplinary experts that consider a variety of use cases and supply chain application areas

    To join or not to join?–A framework for the evaluation of enterprise blockchain consortia

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    Within the past years, enterprise blockchain solutions were frequently developed within different industry consortia. In most cases, this resulted in isolated solutions competing against each other due to similar approaches and goals. Today, decision makers do not necessarily need to establish entirely new blockchain consortia, as established ones already exist, and participation is a considerable way to avoid unreasonable efforts. In this paper, we apply an iterative literature review to identify different factors relevant for practitioners, who face the challenge of joining an existing enterprise blockchain consortium. In a second step, we discuss these factors utilizing supply chain management as a role model. As a main finding, we propose an evaluation framework for the purpose of enterprise blockchain consortium analysis. Additionally, we provide several questions relevant for practitioners during their evaluation stages. With our evaluation framework we contribute to blockchain research, where - despite its high relevance - the topic of consortium evaluation has so far been neglected. We also contribute to research in the field of technology evaluation by proposing and merging five different evaluation dimensions
