29 research outputs found

    Self-Control Technique to Improve Self-Esteem Among Victims of Bullying

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    Aims: Bullying is one of the most common forms of juvenile delinquency and continues to increase every year. Teenagers who are victims of bullying have a high chance of experiencing various health problems such as decreased self-esteem. One way that can be done to increase self-esteem is through self-control techniques. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the effect of virtual self-control on the self-esteem of adolescent victims of bullying. Methods: This study was a quasy experimental with one group pretest posttest design approach. This research was conducted in July 2021, with a total sample of 30 students at senior high school in Bandung City. The sample was selected by using a purposive sampling and the data collection using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) questionnaire. Results: Analysis of the characteristics respondents showed that the most of the respondents were female (86.7%) were Muslim (96.7%) and came from the Sundanese (80.0%), with an average age of 17 years, the youngest of the respondent was 15 years old and the oldest was 19 years old. Bivariate analysis showed there was a significant effect of self-control to improve self-esteem of adolescent victims of bullying with t = -31,174, sig = 0.000 (p < α 0.05). Conclusion: The self-control can be used as one of the school programs to deal with adolescent of bullying victim who has low self-esteem by establish counseling. It is hoped that this self-control technique can be used as a form of independent nursing intervention for a nurse in providing nursing care. Nursing Implications: The existence of this study can provide an information related to interventions of victim of bullying who had low self estee


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    Latar belakang: Aktivitas fisik dapat meningkatkan kesehatan dan mengurangi risiko beberapa penyakit, dan yang paling terpenting adalah dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup seseorang. Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kegiatan fisik pada lansia di panti jompo di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional yang dilakukan di dua panti jompo di Provinsi Jawa Barat Indonesia dengan menggunakan tehnik total sampling. Aktifitas fisik lansia di ukur dengan  menggunakan International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form (IPAQ-SF) versi bahasa Indonesia. Hasil: Penelitian ini melibatkan 58 lansia, dan jumlah lansia pria dan wanita sama jumlahnya (50%). Tingkat pendidikan yang paling umum dicapai oleh peserta adalah Sekolah Dasar (41,4%) dan tidak memiliki pendidikan (37,9%). Mayoritas peserta memiliki aktivitas fisik sedang (77,6%), dan hanya 15,5% memiliki aktivitas fisik yang rendah. Kesimpulan: Panti Jompo memiliki banyak kegiatan yang tersedia untuk para lansia, namun, masih ada beberapa lansia yang tidak berpartisipasi dalam program yang ada di panti. Dengan ini penyedia layanan kesehatan harus merancang kegiatan yang lebih tepat untuk meningkatkan jumlah partisipasi lansia dalam kegiatan/olahraga sehari-hari.  Â

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Think Talk Write Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Pada Keterampilan Menulis Puisi Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh model pembelajaran Think Talk Write berbasis kearifan lokal terhadap keterampilan menulis puisi siswa kelas X SMK Negeri 2 Palembang. Jenis penelitian ini yakni Quasi Eksperimen dengan desain Nonequavalent control grup Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu semua siswa kelas X TKJ 1 dan X TKJ 6 di SMK Negeri 2 Palembang yang sebanyak 56 siswa. Sampel ini memakai teknik sampling total dan teknik pengambilan sampel dimana seluruh anggota populasi di jadikan sampel semua. Sampel pada peneliti ini di bagi 2 kelompok, yaitu kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol dimana kelompok eksperimen sebanyak 28 siswa serta kelompok kontrol sebanyak 28 siswa. Instrumen yang dipakai pada peneliti yaitu, tes, observasi serta dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data pada peneitian ini memakai indentpenden sampel t-test. Taraf signifikan pada penelitian ini adalah 0,05. Kelas eksperimen yang diberi perlakuan dengan model pembelajaran think talk write dengan berbasis kearifan lokal memperoleh rata-rata prettest-posttest. Banyak prettest sebesar 54,6428 dan banyak posttest 84,6428 dengan memiliki rata kelas eksperimen prettest sebesar 1.530 dan postest sebesar 2.370, dan  kelas kontrol prettest serta posttest. Prettest sebanyak 56,4285 serta posttest sebanyak 75,35714 rata-rata presttest sebanyak 1.580 serta  posttest pada kelas kontrol sebanyak 2.110.  Hasil uji T dengan ttabel 1.672 diperoleh thitung 4.320. Bahwa  thitung > ttabel  yaitu yang artinya adanya pengaruh yang signifikan pada pemakaian model pembelajaran Think Talk Write berbasis kearifan lokal terhadap keterampilan menulis puisi siswa kelas X SMK Negeri 2 Palembang

    Social Media Addiction and the Association with Self-Esteem among Adolescents in Rural Areas of Indonesia

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    The use of social media has increased significantly in recent years, particularly among adolescents and this has triggered an upsurge in research into the connection between social media and self-esteem. However, there has been little attention paid to the association between social media and self-esteem in adolescents in rural areas, an oversight this study will address – focusing on adolescents in rural areas of Indonesia. This descriptive correlational study was conducted in 2018 at two senior high school in rural area of Bandung, West Java. Disproportion stratified random sampling was used to select the sample. Social Media Addiction Scale-Student Form Questionnaires (SMAS-SF) and Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale were used to collect the data. Pearson Product Moment correlation was performed to test the relationship between social media addiction and self-esteem. A total of 340 students joined our study, of which 59.7% were female. About 57.6% of the respondents felt discomfort when they had to reduce time spent using social media and 77.6% were addicted to using social media. 57.1% of the respondents have low self-esteem. There was a moderate positive relationship between addiction to social media and self-esteem among adolescents in rural area (r=0.418, p<0.05). This study suggest that social media addiction was correlated with self-esteem, for future studies could be considering gender difference to have better insight. Healthcare professional needs to design an intervention utilize social media to promote self-esteem among adolescents.   Keywords: social media, self-esteem, adolescent

    The effect of internet-based education to improve knowledge and practice toward COVID-19 prevention among community volunteer in rural area of West Java, Indonesia

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    Aims: This study aimed to determine the effect of internet-based education to improve knowledge and practice toward COVID-19 prevention among community volunteer in Indonesia. Design: This study is a quantitative study using the queasy-experimental two group pre-posttest design. Methods: The intervention in the form of internet-based education was offered to respondents in 5 sessions (45 minutes each meeting) in 3 weeks in the form of discussions utilizing power points and applications regarding COVID-19 prevention. the respondents are those who meet the inclusion criteria during the study: age over 18 years old, able to communicate well, not have visual and hearing impairment, can read and write, willing to be involved in research, and have access to android gadgets. Results: The number of samples in this study were 150 respondents consisting of 84 respondents (56.4) male and 66 respondents (44.0) female. Of these 150 respondents, 75 respondents were in the intervention group and 75 respondents were in the control group. COVID prevention knowledge before and after the internet-based education intervention increased significantly from 2.02 (SD=1.25) 2 to 3.45 (SD=1.31) with a t-value of 6.22 and a p-value of 0.000. In the scores of COVID-19 prevention practice, it was found that the intervention group data showed a significant Increased from 2.57 (SD = 0.98) to 3.13 (SD = 2.34) with a p-value of 0.000. Conclusions: This study found the significant improvement of knowledge and practice toward COVID-19 prevention using an internet-based education

    Perceptions of Indonesian Nurses Toward the Application of the Internet of Things in the Future

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    In the healthcare industry, Internet of Things (IoT) based systems are utilized for phone care delivery, smart healthcare, smart health sensors and wearable technology, preventative systems, and distant monitoring. No studies have assessed nurses’ perspectives of IoT applications in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to identify health professionals’ perspectives on future health and technology trends, to identify their readiness to adopt new health technologies, and to identify the use of IoT technology in healthcare applications. This study was conducted using a descriptive and cross-sectional approach. Nurses with a Diploma III and at least one year of experience were selected from three different departments (medical surgical, pediatrics, maternity). About 76% of 350 nurses had little knowledge of IoT technology and 95% said they do not keep up to date with IoT publications. About 50% of nurses believed that IoT technology will have a large impact on the health and education sectors. These results indicated that IoT technology and informatics should be included in nursing education and further studies should be conducted to integrate technological trends into healthcare and nursing practices. Keywords: perceptions, nurses, internet of things, healthcar


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    The development of the local community and is risen by the end of it would have an impact to an increased the needs of the people , one of these is the credits really needed by the prices of clothing or clothing .This can be traced to looked the more likely side to become a point of significant both as an advance of this business operators take part in the bali distro to meet the needs of the world largest oil consumers clothes paid at the end .Distro Mayang Madu should have received assistance from one seller prices of clothing of the largest memorials in Paciran Lamongan that provides the needs of prices of clothing people in the north coast and the surrounding areas .To win over the competition in the marketing of their products it takes of customers who are a disloyal .Of customers who are a disloyal to putt as well as they would have to re pt indofood acquired misp shares in time to come and inform to others for what is perceived . This study aims to to analyze the influence of the price of , the product quality , as well as the location against customers loyalty Distro Mayang Madu In Paciran Lamongan .Closer look at of this research is descriptive of quantitative .Percent of the population on this research including an in the number of subscribers 400 .The technique of over the withdrawal of funds by smeru within the was used in the study random sampling to the total number of samples from 80 .The technique of the collection of data using the primary data was obtained from the questionnaire that has been tested the validity of and reliabilitasnya .Of the data analysis that is used is identification economic assumptions agreed to at the fit and proper test classical , it is anticipated that analysis linear regression of multiple , the coefficients determined and efforts whatever survives this test a hypothesis with use some help a nice little software you spss .The result of this research showing the price of ( h ) had a positive impact on customers loyalty ( lp ) Distro Mayang Madu In Lamongan .The product quality ( kp ) had a positive impact on customers loyalty ( lp ) Distro Mayang Madu in lamongan .As well as the location ( l ) exert a positive influence against customers loyalty ( lp ) of a Distro Mayang Madu in Lamongan


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    The development of the local community and is risen by the end of it would have an impact to an increased the needs of the people , one of these is the credits really needed by the prices of clothing or clothing .This can be traced to looked the more likely side to become a point of significant both as an advance of this business operators take part in the bali distro to meet the needs of the world largest oil consumers clothes paid at the end .Distro Mayang Madu should have received assistance from one seller prices of clothing of the largest memorials in Paciran Lamongan that provides the needs of prices of clothing people in the north coast and the surrounding areas .To win over the competition in the marketing of their products it takes of customers who are a disloyal .Of customers who are a disloyal to putt as well as they would have to re pt indofood acquired misp shares in time to come and inform to others for what is perceived . This study aims to to analyze the influence of the price of , the product quality , as well as the location against customers loyalty Distro Mayang Madu In Paciran Lamongan .Closer look at of this research is descriptive of quantitative .Percent of the population on this research including an in the number of subscribers 400 .The technique of over the withdrawal of funds by smeru within the was used in the study random sampling to the total number of samples from 80 .The technique of the collection of data using the primary data was obtained from the questionnaire that has been tested the validity of and reliabilitasnya .Of the data analysis that is used is identification economic assumptions agreed to at the fit and proper test classical , it is anticipated that analysis linear regression of multiple , the coefficients determined and efforts whatever survives this test a hypothesis with use some help a nice little software you spss .The result of this research showing the price of ( h ) had a positive impact on customers loyalty ( lp ) Distro Mayang Madu In Lamongan .The product quality ( kp ) had a positive impact on customers loyalty ( lp ) Distro Mayang Madu in lamongan .As well as the location ( l ) exert a positive influence against customers loyalty ( lp ) of a Distro Mayang Madu in Lamongan

    The Effect Of Assertive Training For Reducing Violence Behavior In Skizofrenia Patients: Literature Review

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    Aims : Violent behavior is one of the positive signs and symptoms that appear in schizophrenic patients. One of the actions that can be done on schizophrenic patients with violent behavior problems is by conducting assertive training. The purpose of this study was to analyze previous research on the effect of Asertive Training in Reducing Symptoms in Violent Behavior: Literature Review   Methdos : This study was a literature review. The journal obtained from two data based, namely Google Scholar and Pubmed. The keywords used in the data based on Google Scholar were combination between assertive training, assertive training, schizophrenia, and violent behavior. Meanwhile, the keywords used in the data based on Pubmed were assertive training, assertive skills, schizophenia, mental illness, violence behavior. The inclusion criteria were studies conducted on patient with schizophrenia, with assertive training interventions. Journal in bahasa Indonesia and English included, randomized control trial or quasi experimental studies, and free full text. Results The results were obtained as many as 676 journals based on a combination of keywords, then screened through titles, abstracts, and also inclusion criteria, only six journals were reviewed.   Conclusions : Based on the results showed that assertive training was able to reduce violent behavior in schizophrenic patients

    SKRINING COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT PADA PASIEN HIPERTENSI DI BANDUNG: Screening Cognitive Impairment in Hypertensive Patients in Bandung

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    Hipertensi merupakan salah satu faktor resiko tertinggi untuk gangguan fungsi kognitif. Studi sebelumnya melaporkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan white matter lession pada pasien hipertensi. Akan tetapi, penelitian tentang deteksi dini gangguan fungsi kognitif pada pasien hipertensi di Indonesia masih terbatas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi gangguan fungsi kognitif pada pasien dengan hipertensi. Jenis penelitian yanga akan digunakan adalah cross-sectional study. Peserta dalam penelitian adalah seseorang berusia lebih dari 18 tahun yang didiagnosa hipertensi, tidak ada riwayat penyakit yang berhubungan dengan fungsi kognitif seperti stroke, epilepsy atau riwayat bedah otak. Fungsi Kognitif diukur dengan menggunakan The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). Sebanyak 120 pasien dengan hipertensi berhasil direkrut dalam penelitian ini. Sebanyak 68.9% mengalami gangguan fungsi kognitif dengan nilai rata-rata paling rendah adalah dalam kemampuan mengingat angka, huruf, pengurangan, dan orientasi. Deteksi dini gangguan kognitif pada pasien hipertensi harus dilakukan secara rutin di klinik ataupun pusat pelayanan kesehatan primer lainnnya