1,346 research outputs found

    Regression with strongly correlated data

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    This paper discusses linear regression of strongly correlated data that arises, for example, in magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium reconstructions. We have proved that, generically, the covariance matrix of the estimated regression parameters for fixed sample size goes to zero as the correlations become unity. That is, in this limit the estimated parameters are known with perfect accuracy. Simple examples are shown to illustrate this effect and the nature of the exceptional cases in which the estimate covariance does not go to zero


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    Mutual influences of viruses on the immune system and vice versa which lead to a biological balance are considered, with clinical and/or experimental findings. Numbers and turnover of immune cells can be correlated with numbers and growth rate of viruses; certain viruses apparently have adapted to systemic or local immune effector mechanisms. The biological balance of viruses and immune system guarentees overall protection of both host and parasite. It alos may lead to conditions where immune protective mechanisms causes cell and tissue damage leading to disease. Immunologically mediated disease may be influenced by immune regulation via HLA antigen and may therefore explain HLA-disease associations. Finally, the different specificities of antibodies vs. T Cells and the differing kinetics of their immunological memory are outlined and correlated with immune escape, immune protection and the resulting possible evolutionary pressures on viruse

    Subclinical psychosis syndromes in the general population: results from a large-scale epidemiological survey among residents of the canton of Zurich, Switzerland

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    Aims. Prevalence and covariates of subclinical psychosis have gained increased interest in the context of early identification and treatment of persons at risk for psychosis. Methods. We analysed 9829 adults representative of the general population within the canton of Zurich, Switzerland. Two psychosis syndromes, derived from the SCL-90-R, were applied: 'schizotypal signs' and 'schizophrenia nuclear symptoms'. Results. Only a few subjects (13.2%) reported no schizotypal signs. While 33.2% of subjects indicated mild signs, only a small proportion (3.7%) reported severe signs. A very common outcome was no 'schizophrenia nuclear symptoms' (70.6%). Although 13.5% of the participants reported mild symptoms, severe nuclear symptoms were very rare (0.5%). Because these two syndromes were only moderately correlated (r = 0.43), we were able to establish sufficiently distinct symptom clusters. Schizotypal signs were more closely connected to distress than was schizophrenia nuclear symptoms, even though their distribution types were similar. Both syndromes were associated with several covariates, such as alcohol and tobacco use, being unmarried, low education level, psychopathological distress and low subjective well-being. Conclusions. Subclinical psychosis symptoms are quite frequent in the general population but, for the most part, are not very pronounced. In particular, our data support the notion of a continuous Wald distribution of psychotic symptoms in the general population. Our findings have enabled us to confirm the usefulness of these syndromes as previously assessed in other independent community samples. Both can appropriately be associated with well-known risk factors of schizophrenia

    Enhanced positive selection of a transgenic TCR by a restriction element that does not permit negative selection

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    Very little is known about the conformational properties of the MHC molecules that are able to signal positive selection of a given TCR. To try to understand these parameters and to determine whether these requirements are shared with interactions during negative selection and antigen recognition, we have studied selection and antigen recognition of a transgenic TCR (specific for lymphocytic choriomeningitls virus glycoprotein and H-2Db) in the context of two Db mutants, H-2bm13 and H-2bm14. The data showed that the transgenic TCR was not positively selected by the H-2bm14 haplotype but, interestingly, enhanced positive selection was seen in H-2bm13 mice. The transgenic TCR could not be negatively selected In H-2bm13animals persistently infected with the virus (neonatal virus carrier mice), nor could the transgenic TCR be activated by H-2bm13 infected cells in vivo or in vitro. These experiments show that although a TCR may be selected by a mutant MHC molecule, the corresponding viral antigen cannot be recognized in the context of the mutant MHC molecule, as Judged by both negative selection and T cell reactivity in vivo and in vitro. The ‘enhanced' positive selection occurring in the context of Dbm13 suggests that a different conformation of the MHC molecule is able to select the same TCR and also that various TCR-ligand avidities may permit positive selectio

    Antidepressant withdrawal – the tide is finally turning

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    Withdrawal reactions when coming off antidepressants have long been neglected or minimised. It took almost two decades after the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) entered the market for the first systematic review to be published. More reviews have followed, demonstrating that the dominant and long-held view that withdrawal is mostly mild, affects only a small minority and resolves spontaneously within 1–2 weeks, was at odd with the sparse but growing evidence base. What the scientific literature reveals is in close agreement with the thousands of service user testimonies available online in large forums. It suggests that withdrawal reactions are quite common, that they may last from a few weeks to several months or even longer, and that they are often severe. These findings are now increasingly acknowledged by official professional bodies and societies

    Protective Immunity Does Not Correlate with the Hierarchy of  Virus-specific Cytotoxic T Cell Responses to Naturally Processed Peptides

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    Infection of C57BL/6 mice with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) stimulates major histocompatibility complex class I–restricted cytotoxic T cells (CTLs), which normally resolve the infection. Three peptide epitopes derived from LCMV have been shown to bind the mouse class I molecule H-2 Db and to stimulate CTL responses in LCMV-infected mice. This report describes the identity and abundance of each CTL epitope after their elution from LCMV-infected cells. Based on this information, peptide abundance was found to correlate with the magnitude of each CTL response generated after infection with LCMV. Subsequent experiments, performed to determine the antiviral capacity of each CTL specificity, indicate that the quantitative hierarchy of CTL activity does not correlate with the ability to protect against LCMV infection. This report, therefore, indicates that immunodominant epitopes should be defined, not only by the strength of the CTL response that they stimulate, but also by the ability of the CTLs to protect against infection
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