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    Perancangan Video Promosi Pasar Seni Tradisional Kumbasari Sebagai Pusat Busana Khas Bali Di Denpasar

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    Pasar Seni Tradisional Kumbasari merupakan salah satu pasar seni tradisional yang terbesar di Bali, yang dikelola Perusahaan Daerah (PD) Pasar Kota Denpasar. Pasar ini menjual beraneka ragam barang seperti, kain, kerajinan tangan, makanan, pajangan, sarana persembahyangan bagi umat Hindu, dan lainnya. Akan tetapi, kondisi pasar Kumbasari saat ini sepi pengunjung, hanya sedikit wisatawan nusantara yang mengetahui pasar Kumbasari sebagai tempat berbelanja oleh-oleh khas Bali di Denpasar, sebagian besar memilih pusat oleh-oleh modern sebagai tempat berbelanja. Maka dari itu perlu adanya USAha untuk memperkenalkan pasar Kumbasari sebagai pilihan alternatif berbelanja oleh-oleh khas Bali di Denpasar. Beberapa metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis untuk mengatasi permasalahan di atas diantaranya seperti, penelitian deskriptif berupa pengolahan data sekunder, observasi lapangan, dokumentasi, depth interview, kuesioner, diagram afiniti, brainstorming dan sketsa untuk menyampaikan konsep desain yang disimpulkan. Kemudian luaran desain yang dihasilkan diujikan dengan post test kepada target pasar. Hasil akhir dari perancangan ini berupa video promosi untuk memperkenalkan dan mempromosikan pasar Kumbasari ke wisatawan nusantara. Nantinya hasil akhir dari penilitian ini akan diimplementasikan dalam bentuk video promosi yang ditempatkan di berbagai media, seperti website PD Pasar Kota Denpasar, website travel, Youtube, dan Youtube ads, Facebook, dan BBM

    Intermachine variation of ultrasound strain elastographic measures of the quadriceps and patellar tendons in healthy participants

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    ObjectivesTo evaluate intermachine variation and compare intraoperator and interoperator agreement and repeatability characteristics of 2 ultrasound (US) systems for measurements of quadriceps and patellar tendons by strain elastography (SE).MethodsForty tendons from 20 healthy participants were investigated by operators with different experience (operator 1, 12 years of US experience and >50 SE examinations; operator 2, no US experience and 1 day of SE training). Repeated measures were performed on GE Healthcare (Waukesha, WI) and Esaote (Genoa, Italy) US systems. The percentage of agreement, Cohen κ, intraclass correlation coefficient, and correlation tests assessed agreement, repeatability, and associations of SE measures. A paired t test and Wilcoxon signed rank test assessed differences in SE measures. ResultsThe study participants included 5 male and 15 female volunteers (mean [range] age, 29.3 [21–39] years). Better agreement and repeatability characteristics were observed for the patellar compared to the quadriceps tendon and the color score (CS) method over the elasticity ratio (ER). Intraoperator agreement was better for the experienced operator. Intraoperator repeatability was achieved in 55% of ER (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.40–0.91; P  [less than] .05) and 77% to 85% (κ = –0.25–1) of CS measures. Interoperator repeatability was achieved in 35% (t /z , –2.93–7.94; P  [less than] .001–.048) of all ER measures. No significant differences in proximal (z , –0.13– –0.78) and distal patellar (z , –1.52–2.26; P  > .5) patellar ER measures were observed. Seventy‐four percent to 75% mean agreement (κ = 0–0.5) for CS measures comparable across both US systems was observed. Intermachine ER associations were poor (r = –0.39–0.13; P  > .05), whereas greater than 70% agreement (κ = –0.87–0.53) for the CS was achieved. ConclusionsThe reproducibility of knee tendon SE measurements is influenced by the operator experience, US system, and tendon site

    Military spending and economic growth in China: a regime-switching analysis

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.This article investigates the impact of military spending changes on economic growth in China over the period 1953 to 2010. Using two-state Markov-switching specifications, the results suggest that the relationship between military spending changes and economic growth is state dependent. Specifically, the results show that military spending changes affect the economic growth negatively during a slower growth-higher variance state, while positively within a faster growth-lower variance one. It is also demonstrated that military spending changes contain information about the growth transition probabilities. As a policy tool, the results indicate that increases in military spending can be detrimental to growth during slower growth-higher growth volatility periods. © 2014 © 2014 The Author(s). Published by Taylor & Francis

    Guidelines for a whole-school language policy in multicultural schools

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    This study explores approaches and strategies to implement in multicultural English-medium secondary schools for the management and education of black pupils with limited proficiency in English. It attempts to identify means of enhancing and accelerating the mastery by such pupils of English at a level sufficient to support their cognitive-academic needs. An account is given of those elements of the South African education system that have contributed to the disadvantagement that such children bring to the multic,llttu'al classroom. Relevant theories of bilingual education create a theoretical context for the qualitative research that follows, in which the experiences are recorded of educators at three schools where the needs of limited-English-proficient (LEI') pupils have been addressed. Data gathering was by means of focus-group interviews. Based Oll this research, guidelines are offered to help multicultural schools design policies and implement programmes to accommodate the needs of LEP pupils.Educational StudiesM.Ed. (Comparative Education

    A multi-instrument approach to determining the source‐region extent of EEP-driving EMIC Waves

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    Recent years have seen debate regarding the ability of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves to drive EEP (energetic electron precipitation) into the Earth's atmosphere. Questions still remain regarding the energies and rates at which these waves are able to interact with electrons. Many studies have attempted to characterize these interactions using simulations; however, these are limited by a lack of precise information regarding the spatial scale size of EMIC activity regions. In this study we examine a fortuitous simultaneous observation of EMIC wave activity by the RBSP‐B and Arase satellites in conjunction with ground‐based observations of EEP by a subionospheric VLF network. We describe a simple method for determining the longitudinal extent of the EMIC source region based on these observations, calculating a width of 0.75 hr MLT and a drift rate of 0.67 MLT/hr. We describe how this may be applied to other similar EMIC wave events

    Provision of foot health services for people with rheumatoid arthritis in New South Wales: a web-based survey of local podiatrists

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    Background: It is unclear if podiatric foot care for people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in New South Wales (NSW) meets current clinical recommendations. The objective of this study was to survey podiatrists' perceptions of the nature of podiatric foot care provision for people who have RA in NSW.Methods: An anonymous, cross-sectional survey with a web-based questionnaire was conducted. The survey questionnaire was developed according to clinical experience and current foot care recommendations. State registered podiatrists practising in the state of NSW were invited to participate. The survey link was distributed initially via email to members of the Australian Podiatry Association (NSW), and distributed further through snowballing techniques using professional networks. Data was analysed to assess significant associations between adherence to clinical practice guidelines, and private/public podiatry practices.Results: 86 podiatrists participated in the survey (78% from private practice, 22% from public practice). Respondents largely did not adhere to formal guidelines to manage their patients (88%). Only one respondent offered a dedicated service for patients with RA. Respondents indicated that the primary mode of accessing podiatry was by self-referral (68%). Significant variation was observed regarding access to disease and foot specific assessments and treatment strategies. Assessment methods such as administration of patient reported outcome measures, vascular and neurological assessments were not conducted by all respondents. Similarly, routine foot care strategies such as prescription of foot orthoses, foot health advice and footwear were not employed by all respondents.Conclusions: The results identified issues in foot care provision which should be explored through further research. Foot care provision in NSW does not appear to meet the current recommended standards for the management of foot problems in people who have RA. Improvements to foot care could be undertaken in terms of providing better access to examination techniques and treatment strategies that are recommended by evidence based treatment paradigms. © 2013 Hendry et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd