14 research outputs found

    Noise2Filter: fast, self-supervised learning and real-time reconstruction for 3D Computed Tomography

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    At X-ray beamlines of synchrotron light sources, the achievable time-resolution for 3D tomographic imaging of the interior of an object has been reduced to a fraction of a second, enabling rapidly changing structures to be examined. The associated data acquisition rates require sizable computational resources for reconstruction. Therefore, full 3D reconstruction of the object is usually performed after the scan has completed. Quasi-3D reconstruction -- where several interactive 2D slices are computed instead of a 3D volume -- has been shown to be significantly more efficient, and can enable the real-time reconstruction and visualization of the interior. However, quasi-3D reconstruction relies on filtered backprojection type algorithms, which are typically sensitive to measurement noise. To overcome this issue, we propose Noise2Filter, a learned filter method that can be trained using only the measured data, and does not require any additional training data. This method combines quasi-3D reconstruction, learned filters, and self-supervised learning to derive a tomographic reconstruction method that can be trained in under a minute and evaluated in real-time. We show limited loss of accuracy compared to training with additional training data, and improved accuracy compared to standard filter-based methods

    Prototyping X-ray tomographic reconstruction pipelines with FleXbox

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    Computer Tomography (CT) scanners for research applications are often designed to facilitate flexible acquisition geometries. Making full use of such CT scanners requires advanced reconstruction software that can (i) deal with a broad range of geometrical scanning settings, (ii) allows for customization of processing algorithms, and (iii) has the capability to process large amounts of data. FleXbox is a Python-based tomographic reconstruction toolbox focused on these three functionalities. It is built to bridge the gap between low-level tomographic reconstruction packages (e.g. ASTRA toolbox) and high-level distributed systems (e.g. Livermore Tomography Tools). FleXbox allows to model arbitrary source, detector and object trajectories. The modular architecture of FleXbox allows to design an optimal reconstruction approach for a single CT dataset. When multiple datasets of an object are acquired (either different spatial regions or different snapshots in time), they can be combined into a larger high resolution volume or a time series of volumes. The software allows to then create a computational reconstruction pipeline that can run without user interaction and enables efficient computation on large-scale 3D volumes on a single workstation

    Tomosipo: fast, flexible, and convenient 3D tomography for complex scanning geometries in Python

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    Tomography is a powerful tool for reconstructing the interior of an object from a series of projection images. Typically, the source and detector traverse a standard path (e.g., circular, helical). Recently, various techniques have emerged that use more complex acquisition geometries. Current software packages require significant handwork, or lack the flexibility to handle such geometries. Therefore, software is needed that can concisely represent, visualize, and compute reconstructions of complex acquisition geometries. We present tomosipo, a Python package that provides these capabilities in a concise and intuitive way. Case studies demonstrate the power and flexibility of tomosipo

    Evaluation of whole genome sequencing for outbreak detection of Salmonella enterica

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    Salmonella enterica is a common cause of minor and large food borne outbreaks. To achieve successful and nearly 'real-time' monitoring and identification of outbreaks, reliable sub-typing is essential. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) shows great promises for using as a routine epidemiological typing tool. Here we evaluate WGS for typing of S. Typhimurium including different approaches for analyzing and comparing the data. A collection of 34 S. Typhimurium isolates was sequenced. This consisted of 18 isolates from six outbreaks and 16 epidemiologically unrelated background strains. In addition, 8 S. Enteritidis and 5 S. Derby were also sequenced and used for comparison. A number of different bioinformatics approaches were applied on the data; including pan-genome tree, k-mer tree, nucleotide difference tree and SNP tree. The outcome of each approach was evaluated in relation to the association of the isolates to specific outbreaks. The pan-genome tree clustered 65% of the S. Typhimurium isolates according to the pre-defined epidemiology, the k-mer tree 88%, the nucleotide difference tree 100% and the SNP tree 100% of the strains within S. Typhimurium. The resulting outcome of the four phylogenetic analyses were also compared to PFGE revealing that WGS typing achieved the greater performance than the traditional method. In conclusion, for S. Typhimurium, SNP analysis and nucleotide difference approach of WGS data seem to be the superior methods for epidemiological typing compared to other phylogenetic analytic approaches that may be used on WGS. These approaches were also superior to the more classical typing method, PFGE. Our study also indicates that WGS alone is insufficient to determine whether strains are related or un-related to outbreaks. This still requires the combination of epidemiological data and whole genome sequencing results

    How auto-differentiation can improve CT workflows: Classical algorithms in a modern framework

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    Many of the recent successes of deep learning-based approaches have been enabled by a framework of flexible, composable computational blocks with their parameters adjusted through an automatic differentiation mechanism to implement various data processing tasks. In this work, we explore how the same philosophy can be applied to existing “classical” (i.e., non-learning) algorithms, focusing on computed tomography (CT) as application field. We apply four key design principles of this approach for CT workflow design: end-to-end optimization, explicit quality criteria, declarative algorithm construction by building the forward model, and use of existing classical algorithms as computational blocks. Through four case studies, we demonstrate that auto-differentiation is remarkably effective beyond the boundaries of neural-network training, extending to CT workflows containing varied combinations of classical and machine learning algorithms

    Tomosipo: fast, flexible, and convenient 3D tomography for complex scanning geometries in Python

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    Tomography is a powerful tool for reconstructing the interior of an object from a series of projection images. Typically, the source and detector traverse a standard path (e.g., circular, helical). Recently, various techniques have emerged that use more complex acquisition geometries. Current software packages require significant handwork, or lack the flexibility to handle such geometries. Therefore, software is needed that can concisely represent, visualize, and compute reconstructions of complex acquisition geometries. We present tomosipo, a Python package that provides these capabilities in a concise and intuitive way. Case studies demonstrate the power and flexibility of tomosipo

    Deep denoising for multi-dimensional synchrotron X-ray tomography without high-quality reference data

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    Synchrotron X-ray tomography enables the examination of the internal structure of materials at submicron spatial resolution and subsecond temporal resolution. Unavoidable experimental constraints can impose dose and time limits on the measurements, introducing noise in the reconstructed images. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have emerged as a powerful tool to remove noise from reconstructed images. However, their training typically requires collecting a dataset of paired noisy and high-quality measurements, which is a major obstacle to their use in practice. To circumvent this problem, methods for CNN-based denoising have recently been proposed that require no separate training data beyond the already available noisy reconstructions. Among these, the Noise2Inverse method is specifically designed for tomography and related inverse problems. To date, applications of Noise2Inverse have only taken into account 2D spatial information. In this paper, we expand the application of Noise2Inverse in space, time, and spectrum-like domains. This development enhances applications to static and dynamic micro-tomography as well as X-ray diffraction tomography. Results on real-world datasets establish that Noise2Inverse is capable of accurate denoising and enables a substantial reduction in acquisition time while maintaining image quality.ISSN:2045-232