20 research outputs found
Anomali Data Mining Menggunakan Metode K-Means Dalam Penilaian Mahasiswa Terhadap Pelayanan Prodi
Cluster analysis is a data mining technique that aims to identify a group of objects that have the same characteristics. The number of groups that can be identified depends on the amount of data and the type of object, so that data problems arise when there is a change to a number of redundant data, but not all of it is changed where the data above is repeatedly made into one table with a different code as the primary key and there are anomalies Insertion, so K-means is one method of clustering data which is divided into the form of one or more clusters/groups that have the same characteristics. Student data clustering uses the k-means method, consisting of student assessments. This study uses student assessment data. Then it was concluded that the assessment group was based on reliability aspects: the ability of lecturers, education staff and administrators to provide services, responsiveness aspects: the willingness of lecturers, education staff and administrators to help students and provide services quickly, aspects of certainty ( assurance): the ability of lecturers, staff and administrators to give confidence to students that the services provided are in accordance with the provisions, aspects of empathy (empathy): the willingness/concern of lecturers, staff and managers to give attention to students, tangibles aspects: students' assessment of the adequacy , accessibility, quality of facilities and infrastructure from the grouping results based on reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy data
Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hubungan hukum para pihak dalam perdagangan internasional dengan menggunakan L/C dan bagaimana perlindungan hukum para pihak dalam perdagangan internasional dengan menggunakan L/C. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Didalam transaksi perdagangan dengan menggunakan L/C terdapat para pihak terkait yakni penjual (eksportir), pembeli (importir), issuing bank (Bank penerbit L/C), advising bank/confirming bank dimana masing-masing mempunyai hubungan hokum satu sama lain. Adapun pihak yang dominan yaitu bank penerbit L/C (issuing bank) yang terkait langsung dengan penjual, pembeli dan advising bank (bank penerus). 2. Berdasarkan Uniform Costum of Practice Documantary Credit Publikasi (UCPDC) 600 sebagai dasar pelaksanaan L/C, para pihak terkait dalam L/C mendapatkan perlindungan hukum yang memberikan jaminan bagi terpenuhinya hak dan kewajiban masing-masing pihak sehingga penggunaan L/C dalam transaksi perdagangan internasional masih menjadi pilihan utama para pelaku bisnis internasional.Kata kunci: Kajian yuridis, penggunaan letter of credit (l/c), transaksi perdagangan internasional
Meningkatkan Kemandirian Belajar Mahasiswa Melalui Penerapan Blended Learning pada Mata Kuliah Algoritma dan Pemrograman I
Penerapan blended learning menggunakan google classroom untuk meningkatkan kemandirian belajar mahasiswa dideskripsikan dalam artikel ini. Metode penelitian dengan deskriptif kuantitatif. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah 126 mahasiswa semester ganjil tahun 2020. Alat penelitian digunakan angket dengan skala likert. Mahasiswa dapat belajar lebih mandiri berkat penerapan blended learning, berdasarkan temuan penelitian ini. Hasil setiap indikatornya antara lain ketidaktergantungan terhadap orang lain sebesar 81,23%, memiliki kepercayaan diri 74,98%; berperilaku disiplin sebesar 80,41%, memiliki rasa tanggungjawab sebesar 79,52%; berperilaku berdasarkan inisiatif sendiri sebesar 80,76%; dan melakukan kontrol diri sebesar 79,72%. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, blended learning dapat menjadi alternatif model pembelajaran yang cocok untuk meningkatkan kemandirian belajar mahasiswa
Pengaruh Konseptual Achievement Emotion dan Lingkungan Belajar Peserta Didik Terhadap Achievement Goal
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji pengaruh pemahaman achievement emotion dan lingkungan belajar terhadap achievement goal peserta didik pada SMK PGRI Padang. Achievement goal diartikan sebagai motivasi dan dorongan pribadi yang menuntun seseorang untuk pencapaian tujuan tertentu, dan berpedoman pada kriteria yang digunakan dalam menilai keefektifan dalam mencapai tujuan. Subjek penelitian adalah kelas XI sebanyak 136 siswa. Instrumen pengumpul data dengan angket skala konseptual tentang achievement emotion (25 pernyataan), skala lingkungan belajar (20 pernyataan), dan skala achievement goal (15 pernyataan). Analisis data dengan uji regresi berganda diolah dengan SPSS Statistics 17. Temuan ini mengungkapkan bahwa pemahaman siswa terhadap achievement emotion dan lingkungan belajar berdampak besar pada tujuan prestasi (achievement goal) mereka, karena achievement goal adalah faktor-faktor yang dapat berpengaruh pada motivasi serta keberhasilan siswa untuk belajar dan meraih prestasi, penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan informasi tentang nilai tujuan prestasi
Flipped Classroom: A Digital Revolution Learning Strategy for Curriculum 2013
This study aims to analyze the suitability of flipped classrooms, a 21st-century learning method, with the curriculum implemented in Indonesia in 2013. The methodology used in this research is qualitative, using a literature study as the data collection method. Data collection was conducted with the main object of surveying relevant literature. Data analysis in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study show that flipped classroom learning follows the principles of learning in the 2013 curriculum. Evidenced by the implementation process, which is more student-centered. In addition, activities such as observing, questioning, gathering information, associating, analyzing, and communicating can be implemented in a technology-enhanced classroom to develop skills appropriate for the 21st century
Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi
Diperlukan media pembelajaran yang lebih efisien dan efektif untuk memotivasi dan membangkitkan semangat belajar peserta didik di kelas untuk menyampaikan materi. Salah satunya melalui pembelajaran berbasis ICT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas penerapan media pembelajaran berbasis TIK di kelas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif, dimulai dengan analisis dekomposisi yang khas dan diakhiri dengan gagasan menawarkan pemahaman dan penjelasan untuk deskripsi hasil. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) proses pembelajaran dapat menjadi lebih menarik ketika menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis TIK, memotivasi peserta didik untuk mencintai ilmunya; 2) Seorang guru dapat lebih efektif dan efisien dalam menyajikan materi pelajaran sehingga peserta didik mendapatkan manfaat dari media yang sangat baik dan akurat; 3) roses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media dapat dibuat lebih efektif dan efisien
NADPH oxidase-derived H2O2 subverts pathogen signaling by oxidative phosphotyrosine conversion to PB-DOPA
Strengthening the host immune system to fully exploit its potential as antimicrobial defense is vital in countering antibiotic resistance. Chemical compounds released during bidirectional host–pathogen cross-talk, which follows a sensing-response paradigm, can serve as protective mediators. A potent, diffusible messenger is hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)), but its consequences on extracellular pathogens are unknown. Here we show that H(2)O(2), released by the host on pathogen contact, subverts the tyrosine signaling network of a number of bacteria accustomed to low-oxygen environments. This defense mechanism uses heme-containing bacterial enzymes with peroxidase-like activity to facilitate phosphotyrosine (p-Tyr) oxidation. An intrabacterial reaction converts p-Tyr to protein-bound dopa (PB-DOPA) via a tyrosinyl radical intermediate, thereby altering antioxidant defense and inactivating enzymes involved in polysaccharide biosynthesis and metabolism. Disruption of bacterial signaling by DOPA modification reveals an infection containment strategy that weakens bacterial fitness and could be a blueprint for antivirulence approaches
Abstract Light Source Interpolation for Sparsely Sampled Reflectance Fields
In this paper we address the problem of relighting with sparsely sampled reflectance fields. We present a technique that approximates the correct result of relighting from intermediate light source positions. The acquisition of reflectance fields is a time consuming process, and typically the sampling resolution in the light source positions is rather limited. As a consequence, smoothly moving highlights and shadows due to relighting with a moving light source are hard to generate. Using light source interpolation, densely sampled reflectance fields can be simulated, enabling relighting with area light sources and smooth animation of highlights and shadows. Using light source interpolation we can relight with arbitrarily sampled 4D incident light fields from complex or near-by light sources.
Array Transducer Design: A Vibrant Research Theme in Medical Ultrasonics
Since the 1970s, when portable transducer arrays were first introduced for medical ultrasound imaging, they have undergone substantial technological developments. The development of advanced arrays is often motivated by the need to achieve high diagnostic and therapeutic efficacy and to serve new fields of application. In the past few decades, medical ultrasound array design has been an active research area with challenging technical requirements that continually seek to reduce physical size, improve sensitivity, optimize the number of array elements, realize wide bandwidth, and achieve high output power. The need to devise arrays with increased performance has concurrently stimulated advances in transducer technologies, microelectronics, and array layout design. Nowadays, representative examples can be found for both 2-D and 3-D applications such as high-intensity-focused ultrasound arrays, very-high-frequency or dual-frequency probes, kerf-less arrays, 2-D sparse arrays, and probes with embedded application-specific integrated circuits. The emergence of these advanced arrays has, in turn, stimulated the development of novel, customized transmission and reception approaches, image reconstruction algorithms, and data recovery strategies to exploit or deal with the peculiarities of a specific array
An Extensive Analysis of Digital Image Compression Techniques Using Different Image Files and Color Formats
Data storage on the device can affect the access speed of the device used; for example, files, images, and data will affect the performance of the device, become slow to access, difficult to open, download, and save images, files, because the available storage capacity is limited, with the problems that arise, an image compression technique is needed to minimize storage space and speed up the access. The compression technique can reduce a file, image, and data size but does not reduce the existing image's quality or lower the threshold during the sending or receiving. This research aims to reduce the size, speed up the process of accessing data on devices, and, more importantly, minimize memory space. It can also affect the bandwidth used when sending and receiving files and can speed up the process of sending from source to destination. The method used in this study is Lossy Compression, lose less Compression by comparing RLE, Huffman, and LZW using different image file types. For the Lossless Technique, the best quality reduction ratio is in binary image types, whether using a background or not using a background. The best results obtained are 99.10% (PNG Compression). Using the BMP file extension type, the recommended reduced ratio is lossy compression with format image BMP (JPG compression) for binary image using Lossless Compression has a good reduced ratio compression with an average of 99%