152 research outputs found

    Una nueva especie de aguas profundas de Holothuroidea (Echinodermata) del género Synallactes del Pacífico mexicano

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    An undescribed species of Synallactes was collected during a deep-water benthic fauna survey off the Pacific coast of Mexico in the East Pacific, with the R/V El Puma. This new species differs from all the other known Synallactes by the presence of huge massive rods in the tube feet, some of them club-shaped. The later ossicle shape is unique among Holothuroidea. This is the first record of a Synallactes in the Gulf of California.Una especie de Synallactes no descrita ha sido recolectada durante un programa de estudio de la fauna bentónica de aguas profundas del Pacífico mexicano, en el Pacífico Este, por el B/O “El Puma”. Esta nueva especie difiere de todas las especies de Synallactes conocidas por la presencia de barrotes muy largos y masivos en los pies ambulacrales, algunos en forma de clava. Esta forma de osículos es única dentro de los Holothuroidea. Esta especie nueva representa el primer registro del género para el golfo de California

    Una nueva especie de Pagurus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Paguridae), nuevos registros y redescripción de cangrejos ermitaños para el Pacífico mexicano

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    New records are provided for three species of little-known pagurids. All the material reported was collected by the R/V “El Puma” in the central Gulf of California during the GUAYTEC II cruise. New material is reported for Iridopagurus haigae García-Gómez, 1983, Enallopagurus spinicarpus (Glassell, 1937), and Solenopagurus diomedeae (Faxon, 1893), and these two latter species are redescribed. A new species of hermit crab of the genus Pagurus Fabricius, 1775, is described and illustrated in detail. Among the eastern Pacific species of Pagurus, this new species resembles Pagurus meloi Lemaitre and Cruz Castaño, 2004, P. imarpe Haig, 1974 and P. delsolari Haig, 1974, but differs from these three species in the armature and setation of the chelipeds and second and third pereopods, the shape and armature of the telson, and the number of rows of scales on pereopodal rasp and the presence of a preungual process.Se proporcionan nuevos registros de tres especies de paguridos poco conocidos, Iridopagurus haigae García-Gómez, 1983, Enallopagurus spinicarpus (Glassell, 1937) y Solenopagurus diomedeae (Faxon, 1893) recolectados durante el crucero GUAYTEC II abordo del B/O “El Puma” en el golfo de California central; además se proporciona una redescripción para las dos últimas especies. Se describe e ilustra en detalle una nueva especie de Pagurus Fabricius, 1775. La nueva especie de Pagurus presenta similaridad con Pagurus meloi Lemaitre and Cruz Castaño, 2004, P. imarpe Haig, 1974 y P. delsolari Haig, 1974, pero se diferencia de estas últimas por la armadura y la setación de los quelípedos y los pies ambulatorios, la forma y la armadura del telson, y el número de líneas de escamas sobre la raspa propodal y la presencia de un proceso preungual en los cuartos pereiópodos

    Primeiro registro de Mysidopsis gemina Price, Heard & Vargas, 2019 (Crustacea, Peracarida, Mysida, Mysidae) na costa oeste do México

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    Mysidopsis gemina Price, Heard & Vargas, 2019, uma espécie de camarão misidáceo registrada no Pacífico da Costa Rica, foi coletada no oeste do México, em 19 de outubro de 2022, na entrada do Golfo da Califórnia. Este é o primeiro registro ao norte da Costa Rica e representa uma extensão ao norte de cerca de 13 graus de latitude. Apresenta-se uma comparação entre os caracteres morfológicos diagnósticos do material da Costa Rica e do México.Mysidopsis gemina Price, Heard & Vargas, 2019, una especie de camarón misidaceo registrada para el Pacífico de Costa Rica, fue recolectada en el occidente de México, el 19 de octubre de 2022, en la entrada del golfo de California. Este es el primer registro al norte de Costa Rica y representa una extensión del intervalo de distribución hacia el norte de unos 13 grados de latitud. Se proporciona una comparación entre los caracteres morfológicos diagnósticos del material de Costa Rica y de México.Mysidopsis gemina Price, Heard & Vargas, 2019, a species of mysid shrimp recorded for Pacific Costa Rica, was collected in western Mexico on October 19th, 2022, at the entrance of the Gulf of California. This is the first record north of Costa Rica and it represents a distribution range extension to the north of approximately 13 degrees of latitude. A comparison of the diagnostic morphological features of the Costa Rican and Mexican specimens is given

    New distribution ranges and records of caridean shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) from the west coast of Mexico

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    Geographic records are presented for 24 species of Caridea (Crustacea: Decapoda) along Pacific coast of Mexico, in the East Pacific. New records are presented for Psathyrocaris fragilis Wood-Mason, 1893 (from Peru to Mexico), Periclimenes infraspinis (Rathbun, 1902), Pontonia margarita Smith, 1869, Alpheus cristulifrons Rathbun, 1900, Alpheus umbo Kim & Abele, 1988, Automate rugosa Coutière, 1900, and Lysmata californica (Stimpson, 1866) (within the Gulf of California), and Typton hephaestus Holthuis, 1951 (from the Gulf of California to the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico). Additional records are given that establish the presence of species at intermediate localities within the Gulf of California and along the southwestern coast of Mexico

    Ecological data for Myxine circifrons Garman, 1899 (Myxiniformes: Myxinidae) in the gulf of California, Mexico

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    Specimens of the hagfish Myxine circifrons Garman, 1899, were captured in traps in three sampling stations in the southern gulf of California, Mexico. There was no clear relation between oxygen concentration and hagfish abundance. This species appears to be tolerant of moderate (0.28-0.6 ml/l) hypoxia. Other species collected in the traps include Pandalus amplus (Bate, 1888) and Heterocarpus affinis Faxon, 1893, two relatively large species of Pandalidae, and Lebbeus scrippsi Wicksten and Méndez, 1982, a small-size Hippolytidae shrimp. Capture of pandalids was low when hagfish were abundant, thus indicating that competition between the fish and shrimps might prevent the latter to enter the trap

    Additional record of Janetogalathea californiensis (Anomura: Galatheidae) from the central Gulf of California, Mexico, with notes on its distribution

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    Specimens of galatheids Janetogalathea californiensis (Benedict, 1902) were collected in the northern portion of the Central Gulf of California and represent the third record for this species in the area. Illustrations of the material collected in the Gulf of California are provided and some differences are noted when compared to the description of the paralectotypes. Depth range of the species is discussed and set at 87-786 m. The presence of a wide and deep Oxygen Minimum Zone in the area is believed to limit the dispersion of J. californiensis to the south and to deeper water of the gulf

    Biodiversidad de crustáceos decápodos (Crustacea: Decapoda) en México

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    Samples of benthic macro-fauna were obtained in different habitats along and off the coast of Southern Sinaloa, Gulf of California, Mexico, from 1978 to 1991. Qccurrence of species of decapod crnstaceans was registered for six habitats, from the intertidal to depth of 1200 m. A total of 299 species were collected, belonging to 53 farnilies and including 17 species of Penaeoidea, 45 of Caridea, 6 of Thalassinidea, 5 of Palinura, 1 of Astacidea, 63 of Anomura, and 162 of Brachyura. Number of species varied considerably from one habitat to another. Highest biodiversity was observed in the Bay of Mazatlán, with 121 species, followed by the continental shelf and the rocky intertidal (107 species each), the estuarine/coasta1 lagoons (48 species), the upper slope (18 species) and the sandy beaches (9 species). Qne species was found to be strictly insular-terrestrial and two are primarily associated with the flotsam. The results of this survey were compared with distribution data available for decapod crnstaceans fauna from the SE Gulf of California and the Eastern Tropical Pacific zoogeographic region (ETP). The fauna collected represents 82% of the species cited for the area for coastal and shallow subtidal habitats (to ca. 115 m depth) and 57.6% of deep-water (> 200 m) species known to occur in the Gulf of California. Except in two cases, similarity indices (SI) based on number of species common to any pair of habitats were all very low. Continental shelf and the Bay of Mazatlán have 57 species in cornmon (SI = 0.50), while rocky shore habitat and the Bay of Mazatlán share 27 species (SI = 0.24). Comparative studies of decapod crustaceans cornmunities for the ETP are almost lacking alltogether. Available data, however, indicate that biodiversity observed in Southern Sinaloa is so far the highest on record for marine and brackish-water habitats for a given section of this tropical zoogeographic region

    Delineation of the population genetic structure of Culicoides imicola in East and South Africa

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    BACKGROUND: Culicoides imicola Kieffer, 1913 is the main vector of bluetongue virus (BTV) and African horse sickness virus (AHSV) in Sub-Saharan Africa. Understanding the population genetic structure of this midge and the nature of barriers to gene flow will lead to a deeper understanding of bluetongue epidemiology and more effective vector control in this region. METHODS: A panel of 12 DNA microsatellite markers isolated de novo and mitochondrial DNA were utilized in a study of C. imicola populations from Africa and an outlier population from the Balearic Islands. The DNA microsatellite markers and mitochondrial DNA were also used to examine a population of closely related C. bolitinos Meiswinkel midges. RESULTS: The microsatellite data suggest gene flow between Kenya and south-west Indian Ocean Islands exist while a restricted gene flow between Kenya and South Africa C. imicola populations occurs. Genetic distance correlated with geographic distance by Mantel test. The mitochondrial DNA analysis results imply that the C. imicola populations from Kenya and south-west Indian Ocean Islands (Madagascar and Mauritius) shared haplotypes while C. imicola population from South Africa possessed private haplotypes and the highest nucleotide diversity among the African populations. The Bayesian skyline plot suggested a population growth. CONCLUSIONS: The gene flow demonstrated by this study indicates a potential risk of introduction of new BTV serotypes by wind-borne infected Culicoides into the Islands. Genetic similarity between Mauritius and South Africa may be due to translocation as a result of human-induced activities; this could impact negatively on the livestock industry. The microsatellite markers isolated in this study may be utilised to study C. bolitinos, an important vector of BTV and AHSV in Africa and identify sources of future incursions. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13071-015-1277-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users