5,376 research outputs found

    The sources of self-efficacy: Educational research and implications for music

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    Music teachers can empower students with control over their own music ability development by helping them foster positive self-efficacy beliefs. This article reviews general education and music research concerning Bandura’s theoretical four sources of self-efficacy (enactive mastery experience, vicarious experience, verbal/social persuasion, and physiological and affective states), in order to guide music teachers in determining effective methods and approaches to help students develop a sense of music self-efficacy and subsequent music achievement. A brief summary of each self-efficacy source category is provided, along with a discussion of the means whereby self-efficacy perceptions can be developed within both general education and music learning environments. Each of these four sections reviews research and simultaneously provides corresponding practical suggestions for educators

    Preemption of Common Law Claims and the Prospect for FIFRA: Justice Stevens Puts the Genie Back in the Bottle

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    In the upcoming Term, the Supreme Court will consider a case raising the question whether the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act preempts state tort law, or only state positive law. FIFRA, under which the Environmental Protection Agency regulates pesticide labels, has an express preemption clause and clearly preempts state positive law on labeling. The question presented is whether and to what extent it also preempts state tort law, particularly claims for failure to warn. The Court\u27s precedent on preemption of state tort law is erratic, but for some reason, the pro-preemption view has been much more popular with lower courts. The view that FIFRA broadly preempted state tort law was unanimous for several years, until the EPA filed an amicus brief in a California case arguing against preemption. That brief was rejected in most courts but accepted in Montana and Oregon. Under President Bush, however, the EPA reversed its preemption and now argues in favor of preemption - which in practice means near-complete immunity for pesticide manufacturers against claims by consumers or bystanders. This paper argues that the Supreme Court should hold that even though FIFRA preempts states from passing laws about what should be on a pesticide label, FIFRA does not preempt tort claims for failure to warn about the dangers of the pesticide. In doing so, the Court should clarify the operation of various presumptions it is adopted for when to find state law preempted by a federal statute

    International Research Symposium on Talent Education, Part 4: The joys and benefits of Suzuki group class

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    This is the fourth article in a series reporting the findings of a large-scale demographic study of Suzuki teachers in Canada and the United States. Previous articles introduced the research, reporting on basic demographic statistics, teacher training, studio size, and structure of group classes. In this article we report on the results of an open-ended response question regarding the benefits of student participation in Suzuki group class

    Socio-musical connections and teacher identity development in a university methods course and community youth symphony partnership

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    In this article we describe the experiences of nine preservice music teachers enrolled in the first semester of a newly designed instrumental methods course in which a traditional lecture format was replaced with experiential, student-driven, service-oriented activities. Students were entrusted with organizing and directing a community youth symphony, including sharing of teaching and all administrative responsibilities (e.g., recruiting, fundraising, repertoire selection, community outreach). While the first author was the professor and designer of the course, the second author acted as an outside observer, collecting data through rehearsal observations, student interviews, and study of course artifacts. Findings suggest that students benefitted from opportunities to observe and collaborate with the professor and classmates in real-world teaching settings. Furthermore, students demonstrated evidence of growth and maturation over the course of the semester in teaching skills, professional identity, and socio-musical connections. The article closes with a description of how student recommendations for course improvement were implemented in subsequent semesters

    Boiling incipience and convective boiling of neon and nitrogen

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    Forced convection and subcooled boiling heat transfer data for liquid nitrogen and liquid neon were obtained in support of a design study for a 30 tesla cryomagnet cooled by forced convection of liquid neon. The cryogen data obtained over a range of system pressures, fluid flow rates, and applied heat fluxes were used to develop correlations for predicting boiling incipience and convective boiling heat transfer coefficients in uniformly heated flow channels. The accuracy of the correlating equations was then evaluated. A technique was also developed to calculate the position of boiling incipience in a uniformly heated flow channel. Comparisons made with the experimental data showed a prediction accuracy of + or - 15 percent

    Estimating surface temperature in forced convection nucleate boiling: A simplified method

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    During a test program to investigate low-cycle thermal fatigue, 21 of 22 cylindrical test sections of a cylindrical rocket thrust chamber were thermally cycled to failure. Cylinder liners were fabricated from OFHC copper, Amzirc, and NARloy-Z. The cylinders were fabricated by milling cooling channels into the liner and closing out the backside with electrodeposited copper. The tests were conducted at a chamber pressure of 4.14 MN/sq m (600 psia) and an oxidant-fuel ratio of 6.0 using hydrogen-oxygen as propellants. The average throat heat flux was 54 MW/sq m (33 Btu/sq in./sec). All of the failures were characterized by a thinning of the cooling channel wall and eventual failure by tensile rupture. The 1/2-hard Amzirc material showed little improvement in cyclic life when compared with OFHC copper; while the NARloy-Z and aged Amzirc materials had the best cyclic life characteristics. One OFHC copper cylinder was thermall cycled 2044 times at a steady-state hot-gas-side wall temperature of 514 K (925 R) without failing

    Liquid neon heat transfer as applied to a 30 tesla cryomagnet

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    A 30-tesla magnet design is studied which calls for forced convection liquid neon heat transfer in small coolant channels. The design also requires suppressing boiling by subjecting the fluid to high pressures through use of magnet coils enclosed in a pressure vessel which is maintained at the critical pressure of liquid neon. This high pressure reduces the possibility of the system flow instabilities which may occur at low pressures. The forced convection heat transfer data presented were obtained by using a blowdown technique to force the fluid to flow vertically through a resistance heated, instrumented tube

    Evaluation of high temperature structural adhesives for extended service

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    The preliminary evaluation of crosslinked polyphenyl quinoxaline (X-PPQ), LARC-TPI, ethyl terminated polysulfone (ETPS), and crosslinked polyimide (X-PI) as adhesives is presented. Lap shear strength stability under thermal, combined thermal/humidity, and stressed and unstressed Skydrol exposure was determined. The X-PPQ, LARC-TPI, and X-PI exhibited good adhesive performance at 505K (450 F) after 1000 hours at 505K. These three polymers also performed well after exposure to combined elevated temperature/high humidity, as well as, to Skydrol while under stress. The ETPS exhibited good ambient temperature adhesive properties, but performed poorly under all other exposure conditions, presumably due to inadequate chain extension and crosslinking
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