
Evaluation of high temperature structural adhesives for extended service


The preliminary evaluation of crosslinked polyphenyl quinoxaline (X-PPQ), LARC-TPI, ethyl terminated polysulfone (ETPS), and crosslinked polyimide (X-PI) as adhesives is presented. Lap shear strength stability under thermal, combined thermal/humidity, and stressed and unstressed Skydrol exposure was determined. The X-PPQ, LARC-TPI, and X-PI exhibited good adhesive performance at 505K (450 F) after 1000 hours at 505K. These three polymers also performed well after exposure to combined elevated temperature/high humidity, as well as, to Skydrol while under stress. The ETPS exhibited good ambient temperature adhesive properties, but performed poorly under all other exposure conditions, presumably due to inadequate chain extension and crosslinking

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