1,005 research outputs found

    Morphology of depletant-induced erythrocyte aggregates

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    Red blood cells suspended in quiescent plasma tend to aggregate into multicellular assemblages, including linearly stacked columnar rouleaux, which can reversibly form more complex clusters or branching networks. While these aggregates play an essential role in establishing hemorheological and pathological properties, the biophysics behind their self-assembly into dynamic mesoscopic structures remains under-explored. We employ coarse-grained molecular simulations to model low-hematocrit erythrocytes subject to short-range implicit depletion forces, and demonstrate not only that depletion interactions are sufficient to account for a sudden dispersion-aggregate transition, but also that the volume fraction of depletant macromolecules controls small aggregate morphology. We observe a sudden transition from a dispersion to a linear column rouleau, followed by a slow emergence of disorderly amorphous clusters of many short rouleaux at larger volume fractions. This work demonstrates how discocyte topology and short-range, non-specific, physical interactions are sufficient to self-assemble erythrocytes into various aggregate structures, with markedly different morphologies and biomedical consequences

    Dense, Fe-rich Ejecta in Supernova Remnants DEM L238 and DEM L249: A New Class of Type Ia Supernova?

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    We present observations of two LMC supernova remnants (SNRs), DEM L238 and DEM L249, with the Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray satellites. Bright central emission, surrounded by a faint shell, is present in both remnants. The central emission has an entirely thermal spectrum dominated by strong Fe L-shell lines, with the deduced Fe abundance in excess of solar and not consistent with the LMC abundance. This Fe overabundance leads to the conclusion that DEM L238 and DEM L249 are remnants of thermonuclear (Type Ia) explosions. The shell emission originates in gas swept up and heated by the blast wave. A standard Sedov analysis implies about 50 solar masses in both swept-up shells, SNR ages between 10,000 and 15,000 yr, low (< 0.05 cm^-3) preshock densities, and subluminous explosions with energies of 3x10^50 ergs. The central Fe-rich supernova ejecta are close to collisional ionization equilibrium. Their presence is unexpected, because standard Type Ia SNR models predict faint ejecta emission with short ionization ages. Both SNRs belong to a previously unrecognized class of Type Ia SNRs characterized by bright interior emission. Denser than expected ejecta and/or a dense circumstellar medium around the progenitors are required to explain the presence of Fe-rich ejecta in these SNRs. Substantial amounts of circumstellar gas are more likely to be present in explosions of more massive Type Ia progenitors. DEM L238, DEM L249, and similar SNRs could be remnants of ``prompt'' Type Ia explosions with young (~100 Myr old) progenitors.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Characterisation of vertical BrO distribution during events of enhanced tropospheric BrO in Antarctica, from combined remote and in-situ measurements

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    Tropospheric BrO was measured by a ground-based remote-sensing spectrometer at Halley in Antarctica in spring 2007, and BrO was measured by satellite-borne remote-sensing spectrometers using similar spectral regions and similar Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) analyses. Near-surface BrO was simultaneously measured in situ at Halley by Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometer (CIMS), and in an earlier year near-surface BrO was measured at Halley over a long path by a ground-based DOAS spectrometer. During enhancement episodes, total amounts of tropospheric BrO from the ground-based remote-sensor were similar to those from space, but if we assume that the BrO was confined to the mixed layer they were very much larger than values measured by either near-surface technique. This large apparent discrepancy can be resolved if substantial amounts of BrO were in the free troposphere during most enhancement episodes. Amounts observed by the ground-based remote sensor at different elevation angles, and their formal inversions to vertical profiles, demonstrate that much of the BrO was indeed often in the free troposphere. This is consistent with the ~5 day lifetime of Bry and with the enhanced BrO observed during some Antarctic blizzards

    Young people today: news media, policy and youth justice

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    The new sociology of childhood sees children as competent social agents with important contributions to make. And yet the phase of childhood is fraught with tensions and contradictions. Public policies are required, not only to protect children, but also to control them and regulate their behaviour. For children and young people in the UK, youth justice has become increasingly punitive. At the same time, social policies have focused more on children's inclusion and participation. In this interplay of conflict and contradictions, the role the media play is critical in contributing to the moral panic about childhood and youth. In this article, we consider media representations of “antisocial” children and young people and how this belies a moral response to the nature of contemporary childhood. We conclude by considering how a rights-based approach might help redress the moralised politics of childhood representations in the media

    Molecular Cloning and Characterization of a Novel Mouse Macrophage C-type Lectin, mMGL2, Which Has a Distinct Carbohydrate Specificity from mMGL1

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    A novel mouse macrophage galactose-type C-type lectin 2 (mMGL2) was identified by BLAST analysis of expressed sequence tags. The sequence of mMGL2 is highly homologous to the mMGL, which should now be called mMGL1. The open reading frame of mMGL2 contains a sequence corresponding to a type II transmembrane protein with 332 amino acids having a single extracellular C-type lectin domain. The 3\u27-untranslated region included long terminal repeats of mouse early transposon. The Mgl2 gene was cloned from a 129/SvJ mouse genomic library and sequenced. The gene spans 7,136 base pairs and consists of 10 exons, which is similar to the genomic organization of mMGL1. The reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis indicates that mMGL2 is expressed in cell lines and normal mouse tissues in a macrophage-restricted manner, also very similar to that of mMGL1. The mMGL2 mRNA was also detected in mMGL1-positive cells, which were sorted from thioglycollate-induced peritoneal cells with a mMGL1-specific monoclonal antibody, LOM-8.7. The soluble recombinant proteins of mMGL2 exhibited carbohydrate specificity for alpha- and beta-GalNAc-conjugated soluble polyacrylamides, whereas mMGL1 preferentially bound Lewis X-conjugated soluble polyacrylamides in solid phase assays. These two lectins may function cooperatively as recognition and endocytic molecules on macrophages and related cells

    Global observations of tropospheric BrO columns using GOME-2 satellite data

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    Measurements from the GOME-2 satellite instrument have been analyzed for tropospheric BrO using a residual technique that combines measured BrO columns and estimates of the stratospheric BrO content from a climatological approach driven by O&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt; and NO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; observations. Comparisons between the GOME-2 results and BrO vertical columns derived from correlative ground-based and SCIAMACHY nadir observations, present a good level of consistency. We show that the adopted technique enables separation of stratospheric and tropospheric fractions of the measured total BrO columns and allows quantitative study of the BrO plumes in polar regions. While some satellite observed plumes of enhanced BrO can be explained by stratospheric descending air, we show that most BrO hotspots are of tropospheric origin, although they are often associated to regions with low tropopause heights as well. Elaborating on simulations using the &lt;i&gt;p&lt;/i&gt;-TOMCAT tropospheric chemical transport model, this result is found to be consistent with the mechanism of bromine release through sea salt aerosols production during blowing snow events. No definitive conclusion can be drawn however on the importance of blowing snow sources in comparison to other bromine release mechanisms. Outside polar regions, evidence is provided for a global tropospheric BrO background with column of 1–3 &amp;times; 10&lt;sup&gt;13&lt;/sup&gt; molec cm&lt;sup&gt;&amp;minus;2&lt;/sup&gt;, consistent with previous estimates

    Retrieval of stratospheric and tropospheric BrO profiles and columns using ground-based zenith-sky DOAS observations at Harestua, 60° N

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    A profiling algorithm based on the optimal estimation method is applied to ground-based zenith-sky UV-visible measurements from Harestua, Southern Norway (60&deg; N, 11&deg; E) in order to retrieve BrO vertical profiles. The sensitivity of the zenith-sky observations to the tropospheric BrO detection is increased by using for the spectral analysis a fixed reference spectrum corresponding to clear-sky noon summer conditions. The information content and retrieval errors are characterized and it is shown that the retrieved stratospheric profiles and total columns are consistent with correlative balloon and satellite observations, respectively. Tropospheric BrO columns are derived from profiles retrieved at 80&deg; solar zenith angle during sunrise and sunset for the 2000&ndash;2006 period. They show a marked seasonality with mean column value ranging from 1.52&plusmn;0.62&times;10<sup>13</sup> molec/cmÂČ in late winter/early spring to 0.92&plusmn;0.38&times;10<sup>13</sup> molec/cmÂČ in summer, which corresponds to 1.0&plusmn;0.4 and 0.6&plusmn;0.2 pptv, respectively, if we assume that BrO is uniformly mixed in the troposphere. These column values are also consistent with previous estimates made from balloon, satellite, and other ground-based observations. Daytime (10:30 LT) tropospheric BrO columns are compared to the <i>p</i>-TOMCAT 3-D tropospheric chemical transport model (CTM) for the 2002&ndash;2003 period. <i>p</i>-TOMCAT shows a good agreement with the retrieved columns except in late winter/early spring where an underestimation by the model is obtained. This finding could be explained by the non-inclusion of sea-ice bromine sources in the current version of <i>p</i>-TOMCAT. Therefore the model cannot reproduce the possible transport of air-masses with enhanced BrO concentration due to bromine explosion events from the polar region to Harestua. The daytime stratospheric BrO columns are compared to the SLIMCAT stratospheric 3-D-CTM. The model run used in this study, which assumes 21.2 pptv for the Br<sub>y</sub> loading (15 pptv for long-lived bromine species and additional 6 pptv for very short-lived species (VSLS) added by a scaling of CH<sub>3</sub>Br), significantly underestimates the retrieved BrO columns. A sensitivity study shows that a good agreement can only be obtained if 6 to 8 pptv accounting for VSLS are added directly (and not by a scaling of CH<sub>3</sub>Br) to the SLIMCAT long-lived bromine species profile. This contribution of the VSLS to the total bromine loading is also consistent with recently published studies
