2,510 research outputs found

    Review of: Federal Judge\u27s Desk Reference to Environmental Economics (John A. Baden, ed.; Pacific Research Institute 1998)

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    Review of the book: Federal Judge\u27s Desk Reference to Environmental Economics (John A. Baden, ed.; Pacific Research Institute 1998). Dedication, forward, glossary, section introductions. LC 98-9206; ISBN 0-936488-84-0. [324 pp. paper. 755 Sansone Street, Ste. 450, San Francisco, CA. 94111. http:// www.pacificserch.org]

    On deflection fields, weak-focusing and strong-focusing storage rings for polar molecules

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    In this paper, we analyze electric deflection fields for polar molecules in terms of a multipole expansion and derive a simple but rather insightful expression for the force on the molecules. Ideally, a deflection field exerts a strong, constant force in one direction, while the force in the other directions is zero. We show how, by a proper choice of the expansion coefficients, this ideal can be best approximated. We present a design for a practical electrode geometry based on this analysis. By bending such a deflection field into a circle, a simple storage ring can be created; the direct analog of a weak-focusing cyclotron for charged particles. We show that for realistic parameters a weak-focusing ring is only stable for molecules with a very low velocity. A strong-focusing (alternating-gradient) storage ring can be created by arranging many straight deflection fields in a circle and by alternating the sign of the hexapole term between adjacent deflection fields. The acceptance of this ring is numerically calculated for realistic parameters. Such a storage might prove useful in experiments looking for an EDM of elementary particles.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Sensitivity of rotational transitions in CH and CD to a possible variation of fundamental constants

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    The sensitivity of rotational transitions in CH and CD to a possible variation of fundamental constants has been investigated. Largely enhanced sensitivity coefficients are found for specific transitions which are due to accidental degeneracies between the different fine-structure manifolds. These degeneracies occur when the spin-orbit coupling constant is close to four times the rotational constant. CH and particularly CD match this condition closely. Unfortunately, an analysis of the transition strengths shows that the same condition that leads to an enhanced sensitivity suppresses the transition strength, making these transitions too weak to be of relevance for testing the variation of fundamental constants over cosmological time scales. We propose a test in CH based on the comparison between the rotational transitions between the e and f components of the Omega'=1/2,J=1/2 and Omega'=3/2,J=3/2 levels at 532 and 536 GHz and other rotational or Lambda-doublet transitions in CH involving the same absorbing ground levels. Such a test, to be performed by radioastronomy of highly redshifted objects, is robust against systematic effects

    F-8C digital CCV flight control laws

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    A set of digital flight control laws were designed for the NASA F-8C digital fly-by-wire aircraft. The control laws emphasize Control Configured Vehicle (CCV) benefits. Specific pitch axis objectives were improved handling qualities, angle-of-attack limiting, gust alleviation, drag reduction in steady and maneuvering flight, and a capability to fly with reduced static stability. The lateral-directional design objectives were improved Dutch roll damping and turn coordination over a wide range in angle-of-attack. An overall program objective was to explore the use of modern control design methodilogy to achieve these specific CCV benefits. Tests for verifying system integrity, an experimental design for handling qualities evaluation, and recommended flight test investigations were specified

    UV frequency metrology on CO (a3Pi); isotope effects and sensitivity to a variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio

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    UV frequency metrology has been performed on the a3Pi - X1Sigma+ (0,0) band of various isotopologues of CO using a frequency-quadrupled injection-seeded narrow-band pulsed Titanium:Sapphire laser referenced to a frequency comb laser. The band origin is determined with an accuracy of 5 MHz (delta \nu / \nu = 3 * 10^-9), while the energy differences between rotational levels in the a3Pi state are determined with an accuracy of 500 kHz. From these measurements, in combination with previously published radiofrequency and microwave data, a new set of molecular constants is obtained that describes the level structure of the a3Pi state of 12C16O and 13C16O with improved accuracy. Transitions in the different isotopologues are well reproduced by scaling the molecular constants of 12C16O via the common mass-scaling rules. Only the value of the band origin could not be scaled, indicative of a breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Our analysis confirms the extreme sensitivity of two-photon microwave transitions between nearly-degenerate rotational levels of different Omega-manifolds for probing a possible variation of the proton-to-electron mass ratio, \mu=m_p/m_e, on a laboratory time scale

    Tillage Energy of a Vibrating Tillage Tool

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    Modern farm tractors develop more power than they can effi­ ciently transmit to a high-draft tillage tool via the tires without adding addi­ tional weight. The additional weight causes increased soil compaction re­ sulting in poor aeration, lower water infiltration and drainage rates, reduced water-holding capacity, and greater mechanical impedence to plant roots. One method of reducing the require­ ment of high wheel weights is to re­ duce the draft of the tillage tool by transmitting power directly to the tool by a means other than drawbar pull. A promising method of transmitting this power is by mechanically moving a portion of the tillage implement in such a manner as to apply forces to the soil in a more efficient manne

    The emerging role of retromer in neuroprotection

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    Efficient sorting and transportation of integral membrane proteins, such as ion channels, nutrient transporters, signalling receptors, cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion molecules is essential for the function of cellular organelles and hence organism development and physiology. Retromer is a master controller of integral membrane protein sorting and transport through one of the major sorting station within eukaryotic cells, the endosomal network. Subtle de-regulation of retromer is an emerging theme in the pathoetiology of Parkinson's disease. Here we summarise recent advances in defining the neuroprotective role of retromer and how its de-regulation may contribute to Parkinson's disease by interfering with: lysosomal health and protein degradation, association with accessory proteins including the WASH complex and mitochondrial health

    Operationalisation of a biopsychosocial approach for the non-pharmacological management of patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review

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    Background Chronic musculoskeletal pain is a major health concern. The biopsychosocial approach is an evidence-based approach recommended for managing chronic musculoskeletal pain. However, the evidence for this approach is largely reported from high-income countries; therefore, it is important to ascertain how biopsychosocial approaches are operationalised in low- and middle-income countries to inform practice. Aim To examine the evidence for the operationalization of biopsychosocial interventions in managing patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain in low-and middle-income countries. Methods The search included studies published in English from 2008 to September 2019 in: Cochrane library, OVID, CINAHL, Scopus, PUBMED, Web of Science, and SportDiscus. Randomised and non-randomised trials using a biopsychosocial intervention were considered. The review team developed a search strategy; two independent reviewers screened and assessed results for quality. Results Sixteen studies were included (n = 996) with mainly low back pain populations (n = 11 studies). Others were osteoarthritis (n = 1) and other musculoskeletal pain (n = 4). The majority (n = 12) of studies attained fair to poor quality, three had good quality, one scored excellent quality. Interventions applied biopsychosocial principles such as cognitive functional therapy, and graded activity, delivered by healthcare professionals such as physiotherapists and doctors. However, most results provided insufficient information regarding healthcare professionals' capacity to deliver interventions, lack of information regarding intervention delivery and training of healthcare professionals. Conclusions The results highlight the potential for delivering biopsychosocial interventions in low- and middle-income countries; however, future research should consider robust methodological approaches with clear details to achieve high-quality trials

    X-Ray Emitting Ejecta of Supernova Remnant N132D

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    The brightest supernova remnant in the Magellanic Clouds, N132D, belongs to the rare class of oxygen-rich remnants, about a dozen objects that show optical emission from pure heavy-element ejecta. They originate in explosions of massive stars that produce large amounts of O, although only a tiny fraction of that O is found to emit at optical wavelengths. We report the detection of substantial amounts of O at X-ray wavelengths in a recent 100 ks Chandra ACIS observation of N132D. A comparison between subarcsecond-resolution Chandra and Hubble images reveals a good match between clumpy X-ray and optically emitting ejecta on large (but not small) scales. Ejecta spectra are dominated by strong lines of He- and H-like O; they exhibit substantial spatial variations partially caused by patchy absorption within the LMC. Because optical ejecta are concentrated in a 5 pc radius elliptical expanding shell, the detected ejecta X-ray emission also originates in this shell.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, ApJ Letters, in pres