38 research outputs found

    Persistent Courage of the Local Women Resistance Toward Undemocratic Policies

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    This paper focuses on studying local women groups' resistance movement toward the policies regarding a permit for mining activities in their villages. Although locals have vehemently opposed this business, the official licenses to continue the activities are remain being issued by state authority and supported by the local government. This could be seen as a red flag from the policy that has been abandoned by local communities' interests. For the past decade, then being involved in social movements against undemocratic policies has sign significantly creased. There is no benefit for them from these policies, and local women also could see that their interests and knowledge have been ignored. The method used in this study is feminist ethnography, focusing on two villages as a location of mining activities. The first is Penago Baru in Seluma, Bengkulu, which has been exploited for their iron sand, then Praikaroku Jangga in Central Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, as the location for gold mining. The study uses field-talks, in-depth interviews, live-in, thematic group discussions, and field-notes. The participants lived in a social movement or acted as indigenous leaders, NGO activists, and demics. The study shows the distinctive character of these local women communities, in which they tend to have a subaltern identity. As a subaltern community, they have never been considered to exist, as their interests are not included in the policy agenda-setting. Their resistance is actually a reflection of the state's ignorance of the locals' rights. The study also notes that local women communities in both locations are actually reliable agents of local environment knowledge, with their intimate experiences with surrounding nature. Their courage to resist these policies is more of an effort to protect the natural resources and the people, as well as the ecosystem


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    Urban poverty is still a thorny issue in almost all cities in Indonesia. Urban poverty is grouped into two different characteristics: chronic and transient. Chronic poverty experienced by those who are under the poverty line, while transient poverty experienced by those who are around the poverty line. Unlike the chronic group that is often the target of poverty reduction policies, transient group is often overlooked. They do not exist in the scheme of poverty reduction programs. In fact, the number of transient poor population is about 46 percent, compare to the chronic population that is only 11%. With almost having similar condition with the chronic group, transient group is characterized by unstable income, large spending on food, limited access to drinking water, live in the surrounding slums, and having a low quality sanitation. The question is, how the survival strategy of the neglected transient is able to cope with their difficult life. And the most important thing, what program should be done by the government to deal with transient poverty? This paper will discuss the economic living conditions of transient poor families in urban Bengkulu City, Indonesia, reviews their survival strategy, initiatives and experiences. It also talks about ongoing Green Kampong project promoted by the University of Bengkulu that integrates incomes generation efforts for the transient poor and the commitment of environmental protection through the vegetables planting in every idle land in the kampong area

    DESKRIPSI IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PELARANGAN PENGGUNAAN TRAWL (Studi Kasus Di Kelurahan Sumber Jaya Kecamatan Kampung Melayu Kota Bengkulu)

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    Kebijakan pelarangan penggunaan trawl muncul sejak zaman Presiden Soeharto, dalam bentuk Keputusan Presiden Nomor 39 Tahun 1980. Kemudian diikuti dengan turunannya yaitu Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Nomor 2 Tahun 2015. Secara umum tujuan kebijakan ini adalah meningkatkan kesejahteraan nelayan dan kelestarian perairan laut (Surat Edaran KKP, 2014). Sedangkan tujuan pelaksanaan kebijakan pelarangan pengggunaan trawl di Kota Bengkulu adalah 1075 unit alat tangkap terlarang yang termasuk kedalam kategori alat tangkap berbahaya harus diberhentikan pengoperasiannya semenjak kebijakan diberlakukan. Penelitian ilmiah dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan “Deskripsi Implementasi Kebijakan Pelarangan Penggunaan Trawl di Kelurahan Sumber Jaya Kecamatan Kampung Melayu Kota Bengkulu”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif yaitu menggambarkan secara jelas apa data dan fakta yang ditemukan di lapangan. Lokus penelitiannya adalah implementasi kebijakan pelarangan penggunaan trawl di Kelurahan Sumber Jaya Kecamatan Kampung Melayu Kota Bengkulu, yang penelitiannya dilaksanakan pada Tanggal 18 Januari-18 Februari 2016. Aspek yang digunakan mengadopsi Teori Matland dan Kebijakan Larangan Penggunaan Trawl yakni katepatan kebijakan, ketepatan pelaksana, ketepatan target, ketepatan lingkungan dan ketepatan proses. Dari hasil penelitian penulis menyimpulkan bahwa Implementasi Kebijakan Pelarangan Penggunaan Trawl di Kelurahan Sumber Jaya Kecamatan Kampung Melayu Kota Bengkulu belum efektif. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya pernyataan kontra pada setiap aspek. Kebijakan dinilai sudah tidak sesuai dengan keadaan yang ada dilapangan, pelaksana kebijakan mengetahui tupoksinya namun tidak mengaplikasikan tupoksi tersebut, target dikatakan belum tepat karena kapal yang digunakan adalah kapal berukuran kecil, ketidaksiapan seluruh elemen terhadap pelaksanaan kebijakan, dan pelaksanaan dinilai sebagai cara petugas untuk mendapatkan jatah dari para pengguna trawl. Adapun rekomendasi untuk membuat pelaksanaan kebijakan ini menjadi efektif adalah Pemerintah Daerah secepatnya membuat juklak dan juknis, pihak pelaksana harus tegas, harus ada sosialisasi terkait alat tangkap yang dilarang, masyarakat sebagai warga negara turut serta mengawasi pelanggaran kebijakan, serta dibentuk gerakan melawan trawl oleh mahasiswa sebagai kontrol sosial


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    The position of women in Indonesian society is progressing. The progress trend is supported by several legal instruments and policies that guarantee women's rights. Although adequate legal instruments began, many implementations in the field are distorted. Implementation of the protection schemes for women does not address to the changing of the poor women’s living condition, instead it remains vulnerable. This action research was addressed to analyze and discuss the practices of state social protection for the poor communities, as well as the testimony of beneficiaries. Based on the field learning from both parties, activists from universities and non-governmental organizations, attempt was made to knit some state schemes and policies into a model of protection; it also aimed to facilitate access and accelerate changes

    Pengaruh Pendidikan dan Pelatihan (Diklat) Terhadap Kompetensi Pegawai pada Badan kepegawaian daerah (BKD) Provinsi Bengkulu

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    This study aims to determine how big the influence of the relationship between the implementation of education and training on the competence of employees at the Regional Personnel Agency Bengkulu Province. The sample in this study were Bengkulu Province BKD employees who had attended Technical Training in 2017, 2018, and 2019. The research method used is descriptive quantitative to provide an overview of the research problem. The results of the research in the field indicate that the education and training and competence of employees has a positive and significant relationship, as indicated by the results of the value of r arithmetic > r table that is 0.720 > 0.349, so it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between education and training and employee competence. Based on the results of the calculation of the product moment correlation, the calculated r value of 0.720 is included in the level of a "strong" relationship, This means that the Education and Training variable (X) has a strong and positive influence on the development of the competency variable (Y), so that the more often an employee attends the Training, the employee's competence will increase


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    This study aim to find out and to get an overview of the implementation of the program there are some obstacles. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative in order to provide an overview of the research problem. This research aspect adopts Riant Nugroho’s theory regarding the stages of policy implementation, namely socialization, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The results of the research in the socialization aspect showed that many KPMs did not receive socialization from the relevant agencies and the socialization carried out by the facilitators was only a brief explanation of the program. In the aspect of implementation, the parties who must be involved are not involved, the process of replacing KPM and complaints has several obstacles, the program mechanism is in accordance with the general program guidelines. In the aspect of supervision has several obstacles because the complaint process has several obstacles and in the evaluation aspect it only focused on evaluating e-stall agents and there was no evaluation of the program distributor performance. Implementation has note gone well caused by 1) socialization that has not been evenly distributed and the material provided is only minimal, 2) miscommunication and lack of coordination between parties and the complaint process to the Sosial Service has several obstacles, 3) supervision by related agencies has not been carried out properly, 4) there is no performance evaluation of BPNT (Groceries) distribution officers or program assistants

    Essential Ecosystem Area Policies as a Means to Promote Participatory and Inclusive Conservation in Forest Landscape Governance: Centering Perspectives of Marginalized Women in Taman Kili-Kili, Indonesia

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    This study analyses dimensions of participatory forest landscape governance of the Essential Ecosystem Area (EEA) of Taman Kili-Kili, Indonesia. The voices of marginalized communities, and especially women, are rarely incorporated into forest landscape governance and conservation policies. The recently established Indonesian EEA policy mandates a participatory approach, with explicit requirements to involve marginalized groups and gendered perspectives. However, on a practical level, policy formulation and application unfold in very different ways. Using a Postcolonial Feminist Participatory Action Research (PFPAR) approach, we center local communities' power relations in our analysis as a specific means for drawing out various intersectional relations to conservation areas. The study found that local communities around EEA Taman Kili-Kili have a clear interest in participating in inclusive mangrove forest management models as they not only have the knowledge and capacity, outcomes significantly affect their lives and livelihoods. Findings suggest that the activism of local communities, specifically in the form of various women's gatherings, is reshaping policy milestones and opening up pathways towards gender and ecological justice