1,592 research outputs found

    Design and Characterization of Thin Stainless Steel Burst Disks for Increasing Two-Stage Light Gas Launcher Efficiency

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    Laser etched 300 series Stainless Steel Burst Disks (SSBD) ranging between 0.178 mm (0.007-in.) and 0.508mm (0.020-in.) thick were designed for use in a 17-caliber two-stage light gas launcher. First, a disk manufacturing method was selected using a combination of wire electrical discharge machining (EDM) to form the blank disks and laser etching to define the pedaling fracture pattern. Second, a replaceable insert was designed to go between the SSDB and the barrel. This insert reduced the stress concentration between the SSBD and the barrel, providing a place for the petals of the SSDB to open, and protecting the rifling on the inside of the barrel. Thereafter, a design of experiments was implemented to test and characterize the burst characteristics of SSBDs. Extensive hydrostatic burst testing of the SSBDs was performed to complete the design of experiments study with one-hundred and seven burst tests. The experiment simultaneously tested the effects of the following: two SSBD material states (full hard, annealed); five SSBD thicknesses 0.178, 0.254, 0.305, 0.381 mm (0.007, 0.010, 0.012, 0.015, 0.020-in.); two grain directions relative); number of times the laser etch pattern was repeated (varies between 5-200 times); two heat sink configurations (with and without heat sink); and, two barrel configurations (with and without insert). These tests resulted in the quantification of the relationship between SSBD thickness, laser etch parameters, and desired burst pressure. Of the factors investigated only thickness and number of laser etches were needed to develop a mathematical relationship predicting hydrostatic burst pressure of disks using the same barrel configuration. The fracture surfaces of two representative SSBD bursts were then investigated with a scanning electron microscope, one burst hydrostatically in a fixture and another dynamically in the launcher. The fracture analysis verified that both burst conditions resulted in a ductile overload failure indicated by transgranular microvoid coalescence, non-fragmenting rupture and mixed tensile and shear failure modes, regardless of the material states tested. More testing is underway to determine the relationship between SSBD burst pressure and projectile velocity

    Year 2015 Aircraft Emission Scenario for Scheduled Air Traffic

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    This report describes the development of a three-dimensional scenario of aircraft fuel burn and emissions (fuel burned, NOx, CO, and hydrocarbons)for projected year 2015 scheduled air traffic. These emission inventories are available for use by atmospheric scientists conducting the Atmospheric Effects of Aviation Project (AEAP) modeling studies. Fuel burned and emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx as NO2), carbon monoxides, and hydrocarbons have been calculated on a 1 degree latitude x 1 degree longitude x 1 kilometer altitude grid and delivered to NASA as electronic files

    Landowners, Bioenergy, and Extension Strategies

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    Given increased energy demand from alternative sources, wood-based bioenergy is receiving significant policy and research attention in the United States. Many private forest landowners, who are the likely feedstock suppliers for wood-based bioenergy, however, are not completely aware of its opportunities and potential positive and negative impacts. This article, therefore, reviews the existing work on status of biomass availability and landowner motivations for supplying biomass for wood-based bioenergy industry. Some educational needs of landowners and the potential role of Extension professionals are highlighted

    A Profile of Immigrants in Arkansas

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    Discusses key demographic trends, economic factors, and public policy issues associated with immigrants in Arkansas, which has the fourth-fastest-growing immigrant population in the nation

    Performance of Sweetpotato for Bioregenerative Life Support

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    Sweetpotato was successfully grown to harvest maturity in a large-scale atmospherically-closed controlled environment chamber. Yield of edible biomass and capacity for contributing to air revitalization and water recovery were documented. Yield was slightly less than that found in smaller-scale studies, but this is not unusual (Wheeler 1999). Continued work is suggested to improve control of storage root initiation, bulking and vine growth

    Functional anatomy of the masking level difference, an fMRI study

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    Introduction: Masking level differences (MLDs) are differences in the hearing threshold for the detection of a signal presented in a noise background, where either the phase of the signal or noise is reversed between ears. We use N0/Nπ to denote noise presented in-phase/out-of-phase between ears and S0/Sπ to denote a 500 Hz sine wave signal as in/out-of-phase. Signal detection level for the noise/signal combinations N0Sπ and NπS0 is typically 10-20 dB better than for N0S0. All combinations have the same spectrum, level, and duration of both the signal and the noise. Methods: Ten participants (5 female), age: 22-43, with N0Sπ-N0S0 MLDs greater than 10 dB, were imaged using a sparse BOLD fMRI sequence, with a 9 second gap (1 second quiet preceding stimuli). Band-pass (400-600 Hz) noise and an enveloped signal (.25 second tone burst, 50% duty-cycle) were used to create the stimuli. Brain maps of statistically significant regions were formed from a second-level analysis using SPM5. Results: The contrast NπS0- N0Sπ had significant regions of activation in the right pulvinar, corpus callosum, and insula bilaterally. The left inferior frontal gyrus had significant activation for contrasts N0Sπ-N0S0 and NπS0-N0S0. The contrast N0S0-N0Sπ revealed a region in the right insula, and the contrast N0S0-NπS0 had a region of significance in the left insula. Conclusion: Our results extend the view that the thalamus acts as a gating mechanism to enable dichotic listening, and suggest that MLD processing is accomplished through thalamic communication with the insula, which communicate across the corpus callosum to either enhance or diminish the binaural signal (depending on the MLD condition). The audibility improvement of the signal with both MLD conditions is likely reflected by activation in the left inferior frontal gyrus, a late stage in the what/where model of auditory processing. © 2012 Wack et al

    User Manual for Beta Version of TURBO-GRD: A Software System for Interactive Two-Dimensional Boundary/ Field Grid Generation, Modification, and Refinement

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    TURBO-GRD is a software system for interactive two-dimensional boundary/field grid generation. modification, and refinement. Its features allow users to explicitly control grid quality locally and globally. The grid control can be achieved interactively by using control points that the user picks and moves on the workstation monitor or by direct stretching and refining. The techniques used in the code are the control point form of algebraic grid generation, a damped cubic spline for edge meshing and parametric mapping between physical and computational domains. It also performs elliptic grid smoothing and free-form boundary control for boundary geometry manipulation. Internal block boundaries are constructed and shaped by using Bezier curve. Because TURBO-GRD is a highly interactive code, users can read in an initial solution, display its solution contour in the background of the grid and control net, and exercise grid modification using the solution contour as a guide. This process can be called an interactive solution-adaptive grid generation

    A quantum measure of coherence and incompatibility

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    The well-known two-slit interference is understood as a special relation between observable (localization at the slits) and state (being on both slits). Relation between an observable and a quantum state is investigated in the general case. It is assumed that the amount of ceherence equals that of incompatibility between observable and state. On ground of this, an argument is peresented that leads to a natural quantum measure of coherence, called "coherence or incompatibility information". Its properties are studied in detail making use of 'the mixing property of relative entropy' derived in this article. A precise relation between the measure of coherence of an observable and that of its coarsening is obtained and discussed from the intutitive point of view. Convexity of the measure is proved, and thus the fact that it is an information entity is established. A few more detailed properties of coherence information are derived with a view to investigate final-state entanglement in general repeatable measurement, and, more importantly, general bipartite entanglement in follow ups of this study.Comment: 19 GS pages; supercedes quant-ph/030921


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    While it is known that blood flow restriction (BFR) can positively affect training and rehabilitation progression timelines, the physiological basis of this intervention is not fully understood. The purpose of this study was to determine the short-term impact of BFR upon power and fatigue performance measures during maximal cycling. In this study, maximal cycling was assessed using the Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT). Using a counterbalanced design, fourteen female participants completed standardized BFR and non-BFR protocols while completing the WAnT. No statistically-significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were found between conditions for measures of peak power (PP), low power (LP) or fatigue index (FI). These findings suggest that BFR had no statistically-significant acute effect on these performance measures commonly assessed during the WAnT


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    To date little research has addressed the impact of blood flow restriction (BFR) training upon gross motor coordination measures (GMCM) during a wide variety of maximal activities. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of BFR on GMCM exhibited during maximal cycling. The performance of 14 females between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five were analyzed during the Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT). The participants completed the test under two conditions, using BFR and without. Results showed statistically significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) between conditions for dependent variables assessed throughout this common 30 second test of maximal cycling. These findings suggest that BFR negatively influenced GMCM exhibited during the WAnT
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