7 research outputs found

    The Role of Freight Forwarding Services in Supporting Export Activities in PT Citra Trans Buana Kargotama Jakarta

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    The purpose of this study was to obtain a deeper description and understanding of the role of Freight Forwarding in supporting export activities at PT Citra Trans Buana Kargotama Jakarta. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method, which is a problem formulation that guides research to explore and describe what will be studied thoroughly, broadly, and deeply. and The data used in this study is primary data obtained through direct interviews with PT Citra Trans Buana Kargotama Jakarta. Based on the results of research on export activity procedures at PT Citra Trans Buana Kargotama Jakarta, namely from exporters sending Shipping Instructions to PT Citra Trans Buana Kargotama Jakarta and then to DHL Express (couriers). While the parties and agencies directly related to PT. Citra Trans Buana Kargotama Jakarta is an exporter, importer, agent of freight forwarder, customs, shipping company, trucking company, and container depot. And in terms of export procedures at PT. Citra Trans Buana Kargotama Jakarta, the documents that must be fulfilled in the procedure for shipping goods are a packing list, invoice, shipping instruction, bill of loading, certificate of origin, notification of export of goods, and certificate of fumigation

    The Effect of Leadership on Performance Employee at PT Cipta Manunggal Sukses Bogor

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    An organization can achieve its goals if it is supported by competent human resources and experts in their fields. To get these competent human resources, good performance is needed from all employees. Various factors are needed so that employees can provide maximum results at work, one of which is leadership. This study aims to determine how much leadership influences employee performance at PT Cipta Manunggal Sukses Bogor. The research method used was descriptive quantitative by distributing questionnaires to 40 respondents and analyzing the data using SPSS 25. From the results of this study, leadership has a fairly good influence on employee performance which can be seen from the correlation test of 0.799, which states that the correlation between leadership and employee performance is quite high. The results of the determination test showed the number 0.638, or it can be interpreted that leadership affects 63.8% of employee performance. The results of the regression equation test obtained a significant value of 0.00<0.005 with the equation Y = 12.904 + 0.602x, which means that the leadership brought is good in its role so that employee performance increases

    Pengaruh Brand Awareness Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Bisnis Busana Muslim Merk Zoya Di Rawamangun Jakarta

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    ABSTRAKFashion baju muslim wanita sekarang ini sedang mengalami perkembangan  sangat baik karena wanita Indonesia mayoritas beragama Islam. Banyak peluang  melakukan usaha bisnis dibidang busana muslim. Karenanya banyak berdiri bisnis atau usaha dibidang pakaian muslim, salah satunya  PT. Shafco Multi Trading yang mendirikan usaha waralaba produk busana muslim dengan nama Zoya. Riset ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh brand awareness terhadap keputusan pembelian pada bisnis busana muslim zoya di Rawamangun Jakarta. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah para pengunjung Outlet Zoya bisnis busana muslim di Rawamangun dengan sampel sebanyak 100 orang responden. Data-data dikumpulkan pada penelitian menggunakan kuesioner  dibagikan kepada para responden menggunakan teknik insidental sampling. Hasil penelitian dari data menunjukan bahwa tingkat brand awareness merek Zoya berada pada tingkat kedua top of mind dan termasuk kedalam kategori tinggi dan keputusan pembelian bisnis busana muslim di Outlet Zoya berada pada posisi tinggi. Berdasarkan data hasil pengujian regresi sederhana menunjukan brand awareness mempunyai pengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian busana muslim di Outlet Zoya sebesar 75,9%. Berdasarkan perhitungan statistic dari koefisien determinasi variabel brand awareness mampu mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian terhadap  bisnis penjualan busana muslim merek Zoya sebesar 57,4 %. Kata kunci : Brand Awareness, Keputusan Pembelian


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    In accordance with article 33 of the 1945 Constitution, the main objective of the Indonesian government is the prosperity of the Indonesian people. The state is said to be prosperous if most of the needs of its people are met. Satisfaction needs in the form of goods and services produced in the territory of Indonesia, namely Gross Domestic Revenue. There are many aggregative factors that influence the Gross Domestic Product, including Unemployment and Inflation. This study examines the effect of unemployment and inflation on the Gross Domestic Product. Research on the influence of the Unemployment independent variable (X1) on Gross Domestic Product (Y) produces at-value of -4,974> 2,300 (t table). Research on the influence of the Inflation (X2) independent variable on the dependent variable of the Gross Domestic Product yields a calculated value of -1,511 <2,300 (t table). Multiple linear tests in this study produced a calculated F value of 14,834> 4.35 (F table). The regression equation in this study is Y = 21036872.292 - 1.526 X1 - 127482.199X2 + e. R-value of the correlation coefficient of 0.900 and R square value of 0.809. Sesuai dengan pasal 33 UUD 1945, tujuan utama pemerintah Indonesia adalah kemakmuran rakyat Indonesia. Negara dikatakan makmur jika sebagian besar kebutuhan rakyatnya terpenuhi. Alat pemuas kebutuhan berupa barang dan jasa yang dihasilkan di wilayah Indonesi yaitu Pendapatan Domestik Bruto. Terdapat banyak faktor agregatif ayang berpengaruh terhadap Produk domestik Bruto, diantaranya Pengangguran dan Inflasi. Penelitian ini meneliti pengaruh pengangguran dan inflasi terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto. Penelitian pada pebngaruh variabel bebas Pengangguran (X1) terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto (Y) menghasilkan nilai t hitung sebesar -4.974 > 2.300 (t tabel). Penelitian pada pengaruh variabel bebas Inflasi (X2) terhadap variabel terikat Produk Domestik Bruto menghasilkan nilai t hitung sebesar 1.511 < 2.300 (t tabel). Uji linier berganda pada penelitian ini menghasilkan nilai F hitung sebesar 14.834 > 4.35 (F tabel). Persamaan regresi pada penelitian ini adalah Y = 21036872.292 – 1.526 X1 – 127482.199X2 + e. Nilai R koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,900 dan nilai R square 0,809

    Effect of Inflation, BI Rate and Net Export to USD Central Exchange Rate to Rupiahs in Bank Indonesia for 2005-2019

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    This study discusses the USD Central Exchange Rate of USD To Rupiah at Bank Indonesia as a Dependency Factor (Y), with independent factors that can approve internal aggregates, namely In ation (X1), BI Rate (X2), and Net Exports (X3). The hypothesis used in this study is In ation (X1) that applies to the USD Middle Rate Against Rupiah at Bank Indonesia (Y), whether the BI Rate (X2) is related to the USD Middle Rate Against Rupiah at Bank Indonesia (Y), whether Net Exports (Y X3) against the USD Exchange Rate Against Rupiah at Bank Indonesia (Y), and whether In ation (X1), BI Rate (X2), and Net Exports (X3) simultaneously oppose the USD Exchange Rate Against Rupiah at Bank Indonesia (Y). The data used are secondary data released by the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency and processed using SPSS.22. The classic test is done using the Normality Test, Autocorrelation Test, and Multicollinearity Test. Hypothesis testing is done using a Simple Linear Test and Multiple Linear Test. This research resulted in a calculated value of X1 against Y of -1.318; the value of t-count X2 against Y is -1,963; and the t-value of X3 against Y is -3,803. The t-table value is negative in this study -2.16037. Multiple linear tests in this study produced a calculated F value of 4.670> 3.587 (F table). The regression equation in this study is Y = 12,226,241 - 166,022.X1 + 196,115.X2 - 0,101.X3 + e. The coe cient of R value is 0.748 and the value of R square is 0.56