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    Prevalensi anak yang mengalami kasus wasting ataupun severely wasting di wilayah kerja puskesmas Rancasalak di Desa Mandalasari, Kabupaten Garut sebesar 4,9% dari jumlah anak di daerah tersebut. Wasting merupakan masalah kesehatan dimana salah satunya disebabkan oleh kurangnya pemenuhan energi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis pemenuhan kecukupan energi yang diperoleh dari asupan karbohidrat, protein, dan lemak serta mengetahui keanekaragaman konsumsi makanan sumber energi pada anak wasting di Desa Mandalasari, Kabupaten Garut. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional. Responden pada penelitian adalah ibu/pengasuh dari 21 anak dengan status gizi wasting. Asupan energi dan keanekaragaman diperoleh dengan cara wawancara menggunakan form food recall 2 x 24 jam dan dengan menggunakan form frekuensi makanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemenuhan asupan energi yang berasal dari karbohidrat, protein, dan lemak sebanyak 953 kalori/hari dari yang dianjurkan 1600 kalori atau 60.16% berdasarkan AKG energi yang dianjurkan dan termasuk kedalam kategori defisit. Sumber energi berdasarkan zat gizi diperoleh dari karbohidrat sebesar 37.43%, protein sebesar 7.31% dan lemak sebesar 15.42%. Berdasarkan keragaman konsumsi makanan pada anak wasting sumber karbohidrat di dominasi oleh nasi dengan frekuensi 2x/hari, protein dan lemak di dominasi oleh telur dengan frekuensi 1x/hari. Rekomendasi pada penelitian ini ditujukan kepada kader PKK untuk memberikan penyuluhan terkait pesan gizi seimbang, peningkatan pemahaman dan kepedulian akan konsumsi makanan baik dari segi keanekaragaman, frekuensi dan jumlahnya. Kata Kunci : anak, asupan energi, wasting ABSTRACT Prevalence of wasting cases in the working area of the Rancasalak Community Health Center in Mandalasari Village, Garut Regency is 4.9% of the number of children in the area. Wasting is a health problem that one of the causes is a lack of energy fulfillment. The purpose of this study was to analyze energy fulfillment obtained from carbohydrate, protein, and fat intake and to know energy food sources diversity consumption in wasting children in Mandalasari Village, Garut Regency. This study used a cross-sectional design. Respondents in the study were mothers/caregivers from 21 children with wasting nutritional status. Energy intake and diversity are obtained by interview using the 2 x 24-hour food recall form and food frequency form. The results showed that energy fulfillment derived from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats as much as 953 calories/day from the recommended 1600 calories or 60.16% based on recommended energy RDA and included in the deficit category. Energy sources based on nutrients were obtained from carbohydrates by 37.43%, protein by 7.31% and fat by 15.42%. Based on food consumption diversity in children, the source of carbohydrates is dominated by rice with a frequency of twice a day, protein and fat are dominated by eggs with a frequency of once a day. The recommendations in this study were directed at PKK cadres to give counseling about the message of balanced nutrition, increasing understanding and concern for food consumption in terms of diversity, frequency, and quantity. Keywords: children, energy intake, wastin

    Environmental Standards in U.S. Free Trade Agreements: Lessons from Chapter 11

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    Ieu panalungtikan boga tujuan pikeun ngadéskripsikeun kalimah dina sisindiran jeung wawangsalan anyar. Dina ieu panalungtikan digunakeun métodeu déskriptif. Pikeun ngumpulkeun data digunakeun téknik studi pustaka. Data dianalisis maké métode distribusional kalayan téknik analisis unsur langsung anu dituturkeun ku téknik ékspansi, permutasi, jeung délisi. Hasil tina ieu panalungtikan nyaéta déskripsi wangun kalimah dina sisindiran jeung wawangsalan nu mangrupa kalimah ngantét kalayan tipeu jeung pola kalimah anu variatif, tatali harti antarklausa dina kalimah ngantét jeung kahasan kalimah dina sisindiran jeung wawangsalan anyar, nyaéta (1) kalimahna mangrupa kalimah ngantét, (2) miboga kabébasan dina konstruksi kalimahna, (3) laluasa dina ngarobah jeung nempatkeun runtuyan kekecapan, jeung (4) jejer dina kalimah mindeng henteu ditembrakeun. ; Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kalimat dalam sisindiran dan wawangsalan anyar. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode deskriptif. Untuk mengumpulkan data digunakan teknik studi pustaka. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode distribusional dengan téknik analisis unsur langsung yang diikuti oleh teknik ekspansi, permutasi dan delisi.Temuan-temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah déskripsi tentang bentuk kalimat dalam sisindiran dan wawangsalan yang berupa kalimat majemuk dengan tipeu dan pola kalimat yang variatif, hubungan makna antraklausa dalam kalimat majemuk serta kekhasan-kekhasan kalimat dalam sisindiran dan wawangsalan anyar, yakni (1) bentuk kalimat berupa kalimat majemuk, (2) memiliki kebebasan dalam konstruksi (struktur) kalimat, (3) kelonggaran gaya dalam menempatkan urutan kata, dan (4) subyek sering tidak dikatakan.; This study is made to describe sentences in sisindiran and wawangsalan anyar. Descriptive method is used in this study. Data collection technique of the study uses library research method. Data processing is done by using distributional method with direct analysis technique that is followed by expansion, permutation and deletion techniques. Findings of the study are descriptions about the sentences forms in sisindiran and wawangsalan in the form of compound sentences with varied type and pattern of the sentences, inter-clause meaning relations in the compound sentences, and the sentence characteristics in sisindiran and wawangsalan anyar; that are (1) the sentence forms is the compound sentences, (2) freedom in sentence structures, (3) flexibility in arranging words order, and (4) subjects are not mentioned a lot

    Influence of the Anti-HIV drug Elvitegravir on Chlamydial Development and the Characterization of Chlamydial Polymorphic Membrane Protein Expression in Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)/C. trachomatis Co-infected Cells

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    Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common bacterial agent of sexually transmitted infections worldwide and a common co-infection in AIDS patients. Chlamydial genital tract infections are often asymptomatic; therefore many infections go untreated and result in complications like chronic inflammation, ectopic pregnancy, and pelvic inflammatory disease. Chlamydia share a unique developmental cycle and under stress, can enter a state known as persistence, in which the bacteria are noninfectious but still viable. Removal of the stressor allows the chlamydiae to re-enter and complete the developmental cycle. Exposure to low-dose quinolones can cause the chlamydiae to enter persistence and halt the developmental cycle. Notably, 1 in 20 people living with HIV/AIDS also suffers from chlamydial infections. Since the anti-HIV drug Elvitegravir (EVG) is a quinolone derivative, we hypothesized that EVG exposure would inhibit chlamydial development. To ascertain whether EVG affects chlamydial development, HeLa cells were infected with C. trachomatis or C. muridarum and then either mock treated or treated with EVG. The percent infectivity and production of infectious progeny were determined by immunofluorescence assay and chlamydial titer assay, respectively. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to examine chlamydial morphology and determine whether EVG caused Chlamydia to become persistent. Though percent infectivity and chlamydial morphology were similar between treated and untreated Chlamydia-infected cells, the production of infectious progeny was significantly decreased in EVG-exposed Chlamydia-infected cells. These data indicate that EVG is not a persistence-inducer, but does inhibit chlamydial development in vitro. In other studies, we tested chlamydial polymorphic membrane protein (PMP) expression in chlamydia/HSV co-infected cells by immunofluorescence staining. Since penicillin-induced persistence decreases the expression of some chlamydial PMPs, we hypothesized that expression of PMP-A and PMP-B would be decreased by HSV-induced persistence. The results indicated that there was no significant difference in expression of PMP-A or PMP-B in co-infected versus C. trachomatis singly-infected cells. These data suggest that PMP expression is not a good indicator of chlamydial persistence when induced by HSV


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    Modern marketing techniques and restructured markets for agriculture products has made the small holder producers to fight against a number of consequences which they are actually not practiced or trained. As an alternative, new innovative practice like value chain approach has been identified in improving their ability to combat the restructured market conditions. This paper reviews the theoretical justifications and different viewpoints of value chains approach which can benefit the small holder producers in agriculture sector. A review on evidences from agricultural value chain experiences exposed the necessity of a tool or a business model like value chain approach to integrate the small holder producers to viable markets and to capitalize the immense opportunities in the markets, particularly for least developed and developing countries. The literature revealed that small holder producer can access international markets by establishing value chain networks and by building relationships in chain networks

    Limits on Secondary Transmissions Operating in Uplink Frequencies in Cellular CDMA Networks

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    It is well known that electromagnetic radio spectrum is very expensive. This spectrum is managed by government agencies which divides it into frequency bands and then allocates bands to different types of services such as TV broadcasting, cellular telephony ,military usage etc. Lately, the increasing number of wireless technologies and rapid increase in the number of users in cellular telephony highlighted the emerging shortage in the allocated spectrum. From measurements, it has been shown that a major cause of this shortage is inefficient use of spectrum. Many services are active, but they do not have a 100% duty cycle, thus systems are often not operating at full capacity much of the time, which creates a gap in spectrum usage. Thus, the idea of secondary user transmissions has been developed. A secondary user is a non-licensed user which uses licensed spectrum when it is unoccupied by the primary user (i.e., the license holder). These secondary transmissions can happen only as long as the interference caused by them does not harm the primary users by decreasing their quality of service (QoS) or in the worst case scenario by denying them access. The focus of this dissertation is on better usage of the uplink frequency bands of cellular CDMA networks. We calculate the number of secondary transmissions possible in the cell radius whenever the cell is not operating at full capacity. Further, we explore the possibilities and limitations that such secondary users face in that cell, always keeping in mind the interference that will be caused to primary transmissions (at the Base transceiver subsystem-BTS) must be less than the threshold that is required to maintain adequate quality of service. We employ simple analysis and we have performed simulations to calculate the dependence of the number of secondary users based on the number of active primary users and also to calculate the interference on the secondary users to evaluate the possibilities and potential for secondary user applications

    Engendering Social Exclusion: Evidence from Slum of Narayangonj City Corporation of Bangladesh

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    Marginalization of certain groups or clans occurs in most societies including developed countries and perhaps it often occurs in under developed countries Women especially the slum women are far more excluded than any other groups in the society It is clearly demonstrated that the number of slum dwellers is increasing day by day with the increased demand for employment opportunity rapid rural-urban migration and rapid growth of urban population The current study has expounded the nature of Social exclusion of women in the selected slums of Narayangonj city Moreover the study aimed to explore the reasons causes dimensions impacts and pattern of exclusions for different socio-economic groups This study had a critical outlook in examining the overall social-environment that perpetuated exclusion of women in slum areas Findings of this study has presented a social exclusion index of three selected slums and a women poverty index in order to critically examine both the exclusion index and poverty index of women extensively Finally the study has examined the ineffectiveness inaction of existing law and rules in protecting the disadvantaged women folk of slum

    Environmental Standards in U.S. Free Trade Agreements: Lessons from Chapter 11

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    The U.S. bipartisan trade compromise, concluded on May 10, 2007, was the first to create enforceable labor and environmental standards to be applied to the pending Free Trade Agreements (“FTAs”) with Peru, Panama, Colombia, and Korea. In 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement (“NAFTA”), signed by the United States, Mexico, and Canada, broke new ground with the mention of sustainable development in its preamble. NAFTA was the first multilateral trade agreement to include environmental protection. While breaking new ground NAFTA also included a problematic clause, Chapter 11, which provides a “right of action to a foreign investor against the government of the country in which it invested, for a broad range of actions taken” by the government. This right of action, included in the new FTAs, proved to be without a proper mechanism to guard against claims brought against countries for passing legislation to protect the environment, which might affect the future profits of a company