197 research outputs found

    Price ceilings and quality competition

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    This paper investigates the quality implications of an upper limit on product prices in a vertically differentiated duopoly. It is shown that a price ceiling diminishes the incentives for strategic product differentiation, thereby improving average quality in the market.

    Doing our Essential Work

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    When A Perceived Glass Ceiling Impacts Organizational Commitment And Turnover Intent: The Mediating Role Of Distributive Justice

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    This study investigated the relationship between a perceived glass ceiling in an organization and commitment to that organization, with the expectation that the effect would be indirect and mediated by distributive justice perceptions.  The same hypothesis was put forward with turnover intent as an outcome. The study uses VIE, Equity, Social Exchange, and Social Identity Theories to frame these arguments, and in both cases, partial mediation was present.  Specifically, the effect of a perceived glass ceiling on each of the dependent variables was greater alone than when considered together with perceptions of distributive justice.  The analyses and findings are outlined, and implications for theory and for practice are discussed

    Isolating and Reorganizing Core Vocabulary from Library of Congress Music Headings for Use in the Music Thesaurus

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    Impetus for creating a Music Thesaurus was triggered in 1989 by the Music library Association Music Thesaurus Project Working Group's report, entitled ''Improving Access to Music." The central need articulated in this report was the development of "a controlled vocabulary that is more logically structured and more easily manipulated" than that found in library of Congress subject headings (LCSH)

    Searching a Music Database with Semantically Organized Vocabulary Sets Compiled from a Thesaurus of Library of Congress Subject Headings

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    Vocabulary sets of semantically related words and phrases were assembled and applied to searching bibliographic records in a music database. The sets were created from a comprehensive selection of Library of Congress Subject Headings concerning music, which were convened to an online thesaurus. The paper describes techniques and rationale used create, name and organize the vocabulary sets, which may be permanently stored as pre-packaged queries for later reuse by various users searching different music databases

    Competitive Environment, Business Strategy, and Organization Structure: an Analysis of Firm Performance.

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    This research attempts to develop and empirically test an integrative model of business economic performance. The research framework includes certain concepts and relationships that emanate from the literature in Industrial Organization Economics, Business Policy, and Organization Theory. In general, the key tenet of the study is threefold: (a) that there are industry differences in types of challenges confronting top level management; (b) that strategic and organizational responses that different environmental challenges elicit are quite different and somewhat predictable; and (c) that the combination of the environmental, strategic, and organizational characteristics of the organizations affect their economic performance. The sample for this research was selected from the less-diversified manufacturing companies on COMPUSTAT tapes. The sample proved to be quite diverse, representing a broad cross section of different manufacturing industries. The analysis of the data, in general, supported the major contentions of the study. The results suggested that organizations\u27 responses to external contingencies vary by industry characteristics. In addition, it was concluded that the environmental, strategic, and structural profile of high-performing companies is indeed different from that of low-performing firms

    A new model of pressure propagation in human tissue in HIFU application

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    This project is a new pressure model for propagating pressure inside one or several tissues at the time of treatment with high intensity focus ultrasound (HIFU). Pressure's changes are converted to heat's changes in tissue and this is done oscillatory. When the treatment is done in deeper tissues, obtained heat can affect surficial tissues. This pressure effect also can enter surficial tissues. Amount of pressure and heat possible injury can be controlled and reduced through this mechanical modelling. In this model we have used three layers and pressure also is obtained within these three layers and is investigated averagely. Obtained tissue in this mood is kidney tissue and it is tried to obtain the rate of pressure in these three layers

    Effect of gamma irradiation on fatty acid composition of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets

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    The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of low-dose gamma irradiation (0, 1, 3 and 5 kGy) on fatty acid composition of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillet. Among all of the fatty acids, oleic acid (C18:1) (with mean 33.50±3.02 g/100 g fatty acids) and myristoleic acid (C14:1) (with mean 0.41±0.26 g/100 g fatty acids) were the most predominant and the lowest fatty acids in all irradiated and non-irradiated samples, respectively. Statistical analysis showed that there were no significant differences (P>0.05) in level of all fatty acids, saturated fatty acids (SFA), unsaturated fatty acids (USFA), mono unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) between Rainbow trout fillet control and irradiated in 1, 3 and 5 kGy. Therefore irradiation process and different doses of irradiation in this study (1, 3 and 5 kGy) had no significant effect (P>0.05) on fatty acid composition

    Procjena mehaničkih i morfoloških svojstava kompozita proizvedenih od polilaktičke kiseline i drvnih vlakana s dodatkom nanografena

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    The present study analyzed the effect of nanographene (NG) application at three rates (0.75, 1.5, and 3 %) on the production of PLA85/F15 and PLA70/F30 composites. The incorporation of NG into the PLA/wood fi ber composites significantly improved the tensile and bending properties. The results indicated that composites made from PLA68.5/F30/NG1.5 had the highest tensile and bending properties. Furthermore, it was revealed that the addition of fi bers to PLA decreased the composite impact strength in comparison with pure PLA, whereas the addition of NG improved its impact strength, but not as much as pure PLA. The highest impact strength was observed in the composites containing 15 % fi bers and 1.5 % NG (PLA83.5/F15/NG1.5 composites). The composites made from 30 % wood fiber and 1.5 % (PLA68.5/F30/NG1.5 composites) NG had the best interfacial surface between the wood fiber and the matrix of composites.U radu je analiziran učinak nanografena (NG), dodanoga u različitim količinama (0,75, 1,5 i 3 %), na svojstva kompozita proizvedenih od polilaktične kiseline (PLA) i drvnih vlakana (F) (kompoziti PLA85/F15 i PLA70/F30). Ugradnjom NG-a u kompozite PLA/F znatno su poboljšana vlačna i savojna svojstva kompozita. Rezultati su pokazali da su kompoziti s dodatkom 1,5 % NG-a (PLA68.5/F30/NG1.5) imali najbolja vlačna i savojna svojstva. Nadalje, iz rezultata se može zaključiti da se dodavanjem drvnih vlakana u PLA smanjuje otpornost kompozita na udarce u usporedbi s čistim PLA, a dodavanjem NG-a poboljšava se otpornost kompozita na udarce. Međutim, ta je otpornost i dalje manja od otpornosti kompozita od čistog PLA. Najveća otpornost na udarce zabilježena je za kompozite koji sadržavaju 15 % drvnih vlakana i 1,5 % NG-a (kompoziti PLA83.5/F15/NG1.5). Kompoziti proizvedeni od 30 % drvnih vlakana i 1,5 % NG-a (kompoziti PLA68.5/F30/NG1.5) imali su najbolju površinu između drvnih vlakana i matrice kompozita


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    In this study, mechanical and biodegradability properties of wood plastic composite were investigated. Beech (fagus orientalis) flour 40 wt% was used as a reinforcing base material, maleic anhydride as a coupling agents and nano clay to improve the properties were added. The polymer studied was polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and the other polymer was high-density polyethylene (HDPE) .Three groups of composites were produced, in two groups each of the polymers alone and in the third group a combination of two types of polymers was used as a matrix. Starch 8 wt% and 12wt% was used as a copolymer. The specimens were mixed using a twin-screw extruder and made with an injection molding machine and subjected to mechanical tests: tensile strength and module, bending strength and module, impact resistance tests and biodegradability tests. In mechanical properties, it was observed that wood plastic composite with PHB base material has lower resistance properties than composites containing HDPE. With the addition of starch, all resistance properties were significantly reduced compared to the control sample without starch in all three groups of composite samples. Starch could not play the role of copolymer well in any of the groups. The third group of samples presented better results in terms of resistance properties than the first group. Modulus and resistances increased compared to the first group. In the biodegradability test, the samples were buried at a height of 25 cm for three months. Weight loss was due to the destruction of wood flour, starch and natural polymers by soil microorganisms. The weight loss trend of the samples was increasing until the end of the second month and then decreasing