60 research outputs found

    Phonon-assisted radiofrequency absorption by gold nanoparticles resulting in hyperthermia

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    It is suggested that in gold nanoparticles (GNPs) of about 5 nm sizes used in the radiofrequency (RF) hyperthermia, an absorption of the RF photon by the Fermi electron occurs with involvement of the longitudinal acoustic vibrational mode (LAVM), the dominating one in the distribution of vibrational density of states (VDOS). This physical mechanism helps to explain two observed phenomena: the size dependence of the heating rate (HR) in GNPs and reduced heat production in aggregated GNPs. The argumentation proceeds within the one-electron approximation, taking into account the discretenesses of energies and momenta of both electrons and LAVMs. The heating of GNPs is thought to consist of two consecutive processes: first, the Fermi electron absorbs simultaneously the RF photon and the LAVM available in the GNP; hereafter the excited electron gets relaxed within the GNP's boundary, exciting a LAVM with the energy higher than that of the previously absorbed LAVM. GNPs containing the Ta and/or Fe impurities are proposed for the RF hyperthermia as promising heaters with enhanced HRs, and GNPs with rare-earth impurity atoms are also brought into consideration. It is shown why the maximum HR values should be expected in GNPs with about 5-7 nm size.Comment: proceedings at the NATO Advanced Research workshop FANEM-2015 (Minsk, May 25-27, 2015). To be published in the final form in: "Fundamental and Applied NanoElectroMagnetics" (Springer Science + Business Media B.V.

    Self-Association of Organic Solutes in Solution: A NEXAFS Study of Aqueous Imidazole

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    N K-edge near-edge X-ray absorption fine-structure (NEXAFS) spectra of imidazole in concentrated aqueous solutions have been acquired. The NEXAFS spectra of the solution species differ significantly from those of imidazole monomers in the gas phase and in the solid state of imidazole, demonstrating the strong sensitivity of NEXAFS to the local chemical and structural environment. In a concentration range from 0.5 to 8.2 mol L−1 the NEXAFS spectrum of aqueous imidazole does not change strongly, confirming previous suggestions that imidazole self-associates are already present at concentrations more dilute than the range investigated here. We show that various types of electronic structure calculations (Gaussian, StoBe, CASTEP) provide a consistent and complete interpretation of all features in the gas phase and solid state spectra based on ground state electronic structure. This suggests that such computational modelling of experimental NEXAFS will permit an incisive analysis of the molecular interactions of organic solutes in solutions. It is confirmed that microhydrated clusters with a single imidazole molecule are poor models of imidazole in aqueous solution. Our analysis indicates that models including both a hydrogen-bonded network of hydrate molecules, and imidazole–imidazole interactions, are necessary to explain the electronic structure evident in the NEXAFS spectra

    Enantioselective Catalysis of the Aza-Cope Rearrangement by a Chiral Supramolecular Assembly

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    The chiral supramolecular catalyst Ga{sub 4}L{sub 6} [L = 1,5-bis(2,3-dihydroxybenzoylamino)naphthalene] is a molecular tetrahedron that catalyzes the 3-aza-Cope rearrangement of allyl enammonium cations. This catalysis is accomplished by preorganizing the substrate in a reactive conformation within the host. This work demonstrates that through the use of enantiopure assembly, its chiral cavity is capable of catalyzing the 3-aza-Cope rearrangement enantioselectively, with yields of 21-74% and enantiomeric excesses from 6 to 64% at 50 C. At lower temperatures, the enantioselectivity improved, reaching 78% ee at 5 C. This is the highest enantioselectivity to date induced by the chiral cavity of a supramolecular assembly
