588 research outputs found

    Uniaxial pressure dependencies of the phase transitions in GdMnO3_3

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    GdMnO3_3 shows an incommensurate antiferromagnetic order below ≃42\simeq 42 K, transforms into a canted A-type antiferromagnet below ≃20\simeq 20 K, and for finite magnetic fields along the b axis ferroelectric order occurs below ≃12\simeq 12 K. From high-resolution thermal expansion measurements along all three principal axes, we determine the uniaxial pressure dependencies of the various transition temperatures and discuss their correlation to changes of the magnetic exchange couplings in RRMnO3_3 (R=La,...DyR = {\rm La, ... Dy}).Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures, submitted to JMMM (Proceedings of ICM'06, Kyoto

    Multiferroicity and colossal magneto-capacitance in Cr-thiospinels

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    The sulfur based Cr-spinels RCr2S4 with R = Cd and Hg exhibit the coexistence of ferromagnetic and ferroelectric properties together with a pronounced magnetocapacitive coupling. While in CdCr2S4 purely ferromagnetic order is established, in HgCr2S4 a bond-frustrated magnetic ground state is realized, which, however, easily can be driven towards a ferromagnetic configuration in weak magnetic fields. This paper shall review our recent investigation for both compounds. Besides the characterization of the magnetic properties, the complex dielectric permittivity was studied by means of broadband dielectric spectroscopy as well as measurements of polarization hysteresis and pyro-currents. The observed colossal magneto-capacitive effect at the magnetic transition seems to be driven by an enormous variation of the relaxation dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Multiferroic behavior in CdCr2X4 (X = S, Se)

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    The recently discovered multiferroic material CdCr2S4 shows a coexistence of ferromagnetism and relaxor ferroelectricity together with a colossal magnetocapacitive effect. The complex dielectric permittivity of this compound and of the structurally related CdCr2Se4 was studied by means of broadband dielectric spectroscopy using different electrode materials. The observed magnetocapacitive coupling at the magnetic transition is driven by enormous changes of the relaxation dynamics induced by the development of magnetic order

    Colossal magnetocapacitance and colossal magnetoresistance in HgCr2S4

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    We present a detailed study of the dielectric and charge transport properties of the antiferromagnetic cubic spinel HgCr2S4. Similar to the findings in ferromagnetic CdCr2S4, the dielectric constant of HgCr2S4 becomes strongly enhanced in the region below 60 - 80 K, which can be ascribed to polar relaxational dynamics triggered by the onset of ferromagnetic correlations. In addition, the observation of polarization hysteresis curves indicates the development of ferroelectric order below about 70 K. Moreover, our investigations in external magnetic fields up to 5 T reveal the simultaneous occurrence of magnetocapacitance and magnetoresistance of truly colossal magnitudes in this material.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spin-phonon coupling in antiferromagnetic chromium spinels

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    The temperature dependence of eigenfrequencies and intensities of the IR active modes has been investigated for the antiferromagnetic chromium spinel compounds CdCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, ZnCr2S4, ZnCr2Se4, and HgCr2S4 by IR spectroscopy for temperatures from 5 K to 300 K. At the transition into the magnetically ordered phases, and driven by spin-phonon coupling, most compounds reveal significant splittings of the phonon modes. This is true for geometrically frustrated CdCr2O4, and ZnCr2O4, for bond frustrated ZnCr2S4 and for ZnCr2Se4, which also is bond frustrated, but dominated by ferromagnetic exchange. The pattern of splitting is different for the different compounds and crucially depends on the nature of frustration and of the resulting spin order. HgCr2S4, which is almost ferromagnetic, exhibits no splitting of the eigenfrequencies, but shows significant shifts due to ferromagnetic spin fluctuations.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Dielectric properties of charge ordered LuFe2O4 revisited: The apparent influence of contacts

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    We show results of broadband dielectric measurements on the charge ordered, proposed to be mul- tiferroic material LuFe2O4. The temperature and frequency dependence of the complex permittivity as investigated for temperatures above and below the charge-oder transition near T_CO ~ 320 K and for frequencies up to 1 GHz can be well described by a standard equivalent-circuit model considering Maxwell-Wagner-type contacts and hopping induced AC-conductivity. No pronounced contribution of intrinsic dipolar polarization could be found and thus the ferroelectric character of the charge order in LuFe2O4 has to be questioned.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Critical slowing down near the multiferroic phase transition in MnWO4_4

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    By using broadband dielectric spectroscopy in the radiofrequency and microwave range we studied the magnetoelectric dynamics in the multiferroic chiral antiferromagnet MnWO4_4. Above the multiferroic phase transition at TN2≈12.6T_{N2} \approx 12.6 K we observe a critical slowing down of the corresponding magnetoelectric fluctuations resembling the soft-mode behavior in canonical ferroelectrics. This electric field driven excitation carries much less spectral weight than ordinary phonon modes. Also the critical slowing down of this mode scales with an exponent larger than one which is expected for magnetic second order phase transition scenarios. Therefore the investigated dynamics have to be interpreted as the softening of an electrically active magnetic excitation, an electromagnon.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, appendi

    Context-dependent detection of fungal parasites in four ant species

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    The reaction between the allyl radical (C3H5Ë™) and acetylene (C2H2) in a heated microtubular reactor has been studied at the VUV beamline of the Swiss Light Source. The reaction products are sampled from the reactor and identified by their photoion mass-selected threshold photoelectron spectra (ms-TPES) by means of imaging photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy. Cyclopentadiene is identified as the sole reaction product by comparison of the measured photoelectron spectrum with that of cyclopentadiene. With the help of quantum-chemical computations of the C5H7 potential energy surface, the C2H2 + C3H5Ë™ association reaction is confirmed to be the rate determining step, after which H-elimination to form C5H6 is prompt in the absence of re-thermalization at low pressures. The formation of cyclopentadiene as the sole product from the allyl + acetylene reaction offers a direct path to the formation of cyclic hydrocarbons under combustion relevant conditions. Subsequent reactions of cyclopentadiene may lead to the formation of the smallest polycyclic aromatic molecule, naphthalene
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