359 research outputs found

    Deep Recurrent Neural Network-Based Assessment of Human Dental Age and Gender from Dental Radiographs

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    The First Chapter's introduction discussed the ability to determine a person's gender and dental age with great accuracy and efficiency is made possible by this technology. It has also done a study that aims to leverage the groundbreaking advantages of deep learning in the dental age and gender evaluation by providing an accurate and automated approach that goes beyond the constraints of traditional methods. The Second Chapter's Literature Review explained Deep Learning Applications in Dental Radiography and Traditional Methods for Dental Age and Gender Assessment and Datasets and Annotations for Dental Radiographs. It has also done Temporal Dependencies in Dental Radiographs. The Third Chapter Methodology discussed that dental radiography data contains rich environmental information that necessitates a nuanced comprehension; this study employs an interpretivist research philosophy. It has also been done to examine pre-existing ideas and models in the context of tooth age and gender evaluation, a deductive approach is used in this study

    Delivery of a fetus with undiagnosed sacro coccygeal teratoma

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    Sacrococcygeal teratoma is the most common tumour of the fetus and neonate with an incidence of 1 in 40000 births. Here we describe the management of an undiagnosed sacrococcygeal teratoma, which is rare in this era

    A novel approach towards therapeutic optimization of diclofenac

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    Con objeto de obtener compuestos con menor toxicidad gástrica que el diclofenaco, se sintetizaron y evaluaron cinco ésteres derivados aminoetílicos N,N-sustituidos derivados del diclofenaco. Estos ésteres se diseñaron para satisfacer el requisito estructural de disponer de una actividad anticolinérgica intacta antes de la separación. Además de bloquear el grupo carboxilo ácido mediante esterificación, esta actividad se incorporó a los ésteres sintetizados, con el beneficio adicional esperado de la reducción de la secreción de ácido gástrico y la consecuente eliminación de la irritación local mediante un mecanismo dual. En este estudio se describen la síntesis, la cinética de la hidrólisis y la actividad biológica de estos ésteres. Todos los derivados de éster permanecieron estables en tampones de pH 2,0 y 7,4 durante un período de tiempo suficiente, lo que aseguró su absorción en estado intacto y la eliminación de la irritación gástrica local producida por el fármaco principal. Se observó una rápida hidrólisis enzimática de todos los derivados en un 80% de suero humano combinado. Se descubrió que los ésteres sintetizados poseían la actividad anticolinérgica propuesta. Se mantuvo la actividad antiinflamatoria en la mayoría de los compuestos y se logró una significativa reducción del potencial ulcerogénico en comparación con el diclofenaco.In an effort for obtaining compounds with lower gastric toxicity than diclofenac, five different N,Ndisubstitutedaminoethyl ester derivatives of diclofenac were synthesized and evaluated. These esters were designed so as to satisfy the structural requirement for them to possess the anticholinergic activity in intact form before cleavage. Besides blocking the acidic carboxyl group by esterification this activity was incorporated into the synthesized esters with an expected additional benefit of having reduced gastric acid secretion and thereby abolishing the local irritation by a dual mechanism. This report describes the synthesis, hydrolysis kinetics and the biological activity of these esters. All the ester derivatives were found to be stable in buffers (pH 2.0 and 7.4) for sufficient time period, assuring them to be absorbed intact and to successfully overcome the local gastric irritation of the parent drug. A fast enzymatic hydrolysis was observed for all the derivatives in 80% pooled human serum. The synthesized esters were found to possess the proposed anticholinergic activity. The anti-inflammatory activity for most of the compounds was retained with a significant reduction in the ulcerogenic potential compared to diclofenac

    A novel approach towards therapeutic optimization of diclofenac

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    Con objeto de obtener compuestos con menor toxicidad gástrica que el diclofenaco, se sintetizaron yevaluaron cinco ésteres derivados aminoetílicos N,N-sustituidos derivados del diclofenaco. Estos ésteresse diseñaron para satisfacer el requisito estructural de disponer de una actividad anticolinérgica intactaantes de la separación. Además de bloquear el grupo carboxilo ácido mediante esterificación, estaactividad se incorporó a los ésteres sintetizados, con el beneficio adicional esperado de la reducción dela secreción de ácido gástrico y la consecuente eliminación de la irritación local mediante un mecanismodual. En este estudio se describen la síntesis, la cinética de la hidrólisis y la actividad biológica de estosésteres. Todos los derivados de éster permanecieron estables en tampones de pH 2,0 y 7,4 durante unperíodo de tiempo suficiente, lo que aseguró su absorción en estado intacto y la eliminación de lairritación gástrica local producida por el fármaco principal. Se observó una rápida hidrólisis enzimáticade todos los derivados en un 80% de suero humano combinado. Se descubrió que los ésteres sintetizadosposeían la actividad anticolinérgica propuesta. Se mantuvo la actividad antiinflamatoria en la mayoría delos compuestos y se logró una significativa reducción del potencial ulcerogénico en comparación con eldiclofenaco.In an effort for obtaining compounds with lower gastric toxicity than diclofenac, five different N,Ndisubstitutedaminoethylester derivatives of diclofenac were synthesized and evaluated. These esterswere designed so as to satisfy the structural requirement for them to possess the anticholinergic activityin intact form before cleavage. Besides blocking the acidic carboxyl group by esterification this activitywas incorporated into the synthesized esters with an expected additional benefit of having reduced gastricacid secretion and thereby abolishing the local irritation by a dual mechanism. This report describes thesynthesis, hydrolysis kinetics and the biological activity of these esters. All the ester derivatives werefound to be stable in buffers (pH 2.0 and 7.4) for sufficient time period, assuring them to be absorbedintact and to successfully overcome the local gastric irritation of the parent drug. A fast enzymatichydrolysis was observed for all the derivatives in 80% pooled human serum. The synthesized esters werefound to possess the proposed anticholinergic activity. The anti-inflammatory activity for most of thecompounds was retained with a significant reduction in the ulcerogenic potential compared to diclofenac

    Una nueva aproximación a la optimización terapéutica del diclofenaco

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    In an effort for obtaining compounds with lower gastric toxicity than diclofenac, five different N,Ndisubstitutedaminoethylester derivatives of diclofenac were synthesized and evaluated. These esterswere designed so as to satisfy the structural requirement for them to possess the anticholinergic activityin intact form before cleavage. Besides blocking the acidic carboxyl group by esterification this activitywas incorporated into the synthesized esters with an expected additional benefit of having reduced gastricacid secretion and thereby abolishing the local irritation by a dual mechanism. This report describes thesynthesis, hydrolysis kinetics and the biological activity of these esters. All the ester derivatives werefound to be stable in buffers (pH 2.0 and 7.4) for sufficient time period, assuring them to be absorbedintact and to successfully overcome the local gastric irritation of the parent drug. A fast enzymatichydrolysis was observed for all the derivatives in 80% pooled human serum. The synthesized esters werefound to possess the proposed anticholinergic activity. The anti-inflammatory activity for most of thecompounds was retained with a significant reduction in the ulcerogenic potential compared to diclofenac.Con objeto de obtener compuestos con menor toxicidad gástrica que el diclofenaco, se sintetizaron yevaluaron cinco ésteres derivados aminoetílicos N,N-sustituidos derivados del diclofenaco. Estos ésteresse diseñaron para satisfacer el requisito estructural de disponer de una actividad anticolinérgica intactaantes de la separación. Además de bloquear el grupo carboxilo ácido mediante esterificación, estaactividad se incorporó a los ésteres sintetizados, con el beneficio adicional esperado de la reducción dela secreción de ácido gástrico y la consecuente eliminación de la irritación local mediante un mecanismodual. En este estudio se describen la síntesis, la cinética de la hidrólisis y la actividad biológica de estosésteres. Todos los derivados de éster permanecieron estables en tampones de pH 2,0 y 7,4 durante unperíodo de tiempo suficiente, lo que aseguró su absorción en estado intacto y la eliminación de lairritación gástrica local producida por el fármaco principal. Se observó una rápida hidrólisis enzimáticade todos los derivados en un 80% de suero humano combinado. Se descubrió que los ésteres sintetizadosposeían la actividad anticolinérgica propuesta. Se mantuvo la actividad antiinflamatoria en la mayoría delos compuestos y se logró una significativa reducción del potencial ulcerogénico en comparación con eldiclofenaco

    Partial Characterization of α-Amylase from Germinating Little Millets (Panicum sumatrense)

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    α-Amylase, a starch splitting enzyme, was purified to homogeneity from little millet (Panicum sumatrense L. Roth ex Roem. et Schult.) cotyledons excised from 3-day-old seedlings by successive chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G-150. Purification achieved was 10.15 fold from the crude extract with a yield of 29% giving a final specific activity of 1001U/mg protein. SDS-PAGE showed a molecular weight of 46 kDa for the enzyme. The enzyme was characterized in terms of pH optimum and stability, temperature optimum and stability, activation energy, Km and Vmax. The enzyme displayed optimum activity at pH 5.0 and 50°C with an apparent Km value of 1.6 mg for soluble starch as substrate and Vmax 1388 units/ min/mg protein. The energy of activation (Ea) for the enzyme-catalyzed reaction was 9.7 kcal./mole. Significant enhancement in the enzyme activity was observed in the presence of metal ions like Ca2+ and Ba2+ while metal ions such as Fe2+, Hg2+ and  Al3+ completely inactivated the enzyme. Incubation of the enzyme with 10mM EDTA for 30 min at 45°C results in complete loss of activity. Key words: α-Amylase, Little millet, Characterization, Panicum sumatrense Usha B et al. Partial Characterization of α-Amylase from Germinating Little Millets (Panicum sumatrense). J Phytol 3/1 (2011) 01-08


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    Objective: To develop an accurate, precise and linear Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatographic (RP-HPLC) method and validate as per ICH guidelines for the quantitative estimation of Solifenacin succinate (5mg) in tablets. Methods: The optimized method uses a reverse phase column, Enable Make C18G (250 X 4.6 mm; 5μ), a mobile phase of triethylammonium phosphate buffer (pH 3.5): acetonitrile in the proportion of 30:70 v/v, flow rate of 1.0 ml/min and a detection wavelength of 210 nm using a UV detector. Results: The developed method resulted in Solifenacin succinate eluting at 3.5 min. Solifenacin succinate exhibited linearity in the range 10-30μg/ml. The precision is exemplified by relative standard deviation of 0.76%. Percentage Mean recovery was found to be in the range of 98â€102, during accuracy studies. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitiation (LOQ) was found to be 7.65μg/ml and 23.19μg/ml respectively. Conclusion: A rapid, accurate, precise and linear RP-HPLC method was developed and validated for the quantitative estimation of solifenacin succinate in SOLITEN (5mg) tablets as per ICH guidelines and hence it can be used for routine analysis in various pharmaceutical industries

    Challenges on Missing Packet Detection or Packet Dropping Attacks in Mobile Adhoc Network -A Survey

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    Collection of wireless nodes forms together to communicate each other in the network without infrastructure less and any access point along with the characteristics of freedom in mobility is called Mobile Adhoc Network. Transmitting of packets from source to destination plays the vital role in MANET. When a Packet is not delivered properly at the destination , its affects the performance of the MANET.  Due to this characteristics of the mobility nodes can subject to falls on the packet missing also the various packets dropping security attacks take part in the dropping the packets while communication to achieve the decreasing the performance of the MANET. This article focus on the survey about the missing packet assembly as well the packet dropping security attacks in MANET

    Uncertain Bandwidth Calculation in Networks with Non-Linear Services

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    ABSTRACT : The data transfer rate in maximum level of network. It is used to observe how much amount of data can send through connection. Most of the networks are fail to guess the bandwidth availability accurately in the wireless setting. So that advance bandwidth reservation can become a critical task to improve the network resources utilization. This type of system will provide increased inconsistency of wireless channel conditions difficult for bandwidth calculation. To overcome these problems we are introducing a scheme as "Bandwidth Recycling", (i.e.) to recycle the unused bandwidth without changing the existing bandwidth reservation. We are calculating the each node in the networks bandwidth calculation considering through the queries for long time periods. For small scale networks we are using optimal algorithm with exponential time complexity, for large scale networks we are developing the heuristics with polynomial time complexity and we are using token bucket algorithm to avoid packet loss while it travelling in the network. By using this bandwidth calculation we can achieve both good accuracy and accurate levels in the networks for each node