736 research outputs found

    Social Misfits or Victims of Exclusion? Contradictory Representations of Irish Travellers in the Irish Press

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    One of the most significant current discussions in discourse studies is the media representation of socially disadvantaged groups (KhosraviNik, 2009; Baker et al., 2008; van Dijk, 1991). The aim of this study is to examine the Irish media’s attitude towards Irish Travellers who have been pushed to the fringes of society with allegations that their nomadic lifestyle is incompatible with industrialised Irish society (Moore, 2012; van Hout, 2011; McVeigh, 1997). The dataset for this paper is comprised of newspaper texts from The Irish Times, The Irish Independent and The Irish Daily Mail printed between January 2012 and September 2014. Data were gathered through the Nexis UK database. Because the newspaper corpora vary greatly in size, the analysis was carried out in two stages. First, corpus software AntConc 3.4.3 (Anthony, 2014) was used to obtain high frequency words in the whole corpus to gain an insight into the discourse topics associated with Travellers. Second, journalistic commentaries from three newspapers on the 2014 Oireachtas report were taken into consideration for the analysis of appraisal resources which show evaluative stance of the writers through attitude, ENGAGEMENT and GRADUATION categories (Martin and White, 2005). Legitimation strategies which were used to justify evaluative stance were also investigated in this stage. The quantitative analysis shows the dominance of attitude categories in all corpora. The liberal Irish Times positively appraised Travellers and the Oireachtas Report, and justified their support for ethnic recognition through a moral evaluation of previous discrimination policies. The politically right-centre Independent and Daily Mail had rather negative attitudes, and they legitimized their opposition through moral evaluation and rationalization grounded upon the stereotypical images associated with Travellers

    Thermodynamic modelling and analysis of a solar organic Rankine cycle employing thermofluids

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    This paper presents thermodynamic modelling and simulation study of a small scale saturated solar organic Rankine cycle (ORC) which consists of a stationary, flat plate solar energy collector that is utilised as a vapour generator, a vane expander, a water-cooled condenser and a pump. Simulations are conducted under constant condensing temperature/pressure and various cycle pressure ratios (PR) for 24 organic thermofluids including Hydrocarbons (HCs), Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), Perfluorocarbons (PFCs), Hydrofluoroethers (HFEs) and Hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs). Special attention is given to the influence of PR and fluids’ physical properties on the solar ORC performance as well as fluids’ environmental and safety impacts including global warming potential (GWP), flammability and toxicity. The simulation results indicate that when the same fluid is considered, pressure ratio of the cycle leads to various operating conditions such as collector (evaporating) pressure which results in various collector, expander and cycle efficiency. For instance, increasing the pressure ratio of the cycle enhances the net work output and the thermal efficiency of the cycle, whereas it decreases the flat plate collector efficiency. The results also indicate that the proposed system produces the maximum net work output of 210.45W with a thermal efficiency of 9.64% by using 1-butene. Furthermore, trans-2-butene, cis-2-butene, R600, R600a, R601, R601a and neopentane (HC), R227ea and R236fa (HFC), RC318 (PFC) and R1234ze (HFO) show promising solar ORC thermal performances. However, the flammability problem of HCs and global warming potential issue of HFCs and PFCs limit their applications, owing to the safety and environmental concerns. On the other hand, in terms of the environmental impact, thermofluids such as RE347mcc, RE245fa2 (HFEs) and R1234ze, R1233zd (HFOs) offer an attractive alternative, yet they were neither the most efficient, nor generated the highest amount of net work output. This paper provides thermofluids’ selection guidelines to achieve maximum efficiency within solar thermal energy technologies while keeping environmental impacts into considerations

    The Relationship Between the Emotion Management Proficiencies of School Admininstrators and The Motivation Level of The Teachers

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    The aim of this research is to put forth the relationship between the emotion management proficiencies of the managers and the motivation level of the teachers. In this study, the opinions of school administrators on the emotion management behavior and the motivation level of the teachers have been examined.It was determined whether or not the opinions of the teachers differentiate according to the changes of genre, marital status, school type, the number of the teachers and the working time at the school they work.In this scanning model was used in this study. 374 teachers chosen by random sampling from 650 teachers working in primary, secondary and high schools in the district of Simav in Kütahya created the research phase. Two scales, Mottaz's (1985) “Job Motivation Scale” and “Emotion Management Behaviors of Managers in Terms of Management Process developed by Çoruk and Akçay (2012) were used. According to the findings obtained from the research, the motivation perceptions of the teachers and the proficiency levels of the emotion management of the school principals were found. While the proficiency level of the emotion management of the school administrators differentiates significantly depending on the numbers of the teachers in the whole dimensions of the emotion management, it differentiates depending on the school type in the communication and evaluation dimension. The intrinsic and extrinsic motivation opinions of the teachers differentiate significantly depending on the number of the teachers at school. As a result, it has been reached that there is a positive directional strong relationship between the emotional management and and the teacher motivation. Keywords: Emotion management, motivation, School Administrator


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    The role of teachers in the education of the desired quality cannot be denied. The behaviors that teachers will exhibit within the organization are important. However, it is thought that life at work and outside of work also affects these behaviors. The research was conducted with a quantitative approach and organizational citizenship behaviors and work-life balance levels were determined from the teachers' point of view. In addition to this, analyzes were conducted to what extent work-life balances predicted organizational citizenship behaviors. The research was conducted in relational survey model. The sample of the study consists of 535 teachers working in public, kindergarten, primary, secondary and high schools in Ödemiş district of İzmir. In the study, “Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale” and “Work-Life Balance Scale" were used. As a result of the research, the levels of organizational citizenship behavior of teachers are positive but not very high. Work-life balance levels are moderate. No correlation was found between teachers' general work-life balance and organizational citizenship behaviors. However, very low level correlation was found between some sub-dimensions of work-life balance and organizational citizenship behavior. It was revealed that work-life balance’s “neglecting life” sub-dimension positively low level, “allocating self-time” and “life consisting of work” sub-dimensions negatively low level predicted organizational citizenship behavior. From this point of view, although there is no direct effect of work-life balance in general, it shows that other conceptual variables that affect sub-dimensions may have a greater impact on organizational citizenship behavior and the need to investigate the effects of these concepts.  Article visualizations


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between workaholism and organizational cynicism levels of teachers formally commissioned in public and private pre-school, primary, secondary and high schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in Gaziemir, İzmir. This research is a descriptive correlational survey model. The sample of the study consisted of 367 teachers working in the 2018-2019 Academic Year in Gaziemir district of İzmir and they were selected by simple random sampling. As a data collection instrument, to examine workaholism levels of teachers, 4-point Likert-type, 25-item and four-dimensional “Workaholism Scale” developed by Robinson (1989) and was adapted into Turkish by Apaydın (2011) was used. In order to investigate organizational cynicism levels of teachers, 5-point Likert-type, 13-item and three-dimensional “Organizational Cynicism Scale” adapted into Turkish by Kalağan (2009) was used. The data were analyzed with SPSS 24.0 statistics program. Frequency and percentage distribution, Independent groups t-test, ANOVA, Tukey-HSD test, Kruskal Wallis H Test and Pearson correlation analysis were used in the analysis of the data. Within the scope of the research; whether teachers’ workaholism and organizational cynicism levels and sub-dimensions are statistically differentiated according to the independent variables gender, seniority, service year, school type, school level and branch of teachers or not; whether there is a relationship between teachers’ workaholism and organizational cynicism levels and sub-dimensions were examined. In the light of the findings, it can be said that teachers who participated in the research were partly workaholics and not cynical towards their organizations. According to the correlation test results, there is a statistically significant, positive and low-level relationship between teachers’ workaholism and organizational cynicism levels. In this context, it was seen that organizational cynicism levels of teachers increase in a low-level as their workaholism levels increase. It was seen that teachers’ workaholism levels did not differentiate according to teachers’ seniority, type of school and branch independent variables; but partially differentiated according to teachers’ gender, year of service and school level independent variables. Furthermore, it was seen that the level of organizational cynicism of teachers did not differentiate according to teachers’ gender independent variable; partially differentiated according to teachers’ seniority, year of service, school level and branch independent variables and differentiated according to the school type independent variable.  Article visualizations


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership behaviors of school administrators and organizational culture according to the opinions of teachers working in primary, secondary and high schools in Kütahya city center and districts. This research is a descriptive relational study. The sample of the study consisted of 395 teachers working in 2018-2019 Academic Year in the city center and districts of Kütahya province. Sample was selected by means of realistic sampling method. The data were analyzed with SPSS 18.0 statistical program. Within the scope of the research, whether there is a relationship between entrepreneurial leadership behaviors of administrators and organizational culture and sub-dimensions; and how entrepreneurial leadership behaviors of school administrators predicted organizational culture and sub-dimensions were examined. According to the findings, it was seen that school administrators could explain the 43.5% of the organizational culture statistically significant in the sense of entrepreneurial leadership behaviors in general. However, according to the correlation test results, it was found that there was a statistically significant, positive and moderate but close to high level relationship between administrator entrepreneurial leadership behaviors and organizational culture. According to these results, entrepreneurial leadership behaviors of school administrators have a statistically significant effect on organizational culture and it was concluded that as the entrepreneurial leadership behaviors of school administrators increase the organizational culture level increases.  Article visualizations


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    The purpose of this study is to develop a valid and reliable measure of change cynicism. In the development of the scale, literature regarding cynicism was examined and item pool was composed. For the content validation of the scale, draft of change cynicism scale was given to five experts. Having received feedback from the experts, the scale was ready for the plot practice with a sample group of 206 teachers and administrators in total. Following that, exploratory factor analysis was practised for construct validity and reliability analysis was conducted. Lastly, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to assess the three-factor structure of the change cynicism with a different sample consisting of 434 teachers and 119 administrators. Change Cynicism Scale consisting of 17 items, each rated on five-point likert type scale was developed. Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient of the total scale was calculated as .94; and .90, .93, .84 for the sub-dimensions respectively. Total variance explained by change cynicism was 69%. All factor loadings were upper than 44. This showed that the scale was valid and reliable. The three-factor structure of scale was confirmed with confirmatory factor analysis. The model fit indices yielded a good fit to the three-factor structured model.   Article visualizations

    A Research on Demographic Indicators of Retail Sector Employees’ Burnout Level in Silifke

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    Burnout has especially been observed in occupations which require a high level of interaction with people. Burnout is described as the continuous chronic sensitiveness that employees suffer from and occurs as a reaction to stress. It is stated that burnout syndrome causes important problems especially for working people and people who got burnout syndrome suffer from physical and psychological disorders.  Burnout syndrome may result in absenteeism, not being at work during the office hours, increase of employee turnover rates, not concentrating on his/her task which all result in low performance and cause high cost for organizations. The purpose of study is to determine in the retail sector burnout level of health workers and to present the burnout level in terms of some variables. Keywords: Burnout, Medical Staff, Burnout Dimensions


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    The aim of this study is to reveal the relationship between the competence of using 21st century skills and readiness for change of primary and secondary school teachers working in public schools in Uşak. The research was designed in scanning model. The population of the research consists of 3972 teachers and 498 school administrators working in primary and secondary schools in Uşak, and the sample consists of 640 teachers and 82 school administrators. Convenience sampling was used in the selection of the sample. In order to collect data, “21st Century Teaching Skills Scale” developed by Orhan-Göksün (2016) and “School Readiness for Change Scale” developed by Helvacı (2015) were used. As a result of the research, according to the opinions of the teachers and school administrators, the competency of using 21st century skills of the teachers is at "high" level, according to the opinions of the teachers, the level of readiness for change is at the "high" level, and according to the opinions of the school administrators, the level of readiness for change of the teachers is at the "moderate" level. It has been determined that there is a positive and highly significant relationship between teachers' 21st century skills usage competencies and their readiness for change skill levels.  Article visualizations


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    The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between the emotion management competencies of school principals during a change process and organizational change cynicism levels of teachers working in primary and elementary schools in Uşak. Moreover, it was investigated whether the emotion management competencies of school principals and organizational change cynicism levels of teachers have statistically significant differences in terms of factors such as gender, seniority, field, and school type. 464 teachers working in primary and elementary schools in Uşak Province in 2018-2019 academic year participated in the study. “Change Cynicism Scale” developed by Helvacı and Çavdar (2017) was used in order to determine the organizational change cynicism levels of teachers and "The Scale of Emotion Management Competencies in Change Process" developed by Helvacı and Öztürk Yüzer (2018) was used in order to determine the emotion management competencies of school principals. The data gathered were analyzed with SPSS v18.0 statistical software. Descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, ANOVA and Pearson Moment Correlation tests were used in order to analyze the data. According to the results obtained, there is a low negative relationship between the emotion management competencies of school principals during a change process and the teachers' organizational change cynicism levels. According to this; as the school principals’ ability to manage emotions in the process of change increases, teachers' perception of change cynicism decreases. In addition, it was found that teachers' organizational change cynicism levels were low in total. Organizational change cynicism levels were examined according to teachers' demographic variables; it was reached there is no significant difference according to seniority variable. However, it was found that organizational change cynicism levels partially differentiated according to teachers’ gender, school type and branch variables. In the study, it was found that the level of competence of school administrators to manage emotions in the process of organizational change is medium. The school administrators' ability to manage emotions of teachers in the process of change does not differ significantly in terms of gender and seniority variables. However, in terms of school type and branch variables, it is seen that school administrators' ability to manage emotions in the process of change differs significantly.  Article visualizations
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