7 research outputs found

    A lower bound for the complexity of the union-split-find problem

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    We prove a Theta(loglog n) (i.e. matching upper and lower) bound on the complexity of the Union-Split-Find problem, a variant of the Union-Find problem. Our lower bound holds for all pointer machine algorithms and does not require the separation assumption used in the lower bound arguments of Tarjan [T79] and Blum [B86]. We complement this with a Theta(log n) bound for the Split-Find problem under the separation assumption. This shows that the separation assumption can imply an exponential loss in efficiency

    Approximate Motion Planning and the Complexity of the Boundary . . .

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    We study rigid motions of a rectangle amidst polygonal obstacles. The best known algorithms for this problem have running time f~(n²) where n is the number of obstacle corners. We introduce the tightness of a motion planning problem as a measure of the difficulty of a planning problem in an intuitive sense and describe an algorithm with running time O((~-._.!_ _ + 1)n(log n)²), where a> b ecrlt are the lenghts of the sides of a rectangle and ~crit is the tightness of the problem. We show further that the complexity ( = number of vertices) of the boundary of n bow-ties (c.f. Figure 1.1) is O(n). Similar results for the union of other simple geometric figures such as triangles and wedges are also presented

    Standards and Trends in the Treatment of Malignant Melanoma

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