275 research outputs found

    Labour Supply Effects of a Subsidised Old-Age Part-Time Scheme in Austria

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    In this paper we evaluate the impact of the old-age part-time scheme (OAPT) on the Austrian labour market which was a policy to allow flexible retirement options for the elderly with an aim to increase labour supply. According to our matching estimates employment probability increases slightly, especially in the first two years after entrance into the programme. Furthermore, the programme seems to reduce the measured unemployment risk. However, the total number of hours worked is significantly reduced by OAPT. While the policy is meant to reduce early exit from the labour force by allowing part-time work, our analysis indicates that most workers substitute part-time work for full-time work and thus the overall effect is rather negative.evaluation of labour market programmes, labour supply of the elderly, nearest neighbour matching

    Working poor: Arm oder bedĂŒrftig? : eine Analyse zur ErwerbstĂ€tigkeit in der SGB-II-Grundsicherung mit Verwaltungsdaten

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    "Die Armutsmessung der empirischen Sozialforschung ist von einer Reihe von Annahmen und Setzungen abhĂ€ngig, die Ausmaß und Struktur der Armutsbevölkerung beeinflussen. Äquivalenzskalen, Ermittlung des mittleren Einkommens als ReferenzgrĂ¶ĂŸe und die Festlegung von Armutsschwellen fĂŒhren zu mehr oder weniger großen Unterschieden in den Ergebnissen. Staatliche Transferleistungen als Sicherung gegen Armut definieren davon abweichende Grenzen des sozio-kulturellen Existenzminimums. Mit der EinfĂŒhrung der Grundsicherung fĂŒr Arbeitsuchende (SGB II) ist ein umfangreiches Berichtssystem entstanden, dass zeitnah und umfangreicher als bisher ĂŒber die Entwicklung der sozialstaatlich bekĂ€mpften Armut berichtet. Der Aufsatz stellt ein Konzept vor, wie die Verwaltungsdaten aus dem SGB II fĂŒr Untersuchungen der 'working poor' im Rahmen einer dynamischen Armutsbetrachtung genutzt werden können. Ergebnisse einer Verweildaueranalyse aus den Jahren 2005 und 2006 fĂŒr die Dauer des Leistungsbezugs bei BeschĂ€ftigung werden vorgestellt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)Niedriglohn, Armut, Sozialgesetzbuch II, ErwerbstĂ€tigkeit, ErwerbstĂ€tige, Grundsicherung nach SGB II, LeistungsempfĂ€nger, Bedarfsgemeinschaft, BeschĂ€ftigungsdauer, Leistungsbezug - Dauer, BedĂŒrftigkeit, Existenzminimum, Armut - Messung, prozessproduzierte Daten, Vollzeitarbeit, geringfĂŒgige BeschĂ€ftigung

    GREAT/SOFIA atmospheric calibration

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    The GREAT observations need frequency-selective calibration across the passband for the residual atmospheric opacity at flight altitude. At these altitudes the atmospheric opacity has both narrow and broad spectral features. To determine the atmospheric transmission at high spectral resolution, GREAT compares the observed atmospheric emission with atmospheric model predictions, and therefore depends on the validity of the atmospheric models. We discusse the problems identified in this comparison with respect to the observed data and the models, and describe the strategy used to calibrate the science data from GREAT/SOFIA during the first observing periods.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Bovine polledness

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    The persistent horns are an important trait of speciation for the family Bovidae with complex morphogenesis taking place briefly after birth. The polledness is highly favourable in modern cattle breeding systems but serious animal welfare issues urge for a solution in the production of hornless cattle other than dehorning. Although the dominant inhibition of horn morphogenesis was discovered more than 70 years ago, and the causative mutation was mapped almost 20 years ago, its molecular nature remained unknown. Here, we report allelic heterogeneity of the POLLED locus. First, we mapped the POLLED locus to a ∌381-kb interval in a multi-breed case-control design. Targeted re-sequencing of an enlarged candidate interval (547 kb) in 16 sires with known POLLED genotype did not detect a common allele associated with polled status. In eight sires of Alpine and Scottish origin (four polled versus four horned), we identified a single candidate mutation, a complex 202 bp insertion-deletion event that showed perfect association to the polled phenotype in various European cattle breeds, except Holstein-Friesian. The analysis of the same candidate interval in eight Holsteins identified five candidate variants which segregate as a 260 kb haplotype also perfectly associated with the POLLED gene without recombination or interference with the 202 bp insertion-deletion. We further identified bulls which are progeny tested as homozygous polled but bearing both, 202 bp insertion-deletion and Friesian haplotype. The distribution of genotypes of the two putative POLLED alleles in large semi-random sample (1,261 animals) supports the hypothesis of two independent mutations

    Non-phenacetin analgesics and analgesic nephropathy: Clinical assessment of high users from a case-control study [1]*

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    Background. A recent large-scale case-control study on analgesic nephropathy (SAN) [1] found no increased risk of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in users of combined or single formulations of phenacetin-free analgesics. In a subgroup of 22 high users, however, a dose-dependent increased risk was found, which raised the question if these patients presented or not with analgesic nephropathy (AN). Methods. The individual questionnaires of this subgroup of high users were reviewed, and the total lifetime intake of different types of analgesics was calculated. For evidence of AN, the following data were considered: (1) the amount and type of analgesics consumed, (2) the cause of ESRD, as diagnosed by the nephrologist in charge of the patient and (3) renal imaging and other relevant laboratory data. Results. This group of ESRD patients consumed on average 7.8 kg of antipyretic analgesics (range 30.8-2.7 kg) over an average of 21.5 years (range 35-6 years). Single analgesics were exclusively used by 12 patients (54.5%) and combined analgesics by 5 patients (22.7%), while 5 patients used both. None of the patients was diagnosed as having AN, and a review of the questionnaires did not disclose evidence suggestive of AN. The possibility that, irrespective of AN, the analgesic (ab)use contributed to the progression of existing renal diseases cannot be answered in the absence of well-defined criteria. The data supporting the existence of such an analgesic-associated nephropathy (AAN) are, however, not consistent and most likely due to confounding by indication. Conclusion. In a group of ESRD patients with high use of non-phenacetin analgesics, no evidence of AN was found. There is no evidence that (ab)use of analgesics or NSAIDs other than phenacetin leads to a pathologically or clinically defined renal disease that could be named AN or AA

    Working poor: arm oder bedĂŒrftig? Eine Analyse zur ErwerbstĂ€tigkeit in der SGB-II-Grundsicherung mit Verwaltungsdaten

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    "Die Armutsmessung der empirischen Sozialforschung ist von einer Reihe von Annahmen und Setzungen abhĂ€ngig, die Ausmaß und Struktur der Armutsbevölkerung beeinflussen. Äquivalenzskalen, Ermittlung des mittleren Einkommens als ReferenzgrĂ¶ĂŸe und die Festlegung von Armutsschwellen fĂŒhren zu mehr oder weniger großen Unterschieden in den Ergebnissen. Staatliche Transferleistungen als Sicherung gegen Armut definieren davon abweichende Grenzen des sozio-kulturellen Existenzminimums. Mit der EinfĂŒhrung der Grundsicherung fĂŒr Arbeitsuchende (SGB II) ist ein umfangreiches Berichtssystem entstanden, dass zeitnah und umfangreicher als bisher ĂŒber die Entwicklung der sozialstaatlich bekĂ€mpften Armut berichtet. Der Aufsatz stellt ein Konzept vor, wie die Verwaltungsdaten aus dem SGB II fĂŒr Untersuchungen der 'working poor' im Rahmen einer dynamischen Armutsbetrachtung genutzt werden können. Ergebnisse einer Verweildaueranalyse aus den Jahren 2005 und 2006 fĂŒr die Dauer des Leistungsbezugs bei BeschĂ€ftigung werden vorgestellt." (Autorenreferat

    Intravenous calcitriol normalizes insulin sensitivity in uremic patients

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    Intravenous calcitriol normalizes insulin sensitivity in uremic patients. Recent studies suggest that secondary hyperparathyroidism and/or vitamin D deficiency are responsible for the insulin resistance in chronic renal failure. We investigated the effect of a 12-week intravenous treatment with 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol on glucose metabolism in 10 hemodialysis patients compared with 10 healthy control subjects by the frequently-sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test, analyzed with the minimal model technique. Compared to control subjects, the uremic patients featured elevated levels of parathyroid hormone (432 ± 60 vs. 41 ± 4 ng/liter, P < 0.001), insulin resistance (insulin sensitivity index, SI: 4.9 ± 0.8 vs. 9.5 ± 0.9 MIN-1/(”/m1), P < 0.002), increased posthepatic insulin delivery (6.48 ± 2.48 vs. 2.73 ± 3.14 nmol/liter in 4 hr, P < 0.001) and a reduced C-peptide fractional clearance (0.033 ± 0.004 vs. 0.085 ± 0.009 min-1, P < 0.0002). Following treatment with 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol, the parathyroid hormone levels decreased significantly to 237 ± 30 ng/liter (P < 0.05), the insulin sensitivity index (SI: 9.6 ± 2.2, P < 0.05) reached a value similar to that of control subjects, and posthepatic insulin delivery decreased to 4.63 ± 0.83 nmol/liter in 4 hr (P < 0.01), while all the other parameters remained unchanged. In summary, uremic patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism were found to be severely insulin resistant and hyperinsulinemic. Intravenous vitamin D treatment led to a significant reduction of parathyroid hormone levels and to a complete normalization of insulin sensitivity in the hemodialysis patients. Thus, intravenous 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol improves insulin resistance in uremic patients, acting per se or by reducing secondary hyperparathyroidism

    Turning Seashell Waste into Electrically Conductive Particles

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    Biomaterials such as seashells are intriguing due to their remarkable properties, including their hierarchical structure from the nanometer to the micro- or even macroscopic scale. Transferring this nanostructure to generate nanostructured polymers can improve their electrical conductivity. Here, we present the synthesis of polypyrrole using waste seashell powder as a template to prepare a polypyrrole/CaCO3 composite material. Various synthesis parameters were optimized to produce a composite material with an electrical conductivity of 2.1 x 10(-4) +/- 3.2 x 10(-5) S/cm. This work presents the transformation of waste seashells into sustainable, electronically conductive materials and their application as an antistatic agent in polymers. The requirements of an antistatic material were met for a safety shoe sole

    Codebook and documentation of the panel study 'Labour Market and Social Security' (PASS) : Volume I: Introduction and overview. Wave 2 (2007/2008)

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    "The panel study 'Labour Market and Social Security' (PASS), established by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), is a new dataset for labour market, welfare state and poverty research in Germany, creating a new empirical basis for the scientific community and for policy advice. This Datenreport provides an overview of the second survey wave, for which 12,487 individuals were interviewed in 8,429 households between December 2007 and July 2008. 10,114 individuals and 7,342 households were interviewed for the second time in the context of PASS. The spectrum of questions and the design of PASS are intended to close gaps in the existing stock of data. PASS has three main characteristics that extend analysis potential beyond that of the Federal Employment Agency's administrative data: 1. The panel takes the household context into account - including the situation before and after receipt of Unemployment Benefit II. 2. The panel is complete in that it covers all groups of persons and all employment biographies, not only people in dependent employment, unemployed people and those in need of assistance. The dataset also provides information on the status during phases of economic inactivity, self-employment or employment as civil servants. 3. The panel collects additional or significantly more detailed data on relevant characteristics such as attitudes, employment potential or job-search behaviour." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) Additional Information Questionnaires of the second wave. Here you can find the German version. Further information about the panel study "Labour Market and Social Security".IAB-Haushaltspanel, Datengewinnung, Erhebungsmethode, Stichprobe, Panel - Methode, Datenaufbereitung

    A combined cryo-EM and molecular dynamics approach reveals the mechanism of ErmBL-mediated translation arrest

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    Nascent polypeptides can induce ribosome stalling, regulating downstream genes. Stalling of ErmBL peptide translation in the presence of the macrolide antibiotic erythromycin leads to resistance in Streptococcus sanguis. To reveal this stalling mechanism we obtained 3.6-angstrom-resolution cryo-EM structures of ErmBL-stalled ribosomes with erythromycin. The nascent peptide adopts an unusual conformation with the C-terminal Asp10 side chain in a previously unseen rotated position. Together with molecular dynamics simulations, the structures indicate that peptide-bond formation is inhibited by displacement of the peptidyl-tRNA A76 ribose from its canonical position, and by non-productive interactions of the A-tRNA Lys11 side chain with the A-site crevice. These two effects combine to perturb peptide-bond formation by increasing the distance between the attacking Lys11 amine and the Asp10 carbonyl carbon. The interplay between drug, peptide and ribosome uncovered here also provides insight into the fundamental mechanism of peptide-bond formation
