911 research outputs found

    Fast two-layer two-photon imaging of neuronal cell populations using an electrically tunable lens

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    Functional two-photon Ca2+-imaging is a versatile tool to study the dynamics of neuronal populations in brain slices and living animals. However, population imaging is typically restricted to a single two-dimensional image plane. By introducing an electrically tunable lens into the excitation path of a two-photon microscope we were able to realize fast axial focus shifts within 15 ms. The maximum axial scan range was 0.7 mm employing a 40x NA0.8 water immersion objective, plenty for typically required ranges of 0.2–0.3 mm. By combining the axial scanning method with 2D acousto-optic frame scanning and random-access scanning, we measured neuronal population activity of about 40 neurons across two imaging planes separated by 40 μm and achieved scan rates up to 20–30 Hz. The method presented is easily applicable and allows upgrading of existing two-photon microscopes for fast 3D scanning

    Transport Coefficients from Large Deviation Functions

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    We describe a method for computing transport coefficients from the direct evaluation of large deviation function. This method is general, relying on only equilibrium fluctuations, and is statistically efficient, employing trajectory based importance sampling. Equilibrium fluctuations of molecular currents are characterized by their large deviation functions, which is a scaled cumulant generating function analogous to the free energy. A diffusion Monte Carlo algorithm is used to evaluate the large deviation functions, from which arbitrary transport coefficients are derivable. We find significant statistical improvement over traditional Green-Kubo based calculations. The systematic and statistical errors of this method are analyzed in the context of specific transport coefficient calculations, including the shear viscosity, interfacial friction coefficient, and thermal conductivity.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    iDISCO+ for the Study of Neuroimmune Architecture of the Rat Auditory Brainstem

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    The lower stations of the auditory system display a complex anatomy. The inner ear labyrinth is composed of several interconnecting membranous structures encased in cavities of the temporal bone, and the cerebellopontine angle contains fragile structures such as meningeal folds, the choroid plexus (CP), and highly variable vascular formations. For this reason, most histological studies of the auditory system have either focused on the inner ear or the CNS by physically detaching the temporal bone from the brainstem. However, several studies of neuroimmune interactions have pinpointed the importance of structures such as meninges and CP; in the auditory system, an immune function has also been suggested for inner ear structures such as the endolymphatic duct (ED) and sac. All these structures are thin, fragile, and have complex 3D shapes. In order to study the immune cell populations located on these structures and their relevance to the inner ear and auditory brainstem in health and disease, we obtained a clarified-decalcified preparation of the rat hindbrain still attached to the intact temporal bone. This preparation may be immunolabeled using a clearing protocol (based on iDISCO+) to show location and functional state of immune cells. The observed macrophage distribution suggests the presence of CP-mediated communication pathways between the inner ear and the cochlear nuclei

    Novel Approaches to Monitor and Manipulate Single Neurons In Vivo

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    The complexity of the vertebrate brain poses an enormous challenge to experimental neuroscience. One way of dealing with this complexity has been to investigate different aspects of brain function in widely different preparations, each best suited to address a particular question. Accordingly, cellular questions are typically addressed with intracellular recordings in in vitro preparations such as brain slices or neuronal cultures, whereas network behavior and sensory or motor response properties are analyzed in vivo, often with extracellular recordings. This division of labor has proved to be an experimentally effective strategy. However, although there seems to be no limit to the wealth of data that can be generated in this way, integrating results derived in different preparations comes with its own set of challenges. The enormous difficulties encountered when one attempts to link cellular phenomena such as synaptic plasticity to systems properties such as spatial memory (Martin et al., 2000) have shown us that close collaboration between molecular−cellular and systems neuroscience is required (Tonegawa et al., 2003) and that we need more convergence of experimental techniques to analyze the cellular basis of neural function under more natural conditions. Studying neurons under naturalistic conditions is, however, easier said than done. A return to in vivo preparations will only be successful if we are able to solve the technical problems that led previous researchers to abandon the study of intact brains in the first place. Thus, studying neurons at the cellular level in vertebrate brains is today first and foremost a technological challenge. Here we highlight recent efforts to improve our ability to analyze functions of single neurons in vivo. Given th

    The Molecular Diagnosis Might Be Clinically Useful in Discrepant Kidney Allograft Biopsy Findings: An Analysis of Clinical Outcomes

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    BACKGROUND The Molecular Microscope Diagnostic System (MMDx) may overcome histology shortcomings. Previous studies have simply examined discrepant findings but have not attempted to determine clinical endpoints. To measure performance, clinical outcomes are strongly required. METHODS This single-center cohort study described discrepancies between MMDx and histology from 51 kidney transplant recipients (KTRs) and analyzed 72 indication biopsies, including 21 follow-up biopsies. Clinical performance was assessed by a combined endpoint of graft failure, rejection on follow-up biopsy, de novo donor-specific antibody, and improvement of kidney allograft function upon antirejection treatment. RESULTS MMDx agreed in 33 (65%) and differed in 18 (35%) of 51 KTRs. Most discrepancies occurred in biopsies called no rejection by MMDx and rejection by histology (15/24, 63%). In contrast, in biopsies called rejection by MMDx, 3 were classified as no rejection by histology (3/27, 11%). Discrepant findings between MMDx and histology occurred following delayed graft function and MMDx from biopsies with a low percentage of cortex. Among 15 biopsies classified as no rejection by MMDx but rejection by histology, the clinical course suggested no rejection in 9 cases. Six KTRs reached the endpoint, showing predominant t ≥ 2 lesions. CONCLUSIONS The most often occurring discrepancy is rejection by histology but no rejection by MMDx. As more KTRs do not meet the combined endpoint for rejection, MMDx might be clinically useful in these discrepant cases. Although strong histological findings have priority in indicating the treatment, clinical implementation of MMDx could strengthen treatment strategies

    Altered resting-state functional connectivity in patients with chronic bilateral vestibular failure

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    AbstractPatients with bilateral vestibular failure (BVF) suffer from gait unsteadiness, oscillopsia and impaired spatial orientation. Brain imaging studies applying caloric irrigation to patients with BVF have shown altered neural activity of cortical visual–vestibular interaction: decreased bilateral neural activity in the posterior insula and parietal operculum and decreased deactivations in the visual cortex. It is unknown how this affects functional connectivity in the resting brain and how changes in connectivity are related to vestibular impairment.We applied a novel data driven approach based on graph theory to investigate altered whole-brain resting-state functional connectivity in BVF patients (n= 22) compared to age- and gender-matched healthy controls (n= 25) using resting-state fMRI. Changes in functional connectivity were related to subjective (vestibular scores) and objective functional parameters of vestibular impairment, specifically, the adaptive changes during active (self-guided) and passive (investigator driven) head impulse test (HIT) which reflects the integrity of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR).BVF patients showed lower bilateral connectivity in the posterior insula and parietal operculum but higher connectivity in the posterior cerebellum compared to controls. Seed-based analysis revealed stronger connectivity from the right posterior insula to the precuneus, anterior insula, anterior cingulate cortex and the middle frontal gyrus. Excitingly, functional connectivity in the supramarginal gyrus (SMG) of the inferior parietal lobe and posterior cerebellum correlated with the increase of VOR gain during active as compared to passive HIT, i.e., the larger the adaptive VOR changes the larger was the increase in regional functional connectivity.Using whole brain resting-state connectivity analysis in BVF patients we show that enduring bilateral deficient or missing vestibular input leads to changes in resting-state connectivity of the brain. These changes in the resting brain are robust and task-independent as they were found in the absence of sensory stimulation and without a region-related a priori hypothesis. Therefore they may indicate a fundamental disease-related change in the resting brain. They may account for the patients' persistent deficits in visuo-spatial attention, spatial orientation and unsteadiness. The relation of increasing connectivity in the inferior parietal lobe, specifically SMG, to improvement of VOR during active head movements reflects cortical plasticity in BVF and may play a clinical role in vestibular rehabilitation

    Layer-specific integration of locomotion and sensory information in mouse barrel cortex

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    During navigation, rodents continually sample the environment with their whiskers. How locomotion modulates neuronal activity in somatosensory cortex, and how it is integrated with whisker-touch remains unclear. Here, we compared neuronal activity in layer 2/3 (L2/3) and L5 of barrel cortex using calcium imaging in mice running in a tactile virtual reality. Both layers increase their activity during running and concomitant whisking, in the absence of touch. Fewer neurons are modulated by whisking alone. Whereas L5 neurons respond transiently to wall-touch during running, L2/3 neurons show sustained activity. Consistently, neurons encoding running-with-touch are more abundant in L2/3 and they encode the run-speed better during touch. Few neurons across layers were also sensitive to abrupt perturbations of tactile flow during running. In summary, locomotion significantly enhances barrel cortex activity across layers with L5 neurons mainly reporting changes in touch conditions and L2/3 neurons continually integrating tactile stimuli with running

    Reflective multi-immersion microscope objectives inspired by the Schmidt telescope

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    Imaging large, cleared samples requires microscope objectives that combine a large field of view (FOV) with a long working distance (WD) and a high numerical aperture (NA). Ideally, such objectives should be compatible with a wide range of immersion media, which is challenging to achieve with conventional lens-based objective designs. Here we introduce the multi-immersion 'Schmidt objective' consisting of a spherical mirror and an aspherical correction plate as a solution to this problem. We demonstrate that a multi-photon variant of the Schmidt objective is compatible with all homogeneous immersion media and achieves an NA of 1.08 at a refractive index of 1.56, 1.1-mm FOV and 11-mm WD. We highlight its versatility by imaging cleared samples in various media ranging from air and water to benzyl alcohol/benzyl benzoate, dibenzyl ether and ethyl cinnamate and by imaging of neuronal activity in larval zebrafish in vivo. In principle, the concept can be extended to any imaging modality, including wide-field, confocal and light-sheet microscopy

    Whole‐brain microscopy reveals distinct temporal and spatial efficacy of anti‐Aβ therapies

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    Many efforts targeting amyloid-β (Aβ) plaques for the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease thus far have resulted in failures during clinical trials. Regional and temporal heterogeneity of efficacy and dependence on plaque maturity may have contributed to these disappointing outcomes. In this study, we mapped the regional and temporal specificity of various anti-Aβ treatments through high-resolution light-sheet imaging of electrophoretically cleared brains. We assessed the effect on amyloid plaque formation and growth in Thy1-APP/PS1 mice subjected to β-secretase inhibitors, polythiophenes, or anti-Aβ antibodies. Each treatment showed unique spatiotemporal Aβ clearance, with polythiophenes emerging as a potent anti-Aβ compound. Furthermore, aligning with a spatial-transcriptomic atlas revealed transcripts that correlate with the efficacy of each Aβ therapy. As observed in this study, there is a striking dependence of specific treatments on the location and maturity of Aβ plaques. This may also contribute to the clinical trial failures of Aβ-therapies, suggesting that combinatorial regimens may be significantly more effective in clearing amyloid deposition. Keywords: Alzheimer's disease; amyloid-beta; brain; light-sheet microscopy; tissue clearin