26 research outputs found

    EUÕs Influence in Its Eastern Neighbourhood: The Case of Crisis Management in the Southern Caucasus

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    While the European Neighbourhood Policy has been largely inspired by the successive experiences of enlargement, it has also been designed partly not to replicate exactly enlargement approaches. Key differences include the existence of unresolved conflicts in the EU neighbourhood and the development of European security provisions since 1999, parallel to the traditional economic instruments of cooperation. This paper attempts to assess what lessons can be learnt from the ENP early experience regarding its impact on conflict resolution. It examines negotiations of EU economic support and peace-building efforts with South Caucasus countries and Moldova and builds upon these case studies to draw general lessons on the influence of the EU as an international actor. The article concludes that EU commitments in promoting conflict prevention partly fall short when they have to be implemented, due to the lack of coherence among Member States, while EU impact is real when main policy-makers and implementers are Europeanised in their working methods, and when EU member states agree to delegate their foreign policy to the EU.ENP, Eastern neighbourhood, EU capabilities, crisis management, South Caucasus

    Europe’s enabling power: an EU strategy for international cultural relations. College of Europe Policy Brief #2.17, February 2017

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    Executive Summary > The EU’s current existential crisis underlines the cultural weaknesses of the European integration project and its disconnect with European societies and identities. > In a rapidly changing world shaped by intertwined transnational cultural and technological flows, managing the variety of Europeans cultures and their interactions with the globe has become a strategic priority. > There is an appetite among countries and civil societies outside of the EU for more cultural relations with Europeans. > The 2016 Joint Commission and High Representative Communication on an ‘EU strategy for international cultural relations’ is the first of its kind. Its main purpose is to put culture on the EU external action agenda, to signal that Europeans have cultural ‘soft power’ abroad, and to encourage them to use the EU as an enabler of their cultural relations

    Europe : cultures of defence and the defence of cultures

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    Europa: Culturas de Defesa e a Defesa de Culturas O artigo explora as dimensĂ”es culturais das polĂ­ticas de segurança europeias Ă  luz de trĂȘs questĂ”es. A primeira relaciona-se com o impacto de vĂĄrias culturas europeias sobre a possibilidade ou nĂŁo de emergĂȘncia de uma cultura de defesa europeia. A segunda explora como Ă© que alteraçÔes culturais no setor da defesa europeia podem ter impacto sobre a ação externa da UniĂŁo Europeia como um todo. A terceira sugere açÔes e medidas polĂ­ticas, que possam contribuir para um desenvolvimento mais cĂ©lere de culturas de defesa europeias, ao mesmo tempo que contribuem para uma cultura de defesa mundial. Dois requisitos serĂŁo necessĂĄrios: uma prĂĄtica de aprendizagem interdisciplinar e intercultural para profissionais que trabalhem nos setores da segurança e defesa e o incentivo parcerias com parceiros no domĂ­nio da cultura, na Europa e para alĂ©m desta.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Le paysage politique du nouvel Azerbaïdjan indépendant

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    Le but de cet article est de dresser un Ă©tat des lieux des acteurs politiques, de leur Ă©mergence et de leur classement. L'identification des acteurs, qui manque souvent aux descriptions de la scĂšne politique, permettra peut-ĂȘtre de comprendre l'enchaĂźnement et la logique des Ă©vĂ©nements. La succession des chocs politiques sert Ă  distinguer les Ă©tapes de composition du paysage politique. Il faut prendre les dates suivantes comme repĂšres : 1988 voit l'explosion des problĂšmes au Karab..

    Le paysage politique du nouvel Azerbaïdjan indépendant

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    Le but de cet article est de dresser un Ă©tat des lieux des acteurs politiques, de leur Ă©mergence et de leur classement. L'identification des acteurs, qui manque souvent aux descriptions de la scĂšne politique, permettra peut-ĂȘtre de comprendre l'enchaĂźnement et la logique des Ă©vĂ©nements. La succession des chocs politiques sert Ă  distinguer les Ă©tapes de composition du paysage politique. Il faut prendre les dates suivantes comme repĂšres : 1988 voit l'explosion des problĂšmes au Karab..

    Création d'une nouvelle filiale de la holding NAVINANCE en plomberie chauffage

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    Aquestes sĂłn les quatre missions del mĂ ster fetes a l'EMN (Ecole de Management de Normandie)Notre mission crĂ©ation d’entreprise consiste Ă  aider M. Droinet dans la crĂ©ation d’une nouvelle filiale en synergie avec ses deux autres entreprises. L’idĂ©e principale consiste Ă  crĂ©er un showroom oĂč serait exposĂ©e une gamme complĂšte de solutions de chauffage et de plomberie dans la rĂ©gion Caennaise. De plus, cette proposition serait complĂ©tĂ©e par l’apport de conseils et de formations faites par des Ă©quipes de professionnels

     Entretien avec E. Elçibey

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    L'ancien président azerbaïdjanais, décédé le 22 août 2000 d'un cancer, avait accordé un entretien en 1997 lors de son retour sur la scÚne politique de son pays. La publication de ses propos d'alors permet de revenir sur le rÎle et les idées de l'homme qui a symbolisé à la fois l'indépendance et la défaite du nouvel Azerbaïdjan indépendant. Eboulfaz Elçibey insiste sur les efforts et les ambitions entretenues par l'Azerbaïdjan pour intégrer l'Occident démocratique en critiquant l'autoritarisme et la corruption. Il reconnaßt l'héritage de la culture russe mais témoigne un attachement fidÚle à la Turquie et à l'expérience kémaliste

    EU's influence in its Eastern neighbourhood: The case of crisis management in the Southern Caucasus. European Political Economy Review No. 7 (Summer 2007), pp. 102-117

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    While the European Neighbourhood Policy has been largely inspired by the successive experiences of enlargement, it has also been designed partly not to replicate exactly enlargement approaches. Key differences include the existence of unresolved conflicts in the EU neighbourhood and the development of European security provisions since 1999, parallel to the traditional economic instruments of cooperation. This paper attempts to assess what lessons can be learnt from the ENP early experience regarding its impact on conflict resolution. It examines negotiations of EU economic support and peace-building efforts with South Caucasus countries and Moldova and builds upon these case studies to draw general lessons on the influence of the EU as an international actor

    Los modos de acciĂłn exterior de la uniĂłn Europea: el caso del CĂĄucaso del Sur

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    Este artículo propone un marco de análisis del sistema europeo de acción exterior de la Unión Europea para contribuir en la comprensión de su funcionamiento. Elaborado a partir del concepto de modos de acción exterior, este artículo estudia el caso del Cáucaso del sur. Esta aproximación propone representar, comprender y explicar la acción exterior europea en una región sobre la cual la literatura disponible acerca de las políticas de la UE y sus Estados miembros es casi inexistente, y en donde sus políticas y acciones reflejan sólo parcialmente sus lógicas de poder y sus factores determinantes.This article proposes a framework for the analysis of the European Union’s foreign action system, to contribute to an understanding of its functioning. Based on the concept of modes of foreign action, this article studies the case of the South Caucasus. It attempts to describe, understand, and explain European foreign actions in a region about which there is practically no literature available concerning the policies of the EU and its member states, and in which their policies and actions only partially reflect their power logic and determining factors

    Philanthropy in Africa and the future of EU’s development policies : useful synergies?

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    Three archetypical forms of philanthropy in a rapidly transforming Africa should be distinguished: foreign philanthropies operating in Africa, Africa-born philanthropy on the model of Western organisations and numerous African redistribution practices expressing a variety of societal features of giving. This diversity will most probably play a substantial role in reshaping development policies, debates and concepts on the continent in the years to come. The question therefore is to what extent will philanthropy be a game changer in European development policies in Africa. In that respect, it could be useful for development-policy makers in the EU to 1) monitor and understand current trends in the philanthropic community in Africa in the view to 2) identifying areas of common interest and action