6 research outputs found

    Wood biomass estimation of Central American dry zone species

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    The data which form the basis of the biomass tables and the research described here are from an international trial of Central American dry zone hardwood species, initiated by the Oxford Forestry Institute (OFI) in 1984 and funded by the Overseas Development Administration of the United Kingdom (ODA). The objective of the international trial was the preliminary testing and comparison of these species over a range of sites and climatic conditions throughout the semi-arid tropics. This region can be broadly defined as lying in the rainfall range 500-1500 mm, with a pronounced dry season of up to eight months (less than 50 mm/month rainfall during the dry season)...</p

    Tolerùncia ao frio e caracterização de híbridos entre leucaena leucocephala e L. diversifolia Cold tolerance and characterization of hybrids between leucaena leucocephala and L. diversifolia

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    O objetivo deste experimento foi identificar material promissor para ser utilizado como uma forrageira alternativa nas condiçÔes do sul do Brasil. Uma população de hĂ­bridos, em geraçÔes avançadas, entre Leucaena leucocephala e L. diversifolia (ambas espĂ©cies tetraplĂłides, com 2n=104 cromossomos) foi avaliada quanto Ă  taxa de crescimento em altura, Ă©poca de florescimento e frutificação, nĂșmero de flores e de legumes por inflorescĂȘncia e de sementes por legume, tolerĂąncia ao frio (expressa em retenção de folhas durante o inverno) e capacidade de rebrote apĂłs o inverno. Foi detectada grande variabilidade intrapopulacional para todas as caracterĂ­sticas avaliadas. Foram identificados indivĂ­duos, reunindo tolerĂąncia a frio com caracterĂ­sticas desejĂĄveis, que podem ser utilizados na continuidade dos trabalho de seleção e melhoramento e comprovam a potencialidade de Leucaena como espĂ©cie forrageira para o sul do Brasil.<br>The objective of this experiment was to identify material to be used as an alternative forage in the conditions of Southern Brazil. A population of hybrids between L. leucocephala and L. diversifolia (both tetraploid species, with 2n=104 chromosomes) in advanced generations was evaluated. The rate of growth in height, duration of flowering and frutification, number of flowers and legumes per inflorescence, seeds per legume, cold tolerance (expressed as foliage retention during winter) and regrowth ability in early spring were evaluated. A great intrapopulational variability was detected for all evaluated characteristics. Some individuals allying cold tolerance and desirable characteristics were identified to be used for further selection and breeding, which confirms the potentiality of Leucaena as a forage for Southern Brazil

    Effects of certification schemes for agricultural production on socio-economic outcomes in low-and middle-income countries: a Systematic Review

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