287 research outputs found

    Har covid-19 pandemien påvirket diagnostikk og behandling av livmorhalskreft?

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    Bakgrunn: Covid 19-pandemien rammet Norge mars 2020 og påvirket både samfunnet og helsevesenet i stor grad. Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke om insidens for livmorhalskreft og stadieinndeling ble påvirket av pandemien. Samt å undersøke antall behandlinger av livmorhalskreft som ble utført.Materiale og metode: Insidens for de ulike stadiene sammenlignes med to tidsperioder på 14 måneder. En periode før covid-19, 01.01.19-29.02.20, og en periode under covid-19, 01.03.20-30.04.21. Disse to tidsperiodene sammenlignes også på antall kirurgiske behandlinger for livmorhalskreft utført. Data uthentet fra Kreftregisteret. Dataanalyse utført i excel, kjikvadrattest ble brukt til analyse av stadieinndeling. Students T-test ble brukt til resterende analyser.Resultater: 55 færre tilfeller med livmorhalskreft i tidsperioden under covid-19 sammenlignet med tidsperioden før covid-19. Resultatene viser en signifikant økning av stadium III under pandemien. Insidens for stadium III økte 46,8% i tidsperioden under covid sammenlignet med tidsperioden før. Det var en 33,3% nedgang for stadium «ukjent» og 22% nedgang for stadium I, men disse forskjellene var ikke signifikante. Resultatene viste også en signifikant økning i antall registrerte koniseringer, utvidete hysterektomier og i behandlinger som var registrert som «annet» under pandemien.Konklusjon: Resultatene viser en signifikant økning av stadium III under covid-19 pandemien, dette kan skyldes nylige endringer i FIGO, som nå også inkluderer bildediagnostikk i stadieinndeling av livmorhalskreft. Det er naturlig å tenke at dette kan ha påvirket stadieinndelingen. Det har samtidig vært en økning i dekningsgrad på utredningsmeldinger og kirurgimeldinger sendt til Kreftregisteret under disse tidsperiodene, som også kan ha påvirket resultatene. Ut fra disse resultatene kan man ikke konkludere at endringene skyldes covid-19 pandemien, ei heller benekte at pandemien kan ha påvirket resultatene. For å undersøke dette videre, og for å følge videre utvikling av insidens for de ulike stadiene, bør det gjøres studier som inkluderer flere pasienter og som sammenligner lengre tidsperioder

    Family aggregation and risk factors in substance use disorders over three generations in a nation-wide study

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    OBJECTIVE: This nation-wide register-based study investigated how often substance use disorders (SUD) and co-morbid disorders occurred in affected families compared to control families. METHOD: A total of N = 2504 child and adolescent psychiatric participants who were born between 1969 and 1986 and were registered in the Danish Psychiatric Central Research Register (DPCRR) had a mental disorder before the age of 18 and developed SUD at some point during their life-time. In addition, N = 7472 controls without any psychiatric diagnosis before age 18 and matched for age, sex, and residential region were included. Psychiatric diagnoses of the first-degree relatives were also obtained. A family load component was assessed. RESULTS: SUD occurred significantly more often in case families than in control families. SUD risk factors included SUD, depression, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, or conduct disorders in the family. Furthermore, male sex, more recent year of birth, and living in the capital city of Copenhagen were also significantly associated with having SUD. The family load explained 30% of the SUD manifestation in the case-probands. The findings in the total SUD group were mostly replicated in the two major subgroups of pure alcohol or multiple substance use disorders. DISCUSSION: These findings based on a very large and representative dataset provide additional evidence for the strong family aggregation and further risk factors in SUD. The pattern of risk factors is largely the same for the total group of SUD and the major subgroups of pure alcohol and multiple substance use disorders

    Vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in pork and their relationship to vitamin D status in pigs

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    The content of vitamin D in pork produced in conventional systems depends on the vitamin D concentration in the pig feed. Both vitamin D(3) and 25-hydroxyvitamin D(3) (25(OH)D(3)) are essential sources of dietary vitamin D; however, bioavailability assessed by serum 25(OH)D(3) concentration is reported to be different between the two sources. Furthermore, the relationship between serum 25(OH)D(3) level and the tissue content of vitamin D(3) and 25(OH)D(3) is unknown. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential of increasing the content of vitamin D in different pig tissues by increasing the levels of vitamin D(3) and 25(OH)D(3) in the pig feed for 49 d before slaughter. Concurrently, the 25(OH)D(3) level in serum was investigated as a biomarker to assess the content of vitamin D(3) and 25(OH)D(3) in pig tissues. Adipose tissue, white and red muscle, the liver and serum were sampled from pigs fed feed containing either vitamin D(3) or 25(OH)D(3) at 5, 20, 35 or 50 µg/kg feed for 7 weeks before slaughter. The tissue 25(OH)D(3) level was significantly higher in the pigs fed 25(OH)D(3) compared with those fed vitamin D(3), while the tissue vitamin D(3) level was higher in the pigs fed vitamin D(3) compared with those fed 25(OH)D(3). The content of 25(OH)D(3) in the different tissues fully correlated with the serum 25(OH)D(3) level, whereas the correlation between the tissue content of vitamin D(3) and serum 25(OH)D(3) was dependent on the source of the ingested vitamin D(3)


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