27 research outputs found

    Arkit, bakteerit ja metaanin tuotto vaihtelevissa suoympÀristöissÀ

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    Metanogeenit ovat hapettomissa oloissa elÀviÀ arkkien pÀÀryhmÀÀn kuuluvia mikrobeja, joiden ainutlaatuisen aineenvaihdunnan seurauksena syntyy metaania. IlmakehÀssÀ metaani on voimakas kasvihuonekaasu. Yksi suurimmista luonnon metaanilÀhteistÀ ovat kosteikot. Pohjoisten soiden metaanipÀÀstöt vaihtelevat voimakkaasti eri soiden vÀlillÀ ja yhden suon sisÀllÀkin, riippuen muun muassa vuodenajasta, suotyypistÀ ja kasvillisuudesta. VÀitöskirjatyössÀ tutkittiin metaanipÀÀstöjen vaihtelun mikrobiologista taustaa. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suotyypin, vuodenajan, tuhkalannoituksen ja turvesyvyyden vaikutusta metanogeeniyhteisöihin sekÀ metaanintuottoon kolmella suomalaisella suolla. LisÀksi tutkittiin ei-metanogeenisia arkkeja ja bakteereita, koska ne muodostavat metaanin tuoton lÀhtöaineet osana hapetonta hajotusta. Mikrobiyhteisöt analysoitiin DNA- ja RNA-lÀhtöisillÀ, polymeraasiketjureaktioon (PCR) perustuvilla menetelmillÀ. MerkkigeeneinÀ kÀytettiin metaanin tuottoon liittyvÀÀ mcrA-geeniÀ sekÀ arkkien ja bakteerien ribosomaalista 16S RNA-geeniÀ. Metanogeeniyhteisöt ja metaanintuotto erosivat huomattavasti happaman ja vÀhÀravinteisen rahkasuon sekÀ ravinteikkaampien sarasoiden vÀlillÀ. Rahkasuolta löytyi lÀhes yksinomaan Methanomicrobiales-lahkon metanogeeneja, jotka tuottavat metaania vedystÀ ja hiilidioksidista. Sarasoiden metanogeeniyhteisöt olivat monimuotoisempia, ja niillÀ esiintyi myös asetaattia kÀyttÀviÀ metanogeeneja. Vuodenaika vaikutti merkittÀvÀsti metaanintuottoon. Talvella havaittiin odottamattoman suuri metaanintuottopotentiaali sekÀ viitteitÀ aktiivisista metanogeeneista. Arkkiyhteisön koostumus sen sijaan vaihteli vain vÀhÀn. Tuhkalannoitus, jonka tarkoituksena on edistÀÀ puiden kasvua ojitetuilla soilla, ei merkittÀvÀsti vaikuttanut metaanintuottoon tai -tuottajiin. Ojitetun suon yhteisöt kuitenkin muuttuivat turvesyvyyden mukaan. Vertailtaessa erilaisia PCR-menetelmiÀ todettiin, ettÀ kolmella mcrA-geeniin kohdistuvalla alukeparilla havaittiin pÀÀosin samat ojitetun suon metanogeenit, mutta lajien runsaussuhteet riippuvat kÀytetyistÀ alukkeista. Soilla havaitut bakteerit kuuluivat pÀÀjaksoihin Deltaproteobacteria, Acidobacteria ja Verrucomicrobia. LisÀksi löydettiin Crenarchaeota-pÀÀjakson ryhmiin 1.1c ja 1.3 kuuluvia ei-metanogeenisia arkkeja. Tulokset ryhmien esiintymisestÀ hapettomassa turpeessa antavat lÀhtökohdan selvittÀÀ niiden mahdollisia vuorovaikutuksia metanogeenien kanssa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, ettÀ metanogeeniyhteisön koostumus heijastaa metaanintuottoon vaikuttavia kemiallisia tai kasvillisuuden vaihteluita kuten suotyyppiÀ. Soiden metanogeenien ja niiden fysiologian parempi tuntemus voi auttaa ennustamaan ympÀristömuutosten vaikutusta soiden metaanipÀÀstöihin.Methanogens are anaerobic Archaea with unique energy metabolism resulting in production of methane (CH4). In the atmosphere methane is an effective greenhouse gas. The largest natural sources of atmospheric methane are wetlands, including peat-forming mires. Methane emissions vary greatly between and within mires, depending on season and hydrological and botanical characteristics. The aim of this work was to elucidate the microbiology underlying the variation. Methanogens and potential methane production were assessed along spatial and temporal gradients of ecohydrology, season, ash fertilization, and peat depth in three Finnish boreal mires. Non-methanogenic Archaea and Bacteria were additionally addressed as potential substrate producers and competitors to methanogens. Characterization of microbial communities targeted the mcrA gene, essential in methane production, and archaeal or bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA gene. The communities were differentiated by analysis of clone libraries, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) fingerprinting. Methanogen communities and methane production changed markedly along an ecohydrological gradient from fen to bog, with changing vegetation and pH. The most acidic Sphagnum bog showed mainly Methanomicrobiales-associated, hydrogenotrophic Fen cluster methanogens, whereas the oligotrophic and mesotrophic fens with higher pH and sedge coverage had more diverse communities including acetoclastic methanogens. Season had a minor effect on the archaeal community in an acidic oligotrophic fen, but the temporal variation of methane production potential was substantial. Winter potential was unexpectedly high, and active methanogens were detected in winter peat. Ash fertilization, a forestry practice for promoting tree growth, had no substantial effects on methane production or methanogen communities in a drained bog, but the communities changed with peat depth. Comparison of three mcrA primer sets revealed that their coverage of methanogens from the drained bog was similar, but the quantitative representations of communities were primer-dependent. Bacterial and non-methanogenic archaeal groups detected in mires included Deltaproteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, and Crenarchaeota of groups 1.1c and 1.3. Their detection forms a starting point for further studies to distinguish possible interactions with methanogens. Overall, the results indicate that methanogen community composition reflects chemical or botanical gradients that affect methane production, such as mire hydrology. Predictions of methane production in the spatially heterogeneous mires could thus benefit from characterization of methanogens and their ecophysiology

    Host's genetic background determines the outcome of reciprocal faecal transplantation on life-history traits and microbiome composition

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    Background: Microbes play a role in their host's fundamental ecological, chemical, and physiological processes. Host life-history traits from defence to growth are therefore determined not only by the abiotic environment and genotype but also by microbiota composition. However, the relative importance and interactive effects of these factors may vary between organisms. Such connections remain particularly elusive in Lepidoptera, which have been argued to lack a permanent microbiome and have microbiota primarily determined by their diet and environment. We tested the microbiome specificity and its influence on life-history traits of two colour genotypes of the wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis) that differ in several traits, including growth. All individuals were grown in the laboratory for several generations with standardized conditions. We analyzed the bacterial community of the genotypes before and after a reciprocal frass (i.e., larval faeces) transplantation and followed growth rate, pupal mass, and the production of defensive secretion. Results: After transplantation, the fast-growing genotype grew significantly slower compared to the controls, but the slow-growing genotype did not change its growth rate. The frass transplant also increased the volume of defensive secretions in the fast-growing genotype but did not affect pupal mass. Overall, the fast-growing genotype appeared more susceptible to the transplantation than the slow-growing genotype. Microbiome differences between the genotypes strongly suggest genotype-based selective filtering of bacteria from the diet and environment. A novel cluster of insect-associated Erysipelotrichaceae was exclusive to the fast-growing genotype, and specific Enterococcaceae were characteristic to the slow-growing genotype. These Enterococcaceae became more prevalent in the fast-growing genotype after the transplant, which suggests that a slower growth rate is potentially related to their presence. Conclusions: We show that reciprocal frass transplantation can reverse some genotype-specific life-history traits in a lepidopteran host. The results indicate that genotype-specific selective filtering can fine-tune the bacterial community at specific life stages and tissues like the larval frass, even against a background of a highly variable community with stochastic assembly. Altogether, our findings suggest that the host's genotype can influence its susceptibility to being colonized by microbiota, impacting key life-history traits.Peer reviewe

    Integrating Decomposers, Methane-Cycling Microbes and Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes Along a Peatland Successional Gradient in a Land Uplift Region

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    Peatlands are carbon dioxide (CO2) sinks that, in parallel, release methane (CH4). The peatland carbon (C) balance depends on the interplay of decomposer and CH4-cycling microbes, vegetation, and environmental conditions. These interactions are susceptible to the changes that occur along a successional gradient from vascular plant-dominated systems to Sphagnum moss-dominated systems. Changes similar to this succession are predicted to occur from climate change. Here, we investigated how microbial and plant communities are interlinked with each other and with ecosystem C cycling along a successional gradient on a boreal land uplift coast. The gradient ranged from shoreline to meadows and fens, and further to bogs. Potential microbial activity (aerobic CO2 production; CH4 production and oxidation) and biomass were greatest in the early successional meadows, although their communities of aerobic decomposers (fungi, actinobacteria), methanogens, and methanotrophs did not differ from the older fens. Instead, the functional microbial communities shifted at the fen-bog transition concurrent with a sudden decrease in C fluxes. The successional patterns of decomposer versus CH4-cycling communities diverged at the bog stage, indicating strong but distinct microbial responses to Sphagnum dominance and acidity. We highlight young meadows as dynamic sites with the greatest microbial potential for C release. These hot spots of C turnover with dense sedge cover may represent a sensitive bottleneck in succession, which is necessary for eventual long-term peat accumulation. The distinctive microbes in bogs could serve as indicators of the C sink function in restoration measures that aim to stabilize the C in the peat.Peer reviewe

    Spatial patterns of microbial diversity and activity in an aged creosote-contaminated site

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    Restoration of polluted sites via in situ bioremediation relies heavily on the indigenous microbes and their activities. Spatial heterogeneity of microbial populations, contaminants and soil chemical parameters on such sites is a major hurdle in optimizing and implementing an appropriate bioremediation regime. We performed a grid-based sampling of an aged creosote-contaminated site followed by geostatistical modelling to illustrate the spatial patterns of microbial diversity and activity and to relate these patterns to the distribution of pollutants. Spatial distribution of bacterial groups unveiled patterns of niche differentiation regulated by patchy distribution of pollutants and an east-to-west pH gradient at the studied site. Proteobacteria clearly dominated in the hot spots of creosote pollution, whereas the abundance of Actinobacteria, TM7 and Planctomycetes was considerably reduced from the hot spots. The pH preferences of proteobacterial groups dominating in pollution could be recognized by examining the order and family-level responses. Acidobacterial classes came across as generalists in hydrocarbon pollution whose spatial distribution seemed to be regulated solely by the pH gradient. Although the community evenness decreased in the heavily polluted zones, basal respiration and fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis rates were higher, indicating the adaptation of specific indigenous microbial populations to hydrocarbon pollution. Combining the information from the kriged maps of microbial and soil chemistry data provided a comprehensive understanding of the long-term impacts of creosote pollution on the subsurface microbial communities. This study also highlighted the prospect of interpreting taxa-specific spatial patterns and applying them as indicators or proxies for monitoring polluted sites

    Honeybees affect floral microbiome composition in a central food source for wild pollinators in boreal ecosystems

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    Basic knowledge on dispersal of microbes in pollinator networks is essential for plant, insect, and microbial ecology. Thorough understanding of the ecological consequences of honeybee farming on these complex plant–pollinator–microbe interactions is a prerequisite for sustainable honeybee keeping. Most research on plant–pollinator–microbe interactions have focused on temperate agricultural systems. Therefore, information on a wild plant that is a seasonal bottleneck for pollinators in cold climate such as Salix phylicifolia is of specific importance. We investigated how floral visitation by insects influences the community structure of bacteria and fungi in Salix phylicifolia inflorescences under natural conditions. Insect visitors were experimentally excluded with net bags. We analyzed the microbiome and measured pollen removal in open and bagged inflorescences in sites where honeybees were foraging and in sites without honeybees. Site and plant individual explained most of the variation in floral microbial communities. Insect visitation and honeybees had a smaller but significant effect on the community composition of microbes. Honeybees had a specific effect on the inflorescence microbiome and, e.g., increased the relative abundance of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) from the bacterial order Lactobacillales. Site had a significant effect on the amount of pollen removed from inflorescences but this was not due to honeybees. Insect visitors increased bacterial and especially fungal OTU richness in the inflorescences. Pollinator visits explained 38% variation in fungal richness, but only 10% in bacterial richness. Our work shows that honeybee farming affects the floral microbiome in a wild plant in rural boreal ecosystems.peerReviewe

    Dung application increases CH4 production potential and alters the composition and abundance of methanogen community in restored peatland soils from Europe

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    Peatland restoration via rewetting aims to recover biological communities and biogeochemical processes typical to pristine peatlands. While rewetting promotes recovery of C accumulation favorable for climate mitigation, it also promotes methane (CH4) emissions. The potential for exceptionally high emissions after rewetting has been measured for Central European peatland sites previously grazed by cattle. We addressed the hypothesis that these exceptionally high CH4 emissions result from the previous land use. We analyzed the effects of cattle dung application to peat soils in a short- (2 weeks), a medium- (1 year) and a long-term (grazing) approach. We measured the CH4 production potentials, determined the numbers of methanogens by mcrA qPCR, and analyzed the methanogen community by mcrA T-RFLP-cloning-sequencing. Dung application significantly increased the CH4 production potential in the short- and the medium-term approach and non-significantly at the cattle-grazed site. The number of methanogens correlated with the CH4 production in the short- and the long-term approach. At all three time horizons, we found a shift in methanogen community due to dung application and a transfer of rumen methanogen sequences (Methanobrevibacter spp.) to the peatland soil that seemed related to increased CH4 production potential. Our findings indicate that cattle grazing of drained peatlands changes their methanogenic microbial community, may introduce rumen-associated methanogens and leads to increased CH4 production. Consequently, rewetting of previously cattle-grazed peatlands has the potential to lead to increased CH4 emissions. Careful consideration of land use history is crucial for successful climate mitigation with peatland rewetting.peerReviewe

    Cryptogams signify key transitions of bacteria and fungi in Arctic sand dune succession

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    ‱Primary succession models focus on aboveground vascular plants. However, the prevalence of mosses and lichens, i.e. cryptogams, suggests they play a role in soil successions. Here, we explore whether effects of cryptogams on belowground microbes can facilitate progressive shifts in sand dune succession. ‱We linked aboveground vegetation, belowground bacterial and fungal communities, and soil chemical properties in six successional stages in Arctic inland sand dunes: bare sand, grass, moss, lichen, ericoid heath and mountain birch forest. ‱Compared to the bare sand and grass stages, microbial biomass and the proportion of fungi increased in the moss stage, and later stage microbial groups appeared despite the absence of their host plants. Microbial communities of the lichen stage resembled the communities in the vascular plant stages. Bacterial communities correlated better with soil chemical variables than with vegetation and vice versa for fungal communities. The correlation of fungi with vegetation increased with vascular vegetation. ‱Distinct bacterial and fungal patterns of biomass, richness, and plant‐microbe interactions showed that the aboveground vegetation change structured the bacterial and fungal community differently. The asynchrony of aboveground vs. belowground changes suggests that cryptogams can drive succession towards vascular plant dominance through microbially mediated facilitation in eroded Arctic soil.peerReviewe